


me and my partner are searching a long term relationship for supplying our line.

What we are searching it's a supplier can do a model of sunglasses with rubber spray we want the same model with a quantity of 600 pieces and we want to pay not really expensive. And we really wanna have the frame with a rubber spray. I can send you picture and size of what we want.

In second part we are searching a supplier can do oyur ophtalmique eyewear line. In that part we need a bit of help from the manifacturer because we are relunching a new compagnie, before we where having all the license of allison s.p.a.. We were not happy about the restriction of all those liscense. So we are lunching a new compagny with our own product. We can sell all the model we want to copy and we want to do a 24 model line with 2 or 3 color of each so for a quantity between 1200 pieces and 1800 pieces it will depend of the price. If the quality and the service is good we are looking to do a long term relationship.

we will wait you're news


[ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2013-4-10 16:29 编辑 ]

Hi , yes i can send picture and size i can also send you a model. And our ​ own ophtalmique line it want to mean our normal acetate or metal frame. On sunglasses we have the moq for sure. But for the normal line we need a bit of help. We can produce 24 model with 3 color if we can produce 25 pieces each color, or 2 color if you want 35 pieces per color.

need a bit of help 什么样的help啊,看了几遍还是不明白



me and my partner are searching a long term relationship for supplying our line.

What we are searching it's a supplier can do a model of sunglasses with rubber spray we want the same model with a quantity of 600 pieces and we want to pay not really expensive. And we really wanna have the frame with a rubber spray. I can send you picture and size of what we want.


In second part we are searching a supplier can do oyur ophtalmique eyewear line. In that part we need a bit of help from the manifacturer because we are relunching a new compagnie, before we where having all the license of allison s.p.a.. We were not happy about the restriction of all those liscense. So we are lunching a new compagny with our own product. We can sell all the model we want to copy and we want to do a 24 model line with 2 or 3 color of each so for a quantity between 1200 pieces and 1800 pieces it will depend of the price. If the quality and the service is good we are looking to do a long term relationship.

we will wait you're news




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