


Executive Summary

The purpose of this report was to analyse how ‘Ear-it’ sell their products into Chinese market. This report has considered which of the three key products should the company sell in China and why  
The purpose of this report was to analyse (这个地方是写report的目的)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. This report has considered (这个地方是写the procedures followed, 即你具体调查了这个公司的哪些方面)____________________________________________________________________________________________________
这个段落是写the main findings 和conclusions
After taking_________ into consideration, it is recommended that (这里是简要写你的最后recommendation的要点,注意不用太具体)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

“Ear-it” is a leading manufacturer which produces personal headphones and related accessories for exporting. The company is owned by South-Korean and its factories are based in Zhejiang province in China for many years. Now
“Ear-it” wants to begin selling their headphones in China.
“Ear-it” produces a range of very high quality and fashionable earphones all under the company brands. The products are in-ear headphones, large size over-head headphones and medium size over-head headphones.
This report was divided into four parts, the first part is to introduce the products of ‘Ear-it’. The second part is the analysis of Chinese headphone market. The third part is the market segments of the company. Next part is the market strategic for the company and the last part is the conclusion and the recommend.

1. The products of ‘Ear-it’
   1.1 Three types of headphones
       . There are three different headphones want to be sold in Chinese market, the first product is in-ear headphones which have various colors and patterned design. The second product is the large size over-head headphones designed for the professional music industry.The last product is medium size over-head headphones which have  five colors and style available.
   1.2 In-ear headphone
       . This In-ear headphone has the advantage of 22 kinds of color and styles available for customer to choose and the prices are very competitive.The disadvantage of in-ear headphones is the quality worse than the other two products.

1.3 Large size over-headphones
   . the large size over-head headphones have the best and professionalism quality, but the cost of this product is too high so the price of this product is expensive.

1.4 Medium size over-headphones
   . Medium size over-headphones is the best type to enter into Chinese market. There are several advantages of this type, first of all, this type of headphone is the most popular types than in-ear and large size over-headphones. Next, people will pay more attention of the medium size over-headphones because the market share of this type occupy the highest proportion than other styles. The last one is this type have high market demand.()

2. Chinese headphone market
2.1 Reasons
     . Firstly, according to the analysis of headphone market, the 图表shows that nowadays in Chinese headphone market, the foreign brands master the big market.
        Secondly, in different kinds of headphones style, the attention of over-head headphones occupy the highest proportion than other style. The attention of proportion reached 54.3%.(Yang, 2013)

      . The consumer group of “Ear-it” s products are young person. So this is a big market of the company’s products. In terms of the attention of headphone style, choose the medium size over-head headphones to sell in China can increase the profit.

   2.3 Chinese headphone market analysis
     . With a continually growing product output, the Chinese earphone and headphone industry has enjoyed rapid development since 2008.  Chinese national industrial policy encourages the earphone and headphone industry as the country hopes to increase the usage of hi-tech products. People pay more and more attention to the earphone and headphone industry, the market demand is increases everyday (Daxueconsulting.com, 2012). In 2010, domestic sales of headphones are up to 750 million, sales reached 5.85 billion yuan. In 2011, the national market sales headphone 800 million, the sales reached 6.11 billion yuan (Docin. Com, 2010).

  2.4 Competition
   . There are many headphone brands in Chinese, the main competition of  ‘Ear-it’ is Sennheiser. Sennheriser is also a foreign brand. But the price of  Sennheriser’s products is too high. And now many person do not have fixed brands to buy headphones, so ‘Ear-it’ have opportunity to build the loyalty index of its brands to its customers (Yang, 2013).

3. Market segments
   3.1 Demographic
      . ‘Ear-it’ products target customers are the young person from aged 18 to 25 years old who like fashion style and with a passion for music and trend setting. These kind of person has stable income and focus on high quality music devices. The characteristic of this group have highly educated and have high consumption. They have young mind and a higher level of appreciation.
   3.2 Behavioral Segmentation
      . The young person which aged from18 to 25 like surf the Internet. They spend most of their time on the Internet. They will shop on the Internet because shopping on the Internet is very convenience and it will cheaper than shopping in a shop. These kind of people will buy many handheld entertainment devices, such as PSP, MP3 and laptop         (Docin.com, 2010).

   3.3 Geographic Segmentation
     ‘Ear-it’ has been operating in China for many years, and its factories are based in Zhejiang province - an area in China with a large commercial.       Zhejiang ......

4. Market strategic for ‘Ear-it’
4.1 Have company’s own website
   • Build a own company’s website can help the company promote the corporate  image, spread more information of the company in the website and increase the company’s visibility.

  4.2 E-mail advertising
   • Email marketing occurs when a company sends a commercial message to a group of people by use of electronic email. E-mail advertising have low cost and the content of the advertising is not restricted.

  4.3 Buy Online Advertising
   • Online advertising is a marketing strategy that involves the use of the Internet as a medium to obtain website traffic and target and deliver marketing messages to the right customers.

    After investigating..., it was found that
    It is important to consider

1. Have own company’s website
  ‘Ear-it’ can through build its own website to create awareness of the company and sell the products to the customers. So that the customer can easily to research the information of the company and products as well as buy the products on the Internet.

2. E-mail advertising
‘Ear-it’ can send specific advertising by e-mail to a specific user or a specific user group. For example, the company can collaborate with 腾讯qq and then send the qq e-mail to the user. This kind of advertising have strong pertinence, wide     spread and can spread a mount of information of the company.

3. Buy Online Advertising
    ‘Ear-it’ can collaborate with some popular and famous website,for instance the company can cooperate with Sina. And then buy the banner advertising of Sina or others famous website. The company can also make     a especial video advertising and put it before a video play of some website such as 优酷 土豆网


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