天气报告 weather advisory雷阵雨 thunderstorm
龙卷风 cyclone tornado
台风 typhoon
有风 Windy
暴风雨天气 wild weather
暴风雨 Storm, tempest
阵风 Gust of wind
寒冷天气 shivery weather
晴朗 Clear
多云 Cloudy
阴时有风 Cloudy / Wind
飘雪 Drifting Snow
小降雪 Light Snow Fall
短暂阵雨 Few Showers
零星阵雨 Scattered Showers
阵雨 Rain Shower
大雨 Heavy Rain
大冰雨 Heavy Rain Icy
大雪 Heavy Snow
雪花 Snowflakes
强烈雷雨 Heavy T-Storm
局部雷雨 Isolated T-Storms
周围有雷雨 Thunder in the Vicinity
毛毛雨 Drizzle
微雨 Light Drizzle
小雨 Light Rain
雷电 Lightening
霜 Frost
冰雹 Hail
冰冻 Freeze
气候 Climate
自然力量(风 、雨) Elements
气温 temperature
天气热 to be warm, to be hot
灰尘 Dust
烟雾 Smoke
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