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新东方在线 4+1 网络课堂电子版教材
4+1 口语句型

第一单元     Getting to Know Each Other

1. Hello,Dave.
2. Good afternoon,everyone.
3. Excuse me. Are you Professor Johnson?
4. I'm Karl Smith. This is Mr. Dai.
5. May I have your name,please?
6. How do you do?
7. Nice to meet you!
8. Let me introduce Linda to you!
9. What do you do?
10. How are you this evening?
11. I'm fine. Thank you. How are you doing?
12. Hi,Jenny. What's up?
13. Are you from the U.S.?
14. Are you going to Toronto,too?
15. How was your flight?
16. Good morning,Mr. Johnson. Did you sleep well?
17. Nice talking to you.
18. Have a good day!
19. Keep in touch.
20. See you around.

Visiting Friends
(David Smith and his wife,Joanna,go visiting Travis Johnson,S&S's General Man
ager and his wife,Betty.)
Travis: Welcome! David,we're so glad you could make it.
David: Thank you for inviting us. Uh,Travis,this is my wife,Joanna. .
Joanna: How do you do? I've heard a lot about you.
Travis: How do you do? Oh,and this is my wife,Betty.
Betty:  So happyto meet you both.─sit down,just make yourself at home.
D&J:  Thank you.
Joanna:What a lovely house!Did you make it yourself,Mrs. Johnson?
Betty : Oh, call me Beth. Yes, I did the decorating…if you can call it that. Actually, I just tried to make it as simple as possible. I don't like a lot of frills.
Jonna: Oh,me,the same! That's why I think it's so beautiful
1.) David,we're so glad you could make it.
We're so glad you could make it. 意思是:We're so glad you could finally come.
Did you make it yourself意思是 Did you decorate it yourself?
I just tried to make it as simple as possible意思是 I just tried to decorate it as simple as possible
2.) I've heard a lot about you.
初次见面,当然要说一些客套话,中文里的“久仰大名” ,在英语口语中就变为了 I've heard
a lot about you.或者是 I've often heard about you.
3.) So happy to meet you both.
如果初次和两个人见面,就可以在句末加上 both.如果是两个人以上,可以说
Nice to meet you all.
4.) Just make yourself at home.
客人来访,通常要说“请别拘束” ,那么英语就是用以上这个句子。
5.) What a lovely house!
这是客套话,类似的还有 What a lovely car! What a nice garden! What a cute child!
6.) Call me Beth.

Meeting for the first time
(David goes to the airport to meet Joanna's uncle, Dr. Johnson. This is the first time they
meet. )
Dave: Excuse me,are you Dr. Smith?
Dr. Smith: Yes I am. And you...
Dave: I'm David,Joanna's husband. She has to be at work late today. Soshe asked me
to pick you up here.
Dr. Smith: So nice to meet you,David. Call me Bill. It's very nice of you to come here.
David: My pleasure....
1.) Excuse me,are you Dr. Smith?
Excuse me 这个短句可以引起别人的注意,也让自己的问话显得更加礼貌。
2.) She asked me to pick you up here.
Pick sb. up 是非常口语化的说法,即“去接某人” 。
3.) My pleasure.
在正式场合,当别人对你表达谢意时,可以说 My pleasure,即“ (为您效劳)是我的荣幸” 。

Introducing People
Alice: Mary,this is Joe's brother David.
Mary: I'm very glad to meet you.
Carl: It's a pleasure to meet you.
Mary: How do you like Texas so far?
Carl: It's really different from what I expected.
Mary: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time.
1.) I'm very glad to meet you. It's a pleasure to meet you.
2.) How do you like Texas so far?
What's your impression of the United States?
What do you think of Dallas?


谢谢 楼主!

[email protected]

Meeting Again
Paul:Julie,is that you?
Julie:Yes. And you're Paul,right?Paul Hill?
Paul:Yes,it's me. And you're Julie Ashley. How are you?
Julie:I'm fine. After ten years,you still look great!
Paul:So do you!How are you doing?
Julie:Not bad. Let's find a table and sit down. We have a lot to talk about.
Paul:Okay,let's sit over there.
1.) You still look great!
Great 在这里的意思就是“很棒” 。
2.) How are you doing?
这句话等同于 How are you? 但回答稍有不同,一般可以回答 Not bad. 或 I'm doing well.

Getting to know people
Donna: Hi. Sorry I'm late.
Bill: Oh, that's OK. We just got here. Donna, this is my fiancé, Mary. Mary, this is my
old friend,Donna. We went to school together.
Mary: Hi,Donna. I'm really glad to meet you.
Donna: Hi,Mary. I've heard a lot about you.
Mary: All good,I hope!
Bill: Donna just got back from California.
Mary: Really? How was it?
Donna: It was fantastic.
Bill: You went with your brother,didn't you?
Donna: Yeah.We saw a lot of California,that's for sure!
Mary: I heard you like golf.
Donna: I love it! We played six different golf courses. Do you play?
Mary: I sure do! How about a game this weekend?
Bill: Uh-oh. I was afraid of this.
Really? How was it?
这里的 Really?其实是表达轻微的惊讶,How is sth.? 则是问某物如何的句型。

1. “Yo, Dave!”
2. Hey, man.
3. What up, what up!
4. Later!
5. Call me!
6. Nice chatting with you!
7. Howdy!
8. Pleasure.
9. Catch you later!
10. Enjoy!
11. Hey, brother.
12. Hey, dog.
13. What up, girl.
14. Talk to you.
15. see, yeah!

1. Hello. Good morning!
2. Hi,How are you doing?
13. I haven't seen you for ages.
17. Excuse me. Don't I know you from somewhere?
11. A: ?
B: No,I'm not Dr. Brown. Dr. Brown is over there.
12. A: ,
Mr. Johnson is the marketing director in this company.
B: .
13. A: What's your name?
B: .
14. A: .
B: My name is Jenny Brown. Please call me Jenny.
30. A:Hello. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm your neighbor. My name is Linda.
B:Hi, . Nice to meet you.
A: .
33. A: Happy New Year!
B: .
A: ?
B: I've been invited over to a friend’s. And you?
A: My roommate’s having a party.
34.  A: Wendy,I'd like you to meet my brother Sam.
B: Hi.
C: .
B: ?
C: Well,I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me.
B: You're bound to feel that way at first,I guess.
35.  A: Have a nice weekend!
B: .
A: ?
B: Well,my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you?
A: .

第二单元 Speaking in a Polite Way

1. You look great today.
2. You're welcome.
3. I'm sorry, it was all my fault.
4. It doesn't matter.
5. May I help you?
6. Will you do me a favor?
7.You've been really helpful.
8. Do you mind my smoking?
9. I'd appreciate if you could turn down the radio a little bit.
10. Call me up sometime,OK?
11. I'm sorry to hear that.
12. May I bother you for a moment?
13. Will you excuse us for a while?
14. Wouldn't you like some coffee?
15. I'd rather have some tea,if you don't mind.
16. I was wondering what your opinion of ...is 
17. Don't you want to go see a movie?
18. Would you like to join us?
19. I'd love to. But I'll have to go to the library tonight.
20. I hate to say this, but I really have to make a complaint.

1.You look great today.
活文化的重要方面,几乎所有的年轻女性都被称为:pretty girl/pretty woman; 即使你不算漂
亮, 人们也会夸赞你nice, kind, cute...要是你换了新发型, 朋友见到你就会讲You look great today! 这类的句型。 即使你的变化并不是让你更美, 他们也会说: You look different! 总之,老美老是能够想出办法赞美你。注意:当别人夸赞自己的时候,千万别忘了感谢人家的好意,说声:Thank you, 而不能一味的说No,no, no,更不要问 where, where。
A: Hi, Melissa. You gotta hair cut? You look so different!
B: Thanks.
A: You look so pretty today!
B: Thanks,you look great,too.

2.You're welcome.
外国人在得到别人感谢的时候,一般会说 You are welcome,
表示“不用谢,我很乐意帮你的忙” 。在澳大利亚,人们也常用:
It's ok. 这一句型来回应。

3.I'm sorry, it's all my fault.
Sorry 一词在英语国家很常用,在北美,道歉不一定非要说 Sorry;同样,Sorry 也不一定表示道歉。 例如, 有时 Sorry可以用来引起别人的注意。 这时, Sorry的用法相当于 Excuse me。特别是在北美,Sorry经常被用来代替 Excuse me。当用疑问语气说 Sorry这个词的时候,一般时表示“我没听清,请再说一遍”的意思。表示歉意的程度一般有很多因素决定。比如,场合有多正式?双方的关系如何?当然,最重要的还是要看你犯的错误到底有多严重。错误越严重,相应的道歉也就应该越郑重。正式的道歉一般包括四个部分:
a) 首先用正式的语言表达歉意。可以直接说“I'm sorry” ,也可以说
I didn't mean to ...” ;
I'm awfully sorry.
That was entirely my fault.
I do apologize.
b) 解释一下这个错误是如何造成的;
It was really careless of me.
How clumsy of me!
I'm afraid I overslept.
c) 提出将采用何种方法来弥补这个错误;
d) 保证下次不会再发生类似的错误;
Such things will never happen again.
I will be more careful next time.
Of course, I will do a better job.
I'm sorry, it was all my fault.

4.It doesn't matter
例如:Oh well, never mind.
It's nothing.等等。
A: I'm terribly sorry, Carla.
B: What's happened, Rob?
A: I'm afraid I've broken a glass.
B: It doesn't matter. I can get another one.
A: I'm awfully sorry, but I seem to have mislaid your scarf.
B: Oh, don't worry about that.
A: I just don't know what to say. I'll replace it, of course.
B: No, that's quite out of the question.
That's all right.

5.May I help you?
这样的句型经常出自服务行业的人员:餐厅、饭店、商场等工作人员看到客人的时候,总会 在适当的时候问出:May I help you?这类的句型。
A: Good morning. May I help you?
B: I'd like to buy a pair of leather shoes.
A: Good afternoon. China World Hotel. Can I help you?
B: May I speak to Joanna Johnson?

6.Do you mind my smoking?
Do you mind my smoking?
I'd appreciate if you could turn down the radio a little bit.
这两个句子用来向别人提出询问和要求, 大家可以看出来,当你想做的事情可能会给别人带来不便时,说话应该比较婉转客气,以表示你对他人的尊重。要注意,对 Do you/will you/would you mind+doing这个句型,如果你不同意对方,你应该回答 I'm afraid yes.如果你同意对方,直接回答:No, not at all. / Not at all, please / go ahead, please 。

7.I'd appreciate if you could turn down the radio a little bit.
这句通过 “appreciate” 和 if 引导的从句来使得语气更委婉,容易让人接受。
Do you / will you / would you mind move aside a little bit?
你也可以这样表达:I'd appreciate if you could move aside a little bit.
A: You mind my opening the window?
B: Not at all.
A: Is it possible you turn down the radio a little bit? I'd appreciate.
B: Sure.

8. I'm sorry to hear that.
例如别人说: When I was 6 years old, my father passed away. 那么听者就会回答: I'm sorry to hear that.

9. Will you excuse us for a while?
这句话看起来是要别人 excuse us,而实际上这是在向别人提出要求,请他回避,直白的意思就是:Leave us alone. Get out of my room/face,但是这样的语言十分直白,甚至有些粗鲁,只能和家人、朋友使用,或者是你在任性、发脾气时。例:
Will you excuse us for a while? I want to have a personal conversation withJoanna.

10. I'd love to. But I'll have to go to the library tonight.
大家注意,这是一个典型的拒绝别人邀请的句型。先注意前半部分,一般都会认为是肯定回答的标志,但是再看后半部分,出现 But 并跟了一个完美的理由。一般在拒绝别人之前,并不直接回答 No,总是先对邀请虚伪地表达一下感激或赞赏,然后提出拒绝他人的合理理由。如果是接受邀请,则通常会用“Sure” , “Of Course” . “Why not”?等直接的肯定方式。

11. I hate to say this, but I really have to make a complaint?
在英语国家,人们不大愿意向其他人表示抱怨,当然更没有人愿意听到别人的抱怨。因此, 当他们提出抱怨的时候,他们常常使用一种表示抱歉的口吻。常用礼貌用语的句型语汇总结:

Thank you so much!
Thanks a million / Thanks a lot.
I feel/am very grateful (for your help.)
I'd appreciate.
You are welcome.
Don't mention it.
My pleasure.
I'm sorry, it was all my fault.
Excuse me for ...
I really am so sorry.
I'm awfully sorry. I didn't realize.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feeling.
I'm terribly sorry about...
I'm very sorry for...
It was most careless of me.
It was really quite unintentional.
It was most careless of me.
It was wrong of me.
I really feel bad about...
How clumsy of me to...
I apologize for...
I can't tell you how sorry I am.
I do apologize about that.
I beg you pardon.
I hope you will pardon me for...
I must apologize ...
I'm extremely sorry.
May I offer you my sincere apologies for ...?
Please forgive me for...
I've got to apologize for...
It doesn't matter at all.
It's not your fault.
It's nothing.
Never mind.
It's all right.
Please don't worry.
I quite understand.
Don't let it worry you.
Don't think any more about it.
Not to worry.
Forget it.
Please don't feel bad about it.
Please don't blame yourself.
There's no need for you to worry.
There's no reason to apologize.
It's really not necessary.
Will you do me a favor?
Can you help me?
Will you give me a hand?
Please do me a favor.
Do me a favor and ..., will you?
Could/would you do ...,please?
Do you think you could do...?
Yes, of course.
No problem 
All right.
I'm afraid I can't...
I really/do wish I could help you, but I'm afraid...
I'd like to help, but I'm afraid...
I'd love to help, only...
May I smoke here?
May I bother you a moment?
Do you mind / would you mind my smoking here?
Do you think you could possibly lend me 50p?
Would you mind taking a photo of me?
Would you care / mind if I smoke here?
Will you excuse us for a while?
Would you / will you please pass me that cake?
Excuse me miss, could we have a table over there?(注意这是一句向餐厅服务员提出要求坐在
某处的问句。回答可能会是: I'm sorry, we're closing that section.)
I wonder if you could possibly do ...?
Would you mind doing...?
What do you want?
You want some Coffee?
Would you like some coffee?
Wouldn't you like some coffee?
Wouldn't you like to go out for a walk?
Why not go out for a walk?
I want to have some Cola.
I'd like to have some orange juice.
I'd loveto go to a concert.
I prefer to see a movie.
I'd rather stay at home.
I'd rather not go out.
I'd appreciate if you turn down the radio a little bit.
I'd rather have some tea if you don't mind.
I prefer some tea if it's convenient.
I'd love to. But I am very busy tonight.
That's a good idea. But I'm afraid I have to work late.
Can you tell me something about yourself?
May/Can I ask you a few questions?
Could you possibly answer a few questions?
Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
I hope you don't mind, but I was wondering if you could tell me...?
I wonder if you mind my asking...?
So, tell me about yourself?
What's your opinion of...?
What do you think of...?
How do you feel about...?
I was wondering what your opinion of ... is?
What about ...?
As far as I'm concerned...
In my opinion,...
From my point of view...
Personally, I think...
It would seem to me that...
As far as I' m able to judge, ...
As I see it,...
Frankly, I think...
I'd go along with you there/on that.
Valid point.
Yes, I'd tend to agree with you there/on that.
I couldn't agree more!
I'm with you there/on that.
Do you really think so?
I'm not really sure I would agree/go along with you there/on that.
I wouldn't agree.
I can't accept that.
I hate to say this, but I really have to make a complaint
Excuse me. I'd like to make a complaint
I'd be glad to.
I'd love to.
Well, if I can.
Well, of course.
By all means.
Not at all.
I'd like to, but I don't have time.
I'm sorry, I'm busy now.
No, I'm afraid I can't.
No,that's okay.

Asking for a lift 搭便车
A:Could you do me a favor?
B:What is it?
A:Could you possibly give me a lift home?
B:All right.
A:Are you sure? I don't want to inconvenience you.
B:No problem.  I'd be happy to.
A:Thanks.  I really appreciate it.  Thanks so much.
1.) Could you do me a favor?
2.) All right.
这是一种比较友善的说法,表示“可以的,没问题” 。
3.) I really appreciate it.
当别人帮里你一个大忙,你当然要说“我非常感激你” ,这时就可以用上这个句子。

Picking up things 捎点东西
A:Could you do me a favor?
B:Sure. What is it?
A:Could you run over to the store?We need a few things.
B:All right. What do you want me to get?
A:Well,could you pick up some sugar?
B:Okay. How much?
A:A small bag. I guess we also need a few oranges.
B:How many?
A:Oh,let's see. . . About six.
B:Anything else?
A:Yes. We're out of milk.
B:Okay. How much do you want me to get?A gallon?
A:No. I think a half gallon will be enough.
B:Is that all?
A:I think so. Have you got all that?
B:Yes. That's small bag of sugar,four oranges,and a half gallon of milk.
A:Do you have enough money?
B:I think so.
A:Thanks very much. I appreciate it.
1.) Could you run over to the store?
Run over to 是口语化的说法,相当如 go to.
2.) Could you pick up some sugar?
Pick up sth. 就是顺便捎带些东西
例如:I'll pick up cakes for my grandma this afternoon.
3.)   We're out of milk.
Be out of sth. 是指“快没有…了” 。
比如 :I am out of money.
We are out of rice and wheat.

Shopping 购物
A:Excuse me. Could you help me?
B:Certainly. What can I do for you?
A:I'm looking for a leather belt for my husband.
B:Do you know what size he wears?
A:Size 36. . . I think.
B:And what color would you like?
A:Dark brown,if you have it.
B: Okay. Let's see. . . a size 36 dark brown leather belt. Oh, yes. Here we are.  Do you
think your husband will like this one?
A:Yes. I'm sure he will. I'll take it.
B:Will this be cash or charge?
A:Do you take Master Card?
B:No,I'm afraid not. We only accept our own store credit card.
A:Oh. In that case,I'll pay cash.
1.)   Could you help me?
注意不要把这句话和 May I help you? 混淆了。
2.)  What can I do for you?
这句话就相当于 May I help you?
3.)   Dark brown
在颜色的词语前加上 dark,表示“深色的” ,darkbrown 是“深棕色” 。Light 则是表“浅色的” ,如 light yellow是“淡黄色” 。
4.) Will this be cash or charge?
5.) In that case
如果是那样,in any case 则是“无论如何” 。

I'm very grateful to receive this award for “Best Actress. ”
I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate this honor.
There are many people I'd like to thank. First of all,I want to thank my parents for bringing
me into this world. I also want to express my gratitude to all of my teachers over the years,but
especially to my acting teacher,Vincent Lewis,who taught me everything I know.
And finally,I want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support,especially to Katherine Miller, for being there when I needed her.This award means a great deal to me. Words can't express how honored I feel at this moment. Thank you very much.
1.) I'm very grateful to ...
I want to thank ...
Ialso want to express my gratitude to ...
I want to express my appreciation to ...

5.What do you want?
6.I'd rather have some tea, if you don't mind.
7.Do you mind my smoking here?
8.Do me a favor please?
9.I'd appreciate if you could turn down the radio a little bit.
10.I'm afraid I can't go with you.
11.A: Pardon me.  Can I ask you a question?
B: Certainly.
A: Can I park my car here?
B: Yes, you can.
A: Thanks.
A: 对不起,能打扰一下吗?
B: 没问题,说吧。
A: 我能在这儿抽烟吗?
B: 对不起,不过我想这儿不能吸烟。
A: 哦,好的。谢谢。
12.A:Could I ask you to make three copies for me?
B:Three copies?Okay.
B:You're welcome.
13.Excuse me. I'm sorry to bother you. Could you possibly tell me if there's a post office
1. A: ?
B: I want a cup of coffee.
2. A: What would you like to eat, John?
B: .
5.A: Which one would you like-this one or that one?
B: .
6.A: Your sweater is really beautiful.
B: .
7.A: You've been really helpful. Thank you so much.
B: .
8.A:The box is very heavy. Will you give me a hand?
B: .
9.A: Wouldn't you like some ice cream.
B: , I'm on a diet.
10.A: Do you mind my smoking here?
B: .
13.A: ?
B: Yes, I'd like to buy a pair of shoes, leather shoes.
17.A: You're late again!
B: . I'm afraid I overslept.
18. A: being late this morning. My alarm never went off.
B:I see.
20.A: ?
B:Yes, of course, here it is.
21.A:I wonder if you could lend me your pen?
B: .I'm using it now.
23.A:I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
B: .
24.A:Excuse me for interrupting.
B: .
What can I do for you?
28.A: So this is your new flat?
B: Yes.
A: Oh, what an ugly color! Who painted it?
B: I did.
A: . I didn't realize.

1.  Lend a hand 帮忙
A:Would you like me to help you move that desk?
A:Oh,come on!Let me give you a hand. There's no sense in your moving it yourself if I'm here
to help.
A:Look! I insist! You're not moving that desk by yourself.
B:Well,okay. But I really don't want to trouble you.
A:No trouble at all! Honestly! 我很乐意帮你一把。
A:Excuse me.  Could you help me for a minute?
B: 当然,什么事儿?
A: Could you tell me how to transfer a call?
B: Sure.  Press the red button. 然后拨另一个办公室,再挂断。
A: I see.  First, I press the red button.  Then, I dial the other office and hang up. Right?
B: 对,就这样。
A: Thank you.
B: 不用谢。
B:Yes,I'd like a steak.
A:How would you like it?
A:Okay. And would you prefer a baked potato or rice with that?
A:Anything to drink?
A:Okay. That's a medium raresteak with a baked potato and a cup of coffee.
A: Can I help you take out the garbage?
B: No. That's okay. 我自己能行。
A: Please.  Let me help you.
B: 那好吧,如果你不介意的话。
A: No,not at all.
B: 非常感谢。

2. Visiting the patient 看望病人
A: Hello, Paul. 你好些了吗?
B: Oh, not too bad.
A: 我给你带了些巧克力来。
B: Oh ... um... the doctor said I couldn't eat anything sweet.
A: 哦,对不起,我没想到。
B: It doesn't matter. You didn't know.

3. Getting sth. to eat 吃点东西
Tim: Tony has just brought us some refreshments.
Tony: Yes,there is plenty for everyone. ?
David:We are always hungry.
Tony: Let's see. . . you take cream in your coffe,Auntie Sundi?
Sundi:Just sugar. Thank you.
Tony: ?
Tim: Black coffee will be fine and one of those sandwiches. They look good!
Tony: What about you,Allen? You like hot chocolate or a glass of milk?
Allen: I'd like chocolate and one of those ice cream bars.
David:A Tab for me. I can drink milk at home. And some cookies would be fine. Thanks.
Tony: ?
David:No,thanks. We just had lunch.
Tony: Auntie Sundi?
Sundi:Thankyou,no. This is just good.

4. Returning the book 还书
A: Hello, John! Come in.
B: Thank you. I've brought your book back, Mary.
A: Oh, thank you. Just put it on the table, will you?
B: Look, Mary, I'm sorry, .
A: Oh?
B: Yes, I spilt some coffee on it, I'mafraid. I really am sorry. It was terribly careless of me.
A: ! You seem to have spilt a whole pot of coffee on it. Oh well, these things happen.
B: I'll get you another copy.
A: Oh, no. .
B: But it does matter.
A: No, no, forget it. It's not important. I've read it anyway.
B: Well, if you are sure ...
A: Of course I am. Now let me get you some tea.

第三单元 Time is Golden

1. What time is it?
2. Do you have the time?
3. You got a watch?
4. It's twenty to three.
5. It's a few minutes after 9.
6. I get up before 6:00 everyday.
7. Will you be here at ten o'clock tomorrow?
8. We won't be late, right? / We'll be on time, won't we?
9. It happened in 1978.
10. I can't remember the last time I saw you.
11. What day is today?
12. What's the date today?
13. I was born on February 23rd,1979.
14. China saw a great change in the late 1970s.
15. I went to San Francisco last month.
16. What's your time there?What time is it, over there?
17. It's October 1,our National Day.
18. I'd like to get away. / I'd like to take10 days off,starting next Thursday.
19. When do you clock in? / What time do you start work in the morning?
20. The restaurant doesn't open until 11:50.

1.What time is it?
Do you have the time?
You got a watch?
Can you tell me the correct time?
Do you have the time?有很多同学会误认为是:你有空吗?实际上“the time”是在问具体的
钟点。如果是“Do you have some time?”这个句型,则是在问对方是否有时间。另外,非
常口语化地问别人是否有空,经常是:Do you have a second / minute?有的时候,在我们想
It's twenty to three. = It's 2:40
9:00     9:05     9:15     9:30
9:35     9:45
北美人最常用的表达方法为直接读数法, 基本原则为冒号前数字一读, 冒号后数字一读:
nine O'clock / nine O'clock sharp
nine o five
nine fifteen
nine thirty
nine thirty-five
nine forty-five
使用介词 past 和 to表达时间
nine O'clock
Five past nine
A quarter past nine / Fifteen past nine
Half past nine
Twenty five to ten
A quarter/ fifteen to ten
有的时候也用介词 before ,of
nine O'clock / nine hundred / nine sharp
Five of nine
fifteen of nine
thirty of nine
twenty- five before ten
fifteen before ten
It happened in 1978.
在表达具体年份时,基本原则是:两位一读,见到 0 的时候可以单独以 O 的发音读出。
1900    1905    1910    1938
1965    1990    2000    2002
nineteen hundred
nineteen o five
nineteen ten
nineteen thirty eight
nineteen sixty five
nineteen ninety
two thousand
What day is today?
What day was yesterday?
What day is tomorrow?
What's the date today?
What was the date yesterday?
What is the date tomorrow?
注意: What day is today?是问今天星期几。而What's the date today?则是问你今天几号了?
这一区别应熟记于心, 并在实际生活中能够做到灵活应用。不论回答星期或者具体的日期都使用句型 It be,注意如果是表达昨天的日期,用 It was ...,而明天则仍用 It's
I was born on February 23rd,1979.
想要对时间、日期的表达脱口而出,首先应对 1-100内的基数词、1-31内的序数词、一周中七天、一年中 12 个月的表达十分熟练。一周中七天的表达
一年中的 12个月
基数词 序数词
One               First
Two               Second
Three       Third
Four        Fourth
Five              Fifth
Six               Sixth
Seven       Seventh
Eight       Eighth
Nine Ninth
Ten                 Tenth
Eleven            Eleventh
Twelve            Twelfth
Thirteen          Thirteenth
Fourteen          Fourteenth
Fifteen           Fifteenth
Sixteen           Sixteenth
Seventeen         Seventeenth
Eighteen          Eighteenth
Nineteen          Nineteenth
Twenty            twentieth
Twenty-one  twenty-first
Twenty-two  twenty-second
Twenty-three     twenty-third
China saw a great change in the late 1970s.
in the next century 下个世纪
in the early 1060s                 20 世纪 60 年代初
in the late 1970s                  20 世纪 70 年代末
during the early part of the 19th century   19 世纪初叶
countless centuries ago 几百年以前
in the forties and fifties of last century 上个世纪四五十年代
the latter 18th century 18 世纪后期
the mid-19th century 19 世纪中期
the latter part of the 15th century 15世纪后半叶
for about a third of a century 大约三分之一世纪的时间
half a year 半年
during the 114 years since 1861 自 1861 年以来的 114 年间
a common year 平年
all the year round 一年到头
year book 年鉴,年刊
the solar year / calendar 阳历
the lunar year / calendar 阴历
leap year 闰年
late last year 去年底
the second half of 1999 1999 年下半年
in the year of 2002 2002 年
during the late years of the Qing Dynasty 清朝末年
next day 翌日
every other day 隔日
in the following few days 随后几天
in a day or two 过一两天
in the early days of ... 在...期间
dawn 黎明
dusk 黄昏
twilight 薄暮
early morning 凌晨
late in the day 当天晚些时候
from 8:00 a. m. till 4:20 p. m. 从上午八点钟到下午四点二十分

2. What's your time there?
这种问句是在我们想了解各地时差时常用的方式。我们还可以问 What's the difference
between your time and GMT. GMT = Greenwich Mean Time.格林威治标准时间
It's October 1,our National Day.
中国的节日想必大家都比较熟悉了。 现在把一些常用节日的英文翻译以及一些西方节日介绍如下:
农历新年: Chinese lunar New Year's Day.
春节: Spring festival
元旦: New Year's Day
灯节:the Lantern Festival
清明节:Clear and Bright Festival/ Tsingming Festival
端午节:Dragon Boat Festival
中秋节:Mid-autumn Festival
国际劳动妇女节:International Working Women's Day
国际劳动节:International Labor Day
国际儿童节:International Children's Day
国庆节: National Day.
独立日:Independence Day
加冕日,登基日:Coronation Day
耶稣蒙难日:Good Friday
复活节: Easter
万圣节:All Saints' Day
圣诞节前夜:Christmas Eve
圣诞节:Christmas Day

What time do you start work in the morning?
在英国等西方国家,人们的工作时间一般是每天七小时,一周五天工作制。一般上班时间为 9:00或者 9:30。
The restaurant doesn't open until 11:50.
-opening hours/opening times 一般是指商店、银行每天开业的时间。
与此相对的是 closing hours.关门时间。
-office hours 与 opening hours 略有不同。一般指公共机构、政府部门的办公时间。
-weekend hours 周末上班时间。西方很多商店,机构周末不营业、办公; 如果办公、营业,时间也会与周一到周五不同。
这里还要区分两个常用单词,weekdays and weekends。中文中没有与 weekdays 相对应的翻译。Weekdays 其实就是指周一到周五的这五天。
It's two o'clock.
It's two o'clock sharp.
It's past ten. (刚过十点)
It's a little after eight.
It's almost eight.
It's later than 8:20 a.m.
It's long before seven.离七点还早呢。
It's not quite six.
It's not quite six.
It's something like 3:25.
It's a few minutes after two.
There're still ten minutes left.
It's a few minutes after two.
My watch if fast and your watch is slow.
I don't know what time it is.
I don't think it's four o'clock yet.
It must be about three thirty.
I get up before six o'clock every day.
The restaurant doesn't open until seven forty-five.
It's 7:00 by my watch.
My watch says 7:00.
My watch keeps very good time.
My watch goes a bit too slow.
My watch keeps stopping.
My watch has stopped.
I must have forgotten to wind it last night.
It loses/gains about two minutes a day.
Well, I'm afraid it's a bit slow/fast.
I've just set my watch by the radio time signal.
My clock has run down. It needs winding up.
That clock is always off.
What time do you have?
Have you got the time?
What time is it now?
Excuse me. Can you tell me the correct time?
Can you tell me what time it is?
Do you know what time it is?
What's the time by your watch?
When is breakfast?
What's the hour?
Will you be here at 10:00 tomorrow?
Can that clock be right?
Is your watch right?
Does your watch keep good time.
It's the twenty-first century now.
Another century has rolled away / passed.
The twenty-first century opened.
This is the Nineteen Nineties.
What year is this?
I know what year it is.  This is Two Thousand and Two.
What year were you born in?
Where were Helen and Bill last year?
My wife and I will go to the United States next year.
It's years since we last met.
Where will you be at this time next year?
The year is divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
We are now at the end of the spring. (现在已经是暮春了。)
When winter comes, we're obliged to spend more time indoors because out doors is too cold.
The days get shorter and nights longer in autumn.
When summer comes, the weather gets warmer and sometimes it's very hot.
I'm glad winter is over.
What month is this?
Where were you last April?
The spring months are March, April and May.
What's the date today?
Today is November first, nineteen sixty-three.
When were you born?
I was born on November first, nineteen thirty-five.
Today is my birthday.
My sister was born in nineteen thirty-eight.
I don't know the exact date.
Where were you born?
I was born in a little town not far from here.
What do you know about the tenth century?
I don't know anything about that.
Let's talk about something else.
Where were you during the month of April last year?
I don't remember where I was then.
I don't know the exact date.
There's a calendar on the desk. It shows Friday,the twenty-ninth.
How time flies! Tomorrow is Saturday already.
Next Friday is May 4th.
Where will you be next year at this time?
It's the fourth of April.
What day was the day before yesterday?
For which day?(哪一天)

My watch is slow表慢了
A: It's getting dark.
B: Yes, what time is it? I don't have my watch with me.
A: It's ten minutes to five.
B: Perhaps your watch is slow.
A: Oh, it has stopped.  I must have forgotten to wind it last night.
B: Let's ask Mary over there. Mary,have you got the time?
C: Yes,it's six twenty.
B: Is your watch right?
C: I think so. I set it by the radio this morning.

1.)   It's ten minutes to five
即“现在是5 点差 10分” ,to 表示“不到、差” ,如 five to ten 就是“10 点差 5 分” 。
2.)   Mary,have you got the time?
3) Yes,it's six twenty.
即“现在是 6 点 20 分” ,这是最简便的时间表达方式,即先说小时,再说分钟,如 five
twenty-five 就是“5 点 25 分” 。

Waiting for a bus 等公车
A: We've been waiting here for nearly ten minutes now,and there still isn't a bus in sight.
B: I'm afraid we'll be late for the party.
A: Have you got the time, Tom?
B: Yes,my watch says a quarter to seven.
A: You got the time?
B: No,there is something wrong with my watch!
A: But you bought it only last month.
B: Yes, but ever since I bought it, it gains about five minutes a day, so I've got to have it
A: How long will it take us to get there?
B: I think about ten minutes by bus.
A: It's not far away, then. Let's walk, it's beginning to rain.
B: Wait! I think I see a bus coming now. Let's hope it's the No. 22 bus.

1.)  Yes,my watch says a quarter to seven.
这是用 says 是较口语化说法。
2.)   It gains about five minutes a day.
这里的意思是“每天都多快五分钟” 。

Telephone inquiry 电话问询
A: Hello, this is Wal-mart. Can I help you?
B: Hello. What time do you close, please?
A: We close at 10:00 every day.  And we open at 9:00 in the morning.
B: Oh. Ok. And are you open on the weekends?
A: Same hours as on the weekdays.
B: Wow.  You guys never take a break! I want to come in and have a look at your sale.  Your
sale is still on, isn't it?
A: Yes, it runs till the end of the month.  But things are clearing out fast.
B: Ok, I'll come down tonight. Thanks.
A: Thank you for calling.

1.)   Hello. What time do you close,please?
Close在本句作“关门” ,如果是形容词则是“接近的、亲密的” ,如His company is very close to mine. Jim is one of my close friends.
2.)   And are you open on the weekends?
本句的 open是形容词,表示“开门” 。Weekend 前的介词一般用 on.
3.)   Same hours as on the weekdays.
4.)    But things are clearing out fast.
在这个场景中,things 表示“东西、商品” ,clear out 是“被买走” 。

1.What time is it?
现在 5 点 10分。
现在 6 点 48分。
现在凌晨 2点整。
9.  What time does Mr. Brown get up?
Brown 早上几点吃早饭?
Brown 家的孩子早上几点出门?
Susan 中午几点吃午饭?
10.Mr. Brown gets up at seven o'clock.
Brown 一家八点吃早饭。
Brown 先生八点半出门。
Brown 先生九点准时开始工作。
Brown 先生中午一点吃午饭。
Brown 先生晚上七点才能到家。
Brown 夫妇晚上一般九点看新闻。

5.Time for test 联系考试
A: Traffic Department.
B: Hello, I need to come in and take the test for my driver's license. 请问你们的服务时间是
A: 我们从早上 9点到下午三点,在这个时间段你都可以来。
B: And it isn't possible to do it on the weekend, is it?
A: No, I'm sorry. 周末我们休息。
A: Before I eat breakfast.
B: Yeah? 我总是在吃完东西后才刷牙。

第四单元 I Lost My Way

1. Where's the nearest post office?
2. Excuse me, sir.Where is the post office?
3. It takes 10 minutes to walk to the nearest bus stop.
4. How far is it to the New Oriental School?
5. It's a long way from here.
6. Go straight ahead along this road.
7. At the traffic light turn left.
8. You can't miss it!
9. It's a one-hour drive from home to the office.
10. Catch the Metropolitan to Liverpool Street and then change to the Central Line.
11. Which bus should I take to the Central Park?
12. Where should I get off for the Palace Museum?
13. Is this the way to Peking University?
14. The restaurant is just around the corner
15. It's two blocks ahead.
16. Turn left at the first corner.
17. At which traffic light should I turn left?
18. Excuse me,I lost my way,could you give me some information?
19. It's really hard to get there.
20. Could you tell me how to get the post office?

Where is the nearest post office?
这时一个典型的问路句型。我们知道,问路的最佳对象就是警察。对警察最合适的称呼是什 么呢? 大家回忆以下第一章寒暄的内容,想起来吧,对了,我们通常称呼警察 Sir/ Madam。
在英美,所有的房屋都应该有一个门牌号码。如果你找某个门牌号有困难的话,除了询问警察,还可以询问邮递员。请注意,如果你只知道一家人的姓名及他们居住街道的路名时,你可以试着到公共图书馆或者警察局查问,它们会查阅“选民表”,也就是“Electoral Roll”。这个名单按照街道编排,包含了所有有选举权的人。另外,电话号码簿也是一个不错的信息来源。
Where is the nearest post office?
Which way is it to the Century Theatre?
Is this the way to Peking University?
At which traffic light should I turn left?
It takes ten minutes to walk to the nearest bus stop.
It's a long way from here. / It's very near.
It will take you 10 minutes to walk there.
It's one-hour drive.
Go straight ahead along this road.
Turn left at the first corner/ intersection/ crossroad / traffic lights.
The restaurant is just around the corner.
You can't miss it!
You'll find it.
- 首先,要给对方一个总的交代句型:
It's a long way from here.
It's very near.
It's 1-hour drive.
- 接下来,具体指路
具体指路要做到明确而简单,在中文当中,我们有十字路口、丁字路口、三岔路口等等;在中文当中我们很喜欢用东西南北表示方向,在英文表达当中我们可以发现很多东西简化了。 英文当中的各种路口,大多数情况下简化成了 corner,有时侯十字路口用 intersection 或者 crossroad来表达;
turn right
turn left
make a left turn
make a right turn
take a left turn
take a right turn
- 确认地点
The restaurant is just around the corner.
The hotel is just across the road.
New oriental school is just by the World Hotel.
You can't miss it.
You will find it.
It's one-hour drive from home to the office.
在你向别人问路时, 一般人都会比较热心地回答你。 而你提供给对方的信息也是越全面越好。而路人在给你指路的时候,也因其国家的不同,而有不同的习惯。在美国,人们比较习惯用“距离”告诉你路程的远近,比如: It two blocks away.而英国人更乐于告诉你还需要多长时间可以到达你的目的地,比如:It takes ten minutes to walk there. Turn left at the first corner.
Corner 指街道的拐角处。在这里介绍一下相关的几个词语:
1. cross 十字路口;
2. intersection交叉路口,一条或者多条路通过的路口;
3. fork 岔路,一条路分成两条或者多条。
问路 Asking the way:
Am I on the right road to ...?
Can you tell me where I can ... ?
Could you tell me where the train station is?
Could you tell me how to get to ...?
Pardon me, Can you tell me where ... is?
Excuse me. How can I get to ..., please?
Excuse me. I'm looking for ...
Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to..?
Excuse me. Is this the right way to ...?
Excuse me. I'm trying to locate this address.
How far is ..., please?
Is it a long walk?
Sorry to trouble you, but could you please direct me to ...?
Where's ..., please?
Will it take me long to get there?
Would you mind telling me if this is the way to ...?
I wonder if you could tell me where ... is.
Excuse me, sir, but can you show me the way to ...?
Would you please show me the way to ...?
Would you mind showing me howto get to ...?
Pardon me, sir, would you be kind enough to tell me where the Post Office, please?
Which is the nearest way to ...?
Is this the right way to ...?
Excuse me. Would you please tell me whether I am on the right way to ...?
指路 Directing theway:
Go straight.
Go straight along this street to ...
Go straight ahead and turn right at the first corner.
Cut across ... and then turn ...
... is the first turning on the ...
Follow this road until you come to ...
Go this way about five minutes, then take the ... turning on the ...
Go straight along this street for about 300 yards.
I'll walk you to ... It's my route.
I'm afraid you're going in the opposite / wrong direction.
Keep straight along this street for two blocks.
Keep on going till you see a bigsignboard.
Just go straight down this street till you see a tall building.
Take the second turn on the right and then ask again.
Take a right at the 15th.
Turn round and take the second left.
Turn left at the first traffic light.
Turn right at the second crossing.
Turn right at the corner.
Walk until you get to the next traffic light. You can't miss it.
Walk a short distance.
Walk across the street and go around the corner.
Walk one block west.
Stay on this road until you get to ...
Just go along this roaduntil you come to a place where the road forks(到岔道口).
Take the road to your right.
You are going in the wrong direction. Come this way.
Take the No.7 bus to .... After you get off, walk back about a hundred yards or so.
It's over there.
It's opposite the post office.
It's next to the department store.
It's on the third floor.
It's only a ten-minute walk from here.
It's just around the corner.
It is about fifty meters down the road on the left-hand side.
It's on the left-hand side of the street.
It's not too far.
It's within walking distance.
It's right in the middle of the block.
The place you want is only a few steps ahead on your left.
The school is just around the corner.
The restaurant is across the street from the hotel.
You can't miss it.
I'm sorry I'm also new here.
I'm sorry I'm a stranger here myself.
I'm sorry I have just arrived.
The policeman may be more helpful.
Excuse me, does this bus go to the ...?
Yes, it does.
Yes, this is the right bus.
Should I take the No. 12 bus to get to ...?
No. You'll have to take the No. 34 bus.
Excuse me, can I get to the ... by bus?
Yes, take the No. 23 bus.
Yes, but you will have to change buses at ...
Yes, but you will have to change from No 34 to No. 23 bus at ...
Yes, all the buses go past there.
Excuse me. Can you tell me where I can get the bus to ...?
Yes, it is over there across the street, near the Bakery.
Where shall I get off?
Can you tell me where to get off?
I'm sorry but I don't know where to get off.
Oh, will you tell me when we get there, please?
Don't worry. I will call you then.
You'll get off at...

A:Which way do I go for Queensway, please?
B:Take the Bakerloo to Paddington; the District to Notting Hill and then get the Central.(地铁的
A: Where do I go now?
B: Take the escalator on your right.
How do I get down to the trains?
How do I get to Lancaster Gate, please?
Which line do I take for Marble Arch, please?
Can you tell me the best way to get to Bond Street, please?
Catch the Metropolitan to Liverpool Street and then change to the Central Line.
That's easy; it's the next station down the Central Line.
You want the Victoria to Oxford Circus and then you change on to the Central.
Which platform do I want?

2. Go straight ahead along this road.
3.At the traffic lights turn left.
6. The restaurant is just around the corner
7. Am I on the right road to the hospital?
8. Stay on this road until you get to the traffic light, then turn left.
10. I'm afraid you are going in the wrong direction.
11. Excuse me. Can you tell me where the nearest post office is?
12. Yes, it's that way, about two blocks from here.
14. Can I get to the rail station on this bus?
15. Is this where I get off?
16. You'll have to transfer to a No.8 bus.
下车后在转乘 16 路无轨电车。
直接到不了,还得再转 1 路车。

Looking for a phone booth 找电话亭
Dave: Excuse me, madam,could you tell me where the nearest telephone booth is?
Police woman: Sure. It's very near. Go up the street for two blocks,then turn right. It's just by the Commercial bank.
Dave: I go up this street and I turn right at the second corner?
Police woman: Exactly,you can't miss it.
Dave: Thank you,madam
Police woman: Youare welcome.
1.)   Excuse me,madam,could you tell me where the nearest telephone booth is?
这是一个标准的问路句型,类似的还有 Could you tell me the way to …?
2.)   Go up the street for two blocks,then turn right. It's just by the Commercial bank.
Block是 “街区” , by在这里是 “在旁边” 的意思, 如 The supermarket is by the exhibition center.
3.)   Exactly,you can't miss it.
Exactly表示确切的肯定, “确实如此” ,可以看作是 yes 的加强级。you can't miss it.表示你肯定会找的着。

Visiting the Museum 参观博物馆
A: Excuse me.  Is this the right way to the museum?
B: I'm afraid you're going in the opposite direction.  Go back the way you came, and
take the second turn on the left.  The museum is straight ahead, right in front of you.
A: Will it take me long to get there?
B: Well, it's about fifteen minutes' walk.
A: Which bus goes there?
B: You may take a No.34 bus. And the subway can also take you there.
A: Thank you very much.
B: My pleasure.
1) Is this the right way to the museum?
“去博物馆这么走对吗?”用的句型是 Is this the right way to …?
2) Well, it's about fifteen minutes' walk.
本句中 walk 作名词用,前面加上时间,表示步行需要的时间, 例如 It's twenty minutes' walk from my school to the department store.
3) You may take a No.34 bus. And the subway can also take you there.
“乘坐(交通工具) ”用动词 take, 比如 I'll take the plane to go to Hong Kong.
Subway 即地铁,在北美,很多城市都有地下铁路系统。乘坐地铁虽然方便快捷,但是在有些大城市,由于地铁系统非常庞大复杂,不熟悉的人很可能找不到应该坐哪趟车,这时就需要用到一些地铁问路方面的知识。其中最重要的就是要知道,在北美的一些大城市,地铁线都用字母或者数字来表示, 而人们则更习惯用一些相关的词来命名这些路线。例如,the Broadway Local(慢车),the 6th Avenue Express(快车)等等。

Getting to the Bank 去银行
A: 这附近有银行吗?
B: 对不起,我对这里也不熟悉。
C: You're looking for a bank? 我知道不远处有一个。
A: Oh, thanks. 我怎么去呢?
C: 我带你去吧。It's on my route.
A: That's very kind of you.
C: Not at all.

4.The way to the Chemist's 去药房的路
A: Sorry to trouble you, 您能告诉我药房怎么去吗?
B: Well, 沿着这条路走,然后在第二个红绿灯右转。 It's on the corner. You can't miss it.
A: Can I take a bus?
B: No, not necessary. 走路就可以了。
A: Thanks a lot.
B: 不客气。

5、Taking a bus 坐公车
A: Does this bus go to Kennedy Town?
B: 是的,上车吧。
A: Here's five dollars. 车票多少钱?
B: Twenty cents.  Haven't you any small change, sir?
A: Here it is. 大概多久能到?
B: About twenty minutes.

6、迷路了 I'm lost.
A: Excuse me. 您能告诉我如何才能到达地址上的这个地方吗?
B: I'm sorry, I don't know. I'm new around here.
A: (to C) 您能帮我吗?
B: Let me see. Hmm.我想你最好还是坐出租车吧。
A: Isn't there any other way?
C: Well, yes, 但你得换两次公车,然后还得再走一段路。

7、逛闹市 Going downtown
A: This bus goes downtown, doesn't it?
B: 是的,你要去那里呢?
A: The Concert Hall.
B: 那么这车正好合适。
A: Will you let me know where to get off?
B: Certainly. Four more stops after this. I'll call out the stops.

第五单元 Talking About My Family

1. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
2. I have a very big family. I've five brothers and sisters.
3. My parents have been married for over 20 years.
4. I'm the youngest in my family.
5. He has two cousins.
9. Are you married if I may ask?
10. I'm still single.
11. I'll get married soon.
13. What does your father do?
14. May I take your hand?
15. How long have you been living in Chicago?
16. You look so young and beautiful,by the way,may I know how old you are?
17. I just had my thirtieth birthday.
18. My aunt got divorced two years ago,now she lives with her two kids.
19. How has your father been?

Susan feels blue 苏珊很沮丧
Joann: Susan has been down recently. I saw her this morning,she looked terrible!
David: You have any idea?
Joann: She broke up with her boyfriend.
David: I heard her boyfriend is married.
Joann: She still loves him. That's why she feels upset. Her love is always hardand confusing...
David: Then what about you? How are you getting on with your boyfriend?
Joann: He sometimes really drives me crazy.
1.)   Susan has been down recently.
这里是说 Susan最近很沮丧,down做形容词可以作“心情不好、不开心” 。
2.)   She broke up with her boyfriend.
Break up with sb.一般指男女分手,如 Leon just broke up with his girl.
3.)  Then what about you?
也可以说成How about you? 这两个句型没有区别。
4.)  How are you getting on with your boyfriend?
Get on with sb.是“与某人相处(得如何) ” ,这句话就是“你和男朋友处得怎样?”

Talking about future 谈论未来
Flora:(Pointing at the picture) Who is this on the water buffalo?
Luke:That's my grand-father. He was a farmer. When he was young,he had to take the water
buffalo to graze in the field.
Flora:Oh yes,that was the best job in most farm families. That's where many ofthem learned to
play the flute.
Luke:My grandfather did that too. He used the time to study instead.
Flora:That's interesting. Go on!
Luke:My grand grandfather was a merchant who ran a small business. He couldn't afford to send
my grand father to school.
Flora:So he became a self-taught man?
Luke:Right. Later he was a soldier and a fireman in the village. When he was middle aged,he
became a great man,quite famous.
Flora:In what field?
Luke:As a leader of police officers in charge of the whole country.
Flora:Is he still in that that type of work.
Luke:No. He retired from that. He is a senator now.
Flora:Would you want to be a senator?
Luke:Well,maybe when I get old. But first I'll be a lawyer.
1.)  Who is this on the water buffalo?
Water buffalo即水牛, “坐在水牛上的是谁?”
2.)   Go on!
意思是“接着说” ,类似于 go ahead.
3.)   So he became a self-taught man?
Self-taught 就是我们常说的“自学成材” 。
4.)   He retired from that. He is a senator now.
Retire from …“从某个单位或职位退休” ,如 My aunt retired from the hospital last year.

Cousin is sick 表弟病了
A:Have you run into your cousin Jimmy lately?
B:As a matter of fact,I have. I ran into him just the other day.
A:How's he doing?
B:Not too well. He had to have four teeth pulled last week.
A:He did?That's too bad!
B:I think so,too.
A:Next time you see him,please tell him I'm thinking of him.
B:I'll be sure to do that.
1.)  Have you run into your cousin Jimmy lately?
Run into sb.是指“偶然遇到某人” ,lately相当于 recently, 但前者更口语化。
2.)   As a matter of fact,I have. I ran into him just the other day.
As a matter of fact 是固定用法,即“实际上” ,同义词还有 in fact, actually等。The other day
是指“前几天” 。
3.)   That's too bad!
4.)   Please tell him I'm thinking of him.
“告诉他我想着他呢” ,think of 相当于 miss。

Proud of Mom 为妈妈骄傲
Jimmy:Look!This picture of Mom in her cap and gown.
Lucy: Isn't it lovely!That's when she got her Master's Degree from Miami University.
Jimmy:Yes, we are very proud of her.
Lucy: Oh, that's a nice one of all of you together. Do you have the negative? May I have
a copy?
Jimmy: Surely, I'll have one made for you. You want a print?
Lucy: No. I'd like a slide, I have a new projector.
Jimmy: I'd like to see that myself.
Lucy: Have a wallet size print made for me, too.
Jimmy: Certainly.
1.)   Look!This picture of Mom in her cap and gown.
Cap和 gown在这里是特指授予学位时穿的学位帽和学位服。
2.)  Yes, we are very proud of her.
“为某人感到骄傲”通常是用 be proud of 或 take pride in 这两个短语。
3.)  No. I'd like a slide, I have a new projector.
Slide是幻灯片,projector 指“放映机” 。

Farewell 道别
A: I hear you're moving to New York.
B: Yes, I found a very good job down there.
A: Well, we'll certainly miss you in Boston.
B: I'm going to miss you folks, too.
A: Let's keep in touch.
B: OK. I'll drop you a line as soon as I get there.
1.)   I'm going to miss you folks, too.
Folk是口语说法,类似于 guys,相当与书面语中的 people。
2.)    Let's keep in touch.
Keep in touch with sb. 是“与某人保持联系” 。
3.)    I'll drop you a line as soon as I get there.
美国口语中, 给某人写信不常用 write sb. a letter, 而多用 drop sb. a line。

Complaint 抱怨
A: How's your new apartment?
B: I thought it was in a quiet neighborhood, but it isn't.
A: What's wrong?
B: One of my neighbors has a dog.
A: Does it make a lot of noise?
B: It barks all night long. I can't stand it.
1.)   How's your new apartment?
How is sth.? 一般用来询问某物或事的状况。
2.)   What's wrong?
类似是表达有 What's the problem? What's the trouble?
3.)   It barks all night ling. I can't stand it.
Bark特指“狗吠” ,stand在本句作“忍受”讲。

Working hours 工作时段
A: What are your working hours?
B: Eight to twelve in the morning; two to six in the afternoon.
A: Much better than mine.
B: What are your hours?
A: Mine aren't fixed. Sometimes I do the day shift, sometimes the night shift.
1.)    What are your working hours?
Working hours 是“工作时段” ,workday则是工作日。
2.) Mine aren't fixed. Sometimes I do the day shift, sometimes the night shift
How old are you? 你多大年纪?
David: What are you doing,Joann?
Joann:我在给 Jerry写信。
David: Who's Jerry?
Joann: He's my nephew. 下周一是他的生日. He's going to be 19. I'm wondering about his
birthday gift...
David: You've got a 19 year-old nephew.我简直不敢相信,你多大年纪啦? You are not
quite nineteen!
Joann: Come on. You are not smart enough to get my age...

Guests are coming 客人来访
(Doorbell rings)
Bill: Hi,Simon. 真高兴你能来。
Simon: Hello,Bill.  Thanks for the invitation. 这是 Ann, 我们上个月结婚了。Ann,this is
Bill: Married?I didn't know you got married.
Simon:Yes,Ann's parents live in Canada. 我们在那里结婚的。
Bill: Well,congratulations!Welcome,Ann. 很高兴见到你。
Ann: It's nice to meet you,too.
Bill: Marge will be so surprised. 她可不会想到你已经结婚了。

Boyfriend 男朋友
(A and B two girls who work in the same organization)
A: 你昨天介绍给我认识的是你的男朋友吧。
B: That's right.
A: What does your boy friend do?
B: 他在银行上班。
A: You've known him for a long time, haven't you?
B: 我们是高中同学。
A: Are you planning to get married soon?
B: 我们还没有决定好。应该就在今年吧。

Looking at the picture 看看照片
James: 这是一张我祖父祖母来看我们时的照片。
Lucy: Oh, that's a nice picture.
James: This one is my Aunt Lily and Uncle John and these are their children, my
cousins, Rose and Barry.
Lucy: 你阿姨在哪里?
James: 在我母亲右边。
Lucy: Oh!I see.

My family 我的家庭
A: 你在芝加哥生活多久了?
B: Oh, about four years now.
A: 那你的父母住在哪里?
B: They still live in Detroit where I was born.
A: Do you write or call them very much?
B: 当然,我每天都和他们联系。

Jobs 工作
A: How do you like your work?
B: 我的工作不容易做,但很有挑战性。
A: Mineisn't hard, but it's not so interesting.
B: 你是做什么的?
A: I work in a publishing house.

1. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
2. I have a very big family. I've five brothers and sisters.
我家人丁兴旺,一共7 口人。
3 My nephew is only 2 years old.
玛丽明年要满 20 岁了。
他还小着呢。 他还不到 15 岁。
他刚刚 20 出头。
4  I'm still single.
他结婚 5 年了。
5  You look so young and beautiful,by the way,may I know how old you are?
6  Will you give me your hand?
7  Have you run into your cousin lately?
8   What does your boy friend do?
9  How do you like your work??

Dave: Hi,Joanna.                ?
Joanna: I'm good,thanks. Dave,this is my uncle,Johnson. He's here for his birthday.
Dave:                    ,Johnson.  I never know Joanna has such young uncle.
Johnson:Thanks. But I'm here for my 50th birthday.
Dave:                                  .
Johnson:My son is almost the same age you two.
Dave: Really. How old is he?
Johnson :                         .
Joanna: I'd rather not talk about ages .
David: I heard from Joann他订婚了。.
Joann: Shall we change another topic?
A: Are you married?
B: No.                      . 你结婚了吗?
A: Oh, I've been married for several years.
B: Any children?
A: .
B: ?
A: Not quite four.
A: I haven't seen Bob lately. ?
B: He's still pretty sick.
A: That's too bad. ?
B: We don't know, but he's going to the doctor tomorrow.
A: .
B: Thanks a lot. I'll tell him.
Tom: 我们有一张你的有趣的照片。
Mary: 在哪儿?
Tom: 就在家庭相册里。
Mary: 我看看.
Tom: 瞧,你在跳舞呢!
Mary: 哦,我的样子真是太丢人了!
Tom: 这个是我的妹妹,那儿是我哥和我母亲。他们都带着奇特的帽子。
B: About 70 dollar a month, including bonuses.
A: Is that enough to support a family?
B: 能够两个或者三个人用的。如果再多就不够了。
A: 不过,我想很多家庭应该不止一个人上班。
B: That's right.
A: 不同工种之间工资相差得多吗?
B: Yes, more or less.

第六单元  Keeping in Touch

1. You're wanted on the phone.
2. Will you get the phone for me?My hands are full now.
3. Wendy, it's Sue phoning at 10:30 on Wednesday,5th.
4. May I call you at home tonight?
5. Hello. This is Kate Brown.
6. Sorry,I can't recognize your voice.
7. I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
8. Could I have extension 321,please?
9. Hello. Can I speak to Mr. George Smith,please?
10. I will put you through.
11. Who's calling,please?/ Who is this?
12. Good morning. ABC Trading company. May I help you?
13. Thank you for calling.
14. I'm sorry,but she's in Chicago on business.
15. Please call back later.
16. Could you take a message?
17. Please have her call me back at 612-930-8765.
18. I have to hang up now.
19. You must have dialed the wrong number.
20. I want to make a long distance call.

You're wanted on the phone.
Mr. Johnson, Would youanswer the phone please?
Will you get the phone for me? My hands are full now.
当我们因为很忙或者其他什么原因不能或者不想接电话时,我们可以请别人代接电话, 我们可以这样说:
Will you get the phone for me? My hands are full now.
Would you answer the phone, please?
如果是跟非常熟悉的的家人或者朋友说,这句话通常说成:You get it. Wendy, it's Sue phoning at 10:30 on Wednesday 5th.
这是打电话的人对着电话自动答录机的一段陈述。在美国打电话,不得不接触,不得不了解的一样东西就是电话自动答录机,英文是:Answering Machine。美国的绝大多数个人及企业都设置了电话自动答录机。电话的主人在电话自动答录机上事先录制一段话, 在自己不能接听电话的时候播放给打电话来的人,并让他们留下口信。虽然每一部电话主人设置的留言各不相同,但是具体内容大意相差无几。
这是 Tony Bright。我现在不在家(我现在不能接你的电话),有什么事请在‘beep’一声后留言,我会尽快给您回电话。Beep.
英文为:Hello, this is Tony Bright. I am not available at the moment. Please leave a message
after the beep. I will call you back as soon as possible.
想在美国用电话与人交往,首先就要在电话上听懂这段话。有些美国人甚至选择让自动答录机为他们接听所有的电话。这样一来,他们就可以知道是谁打电话来,他们有什么事,并由此决定是否接听电话。 如果是自己愿意接听的电话, 他们就会在你的自我介绍后立刻拿起电话。所以,对于打电话的人来说,给人的留言可能内容有所不同,但是在听到 Beep一声后,就应该主动报上姓名,打电话的时间,以及打电话人的电话号码或者解释打电话的缘由。在上面这个句型中,Wendy, it's Due phoning at 10:30 on Wednesday,5th.打电话的人详细说明了自己是谁和打电话的时间,以便电话主人在听到留言时能够清楚了解当时的情况。需要注意的是,一旦开始播放电话录音即表示电话已经接通,开始计费。为了避免浪费,我们可以在电话铃声响了五下之前挂断电话,或者准备好留言。
学会对着冷冰冰的自动答录机说话也是在美国打电话所具备的基本技能之一。 在开始阶段,你可能会很不适应对着自动答录机说话,也不知道该留下什么信息,在经过本章的学习后,希望你能对这一场景有所了解,并能在生活中灵活应用例句。
My I call you at home tonight?
May I call your cell?
May I walk / drive you home?
May I send an email to you?
May I write letters to you?
工作之外,西方人不大接受将工作带到家里,因此即使有对方家里的电话,但是要在工作时间之外跟他谈论工作,最好用 May I call you home tonight?这类句型跟对方提前打个招呼。
Hello. This is Kate Brown.
在西方国家, 打电话时, 一般有接电话的人首先说话。 一般他会主动报上自己的姓名、电话,或者公司名字。这样做是为了让打电话的人可以有机会确认他没有打错电话。
在 This is Kate Brown这个句型中有一点值得注意, 我们使用的是 This is, 而非 I am Kate Brown. 在美国人的观念中,如果还不能确定对方的身份时,一般使用 this,it 这类代名词。直到两方面都知道对方是谁时,才开始使用 you, I 。
Sorry, I can't recognize your voice.
I can't recognize your voice.是指“我听不出你的声音。”如果在打电话时,对方想给你一个惊喜,让你猜猜她是谁。不巧的是,你并不能猜出电话来自何方。为了避免尴尬,你可以抱歉地说:Sorry, I can't recognize your voice.
I am sorry to keep you waiting. 在接电话的过程中,如果要临时离开电话机一会儿,或者恰巧有另一个电话打进来,你可以 让对方等一等,也就是“Hold on,please.”而当你回到电话机旁边时,可以用“Hello”来引起对方的注意。同时为了表示抱歉让对方久等了,你可以说: Iam sorry to keep you waiting. Could I have extension 321, please?
Extension指分机。这句话的中文就是请帮我转 321 分机。简短地说, 你可以用: Extension 321,please. Hello. Can I speak to Mr. George Smith,please?
Is Mr. Brown in?
I want to talk to...
May / Can I speak to Mr. George Smith, Please?
I 'd like to talk to Mr. George Smith, Please?
I will put you through.
这个句型的意思是“我帮你接过去” 。当你要求转接某个分机或者告诉秘书你要找她的 boss时,通常可以听到这个句型。

Who is calling, please?
这是我们在帮别人接听电话时务必要了解的一个问题。当你告诉别人: “有人给你打电话”的时候,你首先要说明是谁来了电话。在接听电话时,一般是打电话的人主动报上姓名,如果他没有说明,则可以使用 Who is calling,please?来进行询问。同时,更为婉转的询问方式还有:Who shall I say is calling?
Good morning.ABC Trading company. May I help you?
不论商务场合或者生活中,电话接通后,最好自报家名。说这句话的人通常是公司的receptionist,也就是我们说的“前台” 。
Good afternoon, Sara speaking. May I help you?
要注意,工作电话要非常职业,因此在工作电话中要避免直接用 Hello 接听,应当用 更客气的寒暄。如果对方你比较熟悉,那么还可以说:
How are you?
How are you doing?
How's everything going?

Thank you for calling.
这是一句典型的客套用语。 在电话结束时, 为了表示礼貌, 我们可以加上一句: Thank you for calling. 但是与熟人的电话中,这是不太需要的。

I'm sorry,but she's in Chicago on business.
当我们代替别人接听了电话, 通常要向打电话的一方说明他们要找的人不能接电话的原因或者借口:
I'm sorry, but she's in Chicago on business.
I'm sorry, but she's out on business.
I'm sorry she's out. I'm not sure when she's coming back.
I'm sorry she’s in a meeting now.
Please call back later.
当我们代替别人接听了电话,为了根据实际情况向对方提供尽可能的帮助, 我们可以告诉对方:
Please call back later.
May I take a message?
I'll tell her to return your call as soon as possible.

Could you take a message?
Could you take a message?
Please have her call me back at 5123-0011
I'd like her call me back at 5123-0011 as soon as possible.

Please have her call me back at 612-930-8765
当我们打电话要找的人不在时,我们常常希望给她留个口信,然她在回来后给我们会电话。这时,你需要给对方留下自己的电话号码,你可以说“请让她回来以后给(...号码)回个电话” ,也就是这句:Please have her call me back at 612-930-8765.
1.头三位是一个州的区位号,比如 612-930-8765中的 612;
2.第二个三位数,则表示某个地区的地区号,比如 612-930-8765 中的 930;
比如,6129308765 这个电话号码,其中,612 时明尼苏达州的区号,930 是 Northfield 的地区号,而 8765 则是这家人电话的号码。在打越洋电话时,我们还要加上各个国家的国家代码。比如,中国的国家代码是 86,美国的代码是 1。也就是说,如果你在中国给上述那个号码回电话时,必须拨号 1-612-930-8765。
第二,注意电话号码的叙述方式。比如,0,zero这个数,在电话号码中经常被读作 o。而在电话号码中有数字的重复时,比如:6199307789这个号码的最后四位则可读作‘double seven eight nine’。

I have to hang up now.
当你想结束一个电话时,你可以直接说“我要挂了” ,I have to hang up now.并作出一定的解释。
You must have dialed the wrong number.
在打电话时,拨错号码是常有的事。当我们接到这样的打错的电话时,可以礼貌地说:I'm afraid you have the wrong number. 或者 You must have dialed the wrong number.

I want to make a long distance call.
当你想通过接线员打长途电话时,你首先要告诉接线员你的要求:I want to make a long distance call.当然,如果你想打长途电话,你就必须付费。一种避免自己掏钱打电话的方式叫做 collectcall,请对方付费的长途电话。在你囊中羞涩,没有足够的钱,或者在外面没有足够的零钱使用公共电话时,你可以申请对方付费的 collectcall,但是必须是在接线员询问受话人的意愿,并得到同意后,你的电话才能打通。海外长途电话通常是叫人的(person to person),只有礼拜天可以叫号(Station to Station)。一般来说,打电话从礼拜六夜里十二点(midnight)到礼拜天的 midnight 话费较为便宜。
加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
  ·澳洲新闻 澳大利亚悉尼一块100美元的饼干引起争议。为何网友如此批评?
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