加拿大进出口外贸Methods of improving oral English


I'd like to conclude a few ways of improving oral English, which I think are good.

PS: The reason why I had such an idea is that I find so many guys asking how to improve oral English. Every oversea sales knows, English is the essential tool to do foreigh trade.

First, collect some good sentences on a notebook. You can find a lot of English sentences on Internet, newspaper and bookstore. It has to be something you like.

Second, make a schedule for everyday reading, even 20 minutes will do. If you don't have how to orgnize a sentence by blurting out, you just to have to read correct sentences other people wrote. It will do you a big favor after a period of time.

Third, after a period of reading, try to edit some sentences by yourself and blurt them out. You'll gradually find your progress.

Fourth, once you realize you're good enough to chat with others on simple topics, you can find your partner to chat.

Last but not least, the biggest obstacle is it's not that easy to find the appropriate partner to practise oral English. We just have to bear with this as we know there're no free lunch. A good way is we talk with ourselves. You just blurt out anything you want and you're the listener of your speech.

Please try the above one or more than one ways. If things turned out to be better, please give yourself a big hand.

Good luck.

每天早上花半小时读新概念~ 会很有用的

if u want to find a partner, please join our QQ group:30545263, we have voice chat every night

really?may i join you?

practise your english by every chance you can obtain

May be i should do like this.

I also have to improve my oral english!

Yeap  I like blurting out
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