我们是家服装公司, 部分供应商是HK那边的, 他们总喜欢打繁体字,到后面连繁体字都不打了,直接发英文邮件, 之前是用英文回复邮件,到后面发现同样东西,同厂家理解有出入,之后就一直用中文回复,这样一来,厂家可能觉得反正发英文邮件也看得懂一直用英文发, 现几个问题请教下1.pls keep in mind that ttl production leadtime needs take around 80 days(大概意思是是货期是80天左右吧,想了解,ttl production 是指甚么意思
2.In order to have accurate time and action plan(t/a) for bulk, pls adv us the expected gmt dlvy of each style in order to work out actual t/a for monitoring the order follow up and catching the gmt dlvy(大概是说:为了能够有精确的时间和执行方案(计划),请告知每款预期交货期,)自己翻译的,不知道要如何准确阐述, t/a 、gmt dlvy 是指啥意思
3.We prefer to rcv the photo smpl order and bulk order together if possible. Then we can order the yardage together. 若有可能,我们希望收到拍照样和大货订单一起……,其中:we can order the yardage together这句啥 意思
现本人不是服装跟单,只是刚到公司,不知是谁说某某人英语有多厉害,过CET-6,第一次考侥幸一次性通过,后面没再考 , 他们意思是英语专业的,肯定是啥都懂,OMG, 哪有那么厉害,其实还不是菜鸟一个,专业化东西还是不懂………………
ttl production: Total production
t/a: Accurate time and action plan
gmt dlvy: Government delivery
1.pls keep in mind that ttl production leadtime needs take around 80 days
Total Production leadtime: 大货生产时间
2.In order to have accurate time and action plan(t/a) for bulk, pls adv us the expected gmt dlvy of each style in order to work out actual t/a for monitoring the order follow up and catching the gmt dlvy
T/A或者TNA 为生产计划表,Time and Action ,
gmt dlvy = garment delivery 衣服出货时间
3.We prefer to rcv the photo smpl order and bulk order together if possible. Then we can order the yardage together. 如有可能最好照相办和大货一起做,以便我们能够一起订布
sample yardage: 办布
We prefer to rcv the photo smpl order and bulk order together if possible. Then we can order the yardage together.
加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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