- Full Set PIL OBL Surrendered and Consignee to take Delivery without presentation of Bill of Lading but againstTELEX RELEASE INSTRUCTION (这句啥意思)
To: The Owners and/or Agents and/or Charterers and /or Master of
M.V. “ “ Bill of Lading Number:
We hereby surrender full set (3/3) PIL OBL in concurrence for you to arrange this shipment to be released against Telex Release Instruction at Port of Discharge . We also confirmed receipt of full payment of Cargo Value (USD.00 ) from Cargo Receiver and agree to release cargo to 客户 against the Telex Release Instruction (TRI) without presentation of any document. (还有最后这句)
TELEX RELEASE INSTRUCTION 这个就是表示电放的哦,意思是客户只要有这个电放标识的提单就可以提货咯!不需要提交任何的文件证明,这种做法适用于预付款哦,收到钱之后这个就没所谓了,要是没收钱就另当别论了 你们盖章了就表示你们已经从收货人那收到了货款 同意此票货物电放给客户
加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
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