第一类:巨大: big-colossal/enormous/ immense/ gargantuan/ grandiose/ massive/ monolithic/ prodigious/titanic/ tremendous
小的:small-diminutive/ miniature/ miniscule
快的(副词):fastly—by leaps andbounds
加强:strengthen-bolster/ buttress/ consolidate/ reinforce/ intensify/ fortify (可以用在argument)
强的:strong-brawny/ muscular/ sinewy/ impregnable/ invincible/ potent/ robust/virile/ stalwart/ stout/ sturdy
强人: baron(巨头) magnate/mogul
削弱:weaken-diminish / debilitate/ enervate/ sap/ undermine/perish/wane
弱的: weak—feeble/decrepit/ frail/ flaccid/ impotent/ puny/ tenuous
重要的: important –consequential/momentous/ eminent/ prominent/ pivotal/ substantial/ significant/ crucial/essential/ fundamental
重要:importance—core/ hub/ essence/ gist/magnitude
居首位的: leading—foremost/paramount/ overriding /predominant/ prevailing/ preeminent prevalent/ supreme
不重要的: unimportant—marginal/peripheral/ negligible/ trifling/trivial
超过:surpass—eclipse/exceed/override/overwhelming/prevail/transcend/ be superior to/outwit / outweigh / be inferior to(劣于)= be subordinate to
初始: beginning—debut/premiere/prime/ genesis/ inception/ onset/ threshold/ lead off/ lead out (比to begin with好得多拉 )
(或者说什么的到来:adventof something)
初始的: beginning--primitive//budding/ fledgling/ embryonic/(古老的意义解时archaic or antiquated or obsolescent or obsolete)
开始: begin/start—commence/initiate/ embark/ inaugurate
开始:begin/start=undertake/ embark upon
增长: grow—multiply/mushroom/proliferate/sprout/accelerate/ burgeon(慢慢增长)
使其增长:increase--amplify/ magnify/ add-augment/ supplement
加重,升级aggravate (恶化)/ escalate/ exacerbate/ deteriorate/ impair
减少,减弱:decrease—abate/attenuate/detract/ diminish/ slacken/curb/ curtail/ (number)pare/ prune/ slash/ trim/whittle/
减轻decrease---allay/assuage/ mollify/ soothe/mitigate/
变弱decrease—dwindle/ ebb/subside/ wane/ weaken/ impair
上升: ascend—lift / surge/rocket/ boast/ soar/ boom
达到顶峰 culminate 顶点: peak—acme/apex/pinnacle/ climax/ apogee n.远地点/ zenith(nadir最低点 or abyss深渊) (zenith&nadir特别适合用在比喻 强调两者的区别大~两个词的来源大家可以查查~两个对比强烈哦 )
下降: descend/ plummet/plunge/ slump/ tumble (fluctuate波动)
gather聚拢:accumulate/amass/ assemble/ congregate/ garner/ glean/ muster/ rally(为反对或支持而召集)
group群组:battalion/bevy/ cluster/ drove/ flock/ swarm/ throng
combination集合:assortment/medley/ mosaic(马赛克)/ motley(五花八门:形容词也可以)
a lot of/ a great many of= manifold 许多 –abundant/ ample(充足)/ copious(大量的)/fraught with/ replete with/ numerous/ innumerable(不计其数)/ myriad 很多/ a multitudeof/ multitudes of/ a myriad of 无数的人们/ limitless无限的/ a deluge of/ beaucoup <法> adj.非常多的
(很多同学都喜欢用~alot of~a great number of~这里注意:numerous这里表达的不是无数很多那样~之表示一般的多~这一点从G猫老外改得一篇文章可以看到)
large quantity: 大量:avalanche/spate(比喻意大量的某物)/ exodus大量流出/ 大量流入influx/multitude大量 /plethora 比喻意:大量/profusion 丰富,繁多
拥有大量:boast/abound / deluge(被大量的某物所淹没)/teem到处
散开:spread-dispel(驱散)/ disperse/disseminate
稀少的:scarce/meager/ scant/ scanty/ skimpy/ sparse/ dearth
节俭的:frugal/thrifty/ miserly/
富裕的:rich-affluent/ lavish/ luxurious/ opulent/ sumptuous/ palatial
浪费的:improvident/prodigal son(浪荡子)=improvident/profligate
贫困的:poor=destitute/ impoverished/ impecunious/ indigent (形容人)
困难的:difficult=arduous/ strenuous/ daunting/ formidable/ exacting/ insuperable/ impassable/ onerous(issue中大量存在"困难"的表达)
困境:(陷入困难的处境就是困难)difficultsituations= deadlock/ impasse/ stalemate/ dilemma/ predicament/ quandary/ mire泥沼/ morass/swamp/ quagmire/ standstill停止,僵局/ labyrinth迷宫(很好的比喻的说法~可以说什么问题把我们陷入了一个迷宫~僵局等~)
陷入:reduce/ getbogged down/ plunge into
复杂的:complicated/intricate/ complex/(这里介绍一个很好的押韵的方法:complexand perplexed/ complicate and intricate or sophisticated用在表达困难的地方可以显示出词汇的完善更能有一种押运修辞的效果~读起来琅琅上口)
复杂的事情:imbroglio/mesh/ tangle/ labyrinth迷宫= maze
卷入复杂的境地:involve=embroil/ ensnare/ entangle
难以理解:abstruse/recondite/ intricate/ arcane只有少数人可以理解=esoteric/ cryptic 简短却令人迷惑/ enigmatic 谜一般的 enigma 形容词形式/ inexplicable无法解释/ inscrutable无法捉摸=unfathomable/mysterious/ supernatural/ mystical/ extraterrestrial
(这里的词很多都表示 难以理解~ 很多题目学习类~教育类~社会类~历史类~艺术类~只要表示某某问题把我们难倒了都可以用)
迷mystery-puzzle=enigma/ conundrum/ riddle/迷宫labyrinth/ maze
令人迷惑:puzzle= baffle/ befuddle/ bewilder/ confound/ mystify/ perplex
令人沮丧:depressed=with depression/ frustrating/ daunting/ dismal/
使可以理解:clarify=elucidate/ enlighten启迪教化/explicate阐明/ expoundon/upon /illuminate照亮说清楚
可以理解的:intelligible= explicit/ lucid
阻碍:hindrance名次= fetter/shackle/ trammel枷锁桎梏/onus负担重任
阻碍:动词hamper= encumber造成负担/foil/ stymie/ thwart阻碍或者挫败工作完成/handicap/ hinder/ impede/ retard
压制:smother/stifle 令人窒息,压制约束suppress/ pin down
协助促进:aid= facilitate/ foster/ nurture/ buttress/
著名的:famous =celebrated/ renowned/ reputed/ distinguished/ illustrious/ prestigious/outstanding/ distinctive/ eminent/ notable/ noticeable/ striking/ remarkable/preeminent
be famous for = take pride in
elite= meritocrat (meritocracy n.知识界精华)(用上的话超级有文采~嘻嘻)
有特色:feature =savor/ 因为什么而闻名可用famous一系列
臭名昭著:disreputable= infamous/ notorious/ nefarious因为极坏而臭名昭著
好的名声:reputation= esteem/ prestige
坏的名声:disgrace/disrepute/ ignominy/ infamy/ odium/ opprobrium/ stigma 不好的声誉,耻辱。
尊重 名次:respect =reverence/ veneration/ homage
高尚的:noble =rarefied/ sublime/ lofty
不尊重 名次:disrespect =scorn蔑视
招人轻视的:contemptible= despicable
尊重:动词idolize/worship/ lionize 对待名人一样的崇拜/revere敬爱,敬畏
不尊重:动词 disrespect/ deride/ scoff嘲笑/ despise/ disdain/ slight/ snub
赞扬:名次praise=accolade赞美,奖项/approbation/ encomium/ eulogy/ panegyric/ plaudit/ tribute/ tribute用来表示赞美的行为或者发言
赞美:动词praise= acclaim/ applaud/ hail欢呼/ commend/ extol/ laud高度的,常常带有美化成分的赞美
谴责:condemn=censure/ denounce/ reprimand/ decry/ deprecate/ deplore叹惋/ lament 叹惋/ remonstrate争辩,申辩
责备:admonish/reproach/ reprove温和的责备
严厉责备:动词berate/ castigate/ chastise/ chide/ excoriate/ inveigh/ rail/ revile/ upbraid
contagion传染病瘟疫epidemic/ pandemic也有流行的意思/pestilence/plague
疾病:malady 瘴气:miasma比喻意为有害的气氛或者影响 灾患:scourge
不再害怕看到世界中心深处的毒气:unafraidto look deep into the miasma at the heart of the world.
有害的:harmful =deleterious/ detrimental/ noxious/ toxic/ virulent/ monstrous/ murderous
邪恶的:evil/ devil=cruel/ crude/ brutal/ wicked/ vicious/ malicious/ atrocious/ virulent/ venomous/ sinister/ hafarious/ vicious/ pernicious/ destructive/ detrimental
致命的:fatal/ lethal前两个并非贬义/ pernicious极其有害的
有益的:形容词:hygienic/sanitary 广义的卫生的/ salutary/wholesome有益身心的
有害的事物:bane致命的毒药 /blight植物的枯萎病/
损害:harm = blemish/deface/ disfigure/ eviscerate/ impair减损/main mutilate毁伤肢体/ mar/spoil破坏 demolish
有益的事物:antidote解毒药/ remedy药物:纠错/ panacea 万能良药 elixir 炼金药,万能药(有贬义含义)/ boon赐福blessing /tonic 补药
改善:improve =ameliorate/ amend/ 对法律的修改/rectify/ redress/
毁坏,毁灭:destroy/annihilate彻底消灭/exterminate终结/eliminate/ eradicate/ decimate/ demolish/ dismantle/ raze 彻底摧毁夷为平地/ devastate/ravage/ wreck遭受重创,严重破坏/ obliterate擦去/ pulverize 磨成粉末状/ subvert 颠覆
可怕的:awful =horrible/ terrible/ tragic/ wretched / dire
复苏,复兴 动词:revive=rejuvenate/ resurrect/ resuscitate/ revive
动荡的,混乱的 形容词:tumultuous/turbulent/
混乱:名词:chaos/confusion/ disorder / mayhem/ disarray/ havoc大面积的破坏-混乱pandemonium 撒旦居住的地方,比喻嘈杂,混乱的地方/ shambles废墟/ turmoil 混乱,动荡/ upheaval突发的巨变
灾难:calamity/cataclysm/ catastrophe
危险 名词:danger/hazard/ peril
危险的:hazardous/perilous/ precarious/ treacherous
危及:动词endanger/ compromise/ imperil/ jeopardize
保护:protect =safeguard
improve ameliorate better develop remedy revise enhance enrich upgrade
important significant consequential momentous considerable essential
valuable distinctive great weighty major serious grave vital capital
substantial material; 稍微扯得远一点的还有conspicuous striking prominent
eminent noticeable
correct rectify accurate precise proper undistorted right impeccable
increase rise extend magnify decrease reduce fall amplify aggrandize
elongate intensify enhance prolong strengthen curtail shrink terminate
lessen abate raise boost intense(intensify) expand augment enlarge diminish
dwindle(swindle是诈骗的意思) slump
justify warrant assert claim contend argue validate substantiate verify
accuse assign indict allege affirm
statement claim declaration assertion opinion belief view conviction
request demand needs requisition
to cancel; to revoke; to countermand; [Law] to rescind; to quash
to build up; to establish; to set up; to found; to take root; tostrike
to eliminate; to clear; to remove; to clear up; to take away; tosmooth
1.[Logic] inference; reasoning; deduction; ratiocination
2.to reason
3.to put two and two together
1.corresponding; relevant; relative; fitting; appropriate
2.accordingly; correspondingly; by the same token; in a corresponding way
3.to correspond to; to act in responses; to work in concert with;to
support each other
1.to lead to; to bring about (or on); to result in; to cause; to spark off;
to conduce to; to procure; to induce; to generate
a consequence; an aftermath; an outcome
to inspect; to check; to examine; to look over; to put to thetest; to keep
a check on
prize reward award grant assign confer(on) honor fame credit contribution
acknowledgement recognition
very strikingly greatly highly insatiably exceedingly dreadfully remarkably
drastically dramatically
sufficient adequate enough
present justify practicable hence consequently examination
accountable responsible
twist and turn 迂回曲折
might and main 尽全力
part and parcel 重要部分
safe and sound 安然无恙
spick and span 崭新的,极干净的
time and tide 岁月,时光
go to rack and ruin 陷于毁灭
slow and sure 慢而稳,稳妥
hale and hearty 老当益壮
chop and change 变幻莫测(尤指观点,计划等)
fair and foul 在任何情况下
weal and woe 福祸
sum and subs tance 主要情况,要点(尤指讲话的主要部分)
forgive and forget 不念旧恶
wax and wane (月的)盈亏圆缺;盛衰
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