

Epidemic Condition. An Epidemic Condition exists when failure reports or statistical testing show that five percent (5%) or more of the same product shipped during any one month contain an identical, repetitive defect in Seller’s supplied material and/or workmanship. If during that warranty period the products show evidence of an Epidemic Condition, Buyer shall have the right, pending correction of the Epidemic Condition, to: (a) Claim either repair and/or replace of the affected Products; or (b) Claim a credit or payment (indemnification) to Seller in an amount equal to the cost to Buyer for qualified, replacement products acceptable to Buyer; or (c) Claim from Seller to be liable for (i) all labor, equipment and processing costs reasonably incurred by Buyer or third parties in the implementation of the corrective action program, including test procedures, test equipment, the testing of products, the cost of repairing and/or replacing the affected products; and (ii) reasonable freight, transportation, customs, duties, insurance, storage, handling and other incidental shipping costs incurred by Buyer in connection with the repair and/or replacement of the affected products. For the avoidance of doubt, the costs borne by either party within an agreed corrective action program shall not be considered incidental under this Contract.

Epidemic Condition. An Epidemic Condition exists when failure reports or statistical testing show that five percent (5%) or more of the same product shipped during any one month contain an identical, repetitive defect in Seller’s supplied material and/or workmanship. 传染性情况。当失效报告或统计测试显示在任一个月份出运的货物有5%或超过5%以上,在卖方提供的材料和/或工艺中包括一个相同的,重复的缺陷,即可认为传染性情况存在。

If during that warranty period the products show evidence of an Epidemic Condition, Buyer shall have the right, pending correction of the Epidemic Condition, 如果在质保期内,有证据表明产品出现在传柒性情况,买方有权力,根椐传柒性情况的校正情况。

to: (a) Claim either repair and/or replace of the affected Products; or (b) Claim a credit or payment (indemnification) to Seller in an amount equal to the cost to Buyer for qualified, replacement products acceptable to Buyer;


or (c) Claim from Seller to be liable for (i) all labor, equipment and processing costs reasonably incurred by Buyer or third parties in the implementation of the corrective action program, including test procedures, test equipment, the testing of products, the cost of repairing and/or replacing the affected products; and (ii) reasonable freight, transportation, customs, duties, insurance, storage, handling and other incidental shipping costs incurred by Buyer in connection with the repair and/or replacement of the affected products. For the avoidance of doubt, the costs borne by either party within an agreed corrective action program shall not be considered incidental under this Contract.

加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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加拿大电商EN10204-3.1 材质报告

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加拿大贸易刚接触公司的地板产品,前辈却告诉我,目前最大的问题是除非是大公司订购,否则高昂的运费白搭。今天带我的前辈给我算了一下运费,都一万八了都。而且说订舱也订不到。那我来 ...