

This Week's Tip:
Others Just Like You Show
Success With This


I almost fell off the elliptical machine
at the gym, laughing this morning while
watching the news.

People apparently were lined up all night
long, all over the country to get one of
the first copies of--get this--the VIDEO
GAME, "Grand Theft Auto." I guess there is
even a simulated hooker in it. That's about
as close as many of these geeks will get to...
Oh never mind.

These people are too easy of target to
pick on. How many different ways can you
say "LOSER"?

I wonder how many of these same people have
ever waited in line at, or even been in
a bookstore.

Also wonder what their ratio of time and
money invested in video games is compared
to what they do for their own physical,  
intellectual, and career self-improvement.

It's no secret that the most successful
people in any area are those that invest
in themselves.

Jim Rohn says that "Poor people have big
TV's. Rich people have big libraries."

In the biography of Harry Houdini, the
author writes that Houdini needed many moving
vans for his library of books when he moved
into a new home. He was one of the greatest
magicians of all time, and not coincidentally,
one of the greatest students.

And one characteristic I've seen in all of
the most successful, and wealthy sales reps I've
been around over the past 25 years is the
appetite for information, and the desire to
always get better.

Conversely, I just shake my head at those
that say, "I've been in sales x number of
years. I'm experienced. I've had training."

Kind of like, "Yeah, I had the measles. I
won't get that again."

Personally, I probably have more books on
sales, communication, self-motivation, and
marketing than 99.9% of the population. Wall-to-
wall libraries in one main office and two
home offices. I admit, I'm a compulsive
book and information buyer, and always
realize there is so much more to learn.

Any time I read or hear about a book that
will help me, or you, I immediately go to
amazon.com. And that is what this Tip is
about today: how Amazon use that cool technique
of giving you other choices of books based
on the one you look at or purchase.

I always impulse-buy a few other titles because
of this headline screaming at me:

"Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought..."

From a sales and psychological perspective this
is brilliant for two reasons. Two reasons you
can use as well to make more sales.

"Social Proof"
In his must-have book for anyone in persuasion,
"Influence: Science and Practice," Dr. Robert
Cialdini discusses the principle of Social Proof.
He says, "95 percent of people are imitators and
only 5 percent initiators, so people are persuaded
more by the actions of others than by any proof
we can offer."

What this means is that if someone else has done
it or said it, it carries more credibility than if
we say it.

So, if other people liked this book that I'm buying,
they are probably like me, know something about these
other books, so I guess I should as well.

When you want to make a claim about the value of your
product or service, giving examples of the experiences,
or better yet, the exact words of others carries
tremendous weight.

The "People are Interested in Other People" Principle
I don't have any psychological studies or scientific
textbooks to prove this point. Just my own observations
and experience. You could also call it the "People
Magazine" theory. Or the "Reality TV Rule."

Bottom line, people get obsessed with the lives of
others. Why, otherwise, is there a long-running TV
show where the premise is watching a bunch of people
live in a house together? Why are there TV shows and
magazines devoted to what "celebrities" do, wear, and
where they go?

Well, tweaking this a bit for our sales purposes, I believe
that in business, we are interested in what others who
are similar to us, say and do.

OK, so how do we use these two principles in sales?

First, you can use a version of the Amazon.com technique
on opening statements to calls to regular customers.

This type of call, by the way, is often mishandled,
often started out with something lame like, "Well, I
was checking in with you," or, "Hadn't talked in a while
and thought I'd touch base to see how you are doing."

No value there. Instead, use something like,

"Mike, I've been studying what you have been purchasing
from us over the past couple of years--and thank you by
the way for the opportunity to work with you--and I'd
like to run something by you that others in your situation
really have taken advantage of with us."

Or, "Pam, thanks for your recent order of the X84
hair removal appliances. I was talking to another store
owner whose shop is exactly the same size as yours in a
similar market, and he told me about something he's doing
in combination with those products that has really
exploded his sales."

And in the recommendation phase of the call you can use
these principles and techniques as simply as,

"I was just talking to another defense attorney who has
the same challenge that you're running into, and here's
how we were able to help him..."

"We've worked with 12 other similar accounting firms
specializing in audit work, helping them cut down their
duplication of paperwork and increase their billings,
ranging from 10% to 40%."

Think of the ways you can use Social Proof and the
People Principle to make your own openings, and
other parts of your message more interesting, and

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he
thinks he already knows."

Go and have your best week ever!


[ 本帖最后由 tinalijing 于 2008-5-5 10:44 编辑 ]



第一期,08-01-11:你想成为富翁吗? (批改参考见23、24楼)
第二期,08-01-23:每天你都在应试找工作 (批改参考见6、7楼)
第三期,08-01-25:2008年开门红:轻松销售 (批改参考见12楼)
第四期:08-02-01:客户喜爱你,他们就会给你金钱 (批改参考见10、11楼)
第五期:08-02-07:名人也曾经失败过 (批改参考见10楼)
第六期:08-02-16:不要把利润白白送走 (批改参考见5楼)
第七期:08-02-21:真诚地说:你好吗? (批改参考见8楼)
第八期:08-02-29:你以为你已经有确定的潜在客户了吗? (批改参考见5楼)
第十三期:08-04-07:超级推销明星的惊人技巧 (批改参考见6、7楼)



谢谢各位的参与。坚持实践,必有成效。若您有任何意见或建议,或者您需要进一步的英语学习资料和我的英语教学咨询,请发站内短信或直接进入我的QQ 416503427。

[ 本帖最后由 bruce1 于 2008-5-5 20:01 编辑 ]

This Week's Tip:
Others Just Like You Show
Success With This
I almost fell off the elliptical machine
at the gym, laughing this morning while
watching the news.
People  were lined up all night
long, all over the country to get one of
the first copies of--get this--the VIDEO
GAME, "Grand Theft Auto." I guess there is
even a simulated hooker in it. That's about
as close as many of these geeks will get to...
Oh never mind.
人们似乎彻夜排队,从全国各地奔赴而来,为了得到一份首次拷贝的计算机游戏,“侠盗车手” 我猜想甚至有伪装的妓女在里面,尽可能地靠近这些畸形人以去获取。。。 噢,难以想像。
These people are too easy of target to
pick on. How many different ways can you
say "LOSER"?
I wonder how many of these same people have
ever waited in line at, or even been in
a bookstore.
Also wonder what their ratio of time and
money invested in video games is compared
to what they do for their own physical,  
intellectual, and career self-improvement.
It's no secret that the most successful
people in any area are those that invest
in themselves.
Jim Rohn says that "Poor people have big
TV's. Rich people have big libraries."
In the biography of Harry Houdini, the
author writes that Houdini needed many moving
vans for his library of books when he moved
into a new home. He was one of the greatest
magicians of all time, and not coincidentally,
one of the greatest students.
霍迪尼. 哈里斯的传记里,作者写道,当他搬新家时,需要许多车辆来运送图书室里的书。他一直是最杰出的魔术师之一,同时又是最出色的学生之一。
And one characteristic I've seen in all of
the most successful, and wealthy sales reps I've
been around over the past 25 years is the
appetite for information, and the desire to
always get better.
Conversely, I just shake my head at those
that say, "I've been in sales x number of
years. I'm experienced. I've had training."
Kind of like, "Yeah, I had the measles. I
won't get that again."
Personally, I probably have more books on
sales, communication, self-motivation, and
marketing than 99.9% of the population. Wall-to-
wall libraries in one main office and two
home offices. I admit, I'm a compulsive
book and information buyer, and always
realize there is so much more to learn.
Any time I read or hear about a book that
will help me, or you, I immediately go to
amazon.com. And that is what this Tip is
about today: how Amazon use that cool technique
of giving you other choices of books based
on the one you look at or purchase.
有时候我读到或听说一本书可能会帮助我,或者是你,我会马上去女战士 网,那就是今天的话题:女战士 怎样使用超酷技巧,在你寻找或购买的那本基础上,给你其它书的选择
I always impulse-buy a few other titles because
of this headline screaming at me:
"Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought..."
From a sales and psychological perspective this
is brilliant for two reasons. Two reasons you
can use as well to make more sales.
"Social Proof"
In his must-have book for anyone in persuasion,
"Influence: Science and Practice," Dr. Robert
Cialdini discusses the principle of Social Proof.
He says, "95 percent of people are imitators and
only 5 percent initiators, so people are persuaded
more by the actions of others than by any proof
we can offer."
在他的必读书中,这样说服人们:“影响力:科学和习惯” Robert Cialdini博士讲论了社会证据的原则,他说“95%的人是模访者,只有5%的人是创始者,因此,较之我们能提供的证据,人们更容易审美观点其他人的行为说服。
What this means is that if someone else has done
it or said it, it carries more credibility than if
we say it.
So, if other people liked this book that I'm buying,
they are probably like me, know something about these
other books, so I guess I should as well.
When you want to make a claim about the value of your
product or service, giving examples of the experiences,
or better yet, the exact words of others carries
tremendous weight.

The "People are Interested in Other People" Principle
I don't have any psychological studies or scientific
textbooks to prove this point. Just my own observations
and experience. You could also call it the "People
Magazine" theory. Or the "Reality TV Rule."
Bottom line, people get obsessed with the lives of
others. Why, otherwise, is there a long-running TV
show where the premise is watching a bunch of people
live in a house together? Why are there TV shows and
magazines devoted to what "celebrities" do, wear, and
where they go?
Well, tweaking this a bit for our sales purposes, I believe
that in business, we are interested in what others who
are similar to us, say and do.
OK, so how do we use these two principles in sales?
First, you can use a version of the Amazon.com technique
on opening statements to calls to regular customers.
第一,你可以在打电话给正规顾客的开场白中使用女战士 网的技巧版本,
This type of call, by the way, is often mishandled,
often started out with something lame like, "Well, I
was checking in with you," or, "Hadn't talked in a while
and thought I'd touch base to see how you are doing."
No value there. Instead, use something like,
没有价值 ,相反,用下面这些
"Mike, I've been studying what you have been purchasing
from us over the past couple of years--and thank you by
the way for the opportunity to work with you--and I'd
like to run something by you that others in your situation
really have taken advantage of with us."
Or, "Pam, thanks for your recent order of the X84
hair removal appliances. I was talking to another store
owner whose shop is exactly the same size as yours in a
similar market, and he told me about something he's doing
in combination with those products that has really
exploded his sales."
And in the recommendation phase of the call you can use
these principles and techniques as simply as,
"I was just talking to another defense attorney who has
the same challenge that you're running into, and here's
how we were able to help him..."
"We've worked with 12 other similar accounting firms
specializing in audit work, helping them cut down their
duplication of paperwork and increase their billings,
ranging from 10% to 40%."
Think of the ways you can use Social Proof and the
People Principle to make your own openings, and
other parts of your message more interesting, and
"It is impossible for a man to learn what he
thinks he already knows."

This Week's Tip:
Others Just Like You Show
Success With This


I almost fell off the elliptical machine
at the gym, laughing this morning while
watching the news.

People  were lined up all night
long, all over the country to get one of
the first copies of--get this--the VIDEO
GAME, "Grand Theft Auto." I guess there is
even a simulated hooker in it. That's about
as close as many of these geeks will get to...
Oh never mind.
人们似乎彻夜排队,从全国各地奔赴而来,为了得到一份首次拷贝的计算机游戏,“侠盗车手” 我猜想甚至有伪装的妓女在里面,尽可能地靠近这些畸形人以去获取。。。 噢,难以想像。

These people are too easy of target to
pick on. How many different ways can you
say "LOSER"?

I wonder how many of these same people have
ever waited in line at, or even been in
a bookstore.

Also wonder what their ratio of time and
money invested in video games is compared
to what they do for their own physical,  
intellectual, and career self-improvement.

It's no secret that the most successful
people in any area are those that invest
in themselves.

Jim Rohn says that "Poor people have big
TV's. Rich people have big libraries."

In the biography of Harry Houdini, the
author writes that Houdini needed many moving
vans for his library of books when he moved
into a new home. He was one of the greatest
magicians of all time, and not coincidentally,
one of the greatest students.
霍迪尼. 哈里斯的传记里,作者写道,当他搬新家时,需要许多车辆来运送图书室里的书。他一直是最杰出的魔术师之一,同时又是最出色的学生之一。

And one characteristic I've seen in all of
the most successful, and wealthy sales reps I've
been around over the past 25 years is the
appetite for information, and the desire to
always get better.

Conversely, I just shake my head at those
that say, "I've been in sales x number of
years. I'm experienced. I've had training."

Kind of like, "Yeah, I had the measles. I
won't get that again."

Personally, I probably have more books on
sales, communication, self-motivation, and
marketing than 99.9% of the population. Wall-to-
wall libraries in one main office and two
home offices. I admit, I'm a compulsive
book and information buyer, and always
realize there is so much more to learn.

Any time I read or hear about a book that
will help me, or you, I immediately go to
amazon.com. And that is what this Tip is
about today: how Amazon use that cool technique
of giving you other choices of books based
on the one you look at or purchase.
有时候我读到或听说一本书可能会帮助我,或者是你,我会马上去女战士 网,那就是今天的话题:女战士 怎样使用超酷技巧,在你寻找或购买的那本基础上,给你其它书的选择

I always impulse-buy a few other titles because
of this headline screaming at me:

"Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought..."

From a sales and psychological perspective this
is brilliant for two reasons. Two reasons you
can use as well to make more sales.

"Social Proof"
In his must-have book for anyone in persuasion,
"Influence: Science and Practice," Dr. Robert
Cialdini discusses the principle of Social Proof.
He says, "95 percent of people are imitators and
only 5 percent initiators, so people are persuaded
more by the actions of others than by any proof
we can offer."
在他的必读书中,这样说服人们:“影响力:科学和习惯” Robert Cialdini博士讲论了社会证据的原则,他说“95%的人是模访者,只有5%的人是创始者,因此,较之我们能提供的证据,人们更容易审美观点其他人的行为说服。
Social Proof 社会验证、社会认可、社会认同

What this means is that if someone else has done
it or said it, it carries more credibility than if
we say it.

[ 本帖最后由 bruce1 于 2008-5-10 20:33 编辑 ]

So, if other people liked this book that I'm buying,
they are probably like me, know something about these
other books, so I guess I should as well.

When you want to make a claim about the value of your
product or service, giving examples of the experiences,
or better yet, the exact words of others carries
tremendous weight.

The "People are Interested in Other People" Principle
I don't have any psychological studies or scientific
textbooks to prove this point. Just my own observations
and experience. You could also call it the "People
Magazine" theory. Or the "Reality TV Rule."

Bottom line, people get obsessed with the lives of
others. Why, otherwise, is there a long-running TV
show where the premise is watching a bunch of people
live in a house together? Why are there TV shows and
magazines devoted to what "celebrities" do, wear, and
where they go?
get obsessed with 沉迷于

Well, tweaking this a bit for our sales purposes, I believe
that in business, we are interested in what others who
are similar to us, say and do.

OK, so how do we use these two principles in sales?

First, you can use a version of the Amazon.com technique
on opening statements to calls to regular customers.
第一,你可以在打电话给正规顾客的开场白中使用女战士 网的技巧版本,

This type of call, by the way, is often mishandled,
often started out with something lame like, "Well, I
was checking in with you," or, "Hadn't talked in a while
and thought I'd touch base to see how you are doing."

No value there. Instead, use something like,
没有价值 ,相反,用下面这些

"Mike, I've been studying what you have been purchasing
from us over the past couple of years--and thank you by
the way for the opportunity to work with you--and I'd
like to run something by you that others in your situation
really have taken advantage of with us."
“马克,我研究了你过去两年里从我们这里采购的产品 -- 当然顺便说一声感谢你让我们为你服务 -- 我现在想为你展示一些东西。别人在与你相似的情况下,这些(产品)已经获得了巨大的效益。”

Or, "Pam, thanks for your recent order of the X84
hair removal appliances. I was talking to another store
owner whose shop is exactly the same size as yours in a
similar market, and he told me about something he's doing
in combination with those products that has really
exploded his sales."

And in the recommendation phase of the call you can use
these principles and techniques as simply as,

"I was just talking to another defense attorney who has
the same challenge that you're running into, and here's
how we were able to help him..."

"We've worked with 12 other similar accounting firms
specializing in audit work, helping them cut down their
duplication of paperwork and increase their billings,
ranging from 10% to 40%."

Think of the ways you can use Social Proof and the
People Principle to make your own openings, and
other parts of your message more interesting, and
"It is impossible for a man to learn what he
thinks he already knows."

[ 本帖最后由 bruce1 于 2008-5-10 20:37 编辑 ]

:) ,高人啊。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。




本周忙,绝对不是借口。I will back next two week.


加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
  ·新西兰新闻 护士被刀刺、被勒晕…新西兰护士工会正寻求穿防刺背心上班
·新西兰新闻 最后7天!新西兰警方10万纽币悬赏令即将到期



加拿大贸易当月销项-进项=-6万元,当月FOB总价*退税税率为10万元,那么当月可退税是6万元,免抵4万元 请问:这免抵的4万是不是要留到下期再进行抵扣????? 评论 这个问题问财务了。 评论 ...


加拿大电商EN10204-3.1 材质报告

加拿大贸易路过的前辈们有没有知道EN10204-3.1证书的? 我的客户现在要求材质报告上要注明EN10204-3.1字样,但是原厂的材质报告几乎没有这个字样。国内的大厂,基本上通过了各种认证,是不是他们 ...



加拿大贸易本人4个月换了3份工作,现在这份工作月底又要换工作了。我就说说我都遇到过哪些坑和哪些坑人的公司。 算算,去年毕业到现在有一年了。大学毕业就跑市场,自己创业,结果被现实 ...



加拿大贸易刚接触公司的地板产品,前辈却告诉我,目前最大的问题是除非是大公司订购,否则高昂的运费白搭。今天带我的前辈给我算了一下运费,都一万八了都。而且说订舱也订不到。那我来 ...