


Lesson 1: May I have…

A: Morning, ABC company Susan speaking. May I help you?
B: Hi. This is the buyer of XYZ Company. We are very interested in your X series. May I have your product catalog, please?
A: Sure, definitely. May I have your name and contact number, please? Cell phone number is better / preferable.
B: Sure, my name is John Smith.You could contact me at *** **** ****, or join smith @ xyzcompany. com.
A: OK, Mr, Smith, I’m sending it to you now.
B: Thank you. And may I have a detailed introduction of XI, please?
A: No problem, I’m sending them to you now.

Excuse me, John. May I have a word with you?
May I have your attention, please?
May I have your opinion, please?

[ 本帖最后由 Lambert.Wang 于 2013-1-31 13:44 编辑 ]

Lesson 2: Would you please…

A: Hi, Annie speaking.
B: HI, Annie, this is Alex. Are you available to talk now?
A: Yes, sure.
B: Ok. May I see you in my office, please? Would you please come to my office, it’s regarding Project A.
A: Ok, I’ll be there in a minute.
B: How’s business?
A: Pretty good. I have been following up with the project. Everything is on schedule.
B: Good. Would you please keep me updated on the project and circulate all the documents with people concerned?
A: Certainly I will. May I verify all the documents with your assistant this morning before circulating?
B: No problem. Please go ahead.

[ 本帖最后由 Lambert.Wang 于 2013-1-31 13:44 编辑 ]

Lesson 3: Would you like…

I’m on probation
Buddy system: 带新人
Buddy: 朋友,伙伴     This is my buddy, Max
Max: Morning, Ruby.
I heard you would have a business trip this afternoon.
Would you like a hand with something?
Ruby: Yes. You’re so nice.
Would you please check today’s correspondence and sign the letters for me?
Max: Yeah, no problem. And then shall I call you a taxi to the airport?
Ruby: Lovely! Let me think.
I will need to leave straight after lunch. So, better make it 1:30. That’d be safe.
Max: Ok, 1:30. Would you like me to arrange hotel accommodation?
Ruby: I’ve already booked it. I’m sure it’s all right. Thank you.
Max: Sure. Shall I deal with the weekly report?
Ruby: No, thanks. I think I can handle it. It’s nearly ready.
Max: Oh, I see. Would you like me to call Paris for you?
Ruby: Ah, that’s very king of you. But it could wait, thank you.
Max: Oh, I understand. Well, if you need any more assistance, just let me know.
Ruby: Ok, thanks. I’ll.
Would you like me to do something? 语法对,但是不够积极主动
Would you like me to help you?
give a hand with something
Would you like a hand with something? 更积极主动,更谦虚。

[ 本帖最后由 Lambert.Wang 于 2013-1-31 13:43 编辑 ]

Lesson 4: Would you mind ….

Would you mind doing something …...
Would you mind if +从句
Would you mind if I eat my hamburger?
A: Would you mind us switching our seats? So my mother and I could sit together. Thank you very much.
B: Certainly not, go ahead, please.
A: Would you mind if we switch our seats?
Allen: Good morning, XYZ company Allen speaking. May I help you?
Rita: Good morning, Allen. This is Rita from ABC company.
Are you available to talk now? / Are you free to talk? / Do you get a minute?
Allen: Yes, sure. / Yes, how can I help you?
Rita: Allen, I’m so sorry, I have an urgent business trip tonight. So would you mind if we postpone tomorrow’s meeting to sometime next week?
postpone & delay
postpone: to change the date or time of a planned event or action to a later one.
delay: to wait until a later time to do something.
The meeting will be postpone until next week.
The heavy rain delayed my journey.
如果爽约,请用一下方式:say no:不能去+不能去的理由
上一个:last; 这一个:this; 下一个:next; 每一个:every. 前面不加介词
改错:I send the document in last week.
I sent the document last week.
I send the document in the last week of this month.
I will send the document in the last week of this month.\
because 是一个连词,表示原因,一般不单独出现
sometime:某个时间; some time:一段时间; sometimes: 有时候; some times:倍数,次数
Let’s have lunch sometime this week.
I’ll stay here for some time.
Our company is some times larger than theirs.

Lesson 5: 礼貌用语总结

May I …, please?  命令、要求语气最弱
May I receive / get…, please?  
Would you please…?  命令、要求语气最强
Would you like…?  比上句语气稍弱
Would you mind…?  出于担心自己可能打扰到对方时,出于礼貌时用。
Nancy XYZ Company                        John ABC Company
N:Hello, John, this is Nancy from XYZ company. I’m calling regarding the trade show next month. I’d like to confirm some details with you. Are you available to talk now?
J: I’m afraid I have some other issues to deal with. Would you please call me later? Thank you.

J: Hi, Adam. Are you busy right now?
A: Not really.
J: May I have a word with you in private?
A: Sure.
J: Adam. You know we are preparing for the trade show next month. Would you like to join us? I appreciate your initiative.
A: Thank you very much. I really love to.
J: Great, would you mind helping us with a couple of things?
A: No, problem
J: Well, first of all, would you please get in touch with Shelly Zhang in shanghai and ask her to send a detailed logistic arrangement today? I expect to receive it this morning.
A: Copy it!
J: Then, would you like to double check spelling and punctuation in the sales literature? Nancy from XYZ Company just called and would you like to confirm some details about the trade show. Sales literature is also part of it. You’re detail-oriented, so I assure that you’re the right one to do it.
A: I got it. May I get the sales literature this morning please?
J: Ok. I will give you in a few minutes.
J: Last, would you mind translating Nicole’s technical documents into English? She’s taking annual leave today.
A: John, I’m sorry. I’ve got a monthly report to finish by twelve and it’s a tough job.
J: I understand, never mind. I appreciate your help.

加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
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