加拿大进出口外贸Bangladesh Customsimplement ASYCUDA WORLD Manifest System


Bangladesh Customs has decided to implement ASYCUDA WORLD Manifest System. To facilitate smooth system transition and ensure better data quality management, Customs is going make it compulsory to mention BIN/AIN number in the BL. On top of that, Customs has given clear instruction on Commodity Description, Package Type & Container Seal Number as well.
What is BIN number? The term BIN stands for Business Identification Number, popularly known as VAT Registration Number. It is a unique identification figure allotted for each registered business entity within the territory of Bangladesh. It is widely used to ensure effective Duty/VAT Management process.
Consignee / Notify / also Notify Column: Purpose of including of BIN in the BL is to prevent forgery in import/export VAT/duty and assure collection of rightful payables to Bangladesh government. Thus all Bills Of Lading must contain the correct BIN number of the specific party of Bangladesh. If there is Bank in the BL Parties, the details of the specific bank with bank BIN # has to be mentioned in the required field. In the same way, actual importer details have with bank BIN # has to be mentioned in the required field.
So, NO Foreign Bank/Foreign Consignee will be acceptable in any BL party. Furthermore, To Order/ To Order of Shipper/ To Order of Bank/ To Order of Ourselves in the consignee/ notify field will not acceptable either. Same as consignee will also NOT be allowed in notify party.
In case of BL consigned to a forwarder agent in Bangladesh where forwarder HBL is issued, consignee & notify Party has to be a valid license holder forwarder with AIN Number issued by Customs.
Format of Mentioning BIN / AIN: Customs advised to mention BIN straight after the consignee name and contact details. Following is the prescribed format for mentioning BIN:
BL consigned to bank and/or importer
BL consigned to a forwarder agent
<<<Consignee Name>>>
<<<Consignee Address>>>
BIN: XXXXXXX (For Bank & Direct Importer)
<<<Forwarder Name>>>
<<<Forwarder Address>>>
AIN: XXXXXXX (For forwarders)
COMMODITY IN BL DESCRIPTION: BL description should include complete details of the commodity, which means generic commodity details such as Chemical/Textile Chemicals/ Textile Chemical for Garments Industry/Textile Chemical for 100 % Export Oriented Industry are NOT ACCEPTABLE and port authority will not allow to discharge any shipment with unclear commodity details. Chemical details has to be CLEARLY specified (with the Technical Name) in the BL along with IMCO/UN/any other details.
TYPES OF PACKAGES: BL packages MUST be clearly mentioned with standard kind of package type such as PACKAGE/ CARTONS/ BUNDLES/ ROLLS/ PALLETS and all sorts of abbreviation is expected to be avoided. Manifests with PKGS/CTNS/BDLS/RLS/PTLS will NOT be acceptable.
Should you have any further query, please don’t feel hesitant to revert to us anytime.
Best regards,
MCC Customer Service Team


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