We are a consulting company from Satu Mare, Romania. For one of our client, we are looking for a supplier for 5 hydro turbines with power ranging from 0.7-1MW.Please note that the rest of the construction will be completed by the beneficiary of their own financial resources.
Purchase of turbines can be made only if the manufacturer or retailer accepts the "export of capital" option, and for the value of delivery and installation of the turbines the form of payment is transfer of shares of the company during the payment time of the turbines (including interest) or assignment of green certificates only for the same period. Romanian government grants, according to the legislation in force, a number of 3 green certificates for each MWh produced and delivered to the national grid. Each green certificate can be sold on the national centralized stock exchange, either to a particular client freely chosen by the certificate holder. The price of green certificates has increased lately, so if the average price for 2012 was 54 euro/certificate, in first months of 2013 were traded at 57 Euro/certificate.
Presentation of the client, business and economic data we do as soon as your company will have expressed interest in the business.
Additionally, please note that in Romania, the construction of small hydropower plants took the last time a great impetus as a result we will be honored in the future to find you other interested customers for the turbines that your company produces and sells.
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