

Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick


   How do some friends and colleagues survive every winter without even a sniffle.Some experts believe that they boost their immunity through simple lifestyle habits. Steal their strategies and stay healthy all winter long.
   1.Be a social butterfly - It's long known that friendship is good for your health. In fact, people with six or more types of relationships (close friends, co - workers, even exercise buddies) in their lives were 25 percent less likely to get sick than those with three or fewer. Why is it better to have an array of social ties? “It's possible that people with varied social networks have diverse perceptions of themselves -- as a co - worker, friend or community member. That boosts selfesteem and makes it wasier to avoid stress.” As a result, these people tend to stay healthier.

   Steal this secret:Be open to meeting new people; go to new events and resetablish old friendships. But don't feel obligated to pack your social schedule. While it's beneficial to have many types of relationships, remember that overcommitting adds to stress.

   2.Tickle your funny bone - Laughing, which decreases the production of stressrelated hormones and sparks physiological changes that relax the body, can benefit the immune system. What's more, those on the laugh track reported milder colds.
Steal this secret:“Think about what makes you laugh  whether it's reading the comics or doing silly things with your kids -- and try to integrate more of that into your life.”

   3.Eat a rainbow of foods Eating lots of brightly colored fruits and vegetables (think strawberries, carrots and spinach) increases your intake of essential nutrients and antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C and E-all of which can boost immune function. It's also important to eat whole - grain carbohydrates, which supply valuable vitamin B6 selenium and magnesium.

   These are critical for activation the immune system against colds and flu. Protein also helps fortify the body's infection - fighting chemicals, while a highfat diet can compromise the immune system.

   Steal this secret: Get at least five servings of colorful fruits and vegetables per day, but aim for three to five more. Eat plenty of complex carbs, such as brown rice, and look for lowerfat sources of protein and cut back on added fats.

   4.Get Moving Research has found that moderate exercise can improve immune function and bolster resistance to colds and infections. One study of thirty - six overseight women, conducted at Loma Linda University, in California, found that those who walked briskly for fortyfive minutes five days a week reported half the number of days with cold symtoms during a fifteen - week period as their sedentary counterparts.

   How does working out help kick colds and flu? For a few hours after moderate exercise, immune - system cells circulate through the blood at a higher rate than normal, which increases the chance that they'll come into contact with a virus or bacteria and fight it off.

   Steal this secret: Aim for forty to fortyfive minutes of moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, cycling, swimming or light running, at least five days a week.

   5.Keep a journal In numerous studies have found that writing about a difficult or painful event not only accelerates the coping process, but also can improve your physical health.

   When people write about upsetting or traumatic experiences, it helps them put the events into perspective, understand them better and move on.”

   Steal this secret:Set aside twenty mintes a day for three consecutive days to write about the things that are most important to you now and how they're affecting you. This trial period will give you a jump start. Then you can decide if you need to use the technique only at especially stressful times or for a few minutes before bed each night.

   6.Enjoy the little things Even small pleasures -- having friends over for dinner, playing with your kids in the backyard or going to a concert -- can boost your immune system. In fact, according to research at the State University of New York positive events have a stronger effect on immune function than negative events.

   Steal this secret:Make time for youself especially during this time of year. “Women are often so depleted after the holidays, because they've been running around taking care of everyone else, baking, entertaining and shopping,” she says. “They tend to set their own well - being aside.” You Rx: Start devoting at least half an hour a day to talking to a friend, reading a book or indulging in an activity you enjoy. Think of it as preventive medicine.

   7.Don't get sidelined by stress Experts know that stress increases susceptibility to the common cold. The reason? Your body's helper - T cells, which are key to defending against viruses, become impaired when you're stressed - out.

   Steal this secreto some problem solving. Frist, take a hard look at the situation and really consider whether you can do anything to change things. “If you conclude that you can't alter the situation, try to change your physical and emotional resctions to it. Engaging in meditation, yoga or deep-breathing exercises, using aromatherapy or listening to calming music can also help relieve stress.”

  1.善于交际 长期以来人们一直认为友谊有益于健康,事实证明,那些有6种或6种以上关系(亲密的朋友、同事、甚至一起锻炼的伙伴关系)的人比起有3种或更少关系的人,生病的可能性要小25%。为什么有一系列的社会关系会更好呢?可能是因为有各种社会关系的人对自己有不同的认识——视自己为一个同事、朋友或社会成员,这可以令他们增加自尊感,更容易减轻压力,所以这些人总是保持健康。秘诀是:乐于结识新的朋友,参加新的活动,重建旧谊。但是,不要被迫把自己的社会活动安排得满满的,尽管建立各种类型的关系有好处,但不要忘记过量会增加压力。

  2.找点笑料 笑减少了导致紧张的荷尔蒙的分泌,产生使身体放松的生理变化,对免疫系统非常有利。更有甚者,那些爱笑的人说他们即使感冒也要轻得多。秘诀是:“想想那些能让你笑的事情——不管是阅读喜剧还是和你的孩子做童稚的游戏,记住要在你生活中溶入更多的快乐!”

  3.吃各种不同色彩的食物 吃大量新鲜的色彩鲜艳的水果和蔬菜(象草莓、胡萝卜和菠菜等)可以增加一些必需的营养物质和抗氧化剂——维生素A、C和E的摄入量,所有这些都可以提高免疫功能。吃全麦碳水化合物也很重要,因为它们能提供宝贵的维生素B6、硒和镁,这对激活免疫系统,抵抗感冒和流感至关重要。蛋白质也可以增强体内抵抗感染的化合物,而高脂肪的食物可能危及免疫系统。秘诀是:每天至少吃5份新鲜水果和蔬菜,但目标要放在再多吃3到5份。吃大量的像糙米之类的碳化合物,吃低脂肪的蛋白质,减低多余的脂肪。

  4.多运动 研究发现适量的锻炼能够提高免疫功能,抵抗感冒和病毒感染。加利福尼亚的洛玛·琳幸大学做了一项研究,研究36个过于肥胖的妇女,结果发现那些每周抽出5天时间每天走上45分钟的人和那些不动的人相比,15周之内只有一半时间具有感冒症状。   运动怎么能有助于抵抗感冒和流感呢?适度运动几小时以后,免疫细胞就会随血液一起加快循环,这就加大了遭遇病毒并把它们杀死的几率。秘诀是:一周最少有5天要进行每天40~45分钟的适度锻炼,比如轻快的散步,骑车兜风,游泳或是慢跑。

  5.坚持记日记 无数研究表明,将一件艰难的或痛苦的事写下来不只是加快了处理过程,还能够促进你的身体健康。人们记述令人难过和痛苦的经历时,他们能重新从另一个角度全面地看待这些事情,更好地认识它们并继续前进。秘诀是:每天抽出20分钟时间记录那些当前对你最重要的事情,以及它们是如何影响你的,坚持3天。尝试这样做一段时间,你就会有个令人惊异的开端,然后你就能决定你是否只需要在特别紧张的时候还是在每晚睡觉前花几分钟来使用这种方法。

  6.从小事中寻找快乐 和几个朋友共进晚餐,在院子里和你的孩子一起玩耍或者听听音乐会这样的小事带给你的快乐都可以让你的免疫力得到提高。纽约州立大学的一项研究表明,积极的活动比起消极的活动对免疫功能有更大的影响。秘诀是:给自己留点时间,尤其是每年的这个时候(一月份)。节假日过后妇女们总是筋疲力尽,因为她们一直都在忙着照顾家里的每一个人,烤面包,招待客人,上街买东西,她们总是把自己的福祉置于一旁。给你的处方是:每天抽出至少半小时时间和朋友聊聊天,看看书或者投入你所喜欢的活动中去,把这些都当成预防疾病的良药。   

7.不要被压力击垮 专家认为压力使人更容易感冒。为什么呢?人的压力一大,体内抵抗病毒的重要成分T细胞就受到了损害。秘诀是:解决问题——首先,好好地分析一下,看你能否做点什么来改变现状。如果你得出结论不能改变现状,就请努力改变你的生理和情感反应。静坐做做瑜珈功或者深呼吸,做香料按摩疗法或听听令人安静舒心的音乐都可以帮你减轻压力。


That's great.


Keep a good attitude

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