9.2 收到船厂汇总意见10天内向船东2份,船厂4份,设计院2份提供正式工作图。9.3 完工图/Final drawing
9.4 每船提供完工图6份,包括中英文使用说明书,操作手册,零部件手册及提供6张CD盘的完工文件
10、 提供2次总共10天的现场调试服务
11、 质量保证:交船后12个月
12、 按照CCS要求试验并递交车间报告和柴油机、发电机、机组的证书,一正三副
13、 提供CCS签发的柴油机NOx排放符合IMO要求的EIAPP证书,一正三副
14、 机组运行一年所需要的备件清单,参考附页三
9.2 收到船厂汇总意见10天内向船东2份,船厂4份,设计院2份提供正式工作图。Official working drawings must be provided within 10 days after receiving summary report from the ship maker. Two copies for the ship owner, four for the maker and two for the design institution.
9.3 完工图 Work-completion drawing
9.4 每船提供完工图6份,包括中英文使用说明书,操作手册,零部件手册及提供6张CD盘的完工文件 Six copies of work-completion drawing (each ship) must be provide, inclusive of bilingual instruction paper in both Chinese and English languages, Operation manual, fitting parts book as well as six hard disks containing the work-completion files.
10、 提供2次总共10天的现场调试服务 Two-time (total 10 days) on-site commissioning service will be provided.
11、 质量保证:交船后12个月 Quality warranty: 12 months after delivery of the ship.
12、 按照CCS要求试验并递交车间报告和柴油机、发电机、机组的证书,一正三副Test should be in accordance with CCS requirements and workshop inspection report should be provided. Certificates of diesel engine, motor and the machine assemblies are also required (1 origin, 3 duplicates)
13、 提供CCS签发的柴油机NOx排放符合IMO要求的EIAPP证书,一正三副 EIAPP certificate in accordance with CCS concerning the NOX dischargement to meet IMO specifications is required (one origin, three duplicates)
14、 机组运行一年所需要的备件清单,参考附页三 A list of spare parts for a whole-year machine assembly operation, refer to appendix 3.
加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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