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Congruent respect
Congruent appraisal respect and recognition respect have rather obvious effects: combined high levels of both appraisal respect and recognition respect support self-esteem and have positive outcomes, and low levels of both reduce feelings of self-worth that have negative health and commitment effects. High levels of both respect types positively affect individual outcomes of investment in the organization because both self-esteem types are supported, driving people toward investing in the enterprise. People experiencing little of either respect type may feel worthless because they gather esteem neither from the environment, the work itself, nor the interpersonal treatment from their colleagues. Being low in both respect types has the worst individual outcomes, and is likely to have a series of negative effects based on eroding self-esteem, including low commitment to the work and to the organization and a higher likelihood ofdeparting the organization compared to the other conditions (Aquino et al., 1999; Brockner, 1988; Tepper, 2000; Tepper et al., 2009). In this case there is virtually no reason to commit to the organization or work group and people are unlikely to stay if they have alternatives
Self-verification theory explains how people populate the congruent positive and negative quadrants of Figure 1 (Swann et al., 2008). This theory states that people low in self-esteem seek situations that support low feelings of self-worth and that people high in self-esteem seek the opposite. Therefore, people high in self-esteem may seek out and prosper in the positive quadrant where people are praised for good performance, as well as generally treated positively. In contrast, people low in self-esteem may seek the negative situation in which people are mistreated and receive little recognition for their efforts. Self-verification theory has received empirical support from studies of romantic partners in which those low in self-esteem seek abusive partners (Swann et al., 1994). In the workplace setting, Wiesenfeld and colleagues (2007) found that those low in self-esteem felt like they deserved the poor treatment, but those who were high in self-esteem withdrew their commitment to the organization when they felt as though they were treated unfairly.

自我确证理论可以解释人们如何填充的积极和消极的象限图1(斯万et al .,2008)。这一理论指出,自尊低的人寻求情况支持低自我价值感的氛围当中,人们高自尊寻求相反。因此,高自尊的人会寻找和发展积极的象限,人们称赞的良好的性能,以及一般积极治疗。相比之下,自尊低的人可能会寻求负面情况人们虐待和接收小识别他们的努力。自我确证理论得到了实证研究的支持那些低自尊的浪漫伙伴寻找的合作伙伴(斯万et al .,1994)。在工作场所设置,Wiesenfeld和同事(2007)发现,低自尊的感觉


这老外老板太有意思了吧  让你翻译短文
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