

Noted your message with thanks and to clarify that we obligated to support the quotation to the customer with the documents they are asking in their project requirements and these are listed below for your guidance:-

Quotation supporting requirements:-

• Technical leaflets, catalogue or prospectuses, showing that the manufacturer is familiar with required items and that offered shall comply with those standards and rest quality requirements.

• A declaration / statement (as enclosed form) where it would be indicated the company/manufacturer structure, the range of activities, the products, the premises and equipment/machinery, etc.

• A statement from the factory / supplier that similar goods to those required are already been exported into other European Community countries (as attached copy).

• Copy of a valid ISO 9001:2008 or 9002 quality assurance certificate (or equivalent), where it would be mentioned the goods to be provided (or their general description).

• The precautions and ways that the manufacturer is undertaking as to secure the quality and follow the requirements of 76/769 EEC Directive (copy of Oeko-Tex 100, or copies  testing reports).   

• Copies of testing reports issued for similar required items, where it would be shown the compliance to those standards required by the customer.

• The attached form of “REFERENCE” fully completed.

• The attached “Letter of Intent”, fully stamped and signed (having the manufacturer’s stamp – signature), along with the rest attached form of documents.

• A declaration / statement that offered articles are not with any government subsidization and no antidumping fees are applied. For this purpose the supplier should be clearly indicating the offered articles HS Code number for Customs purposes.

• All technical and specification requirements pages (meaning page 3 to 9) shall bear the manufacturer’s rubber stamp and hand signature, confirming the fully understanding of customer’s listed requirements.


All documents that shall be prepared by the manufacturer should be printed under their official letter head with full contact information and bear their rubber stamp and hand signature as to be considered “valid” from the customer.

Awaiting your early reply and further consideration.

[ 本帖最后由 四色依米 于 2013-9-13 22:19 编辑 ]

Noted your message with thanks and to clarify that we obligated to support the quotation to the customer with the documents they are asking in their project requirements and these are listed below for your guidance:-
我们已经看到的你的信息,谢谢!澄清一下,我们需要向客户提供他们项目所要求报价单和文件,清单如下uotation supporting requirements:-
报价配套文件:• Technical leaflets, catalogue or prospectuses, showing that the manufacturer is familiar with required items and that offered shall comply with those standards and rest quality requirements.
技术小册子,目录或说明书,显示制商商熟悉所要求的产品,提供的产品符合相关标准和质量要求。• A declaration / statement (as enclosed form) where it would be indicated the company/manufacturer structure, the range of activities, the products, the premises and equipment/machinery, etc.
一份申明/说明(如附件格式),注明公司/制造商的组织结构,营业范围,产品,厂房和设备/机械情况,等等。• A statement from the factory / supplier that similar goods to those required are already been exported into other European Community countries (as attached copy).
一份工厂/供应商的申明,说明和所需要的类似的产品已经出口过欧盟其他的国家。(如附件拷贝)。• Copy of a valid ISO 9001:2008 or 9002 quality assurance certificate (or equivalent), where it would be mentioned the goods to be provided (or their general description).
有效的ISO9001:2008或9002质量体系的拷贝(或其他同等证书)。上面注明提供的产品(或其他通用描述).• The precautions and ways that the manufacturer is undertaking as to secure the quality and follow the requirements of 76/769 EEC Directive (copy of Oeko-Tex 100, or copies  testing reports).
制造商为了确保品质所采取的谨慎措拖或办法, 品质符合76/769 EEC指令的要求(Oeko-Tex 100的拷贝,或测试报告拷贝)。

Copies of testing reports issued for similar required items, where it would be shown the compliance to those standards required by the customer. 相似产品所签发的测试报告拷贝,注明品质标准符合客户的要求。• The attached form of “REFERENCE” fully completed.
所附件的“reference参考“表格填写完整。• The attached “Letter of Intent”, fully stamped and signed (having the manufacturer’s stamp – signature), along with the rest attached form of documents.
所附件“Letter of Intent意向书”,全部盖章和签写(制造商盖章和签字),随附单据表格。• A declaration / statement that offered articles are not with any government subsidization and no antidumping fees are applied. For this purpose the supplier should be clearly indicating the offered articles HS Code number for Customs purposes.
一份申明/说明,申明所提供的产品没有受到政府补贴,不适用反倾销税。就此,供应商应该明确注明所提供产品的海关用HS编码。• All technical and specification requirements pages (meaning page 3 to 9) shall bear the manufacturer’s rubber stamp and hand signature, confirming the fully understanding of customer’s listed requirements.
所有的技术和规格要求页面上(第3-9页)应该盖有制造商的橡皮章和手写签名,确认已经完全理解客户所列出的要求。IMPORTANT NOTE重要注释All documents that shall be prepared by the manufacturer should be printed under their official letter head with full contact information and bear their rubber stamp and hand signature as to be considered “valid” from the customer.
客户只将那些所有的由制造商准备的,用制造商的抬头纸打印的,注明完整的联系信息的,盖有制造商的橡皮章和手写签名的单据视为“有效”Awaiting your early reply and further consideration.


顶 楼上的这兄弟太够意思了,这么长 这么详细的翻译,




你这这么长  看着头就大了。谷歌下  再修改吧



Hola Master,soy estudiante de espanol 。


嗯 谢谢啦~  你们都好厉害吖  我还在摸爬滚打阶段   接下来想去广交会锻炼一下自己  不过对于陪同翻译我还没有任何经验  求教大侠

加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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