Life After You-Daughtry SongDaughtry released the music video for "Life After You" on October 15, 2009
There's really no life after after someone who we really love.....when you truly do find the one you belong with, there is nothing more important in life. I think that was the point of the video. I think some of us get to the point in our lives where we realize what's most important in this life and who you really want to spend your time with, and feeling like the lyrics"It's hard to believe that a man with sight could so blind, thinking about the better time, must ve been out of my mind." I love the lyrics to this song because he just wants to be happy and has decided there's that one person who makes him happiest.
I also love the line "You and I, right or wrong", meaning it doesn't matter if it's the perfect situation or there are issues with the relationship, having that person to laugh with, grow old with, and love forever is worth any struggle that may come along.
I love this song....hope everyone like it.
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