第一封邮件:Thanks for replay. We make a black chrome finish and black nickel finish on Your samples. By the side of finisher was explained that the chrome finish is more stable on the surface as the nickel finish and the darkness - black colour is more black . Cause the rubbing between snap hook and triangle is extreme , what do You suggest for the finish when must be black. Also is one strange decision on side of our client that finish has to be on the end a thermo lack . We wish to convince them, that the lack will be damaged after first use of bag. Do You agree with our opinion?
On the picture 1 is to see matte finish . is this chrome finish or some other kind of. On the pic2 is classic gunmetal colour and it can also be good, After all between this two finish which has better surface for abrasion?
The materials should be ECO friendly.
Please for comment.
然后我问了他什么叫做“finish has to be on the end a thermo lack”。
Our client has sample of bag who has items snap hook (suffix) . If You can recognize the colour that is the request. But generally have to be black or dark grey.
The pic 1 is matte black finished.(But matte black would not have a ECO-friendly standard) - for best abrasive resist or other applications we can sometime not use ECO friendly materials, they may not satisfy client request of quality and durability.
Yes about the thermo lack finishing. Cause maker of clients bag sample have no other sample of snap hook as this, was the item made for high fashion clothe accessories, not for every day hard use. So is for much shine finished with a lack spray, who is generally not abrasive stable.
Please for comment
snap hook我不知道是什么东西,我就直接按照我的理解说下吧,希望有帮助,客人邮件的意思是,他们对你的样品分别进行了铬和镍处理,根据处理的成品,他们发现铬处理的表面稳定性比镍处理的要好,而且颜色也会更黑一点,因为snap hook和三角之间的摩擦很剧烈,如果必须做黑色的话,你对于工艺有什么建议,另外客人的要求也很奇怪要求成品必须是黑色或者深灰色(根据你下面的邮件翻译的)我们希望能说服他们,因为包用过一次之后,包上的这个颜色容易掉色,你觉得我们考虑的对吗呢?
我觉得客人就是想找个snap hook颜色是黑色或者深灰,颜色耐磨度比较好,不容易掉色
After all between this two finish which has better surface for abrasion?The materials should be ECO friendly.
感谢啊。真心顿时明白清晰了很多。感谢感谢。 SNAP HOOK 指的是那个狗扣啊,他们那些客人都这样叫。
black chrome 这种是怎样的?一个客人问起.
他的描述是 black chrome isn't fully chrome, it has a little black in it. it is base coat balck
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