46B Documents required
1.signed commercial invoices dated on or before the transport document date in quadruplicate showing the CIF value.
invoice must show FOB price,freight,insurance premium separately and must certify that the goods are as per proforma invoice NO:
YL0528 dated 28/05/2011.
2.complete set of not less than 3 original / 3 non-negcotiable clean on borad marine bills of landing to order of standard chartered bank,
clombo 01 marked freight prepaid and notify applicant.
3.insurance policy or certificate,in duplicate endorsed in blank for 10 percent above the CIF value of the goods,covering all marine institute(cargo)
clauses(A) dated 01-01-82 and institute strikes clauses(cargo) dated 01-01-82 and institute war clauses (cargo) dated 01-01-82 in the currency of
the credit transhipment risks to be covered if transhipment effected.
4.packing list in 03 originals and 02 copies.
5.certificate of china origin in 01 original and 02 copies issued by entry and exit inspection and quarantine bureau.
6.certificate of analysis in 03 originals and 02 copies issued by manufacturer with certified english translation.
47B: Additional conditions
+ one additional copy of invoice is required to be presented together with the documents for issuing bank's retention.
+ reimbursement under this credit if available is subject to the version of the uniform rules for bank - to -bank reimbursements
under documentary credits,ICC,which are in effect on the date of issue,T.T.reimbursement is prohibited unless otherwise specially
1. a set of non negotiable copy documents to be couriered direct to applicant and beneficiary's certificate confirming the same
should accompany original documents.
2.all documents should bear a date on or after the date of establishment of the letter of credit.
3.all documents must state the letter of credit number,all parties to this transaction are advised that the U.S.and other covernment
and / or regulatory authorities impose specific sanctions against certain countries,entities and individuals,banks may be unable to process a transaction that involves a breach of sanctions,and authorities may require disclosure of information.SCB is not liable if it ,or any other person,falls or delays to perform the transaction,or discloses information as a result of actual or apparent breach of such sanctions.
46B Documents required
1.signed commercial invoices dated on or before the transport document date in quadruplicate showing the CIF value.
invoice must show FOB price,freight,insurance premium separately and must certify that the goods are as per proforma invoice NO:
YL0528 dated 28/05/2011.
发票价格必须单独列出FOB价格,运费,保险费,并确认物权凭证与形式发票的号码YL0528和日期 28/05/2011相一致.
46B Documents required1.signed commercial invoices dated on or before the transport document date in quadruplicate showing the CIF value.invoice must show FOB price,freight,insurance premium separately and must certify that the goods are as per proforma invoice NO:YL0528 dated 28/05/2011.
46B 单据要求
2.complete set of not less than 3 original / 3 non-negcotiable clean on borad marine bills of landing to order of standard chartered bank,clombo 01 marked freight prepaid and notify applicant.
2.凭standard chartered bank 指定的不少于3份完整的原始不可转让清洁已装船提单,注明运费预付并且通知申请人。clombo 01 是社么我也不清楚。
3.insurance policy or certificate,in duplicate endorsed in blank for 10 percent above the CIF value of the goods,covering all marine institute(cargo)clauses(A) dated 01-01-82 and institute strikes clauses(cargo) dated 01-01-82 and institute war clauses (cargo) dated 01-01-82 in the currency ofthe credit transhipment risks to be covered if transhipment effected.3.保险单据,一式两份,在货物CIF价格基础上加10%,包括所有的海运险。
packing list in 03 originals and 02 copies.4装箱单,3份正本,2份副本5.certificate of china origin in 01 original and 02 copies issued by entry and exit inspection and quarantine bureau.5 由进出口检验检疫局出具的原产地证书1份正本,2份副本
6.certificate of analysis in 03 originals and 02 copies issued by manufacturer with certified english translation.5.6 由工厂出具的分析证明书并且附上注册的英文翻译,3份正本,2份副本,
2.complete set of not less than 3 original / 3 non-negcotiable clean on borad marine bills of landing to order of standard chartered bank,clombo 01 marked freight prepaid and notify applicant.
全套不少于3正+3份非议付副本已装船清洁提单,抬头为to order of standard chartered bank,clombo 01,标明运费预付,通知人为申请人。
3.insurance policy or certificate,in duplicate endorsed in blank for 10 percent above the CIF value of the goods,covering all marine institute(cargo)
clauses(A) dated 01-01-82 and institute strikes clauses(cargo) dated 01-01-82 and institute war clauses (cargo) dated 01-01-82 in the currency of
the credit transhipment risks to be covered if transhipment effected
保单一式两份,空白背书,CIF价加成10%投保,投保险别:all marine institute(cargo)
clauses(A) dated 01-01-82 and institute strikes clauses(cargo) dated 01-01-82 and institute war clauses (cargo) dated 01-01-82,如转运需投保转运险
47B: Additional conditions
+ one additional copy of invoice is required to be presented together with the documents for issuing bank's retention.
+ reimbursement under this credit if available is subject to the version of the uniform rules for bank - to -bank reimbursements
under documentary credits,ICC,which are in effect on the date of issue,T.T.reimbursement is prohibited unless otherwise specially
47B: Additional conditions+ one additional copy of invoice is required to be presented together with the documents for issuing bank's retention.+ reimbursement under this credit if available is subject to the version of the uniform rules for bank - to -bank reimbursementsunder documentary credits,ICC,which are in effect on the date of issue,T.T.reimbursement is prohibited unless otherwise speciallystipulated.47B 附加条款
本信用证下有效的赔偿根据本版本统一规则用于银行与银行之间的赔偿。1. a set of non negotiable copy documents to be couriered direct to applicant and beneficiary's certificate confirming the sameshould accompany original documents.1.确保直接寄给申请人的,和受益人提交的没有非议的一套单据副本相同,必须附上原件。2.all documents should bear a date on or after the date of establishment of the letter of credit.2.所有的单据日期必须在开证日期当日或者后面3.all documents must state the letter of credit number,all parties to this transaction are advised that the U.S.and other covernmentand / or regulatory authorities impose specific sanctions against certain countries,entities and individuals,banks may be unable to process a transaction that involves a breach of sanctions,and authorities may require disclosure of information.SCB is not liable if it ,or any other person,falls or delays to perform the transaction,or discloses information as a result of actual or apparent breach of such sanctions.
3.所有的单据必须注明信用证号码,所有这个交易的当事人必须指出 美国和其他政府,和/或者 法规机构强加特殊的制裁反对某一个国家,实体和个体,银行因为违背了其中一个制裁所以不能够进行交易,则当局可能需要公开申明SCB(渣打银行)没有任何责任,或者任何一个人,延误或者不能完成交易,则需要公开申明实际的或者明显的违背了制裁的这种信息。
3.all documents must state the letter of credit number,all parties to this transaction are advised that the U.S.and other covernment
and / or regulatory authorities impose specific sanctions against certain countries,entities and individuals,banks may be unable to process a transaction that involves a breach of sanctions,and authorities may require disclosure of information.SCB is not liable if it ,or any other person,falls or delays to perform the transaction,or discloses information as a result of actual or apparent breach of such sanctions.
加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
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