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This Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason


The past few weeks I've focused on personal
development topics more than nitty gritty
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one
more time. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.

This week I'm sharing excerpts with you
from a brand new book just released this
past week:

"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry

You might recognize Larry as the author
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.

If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.

By the way, I get requests every week from
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.

(If you want to get it right now, go to
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )

Here are some highlights from the book
(in quotes) along with my comments.

Become Invaluable
I've long maintained that as a salesperson
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places. A great
salesperson can choose where he/she decides
to play, just like a valued free agent
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."

"If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!

"This is job security at its finest.
Just become the employee that your
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."

"Your future is up to you, not your
employer. You have to get better in
order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "

"Improve yourself any way you can,
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "

Loving Your Job Is Not The Most
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.

"IF you tell me you love your job and
you aren't great at your job, I'll
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.
If you really love your job, you will
do what it takes to be good at your job. "

"The real key to business success is
to be good at what you do. Excellence
does not come just from enjoyment or
passion or love or fun. Excellence
comes from study. Excellence comes
from experience. It comes from screwing
up and doing it wrong until you finally,
finally, finally get it right. And it
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes
things, not hot air."

Getting Results
I love the word "results" and use it
in several ways in my own programs.
I always say that customers don't buy
products, services or even features or
benefits. They buy a picture of the end
result they will get, with themselves
in the picture.

Also, quite often sales reps are focused
on pumping out their 30, 50 or 80 "dials"
or contacts per day (because that's
sometimes all they are measured on).

But what really matters, bottom line,
are the results they get.

There are several chapters in the book
that deal with results, from the perspective
of the results you personally deliver.
Here are a few juicy words of wisdom from

"I like people who work hard. I admire
hard work. But you are not paid to work
hard. In fact, you are not paid for
effort at all. You are paid for results.
It's not what you do; it's what you get done."

"Results are everything and they never lie."

"Remember, you are paid for results, and
you are paying for results. Results
indicate how productive a person is and
have little to do with how busy a person
is. There is nothing sadder than to find
out an employee is excellent at doing
something that doesn't need to be done
at all."

Today. Not Tomorrow.
Years ago when I worked in corporate life
I realized I wasn't cut out for it because
things didn't get done fast enough. Meetings
were held to decide when to schedule another
meeting so a committee could be formed.
I'd often ask, "Why don't we just do this

Here's why I was frustrated: too many people
believed in stretching out a task so they
could appear busy. That's part of the reason
I started my own business at age 23.

W. Clement Stone, who built an insurance
empire worth hundreds of millions dollars,
would make all his employees recite the phrase,
"Do it now!" again and again at the start of
each workday.

In "Nuts," the book about Southwest Airlines,
there are numerous anecdotes about CEO Herb
Kelleher and his policy of making instant
decisions to set things in motion.

In Winget's "It's Called Work For A Reason,"
he takes this idea and is quite blunt about it:

"If you are one of those people who just are
never in a hurry, one of those who say,
'There is plenty of time,' 'What's the rush?'
'Don't worry, we've got all the time in the
world,' or anything similar to any of those
statements, I'll do my best to be as polite
and delicate as I possibly can be as I say
this about you: You are an idiot. Are we
clear? There is NO time. There is always a
rush. You don't have all the time in the
world. Hurry up."

"When should you call the customer? Today.
When should you clean your desk? Today.
When should you do anything worth doing? Today.
Not tomorrow. Never tomorrow. Always today."

Selling More
The book has a section on selling with
lots of great, common sense ideas. Pretty
much all of which are consistent with what
you've been reading here for years. And if
you've been to one of my programs or own
the Telesales College CD's, you know my
stance on "closing." Closing is the natural
culmination of the sales PROCESS, like a
football team running the ball in from
the one-yard line after the process of
moving the ball downfield.

If you place all of your emphasis on
closing, (while neglecting the most
important part, questioning, more on
that in a moment) you'll alienate people.

In my programs we talk quite a bit about
the attitude of asking, rather on the
memorization of techniques. Because, if
you are great at asking, you will be
great at selling. As Winget agrees in
the book,

"Think about the power of asking one
more person to buy each day. Consider
a work year of 220 days, which would
give 220 additional people the
opportunity to buy from you. If you
were to close on 10 percent of those
people, it would produce twenty-two
more sales per year. How much more
money would that mean to you in commission?"

On questioning, Larry says:
"People buy for one reason more than
any other reason. That's right, one
reason. Know what that reason is? Neither
do I. It's easy to find out. All you
have to do is ask. That's right. Just
ask. Simply say, 'It has been my
experience that people buy for one
reason more than any other reason.
What will be the one reason that will
cause you either to buy or not to buy?'"

You'll want copies of this book for
yourself, and your employees. And,
when you order before January 8, Larry
will give you $50 worth of his other
materials. Get the book right now.
Go to http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html

"Never mistake activity for achievement."
John Wooden
(also  from the book)

Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!


有点多呀, 晚上再来看看吧

This Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason

The past few weeks I've focused on personal
development topics more than nitty gritty
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one
more time. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.

This week I'm sharing excerpts with you
from a brand new book just released this
past week:

"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry

You might recognize Larry as the author
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.
“Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life”这三本书可能你已经有了

If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.

By the way, I get requests every week from
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.

(If you want to get it right now, go to
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )

Here are some highlights from the book
(in quotes) along with my comments.

Become Invaluable
I've long maintained that as a salesperson
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places. A great
salesperson can choose where he/she decides
to play, just like a valued free agent
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."
就象一个有价值的棒球经纪人,Winget 在他的文章中提到:变的无价

"If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!

"This is job security at its finest.
Just become the employee that your
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."

"Your future is up to you, not your
employer. You have to get better in
order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "

"Improve yourself any way you can,
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "

Loving Your Job Is Not The Most
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.

"IF you tell me you love your job and
you aren't great at your job, I'll
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.
If you really love your job, you will
do what it takes to be good at your job. "

"The real key to business success is
to be good at what you do. Excellence
does not come just from enjoyment or
passion or love or fun. Excellence
comes from study. Excellence comes
from experience. It comes from screwing
up and doing it wrong until you finally,
finally, finally get it right. And it
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes
things, not hot air."

Getting Results
I love the word "results" and use it
in several ways in my own programs.
I always say that customers don't buy
products, services or even features or
benefits. They buy a picture of the end
result they will get, with themselves
in the picture.

Also, quite often sales reps are focused
on pumping out their 30, 50 or 80 "dials"
or contacts per day (because that's
sometimes all they are measured on).

But what really matters, bottom line,
are the results they get.

There are several chapters in the book
that deal with results, from the perspective
of the results you personally deliver.
Here are a few juicy words of wisdom from

"I like people who work hard. I admire
hard work. But you are not paid to work
hard. In fact, you are not paid for
effort at all. You are paid for results.
It's not what you do; it's what you get done."

"Results are everything and they never lie."

"Remember, you are paid for results, and
you are paying for results. Results
indicate how productive a person is and
have little to do with how busy a person
is. There is nothing sadder than to find
out an employee is excellent at doing
something that doesn't need to be done
at all."

Today. Not Tomorrow.
Years ago when I worked in corporate life
I realized I wasn't cut out for it because
things didn't get done fast enough. Meetings
were held to decide when to schedule another
meeting so a committee could be formed.
I'd often ask, "Why don't we just do this

Here's why I was frustrated: too many people
believed in stretching out a task so they
could appear busy. That's part of the reason
I started my own business at age 23.

W. Clement Stone, who built an insurance
empire worth hundreds of millions dollars,
would make all his employees recite the phrase,
"Do it now!" again and again at the start of
each workday.
W. Clement Stone,建立的一个保险帝国,总资产超亿

In "Nuts," the book about Southwest Airlines,
there are numerous anecdotes about CEO Herb
Kelleher and his policy of making instant
decisions to set things in motion.

[ 本帖最后由 jackyhot7 于 2007-1-19 15:24 编辑 ]

oh, my God !so long ,but i can understand

This Week's Tip 
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason
The past few weeks I've focused on personal
development topics more than nitty gritty
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one
more time. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.
This week I'm sharing excerpts with you
from a brand new book just released this
past week:
"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry
"称为工作的一个原因!你的成功是你自己谴责自己的过错," Larry Winget.说
You might recognize Larry as the author
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.
你可以认为Larry作为一个做好的销售员的作家"闭嘴 , 停止抱怨和获得生命," (你也可以得到)和一些电视秀,"大亨" 在广播与电视里.
If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.
By the way, I get requests every week from
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.
(If you want to get it right now, go to
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )
Here are some highlights from the book
(in quotes) along with my comments.
Become Invaluable
I've long maintained that as a salesperson
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places. A great
salesperson can choose where he/she decides
to play, just like a valued free agent
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."
"If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!
"This is job security at its finest.
Just become the employee that your
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."
"Your future is up to you, not your
employer. You have to get better
in order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your own time. "
"Improve yourself any way you can,
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "
Loving Your Job Is Not The Most Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.
钟情你的工作不是你最重要的因素,Larry 给一个有意思的钟情于你的工作的观点
"IF you tell me you love your job and
you aren't great at your job, I'll
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.
If you really love your job, you will
do what it takes to be good at your job. "
"The real key to business success is
to be good at what you do. Excellence
does not come just from enjoyment or
passion or love or fun. Excellence
comes from study. Excellence comes
from experience. It comes from screwing up and doing it wrong until you finally,
finally, finally get it right. And it
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes things, not hot air."


[ 本帖最后由 shxszhf 于 2007-1-20 15:32 编辑 ]



Keep going.......


今天刚看见这版块  , 好 ,定起来啊   跟大家学习先

This Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason

The past few weeks I've focused on personal
development topics more than nitty gritty
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one
more time. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.

This week I'm sharing excerpts with you
from a brand new book just released this
past week:

"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry
《这叫做为一个好的理由工作!:你的成功是你自己的致命错误。》作者:Larry Winget

[ECHO对于Success Is Your Own Damn Fault还没有真正理解。]

You might recognize Larry as the author
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.
你可能记得(认得)Larry是畅销书《闭嘴,别再埋怨,干点实事吧》的作者。(对这书名你也应该有所领会。)Larry也是A&E电视台节目Big Spender的主持人。

If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.

By the way, I get requests every week from
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.

(If you want to get it right now, go to  如果您现在就想得到这本书,请访问这个网址:
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )

Here are some highlights from the book 这里有一些摘自该书的精彩内容,加上了我的评注。
(in quotes) along with my comments.

Become Invaluable 使自己变为无价(之宝)
I've long maintained that as a salesperson 作为销售员我长期以来一直保持做到这一点,自己驾御自己的收入安全感。
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can 一个好的销售员总是被需要的,并能够在许多方面创造收益。
create revenue in many places. A great 一个出色的销售员懂得决定自己在哪里扮演怎样的角色,
salesperson can choose where he/she decides 就像棒球场上的自由球员。
to play, just like a valued free agent    一点,Winget在他这本书中
in baseball. Winget talks about this in “使自己变为无价(之宝)”
his section, "Become Invaluable."    这一节中谈到。

[ 本帖最后由 Echo-Wu 于 2007-1-18 16:31 编辑 ]

"If you want to make sure you are in   如果你要保证自己有机会获取
line for every good thing your company 公司提供的一切好东西,那
has to offer, then become invaluable.  你就要先使自己具有极高的价值。
Be the smartest person in the company 你得成为对本公司产品及服务最在行的那个人,
about the products and services your 你得比其他人都更了解和公司有关的
company offers. Know more about the   竞争情况和市场状况。你得是
competition and the marketplace than  最早上班、最晚下班的一个。
anyone else. Get there first and leave 你得去做别人都不愿意做的事情。
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to 你得学会迅速作出决定。
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions 你得承担起个人责任。
quickly. Take personal responsibility. 你决不能发牢骚。
Never whine. Become known as the person 你得让别人认得、记得你就是那个
who gets things done. Do more than is 能把事情办成的人。你得
expected of you. Get the results. In 做得比别人预期的多。你得做得有成效。
other words: Work!  换句话说:做得漂亮!

"This is job security at its finest. “这就是工作安全感的最高境界。”
Just become the employee that your 把自己变成公司少了你就不行的那个雇员吧。
company can't live without. Become 把自己变成客人没了你就不行的那个人吧。
the person that your customers can't 把自己变成
live without. Become the person your 让你的公司、你的老板、你的同事、你的客人
company, your boss, your coworkers, 都信赖、需要的人,让他们都想着要有你在旁吧。”
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."

"Your future is up to you, not your “你的未来是由你自己决定的,
employer. You have to get better in 不是由你的雇主决定的。你得先让自己更优秀,
order for your circumstances to get 才能够让自己的待遇更好。而你只能付出自己的时间
better, and that must be done on your 去做到。”
own time. "

"Improve yourself any way you can, “在自己可能做到的任何方面去提高自己,每一次
every time you have a chance. It 有机会自我改进的时候就要去改进。
doesn't take much time to read a 读一本关于成功的好书花不了多少时间。”
great book on success. "

Loving Your Job Is Not The Most “最重要的并不是热爱你的工作”
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint 关于热爱自己的工作,Larry提出一个有趣的观点。
on loving your job.

"IF you tell me you love your job and “如果你跟我说你热爱你的工作但
you aren't great at your job, I'll  你的工作却做得并不出色,那么我会
call you a liar. That's right, a liar. 说你在撒谎。没错,是撒谎。
If you really love your job, you will 如果你真的热爱你的工作,你就会
do what it takes to be good at your job. " 尽一切的努力来做得出色。”

"The real key to business success is “在生意上要成功,真正的关键是要把自己做的事情做得优秀。
to be good at what you do. Excellence  优秀不是来自对工作的喜欢、热情、热爱,或乐趣。
does not come just from enjoyment or 优秀,来自学习,来自经验。优秀,是来自于
passion or love or fun. Excellence 发奋工作,来自己于吸取犯错的教训最终把事情做对做好。
comes from study. Excellence comes  优秀,还来自于“老掉牙”的一点:勤奋工作!
from experience. It comes from screwing 其他一些因素也有助于成功,但是如果没有做到上述的几个重点,
up and doing it wrong until you finally, 那么其他的因素也只是空口说白话。
finally, finally get it right. And it  能够改变事情、改变状况的,是切切实实的工作,而不是空口说白话。
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes
things, not hot air."

Getting Results 取得成效
I love the word "results" and use it 我喜欢“成效”这个词,也在
in several ways in my own programs. 我的几个节目中在几个方面用到这个词。
I always say that customers don't buy 我一直都说了,顾客不是买产品,
products, services or even features or 不是买服务,甚至都不是追求功能或利润。
benefits. They buy a picture of the end 他们买的是出现在他们脑海里画面中的
result they will get, with themselves 最终成效,而他们本人也出现在脑海里这些画面中。
in the picture.

Also, quite often sales reps are focused 另外,销售代表们往往着重于
on pumping out their 30, 50 or 80 "dials" 每天完成30次,50次,或80次“拨号(拨电话)”运动,
or contacts per day (because that's 或者就是每天联系这么多的潜在顾客。(这是因为有时候销售员们的工作
sometimes all they are measured on). 就是以此被衡量的。)

But what really matters, bottom line, 但是真正重要的,说到底,是他们最终取得的成效。
are the results they get.

There are several chapters in the book 从各人表达的对成效的观点出发,本书有几章论及成效。
that deal with results, from the perspective
of the results you personally deliver.
Here are a few juicy words of wisdom from 这里是Larry的一些有趣的智言:

"I like people who work hard. I admire “我喜欢勤奋工作的人。我
hard work. But you are not paid to work 赞赏勤奋的工作。但是付钱给你不是为了让你(仅仅)勤奋工作的。
hard. In fact, you are not paid for 实际上,付钱给你是终究是为了让你付出努力,让你取得成效。
effort at all. You are paid for results. 重点不是你做什么事,而是你达到什么成效。”
It's not what you do; it's what you get done."

"Results are everything and they never lie." “结果/成效就是一切,结果是绝不会骗人的。”

"Remember, you are paid for results, and “记住,付钱给你是为了成效的。你现在拿的钱是为了
you are paying for results. Results 要有成效。成效能表明一个人有多能干,成效
indicate how productive a person is and 跟一个人有多忙并没有多大的关系。
have little to do with how busy a person 做悲哀的事情莫过于发现一个雇员做得漂漂亮亮的事情原来
is. There is nothing sadder than to find 根本竟是不需要做的事情。”
out an employee is excellent at doing
something that doesn't need to be done
at all."

Today. Not Tomorrow. 就今天。不是明天。
Years ago when I worked in corporate life  多年前我过着团体工作的生活,
I realized I wasn't cut out for it because 我意识到我要结束这样的工作生活,因为
things didn't get done fast enough. Meetings 工作效率太低。开会开会,开了几个会议
were held to decide when to schedule another 结果是决定安排另一个会议,来
meeting so a committee could be formed. 成立一个小组委员会。我
I'd often ask, "Why don't we just do this 往往会问道:“我们干嘛不现在就做这件事呢?”

Here's why I was frustrated: too many people 我沮丧的原因就在于:太多人为了
believed in stretching out a task so they 显得忙碌而奉行延伸工作任务的那套把戏。
could appear busy. That's part of the reason 我在23岁就自立门户,有部分原因就在于此。
I started my own business at age 23.

W. Clement Stone, who built an insurance W. Clement Stone,价值数百万美元的
empire worth hundreds of millions dollars, 保险业帝国的创立者,会让他的雇员每天上班前
would make all his employees recite the phrase, 反复诵读“现在就做!”这个口号
"Do it now!" again and again at the start of
each workday.

In "Nuts," the book about Southwest Airlines, 在《Nuts》这本关于西南航空的书里,
there are numerous anecdotes about CEO Herb 有许许多多关于CEO Herb Kelleher凭其
Kelleher and his policy of making instant 当机立断的原则使事情得以顺利运作的实例。
decisions to set things in motion.

In Winget's "It's Called Work For A Reason," 在Winget《这才叫象样的工作》一书中,他
he takes this idea and is quite blunt about it:采用了这个观点并对此相当强硬:


"If you are one of those people who just are “如果你也是一个从不着急的人,说‘时间多的是’‘有什么好急的?’‘放心,
never in a hurry, one of those who say,             我们有大把大把的时间’诸如此类的话,我会
'There is plenty of time,' 'What's the rush?' 尽可能客客气气、小心翼翼地
'Don't worry, we've got all the time in the   告诉你:你是个笨蛋。
world,' or anything similar to any of those   清楚了吗? 没时间了。任何时候都得赶忙。你并没有大把大把的时间。赶紧吧。”
statements, I'll do my best to be as polite
and delicate as I possibly can be as I say
this about you: You are an idiot. Are we
clear? There is NO time. There is always a
rush. You don't have all the time in the
world. Hurry up."

"When should you call the customer? Today. “你该什么时候打电话给客人?就今天。
When should you clean your desk? Today.   你该什么时候整理桌面?就今天。
When should you do anything worth doing? Today.一切值得去做的事情该什么时候去做?就今天。
Not tomorrow. Never tomorrow. Always today."不是明天。绝不是明天。永远都是在今天。”

Selling More 卖出更多
The book has a section on selling with 本书有一节讲到用许多很棒的、常识性的办法来销售。
lots of great, common sense ideas. Pretty 这些办法与您多年来在这里(ART)
much all of which are consistent with what 读到过的办法是一致的。
you've been reading here for years. And if 如果你曾经参与过我其中一期节目,
you've been to one of my programs or own 或者如果你有那些《电话销售学》的CD,
the Telesales College CD's, you know my  你就知道我在“收尾”这一阶段的姿态。
stance on "closing." Closing is the natural 收尾,自然是销售过程中的
culmination of the sales PROCESS, like a 颠峰阶段,就像球队
football team running the ball in from 在把球往前场传之后再从一码线处把球再传进来。
the one-yard line after the process of
moving the ball downfield.                                [ECHO是体育盲......不好意思]

If you place all of your emphasis on  如果你把所有的注意力集中在收尾,
closing, (while neglecting the most   而忽略了最重要的一环--询问,那你就远离了人们。
important part, questioning, more on
that in a moment) you'll alienate people.

In my programs we talk quite a bit about 在我的节目中,我们谈过
the attitude of asking, rather on the  提问的态度,多于谈记住技巧。
memorization of techniques. Because, if 这是因为,如果你
you are great at asking, you will be 很善于提问,你就会
great at selling. As Winget agrees in 在销售上做得很棒。Winget在本书中也同意这个观点:
the book,

"Think about the power of asking one  “想一想每天多让一个客户
more person to buy each day. Consider  向你买东西的力量吧。想一想
a work year of 220 days, which would 一年220个工作日,是多给220个人
give 220 additional people the  向你买东西的机会。
opportunity to buy from you. If you 如果你在220的10%--也就是到22个人
were to close on 10 percent of those 的时候就收尾了,那
people, it would produce twenty-two  就是一年多成交22桩生意。
more sales per year. How much more   这对你而言相当于多赚多少佣金?”
money would that mean to you in commission?"

On questioning, Larry says: 关于提问,Larry说道:
"People buy for one reason more than    “人们买东西的原因之中,有一个原因是
any other reason. That's right, one  最主要的。对,一个原因。知道那是什么原因吗?
reason. Know what that reason is? Neither 我也不知道。要
do I. It's easy to find out. All you 找出这个原因是很容易的。问吧。
have to do is ask. That's right. Just 您只管说:根据我的经验,人们决定
ask. Simply say, 'It has been my 买下一件东西往往是因为一个比其他原因都
experience that people buy for one 要关键的原因。那么是什么原因将决定您买还是不买呢?”
reason more than any other reason.
What will be the one reason that will
cause you either to buy or not to buy?'"

You'll want copies of this book for 您可能想为自己和您的雇员要一本这样的书。
yourself, and your employees. And,              好,如果您在1月8日前订购,Larry会
when you order before January 8, Larry  赠送给您价值$50的他的其他资料。
will give you $50 worth of his other 现在就去买这本书吧。请访问这个网址。
materials. Get the book right now.
Go to http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html

QUOTE OF THE WEEK        本周引言
"Never mistake activity for achievement." “绝不要把行为误当作成就。”
John Wooden
(also  from the book) (本书中也有此句)

Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!去赢取你最棒的这一周吧!


[ 本帖最后由 Echo-Wu 于 2007-1-19 13:59 编辑 ]

Echo真是勤奋 ,真是个乖学生




I believe you will grant the raise I expect for one reason more than any other reason, can you tell me what that reason is?

就算达不到更多加薪的目的,至少老板对我印象更深刻。老板经常对我说I'm often amazed how much better your English is than my office staff in the US.之类的话。希望我能通过工作上的result和好的英语表达让她愿意化口头表扬为更多的实际奖励吧。


"Today. Not tomorrow" or another day. "Always today."

SO MUCH...........


This Week's Tip        本周小帖示
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...   你可能不想听到这些,但是......
...It's Called Work For A Reason   我们是因为一个理由而工作的.

Greetings!  祝词!

The past few weeks I've focused on personal    前几个星期我一直只关注个人
development topics more than nitty gritty 发展的主题而不是有关销售的实质性的问题.
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one      从2007年开始,我将再干一场.
more time. For a good reason. Any person 一个好的理由就是谁都能够背下销售原理.
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those 就是那些拥有热情并以积极的态度投身到工作当中,
with the passion and attitude to put in   最后享受成功喜悦的人.
the WORK who enjoy the success.

This week I'm sharing excerpts with you     这个星期我将和你们一起分享一本上个星期才发行的新书里面的选段.
from a brand new book just released this
past week:

"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your   书名是<<工作的理由:你的成功是源于你自己致命的错误>>
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry 作者: Larry  Winget


You might recognize Larry as the author    你可能知道Larry  Winget是最畅销书籍"Shut Up, Quit Whining, and Get a Life,"(闭嘴,不
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining, 抱怨,好好生活)这些也是你所应该了解的.
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)他也是电视脱口秀节目"Big Spender"的主持人.
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.

If you're easily offended, can't take an        如果你极易不悦,
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if        你可能不喜欢这本书.
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works 但是如果你或是你认识的人
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on, (可能是你的员工)需要激励的话,读下去,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book. 我极力推荐你买这本书.

By the way, I get requests every week from 顺便提一下,我每个星期都能收到书商请求,
people who want me to promote their book 请我把书推销给我那35000多的订户.
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually   事实上,我拒绝了所有的请求.
all I turn down. And when I do recommend 但当我真的推荐某物时,
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile, 你就知道是真正值得的,
and that I have read it and use it. In 那是我已经读过或是用过的东西.
fact, I read this book two times.坦白说,这本书我已经看过两次拉.

(If you want to get it right now, go to 如过你现在就想拥有这本书的话,请登陆http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html .
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )

If you're easily offended, can't take an      
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,




If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.
如果你是“容易受伤”的人(自尊心强,心灵脆弱),受不了当头棒喝的文字风格,并且订阅大量感性的商业故事,那你可能会不喜欢本书。但是如果你或者你认识的人(或许和你共事的人)需要当头一棒的话,那么就去读吧,我绝对鼓励你买下这本书。by Echo-Wu


Echo-Wu 翻译得最多(还差一段)。鼓励。希望各位也参与啊。君子动口不如动手。


谢谢Bruce老师指正。把work for那里译错了,真是完全不应该错的地方。我会注意改进了,具体的改进方法就是自己先检查一遍。我把译文分了3个帖子发上去了,还缺一段吗?我再看看。


Larry Winget 的东西我是第一次读,除了介绍和评论,那书我也没有办法读(亚马逊书店上没有列出内页),所以这句副标题的内在含义我也想了很久,总算想通了。建议您:

参考我这个打板子教练对 Jacky 打的扳子(思路):

* 先得有个标题,才能集中你的思想和说法.
* 主要观点是什么?
* 标题党的口号是:语不惊人誓不休,吓死人不用偿命

然后再读Larry Winget 本书的介绍和评论,自己想。

搬救兵。如老大 vip,斑竹等,RHK,阿花。。。

thank you very much!



It's Called Work for a Reason!
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault!
1。It is your own damn fault.   你自找的!(有点讽刺的意思)
2。own 解释为承认。因为是标题,所以可能不是个句子
3.同上,own 解释为拥有,独特的

This Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason

The past few weeks I've focused on personal
development topics more than nitty gritty
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one
more time. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.
在过去的几周里,相对于最基本最重要的销售,我们都把注意力放个人发展提高的话题上, 当我们迈入2007年,我会继续做下去。为一个好理由,任何人都能记住销售技巧。只有把热情和态度放到工作中的人才能享受成功。
This week I'm sharing excerpts with you
from a brand new book just released this
past week:
"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry
书名为〈为一个理由而工作〉你的成功就是你自己该死的毛病。作者:Larry Winget.
You might recognize Larry as the author
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.
你可能认识Larry,他是畅销书〈闭嘴,停止抱怨,去好好干吧〉的作者(你可能会读过),他也是A$E电视台TV秀“Big Spender的主持人。
If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.
By the way, I get requests every week from
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.
(If you want to get it right now, go to
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )
Here are some highlights from the book
(in quotes) along with my comments.
Become Invaluable
I've long maintained that as a salesperson
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places. A great
salesperson can choose where he/she decides
to play, just like a valued free agent
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."

"If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!

[ 本帖最后由 teloue 于 2007-1-19 15:58 编辑 ]

"This is job security at its finest.
Just become the employee that your
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."
"Your future is up to you, not your
employer. You have to get better in
order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "
"Improve yourself any way you can,
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "
当有你机会提高自己时,尽力去提高。读一本关于成功好书的时间不会太久。Loving Your Job Is Not The Most
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.
"IF you tell me you love your job and
you aren't great at your job, I'll
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.
If you really love your job, you will
do what it takes to be good at your job. "
"The real key to business success is
to be good at what you do. Excellence
does not come just from enjoyment or
passion or love or fun. Excellence
comes from study. Excellence comes
from experience. It comes from screwing
up and doing it wrong until you finally,
finally, finally get it right. And it
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes
things, not hot air."
Getting Results
I love the word "results" and use it
in several ways in my own programs.
I always say that customers don't buy
products, services or even features or
benefits. They buy a picture of the end
result they will get, with themselves
in the picture.

Also, quite often sales reps are focused
on pumping out their 30, 50 or 80 "dials"
or contacts per day (because that's
sometimes all they are measured on).
But what really matters, bottom line,
are the results they get.
There are several chapters in the book
that deal with results, from the perspective
of the results you personally deliver.
Here are a few juicy words of wisdom from
"I like people who work hard. I admire
hard work. But you are not paid to work
hard. In fact, you are not paid for
effort at all. You are paid for results.
It's not what you do; it's what you get done."

"Results are everything and they never lie."

[ 本帖最后由 teloue 于 2007-1-19 15:51 编辑 ]

"Remember, you are paid for results, and
you are paying for results. Results
indicate how productive a person is and
have little to do with how busy a person
is. There is nothing sadder than to find
out an employee is excellent at doing
something that doesn't need to be done
at all."
Today. Not Tomorrow.
Years ago when I worked in corporate life
I realized I wasn't cut out for it because
things didn't get done fast enough. Meetings
were held to decide when to schedule another
meeting so a committee could be formed.
I'd often ask, "Why don't we just do this
Here's why I was frustrated: too many people
believed in stretching out a task so they
could appear busy. That's part of the reason
I started my own business at age 23.
W. Clement Stone, who built an insurance
empire worth hundreds of millions dollars,
would make all his employees recite the phrase,
"Do it now!" again and again at the start of
each workday.
建立了资产达1亿多美元的保险帝国的W. Clement Stone,总是会让他们员工在每天工作前说一句话“现在就做”,重复又重复In "Nuts," the book about Southwest Airlines,
there are numerous anecdotes about CEO Herb
Kelleher and his policy of making instant
decisions to set things in motion.
在〈nuts〉这本关于西南航空的书中,有许多关于CEO Herb Kelleher的轶事 ,靠他的政策果断解决问题的实例。
In Winget's "It's Called Work For A Reason,"
he takes this idea and is quite blunt about it:
在Winget的〈为了一个理由而工作〉书中,他采用这个观点,并直截了当的说:"If you are one of those people who just are
never in a hurry, one of those who say,
'There is plenty of time,' 'What's the rush?'
'Don't worry, we've got all the time in the
world,' or anything similar to any of those
statements, I'll do my best to be as polite
and delicate as I possibly can be as I say
this about you: You are an idiot. Are we
clear? There is NO time. There is always a
rush. You don't have all the time in the
world. Hurry up."
"When should you call the customer? Today.
When should you clean your desk? Today.
When should you do anything worth doing? Today.
Not tomorrow. Never tomorrow. Always today."
Selling More
The book has a section on selling with
lots of great, common sense ideas. Pretty
much all of which are consistent with what
you've been reading here for years. And if
you've been to one of my programs or own
the Telesales College CD's, you know my
stance on "closing." Closing is the natural
culmination of the sales PROCESS, like a
football team running the ball in from
the one-yard line after the process of
moving the ball downfield.
销售更多:这本书有一个章节是关于很多常识性办法来销售。多数地方与你这几年在这里读过的是一致的,如果你作客过我的节目或是拥有电话销售学的光碟,你知道我在结尾时的姿势,结尾是销售过程中达到自然高潮的部分,就像踢足球时,把球从前场一码处得到,并快攻的阵式。If you place all of your emphasis on
closing, (while neglecting the most
important part, questioning, more on
that in a moment) you'll alienate people.
In my programs we talk quite a bit about
the attitude of asking, rather on the
memorization of techniques. Because, if
you are great at asking, you will be
great at selling. As Winget agrees in
the book,
"Think about the power of asking one
more person to buy each day. Consider
a work year of 220 days, which would
give 220 additional people the
opportunity to buy from you. If you
were to close on 10 percent of those
people, it would produce twenty-two
more sales per year. How much more
money would that mean to you in commission?"
On questioning, Larry says:
"People buy for one reason more than
any other reason. That's right, one
reason. Know what that reason is? Neither
do I. It's easy to find out. All you
have to do is ask. That's right. Just
ask. Simply say, 'It has been my
experience that people buy for one
reason more than any other reason.
What will be the one reason that will
cause you either to buy or not to buy?'"
You'll want copies of this book for
yourself, and your employees. And,
when you order before January 8, Larry
will give you $50 worth of his other
materials. Get the book right now.
Go to http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html
"Never mistake activity for achievement."
John Wooden
(also  from the book)

Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!
John Wooden

[ 本帖最后由 teloue 于 2007-1-19 15:54 编辑 ]希望给与点评....

Here are some highlights from the book   以下是书中的精华部分
(in quotes) along with my comments.      以及我的评论.

Become Invaluable   变成无价之宝
I've long maintained that as a salesperson    我长期主张做为一个销售人员,你自己控制你的收入安全.
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can     一个好的销售人员总是处于急需中,并能在
create revenue in many places. A great      许多地方创造收入.
salesperson can choose where he/she decides   一位伟大的销售人员会选择他要扮演的角色.
to play, just like a valued free agent                就象棒球运动中一位自由的,有价值的代理人一样.
in baseball. Winget talks about this in          Winget在他书的章节里面提到了这个,"变成无价之宝".
his section, "Become Invaluable."

"If you want to make sure you are in    如果你确实想让你自己能够享受公司提供的每项优待,你就要让自己变的无价.
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company 在公司里了解产品以及服务最厉害的人,
about the products and services your    也比其他人更加了解竞争和市场.
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave 第一个到公司,最后一个离开公司.
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to   干其他人不愿意干的活.
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions  工作效率高. 决策果断.
quickly. Take personal responsibility.  主动承担责任.
Never whine. Become known as the person 从不唉声叹气.
who gets things done. Do more than is   由于工作完成的漂亮及时而出名.
expected of you. Get the results. In    做的比你期望的要多. 获得了想要的结果.
other words: Work!                          换句话说就是工作!

"This is job security at its finest. 这就是工作安全感的最好状态.
Just become the employee that your  要成为公司不可或缺的雇员.
company can't live without. Become 成为你的顾客不可或缺的人员.
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your  成为你的公司,你的老板,你的工作伙伴以及
company, your boss, your coworkers, 你的客户所依赖的人,需要的人,想要你伴随左右的人.
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."

"Your future is up to you, not your   你的未来取决于你自己,而不是你的顾主.
employer. You have to get better in  让你自己变的更好,才能让你的处境变的更好.
order for your circumstances to get   而那需要你利用你自己的时间.
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "

"Improve yourself any way you can,  无论如何,提高了你自己,你每次都会有机会.
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a  读一本有关成功的好书不需要花费许多时间.
great book on success. "

Loving Your Job Is Not The Most  热爱你的工作不是最重要的因素
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.  关于热爱你的工作,Larry给出了一个有趣的观点.

"IF you tell me you love your job and  如果你告诉我你热爱你的工作,
you aren't great at your job, I'll         但是你没有把你的工作做的最好,
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.        我会说你在撒谎.就是一个撒谎者.
If you really love your job, you will      如果你真的喜欢你的工作,你会尽你所能把工作做到最好.
do what it takes to be good at your job. "

"The real key to business success is   事业成功的关键就是做你擅长的事情.
to be good at what you do. Excellence 卓越成就并不单单是由于喜欢或是热情,
does not come just from enjoyment or  更不是爱好或兴趣.
passion or love or fun. Excellence  卓越的成就取决于学习.
comes from study. Excellence comes  来自与经验.
from experience. It comes from screwing 源于坚持不懈,一直出错,
up and doing it wrong until you finally,   直到你最终找到正确的方法.
finally, finally get it right. And it 由于你过去的辛勤工作.
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they 其他的方面也有帮助,不但单方面就只是热空气.
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes 汗水改变了所有的事情,而不是热空气.
things, not hot air."

Getting Results  获得的结果
I love the word "results" and use it 我喜欢结果这个词,在我的个人计划中,我会在许多方面有到这个词.
in several ways in my own programs.
I always say that customers don't buy 我经常说顾客不买产品,服务,产品特征或是利益.
products, services or even features or
benefits. They buy a picture of the end 他们买的是一幅有他们所要的结果的画,
result they will get, with themselves      有他们自己在里面的那幅画.
in the picture.

Also, quite often sales reps are focused 销售代表们经常关住他们
on pumping out their 30, 50 or 80 "dials" 每天里面的30, 50或是80的刻度盘,
or contacts per day (because that's (因为那是他们计算的标准.)
sometimes all they are measured on).

But what really matters, bottom line, 但是真正要紧的是底线,就是他们所达到的结果.
are the results they get.

There are several chapters in the book 这本书里面有好几个章节是有关结果的,
that deal with results, from the perspective从你个人陈述的有关结果的观点开始.
of the results you personally deliver.
Here are a few juicy words of wisdom from 以下是从他书中学到的至理名言.

"I like people who work hard. I admire 我喜欢工作认真的人. 我赞美辛勤工作.
hard work. But you are not paid to work 但是你不是因为努力工作而获得报酬.
hard. In fact, you are not paid for 事实上,你也不是因为你的努力而获得报酬.
effort at all. You are paid for results. 你是因为你的工作结果而有所得.
It's not what you do; it's what you get done."起作用的不是你做的过程,而是你做后的结果.

"Results are everything and they never lie."
"Remember, you are paid for results, and 记住,你是因为结果而获得报酬的,
you are paying for results. Results            你正在为结果而付出.
indicate how productive a person is and    结果说明一个人是多产的,同一个的忙碌与否无关.
have little to do with how busy a person
is. There is nothing sadder than to find 对员工来说,最可悲的事情就是一直在做无用功.
out an employee is excellent at doing
something that doesn't need to be done
at all."



进修中小兵,决不怕死! 看砖。。。

This Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason

i.e. [WASP的原始观点] 工作是艰苦的。辛勤工作就是人生。
那些政治正确的论调都是 BS (=BULLSHIT)

Your success is your own damn fault.  
A statement about personal responsibility.  Your success is up to YOU.  It's about not blaming others, or conditions, or your situation.  If you want success, you can choose success.
这里, damn fault 变成是正面的意思了。为什么呢?


[ 本帖最后由 bruce1 于 2007-1-22 15:09 编辑 ]



Today. Not Tomorrow.   今天,而不是明天.
Years ago when I worked in corporate life 很多年以前,当我在公司里面工作,
I realized I wasn't cut out for it because 我意识到我不适应那份工作,
things didn't get done fast enough. Meetings 因为工作效率不高.
were held to decide when to schedule another 开会就是为了确定下次开会的时间,
meeting so a committee could be formed. 以方便同志委员会里面的人.
I'd often ask, "Why don't we just do this 我经常提出"为什么我们不现在就告诉他们了".

Here's why I was frustrated: too many people 这就是我为什么感觉失落的原因.
believed in stretching out a task so they 许多人认为只要开展一项业务,他们就会看起来忙一点.
could appear busy. That's part of the reason 这就是我于23岁开始自己创业的部分原因.
I started my own business at age 23.

W. Clement Stone, who built an insurance 拥有成百上千万美圆资产的保险业巨头W. Clement Stone
empire worth hundreds of millions dollars,  让他的员工在每天工作一开始的时候就念"现在就做"这句话.
would make all his employees recite the phrase,
"Do it now!" again and again at the start of
each workday.

In "Nuts," the book about Southwest Airlines, 在一本关于西南航空公司的书"Nuts"中
there are numerous anecdotes about CEO Herb 有许多关于执行总裁 Herb Kelleher的奇闻佚事,
Kelleher and his policy of making instant 以及他迅速作出决策及时处理事情的方针政策.
decisions to set things in motion.

In Winget's "It's Called Work For A Reason," 在 Winget的书<<为了一个原因而工作>>中,
he takes this idea and is quite blunt about it:他接受了这个观点并且直言不讳的阐述了该观点.

"If you are one of those people who just are 如果你属于那样一种人,他们从不着急,
never in a hurry, one of those who say,   他们老是说"有的就是时间,急什么啊?"
'There is plenty of time,' 'What's the rush?' "别担心,我们的时间很充裕"
'Don't worry, we've got all the time in the  或是一些相似的句子或陈述.
world,' or anything similar to any of those
statements, I'll do my best to be as polite 当我说你是个傻瓜的时候,
and delicate as I possibly can be as I say 我会尽我所能的表现我的诚意.
this about you: You are an idiot. Are we 我们清楚吗?
clear? There is NO time. There is always a 时间不够了,时间仓促.
rush. You don't have all the time in the 你没有拥有世界上所有的时间,
world. Hurry up."           要赶紧啊!

"When should you call the customer? Today.你什么时候给客户打电话啊?今天
When should you clean your desk? Today. 你什么时候清理你的桌面啊?今天
When should you do anything worth doing? Today.你什么时候做值得做的事情啊?今天.
Not tomorrow. Never tomorrow. Always today."而不是明天.不要等到明天.今天就把事情做好.

Selling More卖的多一点
The book has a section on selling with 这本书里有一节里阐述了许多有关销售的重要的,常识性的观点.
lots of great, common sense ideas. Pretty
much all of which are consistent with what 有许多观点同你以前的读的是一致的.
you've been reading here for years. And if
you've been to one of my programs or own 如果你到过我的节目现场或是观看过我
the Telesales College CD's, you know my   的电视节目光盘,你就会知道我在节目结束时的样子.
stance on "closing." Closing is the natural 销售过程的高潮就是结束.
culmination of the sales PROCESS, like a 就像一只足球队把球踢到了前场,
football team running the ball in from  然后在一码的地方把球踢进去.
the one-yard line after the process of
moving the ball downfield.

If you place all of your emphasis on 如果你一直强调结束(而忽视了最重要的部分,发问,特别是最重要的时刻)
closing, (while neglecting the most 你将疏远人们.
important part, questioning, more on
that in a moment) you'll alienate people.

In my programs we talk quite a bit about 在我的节目中,我谈了一点发问时的态度问题,
the attitude of asking, rather on the   而不是记忆技巧.
memorization of techniques. Because, if
you are great at asking, you will be 原因就是如果你擅于发问,你就擅于销售.
great at selling. As Winget agrees in   Winget在他的树种也认可了该点,
the book,

"Think about the power of asking one 想想一下你每天多叫一个人购买你的产品.
more person to buy each day. Consider 一年有220个工作日,那将会多出220个人从你那里购买产品.
a work year of 220 days, which would
give 220 additional people the
opportunity to buy from you. If you 如果你挑选当中的10%,那每年也会增加22个销售名额.
were to close on 10 percent of those
people, it would produce twenty-two
more sales per year. How much more 那你的佣金又会多多少钱了?
money would that mean to you in commission?"

On questioning, Larry says: 关于提问,Larry 说,
"People buy for one reason more than 人们买东西是因为一个原因,而不是其他别的原因.
any other reason. That's right, one 那就对了,一个原因,
reason. Know what that reason is? Neither 是什么原因呢?我也不知道.
do I. It's easy to find out. All you 很容易找出原因.你们所要做的就是问.
have to do is ask. That's right. Just 对了,就是问.
ask. Simply say, 'It has been my 简单点说,我的经验就是,别人买东西是因为一个原因,而不是其他的原因.
experience that people buy for one
reason more than any other reason.
What will be the one reason that will 那这个致使你买或是不买的原因是什么啊 ?
cause you either to buy or not to buy?'"

You'll want copies of this book for 你可能想要这本书的副本,给你自己和你的员工.
yourself, and your employees. And, 如果你于1月8号以前订购的话,Larry将为您提供50美圆等值的其他资料.
when you order before January 8, Larry
will give you $50 worth of his other
materials. Get the book right now. 现在就来获得吧.
Go to http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html 登陆网址:

"Never mistake activity for achievement."不要把活动误以为是成就.
John Wooden
(also  from the book)

Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!周末愉快!




This Week's Tip 本周提示
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But... 你可能不愿听,但…….
...It's Called Work For A Reason        这叫工作的缘由

Greetings!  大家好!

The past few weeks I've focused on personal 过去的数周内,较实际销售我更着力于个人
development topics more than nitty gritty    能力发展的话题上。
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one     迈入2007年之际,我再来一次。
more time. For a good reason. Any person   因为一个很好的理由。
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those    任何人都能记得销售机械工。
with the passion and attitude to put in      他们以热情和积极的心态
the WORK who enjoy the success.          工作并享受成功。

This week I'm sharing excerpts with you     本周我和大家一起分享
from a brand new book just released this    从上周刚出版的新书里节选出来的内容。
past week:

"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your       “这叫工作的缘由!
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry  Larry Winget说:你的成功是你最大的缺点”。

You might recognize Larry as the author       你们可能认可Larry是最畅销书的作家
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,      他也是A&E台“一掷千金”的节目主持人,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)   “闭嘴,别再抱怨,有个美好的人生,”
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.  (你也应该得到)

If you're easily offended, can't take an          如果你是一个容易被触怒的人,
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe      你所有的表情都会呈现在你的脸上,
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,     并会订阅昂贵的生意经,
you probably won't like this book. But if         可能是你不喜欢的。
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works  但,如果你,或你认识的某个人
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,       (可能是为你工作的)需要在背后助你一把,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.         继续往下,我肯定要崔促你去买这本书。

By the way, I get requests every week from       顺便提一下,有些人叫我帮他
people who want me to promote their book       向我的35,000多名订阅者
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually          促销他们的书
all I turn down. And when I do recommend       事实上,我都拒绝了。而当我建议时,
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,      你们可以相信那是值得做的,
and that I have read it and use it. In             我也是读过受用过的。
fact, I read this book two times.                 其实,这本书我读过两次了。

(If you want to get it right now, go to           ( 如果你现在想得到此书,请到..
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )
Here are some highlights from the book           这里有些集锦(引号标明)     
(in quotes) along with my comments.             和我的注解。

Become Invaluable                                        变得珍贵
I've long maintained that as a salesperson         我一贯主张作为销售员
you control your income security. A good          要管好自己的收入稳定。
salesperson is always in demand and can          一个好的销售员总是受欢迎的
create revenue in many places. A great            也是能在很多地方创造利润的。
salesperson can choose where he/she decides      一个出色的销售员能够选择他/她
to play, just like a valued free agent               自己决定在哪上任,就像一名有含金量
in baseball. Winget talks about this in             自由无约的棒球队员。
his section, "Become Invaluable."                 Winget在书中说了“变得珍贵”。

"If you want to make sure you are in             “如果你想马上得到公司
line for every good thing your company             必须提供的不菲待遇,
has to offer, then become invaluable.               那么,就变得珍贵吧。
Be the smartest person in the company             成为公司里了解产品和服务
about the products and services your               最机智的人。
company offers. Know more about the              比其他人更了解
competition and the marketplace than               市场和竞争。
anyone else. Get there first and leave                最早一个到达,最后一个离开。
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to                做那些没人愿意做的事。
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions               干活最快。学习快速做决定。
quickly. Take personal responsibility.                 肩负个人责任。
Never whine. Become known as the person          绝不抱怨。让其他人知道你是
who gets things done. Do more than is              能做事的。多做,超出别人的
expected of you. Get the results. In                 期待。取得成果。一句话:干活!
other words: Work!

"This is job security at its finest.                   “这是最好的工作保障。
Just become the employee that your                 要做公司少了你就不能
company can't live without. Become                 存在的员工。
the person that your customers can't                要做客户少了你就不能生存的销售员。
live without. Become the person your                要做你的公司,你的上司,
company, your boss, your coworkers,                 你的和作者与客户依靠的、
and customers count on, need, and                   必需的,到处炫耀的角色。
want to have around."

"Your future is up to you, not your                  “你的未来由你决定,而不是
employer. You have to get better in                  你的老板。为了你身处的环境
order for your circumstances to get                  变得更好,你必须做得更好,
better, and that must be done on your               而且一定要在你自己的时间里完成。”
own time. "

"Improve yourself any way you can,               “用你所能的途径、所有的时机提升。   
every time you have a chance. It                   读一本出色的成功书籍
doesn't take much time to read a                   不会花费很多时间。”
great book on success. "

Loving Your Job Is Not The Most                    喜欢你的工作不是最主要的因素
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint                  Larry对喜欢你的工作有有趣的看法。
on loving your job.

"IF you tell me you love your job and                “如果你告诉我你很喜欢你的工作,
you aren't great at your job, I'll                       但取不到好成绩,我会说你是个骗子。
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.                      是的,一个骗子。
If you really love your job, you will                    如果你真的喜欢你的工作,
do what it takes to be good at your job. "              你定能做出一番成就。

"The real key to business success is                   “事业成功的真正秘诀是
to be good at what you do. Excellence                  擅长于你所从事的。
does not come just from enjoyment or                  杰出不只是因为乐趣、热情、
passion or love or fun. Excellence                      喜好和兴趣。杰出是因为学习。
comes from study. Excellence comes                    杰出是因为实践。
from experience. It comes from screwing                杰出也因为强迫和犯错--
up and doing it wrong until you finally,                   直到最后、最后、再最后
finally, finally get it right. And it                         你把它做对。
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!               杰出还因为传统的勤劳!
The other things help, but alone they                    还有其它的因素,但那些         
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes                       仅仅是吹牛而已。
things, not hot air."                                    是汗水在改变事物,而非吹牛。”


Getting Results                                                  收获
I love the word "results" and use it                      我喜欢“收获”这个词,
in several ways in my own programs.                    在我的节目里不同途径的用到它。
I always say that customers don't buy                   我总说客人不买产品,服务
products, services or even features or                   甚至特点或好处。
benefits. They buy a picture of the end                  他们买一张有他们在里面而且
result they will get, with themselves                     最终能得到手的照片。
in the picture.

Also, quite often sales reps are focused                 同样,公司只经常关注推销员
on pumping out their 30, 50 or 80 "dials"               每天打出30,50或80个“电话”
or contacts per day (because that's                    或联系了多少(因为有时这是衡量的
sometimes all they are measured on).                  的所有标准)

But what really matters, bottom line,                 但是,他们最终得到什么效果。
are the results they get.

There are several chapters in the book               书中有几章是介绍
that deal with results, from the perspective           怎么看待收效的,
of the results you personally deliver.                    透视个人收效。
Here are a few juicy words of wisdom from           这里有几句来自Larry启智的话语。

"I like people who work hard. I admire               “我喜欢勤劳的人。我敬佩勤劳。
hard work. But you are not paid to work               但你不是勤劳了就有回报。
hard. In fact, you are not paid for                     事实上,你完全不是努力了就有回报。
effort at all. You are paid for results.                  而是你取得收效了,才得到回报。
It's not what you do; it's what you get done."         不是你做了什么;而是你取得了什么。”

"Results are everything and they never lie."            “收效说明一切且最真诚。”

"Remember, you are paid for results, and              “记住,你有收效才得回报,
you are paying for results. Results                      你也是为收效而付出。
indicate how productive a person is and               收效会看出一个人是多么的有生产力,
have little to do with how busy a person               是多么的忙碌即使活不多。
is. There is nothing sadder than to find                没有什么比发现员工所擅长的
out an employee is excellent at doing                  是根本不用理会的更伤感。
something that doesn't need to be done
at all."

Today. Not Tomorrow.                                         今天非明日
Years ago when I worked in corporate life              几年前,当我还在公司打工的时候,
I realized I wasn't cut out for it because                我意识到我不是打工的料,
things didn't get done fast enough. Meetings            因为问题没得到足够快的解决。
were held to decide when to schedule another          开会只为决定何时再开另外一个会议
meeting so a committee could be formed.              讨论怎样成立委员会。
I'd often ask, "Why don't we just do this               我常问,“为什么我们现在仅仅是做这些?”

Here's why I was frustrated: too many people          我之所以受挫,是因为:太多的人
believed in stretching out a task so they               认为增加劳动强度就能显出他们
could appear busy. That's part of the reason            是忙碌的。而我23岁开始我的生意,
I started my own business at age 23.                  多少是因为这个原因。

W. Clement Stone, who built an insurance         W. Clement Stone建立了市值上百成千万美元的
empire worth hundreds of millions dollars,         保险业王国,
would make all his employees recite the phrase,    他能使自己的员工一次次地在每个工作日
"Do it now!" again and again at the start of        开始,嘴里叫着“现在就干!”
each workday.

In "Nuts," the book about Southwest Airlines,       在“NUTS”这本关于西南航空公司的书中,
there are numerous anecdotes about CEO Herb     有很多关于CEO Herb Kelleher的佳话
Kelleher and his policy of making instant             和做快速决定使事情运作起来的策略。
decisions to set things in motion.

In Winget's "It's Called Work For A Reason,"       在 Winget的“这叫工作的缘由”中,
he takes this idea and is quite blunt about it:      他接受了这个观点并直截了当地指出:

"If you are one of those people who just are       “如果你是那些不紧不慢的人当中的一个,
never in a hurry, one of those who say,            并且说‘时间多着,’
'There is plenty of time,' 'What's the rush?'         ‘急什么?’
'Don't worry, we've got all the time in the           ‘别愁,我们有充足的时间,’
world,' or anything similar to any of those           或一些类似的话,
statements, I'll do my best to be as polite          我将尽我所能礼貌和微妙地
and delicate as I possibly can be as I say          对你说:你是个愚人。
this about you: You are an idiot. Are we           你们听到了吗?
clear? There is NO time. There is always a         没时间了。总要急赶。
rush. You don't have all the time in the            你没有全部的时间。
world. Hurry up."                                          赶紧。”

"When should you call the customer? Today.       “何时你应该致电客户?今天。
When should you clean your desk? Today.           何时你应该清洁你的桌面?今天。
When should you do anything worth doing? Today.   何时你应该做值得做的任何事情?今天。
Not tomorrow. Never tomorrow. Always today."      非明日。绝不等到明天。总要在今天。”

[ 本帖最后由 YITIN 于 2007-1-22 10:04 编辑 ]


Selling More                                                 销售更多
The book has a section on selling with             书中有一部分用了很多精彩的,
lots of great, common sense ideas. Pretty          常识性的观点讨论出售的。
much all of which are consistent with what         几乎与我们多年来
you've been reading here for years. And if          读过的差不多。
you've been to one of my programs or own         如果你有看过我的节目或
the Telesales College CD's, you know my           电话营销课堂CD版,你会领会我在
stance on "closing." Closing is the natural          “结尾”时说的话。结尾语是很自然的
culmination of the sales PROCESS, like a           销售过程的高潮,
football team running the ball in from              像橄榄球队从一码线冲向前场
the one-yard line after the process of               的试球。
moving the ball downfield.

If you place all of your emphasis on              如果你把重点都放在结尾处,   
closing, (while neglecting the most               (而忽略了最重要的部分,提问,
important part, questioning, more on              一下子说了很多)
that in a moment) you'll alienate people.           你将得不到人们的认同。

In my programs we talk quite a bit about         在我的节目里,我们谈过经营技巧的
the attitude of asking, rather on the             记忆力,但我们更多的是谈及
memorization of techniques. Because, if          请求的态度。因为,如果你
you are great at asking, you will be              擅长于请求,你将擅长于出售。
great at selling. As Winget agrees in             如同Winget在书中赞同的。
the book,

"Think about the power of asking one           “想一下每天请求超过一个人
more person to buy each day. Consider           购买的影响力。
a work year of 220 days, which would            考虑一下一年220个工作日,
give 220 additional people the                   意味着多了220个人可能
opportunity to buy from you. If you              会光顾你的机会。
were to close on 10 percent of those             如果你争取到220个人中的10%,
people, it would produce twenty-two             每年将会有22个营业额。
more sales per year. How much more            对你来说,意味着多得了
money would that mean to you in commission?"   多少的佣金?”

On questioning, Larry says:                            关于质问,Larry 说道:
"People buy for one reason more than            “人们只因为一个理由去购买,
any other reason. That's right, one               而不是其它的理由。对,一个理由。
reason. Know what that reason is? Neither        知道这个理由是什么吗?我也不知道。
do I. It's easy to find out. All you                这容易知道。你们要做的就是问。
have to do is ask. That's right. Just               不错。问吧。简单说,
ask. Simply say, 'It has been my                 ‘我是有经历的,
experience that people buy for one                人们只为了一个理由去购买,
reason more than any other reason.               而不是别的理由。
What will be the one reason that will              会是什么理由使得
cause you either to buy or not to buy?'"            你也会买或不买的?”

You'll want copies of this book for                你会为你自己或
yourself, and your employees. And,               你的员工买这本书的。
when you order before January 8, Larry           1月8日前预订了的,将得到
will give you $50 worth of his other               $50的等价奖券,可以购买
materials. Get the book right now.                其它书。欲购此书请到…
Go to http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html

QUOTE OF THE WEEK                                 本周引言
"Never mistake activity for achievement."       “绝不把活动误认为成就。”
John Wooden
(also  from the book)                        (同样出自此书)

Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!           赢取最棒的一周,去吧!





有这么一个好的平台真的不错,只是有的时候,可能不会太有时间,尤其是每篇短文还都挺长的哪。支持,顶一下,大家都加油哦"When should you call the customer? Today.
When should you clean your desk? Today.
When should you do anything worth doing? Today.
Not tomorrow. Never tomorrow. Always today."

what a great sentence!







好长呀, 就看各位的表演了呵呵,顶





IF you tell me you love to learn English and you aren't great at it, I'll call you a liar. That's right, a liar. If you really love to learn English, you will do what it takes to be good at it.


Your success is your own damn fault.


Your success is your own damn fault.  
A statement about personal responsibility.  Your success is up to YOU.  It's about not blaming others, or conditions, or your situation.  If you want success, you can choose success.
这里, damn fault 变成是正面的意思了。为什么呢?


This Week's Tip                                   本周学习点
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...也许你不喜欢听,但是我们要讨论的:这就叫有理智的工作
...It's Called Work For A Reason              

Greetings!                                          各位好!

The past few weeks I've focused on personal   在过去几周我一直关注于个人发展的主题,而不
development topics more than nitty gritty         是关于销售的本质问题.在我们进入新的2007
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one          之际,我将会再次讨论这个关于销售的问题.我这
more time. For a good reason. Any person        么做,是出于一个很好的原因:每个人走可以掌握
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those          销售技巧.只有那些将热情与正确的态度投入到工
with the passion and attitude to put in            做中的人才可以享受成功.
the WORK who enjoy the success.

This week I'm sharing excerpts with you         本周我将与大家讨论一下上周刚发行的一本新书
from a brand new book just released this         里面的摘录,书名就是:
past week:

"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your               << 这就叫有理智的工作!你的过错指引你走向成
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry     功>>出自于Larry Winget

You might recognize Larry as the author          你可能认识Larry,他是最畅销的作家之一,其著作
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,       <<闭嘴,停止抱怨,积极生活>>(你可能读过),也
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)     是A&E 电台的 "Big Spender"的著名主持.
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.

If you're easily offended, can't take an            如果你很容易就被冒犯,接受不了犀利的写作
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe       风格,喜欢那些轻易打动你心的商业寓言,那么你可
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,     能不喜欢这本书.但是如果你,或是某个你认识的
you probably won't like this book. But if          人(又或是你的雇员)需要别人的鞭策,那么我向
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works  强烈推荐这本书.
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.

By the way, I get requests every week from   顺便提一下,每周都有很多人请求我向我那35,000
people who want me to promote their book    多名会员们的书推荐他们的书.最后我都拒绝了.
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually             但是如果我确实推荐了某本书,那你肯定会觉得
all I turn down. And when I do recommend      物有所值,因为那都是我已读过并且实践过.事实
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,   上,这本书我已经读过2遍了.
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.

(If you want to get it right now, go to              (如果你现在就想要这本书,可以从下面这个地址
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html) 下载:http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalled
Here are some highlights from the book              以下是摘自于此书中的经典语句以及我个
(in quotes) along with my comments.                  人的一些评论.

Become Invaluable                                           变的无价
I've long maintained that as a salesperson           一直以来我都认为一个销售人员收入的稳定是
you control your income security. A good           掌握在他们自己的手中的.一位杰出的销售人员
salesperson is always in demand and can             每时每刻都都被需求,并且他在任何地方都可以
create revenue in many places. A great              创造收入.一位优秀的销售人员可以自主的选择
salesperson can choose where he/she decides     他的销售地点,就像棒球里的高价自由人.
to play, just like a valued free agent                   Winger在本节里面谈论的就是: 变得无价
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."

"If you want to make sure you are in                如果你确定在每一件你们公司销售的优秀产品
line for every good thing your company             都有你的份,那么你就变的无价.
has to offer, then become invaluable.               你要对你们公司所提供的产品和服务最了如指掌
Be the smartest person in the company            掌.你要比别人更懂得竞争,更了解市场.你要做到
about the products and services your               第一个到公司,最后一个离开公司.要乐于做别人
company offers. Know more about the             不愿意做的事情.工作要迅速.要懂得如何快速的
competition and the marketplace than              做决定.要勇于承担自己的责任.决不抱怨.要让人
anyone else. Get there first and leave               知道你能处理好事情.要做的比别人期望的多.
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to             要有收获.换句话说就是:工作.
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!

"This is job security at its finest.                   这是对工作的最好保障.你要成为你们公司不可  
Just become the employee that your          或缺的人,要让你的客户离不开你.你要让你的公司,
company can't live without. Become           你的老板,你的同事,你的客户指望你,需要你,并且
the person that your customers can't          想把你留在身边.
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."

"Your future is up to you, not your        你的未来掌握在你自己的受里,而不是你老板手里.
employer. You have to get better in      你要不断的提升自己以获得更好的环境待遇,这些
order for your circumstances to get       都需要你自己花时间去做.
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "

"Improve yourself any way you can,       有机会的话要时时刻刻用各种办法提升自己.去阅读一本
every time you have a chance. It         关于你如何成功的书并不会花去你多少时间.
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "

Loving Your Job Is Not The Most        热爱你的工作并不是最重要的.Larry给出了一个关于热爱工
Important Factor                              作的有趣的观点.
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.

"IF you tell me you love your job and     如果你说你热爱你的工作但是你做的并不好,那么我要说
you aren't great at your job, I'll             的就是你撒谎.是的,你是骗子.如果你真的爱你的工作,
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.             那么你会把你的工作做的很好.
If you really love your job, you will
do what it takes to be good at your job. "

"The real key to business success is          在商业里面想成功的真正秘诀就是把你做的给做好.
to be good at what you do. Excellence    想做的好并不是说你被雇佣,有热情,你喜欢,你觉得有趣
does not come just from enjoyment or     就足够了.想做的好就必须学习.从最初的弄不清楚,
passion or love or fun. Excellence             到你做出错误的决定,再到最后你终于,终于成功了,终
comes from study. Excellence comes       于做对了,这就是你的学习过程.也就是那句过了时的老
from experience. It comes from screwing 话: 努力工作.其他的因素也很重要,但是如果你不努力
up and doing it wrong until you finally,     工作,那么其他的一切基本上都是白谈.辛勤的汗水改变
finally, finally get it right. And it                一切,而不是空谈.
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes
things, not hot air."


作者:(美)温格特(Winget    L.)     吴铮  



  拉里·温格特(Larry Winget):国际演说家名人纪念堂的成员,被喻为个人发展领域的斗牛犬以及世界上唯一的让你愤怒的演说家。 他是一个很有趣、拥有独特个人魅力的成功哲学家。他一贯笔锋尖锐,备受人们争论。他所讲授的人生哲学在任何时间都适合从事任何职业的每一个人。 作为当今最忙碌的职业演说家之一,温格特的以成功哲学为主题的演讲受到全世界各种团体、组织和公司的热烈欢迎。


第1章 闭嘴
第2章 别抱怨了!
第3章 行动起来!
第4章 学会设计生活,而不是推卸生活中的责任
第5章 抛开那些帮助实现自我的教条
第6章 你的信仰最终决定你的结果
第7章 享受的因素
第8章 苗条、肥胖,以及更多的问题
第9章 每个人都振作起来
第10章 宗教和精神性——上帝站在哪边
第11章 放聪明点儿
第12章 压力:谁需要它
第13章 学会放松
第14章 金钱法则
第15章 人际关系——友谊、婚姻,以及其他的灾难
第16章 孩子,你永远的挂念
第17章 学会享受性的乐趣
第18章 爱是所有问题的关键
第19章 批评是家常便饭
第20章 给予的越多,收获的也就越多
第21章 有时候工作就是工作,乏味无奇
第22章 你没有时间了!
第23章 成功是一种平衡状态
第24章 放弃希望
第25章 内疚是无济于事的
第26章 担心等于浪费时间
第27章 自私是一件好事
第28章 信守承诺
第29章 说起来容易,做起来难
第30章 测试成功
第31章 最后一点想法

If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!




Closing is the natural culmination of the sales PROCESS, like a football team running the ball in from the one-yard line after the process of moving the ball downfield.

注:各位不关注橄榄球比赛吗?只有kyvicki 猜的有点靠谱。CCTV5, 现在每周二夜里都有播放剪去商业间隔的美式橄榄球的完整比赛。2月4日更是全美万人空巷看全美超级杯比赛:Indianapolis Colt vs Chicago Bear。

1) Offense drives television ratings. Defense wins championships. Yes, the Colts have a juggernaut, boasting the NFL's third-best offense. Yes, Manning is a great quarterback who is headed for the Hall of Fame. Guess what? So was Dan Marino. You can get there without winning a Super Bowl. New Orleans was the NFL's top offense this season, and Drew Brees was the only quarterback in the league to throw for more yards than Manning. Yet the Bears, playing the dominating D that carried them through the first 12 games of the season, held the Saints to 14 points in the NFC Championship game. You know that deer-in-the-headlights look that Manning can get after throwing a couple of picks? You haven't seen the last of it this year.

2) The Colts have already played their Super Bowl. Getting past the Patriots ... that was the monkey on Indy's back. Now that that dragon's been slayed, they're going to have an emotional letdown. The Bears, meanwhile, are quietly getting angrier at the lack of respect they've received in the national press and, locally, at being compared to the '85 Bears. There's only one way to stop all that and to validate their season. And it's not as if they're playing the '73 Miami Dolphins. Everyone seems to have forgotten that the Colts lost four of their last seven regular-season games. All four of those losses came on the road, three of them outdoors. The Super Bowl will be played on the road, outdoors, and the Bears, as NFC champions, are the home team.

3) The good Rex will show up at the Super Bowl. Look, Grossman's a little like Jim McMahon was. He's cocky. He says goofy things. He's not technically perfect. He's not a student of the game. All he does is win. His team believes in him. His coach believes in him. Who cares what the critics think? Grossman will be back in Florida, where he almost won a Heisman Trophy (he finished second in the voting in '01 to Nebraska's Eric Crouch) playing for pass-happy Steve Spurrier. He has nothing but good memories of playing in the Sunshine State. His team is the underdog. He really has nothing to lose: all the experts have already decided he's a bum. Look for Grossman, who throws a great deep ball, to complete two passes for more than 50 yards. That will stretch the Colts defense and allow the Bears to run the ball.

4) The Bears don't get there very often, but when they come to a dance they know how to finish. They haven't lost in an NFL championship game since '56. OK, they're only 2-0 since then, but they're batting 1.000, having beaten the New York Giants in '63 and the Patriots in '86. The Colts are 1-1 in Super Bowl appearances, and have a rotten record as favorites. The Colts, then operating out of Baltimore, were the first NFL team to lose to the champions of the AFL, when as three-touchdown favorites they were embarrassed by Broadway Joe Namath and the New York Jets in '69.

5) As John Lennon used to say: "Number 9 ... number 9 ... number 9 ..." When the Bears get to a championship game, look for No. 9 to steal the show. In '63 it was quarterback Billy Wade upstaging the Giants great Y.A. Tittle. In '86 it was that Super Bowl shuffler McMahon racking up 46 points. Against New England. In '07? The Man wearing No. 9 will be little Robbie Gould, who was the NFL's top kicker with 143 points in the regular season and booted the 49-yarder in overtime to get the Bears past Seattle in the first round of the playoffs. Grossman doesn't have to get the ball into the endzone. All he had to do is protect it and get the offense close enough for Gould to work his magic. About five field goals should do it.

Prediction: Bears 22, Colts 21.

呵呵,谁来翻译一下啊?体育迷jackyhot7 ?

This Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason

The past few weeks I've focused on personal
development topics more than nitty gritty
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one
more time. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.
在过去的几周里,相对于最基本最重要的销售,我们都把注意力放个人发展提高的话题上, 当我们迈入2007年,我会继续做下去。为一个好理由,任何人都能记住销售技巧。只有把热情和态度放到工作中的人才能享受成功。

This week I'm sharing excerpts with you
from a brand new book just released this
past week:
"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry
书名为〈为一个理由而工作〉你的成功就是你自己该死的毛病。作者:Larry Winget.
[bruce] 书名为《工作就要好好工作:成功完全取决于你自己的行动》。作者:Larry Winget.

You might recognize Larry as the author
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.
你可能认识Larry,他是畅销书〈闭嘴,停止抱怨,去好好干吧〉的作者(你可能会读过),他也是A$E电视台TV秀“Big Spender的主持人。
[bruce] 你可能会认出Larry,他写作了畅销书《别抱怨了,行动起来!》(你也同样应该搞一本来读),他也是A&E电视台节目《大手大脚花钱》的主持人。

If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.
[bruce] 你如果面皮太薄、受不了当头棒喝的写作风格,并且相信那些婆婆妈妈、粘粘糊糊的商业说教,那你恐怕不会喜欢这本书。但是如果你或你认识的人(也许是你的手下)需要当头一棒去推动的话,请继续读下去。而且,我绝对鼓励你去买下这本书。(参见23楼)

By the way, I get requests every week from
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.
[bruce] 顺便提一下,每周都有人希望我能推荐他们的书给我的35000多个订阅者。我几乎通通都回绝了。那么我所推荐的东西,你可以打赌是富有价值的。并且,我都读过和实践过。事实上,这本书我读了两遍。

(If you want to get it right now, go to
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )
Here are some highlights from the book
(in quotes) along with my comments.
[Bruce] 下面是这本书中的一些精彩摘要(在引号内的),并附有我的评论。

Become Invaluable
I've long maintained that as a salesperson
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places. A great
salesperson can choose where he/she decides
to play, just like a valued free agent
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."
[Bruce] 成为无价之宝

"If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!
[Bruce] “如果你想确保公司提供的一切好东西你都有份,那就让自己成为公司的至宝吧:最为精通公司提供的产品和服务;最为知晓竞争对手和市场情况;最早上班、最晚下班;愿意做其他员工不做的事情;工作高效;决策果断;勇于承担个人责任;决不抱怨;成为人人皆知的实干家;做的事超过别人对你的期望;获得结果。换句话说:努力工作!”

"This is job security at its finest.
Just become the employee that your
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."
[Bruce] “这就是最好的工作保障:变成公司不可缺少的员工,变成客户最依赖的人,变成你的公司、上司、同事、客户等,最为信任、最为需要陪伴在他们身边的人。”

"Your future is up to you, not your
employer. You have to get better in
order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "
[Bruce] “你的未来取决于你自己,而不是你的雇主。只有你自己先做得更好,你周围的环境才会变好。而且一定要在属于你自己的时间里完成。”

"Improve yourself any way you can,
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "

Loving Your Job Is Not The Most
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.

"IF you tell me you love your job and
you aren't great at your job, I'll
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.
If you really love your job, you will
do what it takes to be good at your job. "
[Bruce] “如果你告诉我你爱你的工作,但是你并不是做得最优秀的。那我会说你是说谎,对,就是说谎。如果你真的爱你的工作,你会不惜代价做好你的工作。”

[ 本帖最后由 bruce1 于 2007-1-25 16:14 编辑 ]"The real key to business success is
to be good at what you do. Excellence
does not come just from enjoyment or
passion or love or fun. Excellence
comes from study. Excellence comes
from experience. It comes from screwing
up and doing it wrong until you finally,
finally, finally get it right. And it
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes
things, not hot air."
[Bruce] “商海成功的关键是做好你所做的事情。做得优秀不仅仅只是来自于快乐、热情、喜爱或兴趣。它来自于学习和经验,来自于教训和错误、而且是一次又一次、一次又一次,最最后来才把它做得完美。除了实践,其它东西单独出来都象空气一样地空洞。空洞的东西不起作用,实践的汗水才能改变世界。”

Getting Results
I love the word "results" and use it
in several ways in my own programs.
I always say that customers don't buy
products, services or even features or
benefits. They buy a picture of the end
result they will get, with themselves
in the picture.
[Bruce] 获得结果:

Also, quite often sales reps are focused
on pumping out their 30, 50 or 80 "dials"
or contacts per day (because that's
sometimes all they are measured on).
But what really matters, bottom line,
are the results they get.
[Bruce] 不过最关键的、带来价值的是,他们获得的结果。

There are several chapters in the book
that deal with results, from the perspective
of the results you personally deliver.
Here are a few juicy words of wisdom from
[Bruce] 本书有几个章节,从个人角度来讨论结果的问题。以下是拉里的一些智慧淋漓的文句:

"I like people who work hard. I admire
hard work. But you are not paid to work
hard. In fact, you are not paid for
effort at all. You are paid for results.
It's not what you do; it's what you get done."

"Results are everything and they never lie."
[Bruce] “我喜欢勤奋工作的人,我也赞美勤奋工作。但是付你钱其实要的不是你的工作勤奋。事实上,要的也根本不是你的努力 -- 付你钱要的是工作结果。不是你做了什么,而是你做到了什么。”

"Remember, you are paid for results, and
you are paying for results. Results
indicate how productive a person is and
have little to do with how busy a person
is. There is nothing sadder than to find
out an employee is excellent at doing
something that doesn't need to be done
at all."
[Bruce] “记住,付你钱为的是你的成果。你因为有结果,所以挣钱。实际成果衡量的是个人的生产能力,而与忙忙碌碌没有关系。最可悲的是,有的优秀人才却在做根本没有用的事情。”

[ 本帖最后由 bruce1 于 2007-1-25 16:16 编辑 ]

Today. Not Tomorrow.
Years ago when I worked in corporate life
I realized I wasn't cut out for it because
things didn't get done fast enough. Meetings
were held to decide when to schedule another
meeting so a committee could be formed.
I'd often ask, "Why don't we just do this
[Bruce] 今天的事不要到明天。

Here's why I was frustrated: too many people
believed in stretching out a task so they
could appear busy. That's part of the reason
I started my own business at age 23.
[Bruce] 这就是我灰心丧气、无法按奈的原因:太多人的确信需要把事情拖拉地去做,所以他们就可以显得很忙碌。这是促使我23岁时自己做老板的部分原因。

W. Clement Stone, who built an insurance
empire worth hundreds of millions dollars,
would make all his employees recite the phrase,
"Do it now!" again and again at the start of
each workday.
建立了资产达1亿多美元的保险帝国的W. Clement Stone,总是会让他们员工在每天工作前说一句话“现在就做”,重复又重复
[Bruce] W. Clement Stone建立的保险帝国价值高达数亿万美元,他让所有员工在每天工作前,一遍遍地重复念叨“现在就做”。

In "Nuts," the book about Southwest Airlines,
there are numerous anecdotes about CEO Herb
Kelleher and his policy of making instant
decisions to set things in motion.
在〈nuts〉这本关于西南航空的书中,有许多关于CEO Herb Kelleher的轶事 ,靠他的政策果断解决问题的实例。
In Winget's "It's Called Work For A Reason,"
he takes this idea and is quite blunt about it:
[Bruce]  Winget在《工作就要好好工作》一书中采用这个观点,并断然地说:

"If you are one of those people who just are
never in a hurry, one of those who say,
'There is plenty of time,' 'What's the rush?'
'Don't worry, we've got all the time in the
world,' or anything similar to any of those
statements, I'll do my best to be as polite
and delicate as I possibly can be as I say
this about you: You are an idiot. Are we
clear? There is NO time. There is always a
rush. You don't have all the time in the
world. Hurry up."
[Bruce] “如果你是个从不着急的人,总是说‘还有很多时间’、‘急什么?’‘不要担心,来日方长’或诸如此类的话,我会尽我最大的努力,保持礼貌和客气地对你说:你是个笨蛋。你明白吗?你没有时间。所有事情都是紧急需要。你没有多余的时间,赶快赶快。”

"When should you call the customer? Today.
When should you clean your desk? Today.
When should you do anything worth doing? Today.
Not tomorrow. Never tomorrow. Always today."

[ 本帖最后由 bruce1 于 2007-1-25 16:18 编辑 ]

Selling More
The book has a section on selling with
lots of great, common sense ideas. Pretty
much all of which are consistent with what
you've been reading here for years. And if
you've been to one of my programs or own
the Telesales College CD's, you know my
stance on "closing." Closing is the natural
culmination of the sales PROCESS, like a
football team running the ball in from
the one-yard line after the process of
moving the ball downfield.
[Bruce] 销售更多:

If you place all of your emphasis on
closing, (while neglecting the most
important part, questioning, more on
that in a moment) you'll alienate people.
[Bruce] 如果你只强调销售收尾的作用(而忽视最重要的提问部分 – 见后文),你就会让人疏远。

In my programs we talk quite a bit about
the attitude of asking, rather on the
memorization of techniques. Because, if
you are great at asking, you will be
great at selling. As Winget agrees in
the book,
[Bruce] 在我的课程中,我们比较多地讨论提问的态度,而不是如何记忆销售技巧。因为如果你善于提问,你就善于销售。Winget的书也赞同:

"Think about the power of asking one
more person to buy each day. Consider
a work year of 220 days, which would
give 220 additional people the
opportunity to buy from you. If you
were to close on 10 percent of those
people, it would produce twenty-two
more sales per year. How much more
money would that mean to you in commission?"
[Bruce] “想想每天多问一个客户购买的巨大效果吧。一年如果工作220天,你就可能增加220个向你购买的机会。如果你能让其中10%的客户下单,每年就能创造22个额外的销售。这意味着你能多赚多少佣金?”

On questioning, Larry says:
"People buy for one reason more than
any other reason. That's right, one
reason. Know what that reason is? Neither
do I. It's easy to find out. All you
have to do is ask. That's right. Just
ask. Simply say, 'It has been my
experience that people buy for one
reason more than any other reason.
What will be the one reason that will
cause you either to buy or not to buy?'"
[Bruce] 关于提问,Larry说:“人们购买时总有一个最主要的原因。对的,就一个原因。想知道这个原因是什么吗?我也不知道。但却很容易发现,你只要提问就可以了。对的,就是提问。简单地问:‘我的经验告诉我,人们购买东西总有一个主要原因。请问,对您来说,什么原因会让您买,或是不买?’”

You'll want copies of this book for
yourself, and your employees. And,
when you order before January 8, Larry
will give you $50 worth of his other
materials. Get the book right now.
Go to http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html

"Never mistake activity for achievement."
John Wooden (also from the book)
Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!
本周引言:决不把积极当做成就。 (摘自本书)
[Bruce] 本周引言:做事没有结果还是一场空。 (摘自本书)


[ 本帖最后由 bruce1 于 2007-1-25 16:21 编辑 ]

This Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason
The past few weeks I've focused on personal
development topics more than nitty gritty

As we start 2007, I'm doing it one
more time. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.

This week I'm sharing excerpts with you
from a brand new book just released this
past week:

It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry
这本书的名字叫“为工作找个理由” Larry Winget说到你的成功来自你自己对错误的纠正。

You might recognize Larry as the author
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.

If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.

By the way, I get requests every week from
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.

(If you want to get it right now, go to
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )

Here are some highlights from the book
(in quotes) along with my comments.

Become Invaluable
I've long maintained that as a salesperson
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places. A great
salesperson can choose where he/she decides
to play, just like a valued free agent
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."
我曾经长期坚持做销售员。你自己控制自己的收入保障。一个好的销售人是很受欢迎的也能创造财富,一个非常优秀的销售人员能决定什么地方他能做,就像一个自由的棒球代理商。 Winget在“变的没有价值”这部分说道。

"If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.

Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers.

Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else.

Get there first and leave last.

Do the stuff no one else wants to do.

Work fast.

Learn to make decisions quickly.

Take personal responsibility.

Never whine.

Become known as the person who gets things done.

Do more than is expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!

"This is job security at its finest.
Just become the employee that your
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."

"Your future is up to you, not your
employer. You have to get better in
order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "

"Improve yourself any way you can,
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "

Loving Your Job Is Not The Most
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.

"IF you tell me you love your job and
you aren't great at your job, I'll
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.
If you really love your job, you will
do what it takes to be good at your job. "

"The real key to business success is
to be good at what you do. Excellence
does not come just from enjoyment or
passion or love or fun. Excellence
comes from study. Excellence comes
from experience. It comes from screwing
up and doing it wrong until you finally,
finally, finally get it right. And it
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes
things, not hot air."

没有翻译完,太忙了 ,下次在来!~




I like people who work hard. I admire
hard work. But you are not paid to work
hard. In fact, you are not paid for
effort at all. You are paid for results.
It's not what you do; it's what you get done."

"Results are everything and they never lie."
[Bruce] “我喜欢勤奋工作的人,我也赞美勤奋工作。但是付你钱其实要的不是你的工作勤奋。事实上,要的也根本不是你的努力 -- 付你钱要的是工作结果。不是你做了什么,而是你做到了什么。”

This Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason

The past few weeks I've focused on personal
development topics more than nitty gritty
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one
more time. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.
This week I'm sharing excerpts with you
from a brand new book just released this
past week:
"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry
“它的名字叫为一个理由工作!:你的成功是不犯自己犯过的错误,”by Larry
You might recognize Larry as the author
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.

If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.
By the way, I get requests every week from
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.
(If you want to get it right now, go to
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )
(如果你现在立刻得到它,去http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )
Here are some highlights from the book
(in quotes) along with my comments.

Become Invaluable变得无价
I've long maintained that as a salesperson
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places. A great
salesperson can choose where he/she decides
to play, just like a valued free agent
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."
"If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!
"This is job security at its finest.
Just become the employee that your
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."
"Your future is up to you, not your
employer. You have to get better in
order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "
"Improve yourself any way you can,
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "

Loving Your Job Is Not The Most
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.
"IF you tell me you love your job and
you aren't great at your job, I'll
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.
If you really love your job, you will
do what it takes to be good at your job. "





自由球员合约到期可以选择与老东家续约或者去新东家效力,这里之前也是在强调a great salesperson可以choose。






支持 一下。。。。。。。。。

This Week's Tip   本周主题
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason
The past few weeks I've focused on personal
development topics more than nitty gritty
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one
more time. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.
This week I'm sharing excerpts with you
from a brand new book just released this
past week:
"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry
Larry  Winget说的话,“这就是为理由而工作!:你的成功是你自己
You might recognize Larry as the author
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.
你也许知道Larry是一位最畅销书的作者,他也是 A&E电视节目“大富豪”的主持人,
If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.
By the way, I get requests every week from
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.
(If you want to get it right now, go to
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )
Here are some highlights from the book
(in quotes) along with my comments.
Become Invaluable
I've long maintained that as a salesperson
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places. A great
salesperson can choose where he/she decides
to play, just like a valued free agent
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."
我一直都把这个观点视作是销售人员的收入保障。一个好的销售员永远都是被需要的,而且他能够在很多地方创造收入。一个好的销售员能够选择在什么地方发挥作用,如同一个有价值的、自由的棒球代理人。 Winget 把这个观点在他的章节里进行阐述,“变成无价。”
"If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!
"This is job security at its finest.
Just become the employee that your
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."
"Your future is up to you, not your
employer. You have to get better in
order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "
"Improve yourself any way you can,
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "
Loving Your Job Is Not The Most
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.
"IF you tell me you love your job and
you aren't great at your job, I'll
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.
If you really love your job, you will
do what it takes to be good at your job. "
"The real key to business success is
to be good at what you do. Excellence
does not come just from enjoyment or
passion or love or fun. Excellence
comes from study. Excellence comes
from experience. It comes from screwing
up and doing it wrong until you finally,
finally, finally get it right. And it
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes
things, not hot air."
Getting Results
I love the word "results" and use it
in several ways in my own programs.
I always say that customers don't buy
products, services or even features or
benefits. They buy a picture of the end
result they will get, with themselves
in the picture.
Also, quite often sales reps are focused
on pumping out their 30, 50 or 80 "dials"
or contacts per day (because that's
sometimes all they are measured on).
But what really matters, bottom line,
are the results they get.
There are several chapters in the book
that deal with results, from the perspective
of the results you personally deliver.
Here are a few juicy words of wisdom from
"I like people who work hard. I admire
hard work. But you are not paid to work
hard. In fact, you are not paid for
effort at all. You are paid for results.
It's not what you do; it's what you get done."
"Results are everything and they never lie."“结果意味着一切,它们不会说谎。”

"Remember, you are paid for results, and
you are paying for results. Results
indicate how productive a person is and
have little to do with how busy a person
is. There is nothing sadder than to find
out an employee is excellent at doing
something that doesn't need to be done
at all.

Today. Not Tomorrow.
Years ago when I worked in corporate life
I realized I wasn't cut out for it because
things didn't get done fast enough. Meetings
were held to decide when to schedule another
meeting so a committee could be formed.
I'd often ask, "Why don't we just do this
now?" 今天,而不是明天。多年以前当我在联合生命工作时,我意识到我自己不适合那里的工作,因为我没能够快速地完成工作。当每次开会讨论决定何时安排下一个会议,以便成立一个委员会时,我经常会问,“为什么我们不现在做呢?”

Here's why I was frustrated: too many people
believed in stretching out a task so they
could appear busy. That's part of the reason
I started my own business at age 23.
W. Clement Stone, who built an insurance
empire worth hundreds of millions dollars,
would make all his employees recite the phrase,
"Do it now!" again and again at the start of
each workday.
W. Clement Stone建造了一个价值过亿的保险帝国,他让所有的员工在每天开始工作时,不断地背诵这一句话,“现在就做!”
In "Nuts," the book about Southwest Airlines,
there are numerous anecdotes about CEO Herb
Kelleher and his policy of making instant
decisions to set things in motion.
有一本记录有关西南航空的故事的书,书名“疯狂者”,书中记载了许多关于CEO Herb
Kelleher 的佳话,还有许多有关这位CEO调动员工快速决定的方针。
In Winget's "It's Called Work For A Reason,"
he takes this idea and is quite blunt about it:
在 Winget的《这就是为理由而工作》书中,他非常直率地提出这个观点:
"If you are one of those people who just are
never in a hurry, one of those who say,
'There is plenty of time,' 'What's the rush?'
'Don't worry, we've got all the time in the
world,' or anything similar to any of those
statements, I'll do my best to be as polite
and delicate as I possibly can be as I say
this about you: You are an idiot. Are we
clear? There is NO time. There is always a
rush. You don't have all the time in the
world. Hurry up."
"When should you call the customer? Today.
When should you clean your desk? Today.
When should you do anything worth doing? Today.
Not tomorrow. Never tomorrow. Always today."

Selling More
The book has a section on selling with
lots of great, common sense ideas. Pretty
much all of which are consistent with what
you've been reading here for years. And if
you've been to one of my programs or own
the Telesales College CD's, you know my
stance on "closing." Closing is the natural
culmination of the sales PROCESS, like a
football team running the ball in from
the one-yard line after the process of
moving the ball downfield.
If you place all of your emphasis on
closing, (while neglecting the most
important part, questioning, more on
that in a moment) you'll alienate people.
In my programs we talk quite a bit about
the attitude of asking, rather on the
memorization of techniques. Because, if
you are great at asking, you will be
great at selling. As Winget agrees in
the book,
在我的程序里,我们讨论很多有关提问的态度方面的东西,我们不太注重去记一些技巧性的东西。因为,如果你非常精于提问的话,你将会非常擅长销售。正如 Winget 在本书中也有一致的观点,
"Think about the power of asking one
more person to buy each day. Consider
a work year of 220 days, which would
give 220 additional people the
opportunity to buy from you. If you
were to close on 10 percent of those
people, it would produce twenty-two
more sales per year. How much more
money would that mean to you in commission?"“每天都去思考一下让更加多一个人来购买的发问技巧,设想如果一年的工作日是220天,那样你就每年会多出220个顾客向你购买产品的机会。假设你打算在这个数字上削掉10%的人数,那也会有每年多出22个销售。那会意味着你增加多少的佣金呢?

On questioning, Larry says:
"People buy for one reason more than
any other reason. That's right, one
reason. Know what that reason is? Neither
do I. It's easy to find out. All you
have to do is ask. That's right. Just
ask. Simply say, 'It has been my
experience that people buy for one
reason more than any other reason.
What will be the one reason that will
cause you either to buy or not to buy?'"

You'll want copies of this book for
yourself, and your employees. And,
when you order before January 8, Larry
will give you $50 worth of his other
materials. Get the book right now.
Go to http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html
你要为你自己和你的员工复制好这本书。如果你在1月8日以前订购的话, Larry 将给你价值$50的他写的其他资料。马上订购吧。进入http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html

"Never mistake activity for achievement."
John Wooden
(also  from the book)
John Wooden说(也出自本书)“永远不要错误地理解建立绩效的活动”

Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!
ArtThis Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason
The past few weeks I've focused on personal 前几个星期我把重点放在个
development topics more than nitty gritty 人发展上比提高销售能力的多。
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it on在2007年新的一年,我将在提高销
more time. For a good reason. Any person 方面讲的更多。任何人都能掌握
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those 销售技巧为了一个好的理由。掌握
with the passion and attitude to put in 技巧的是那些在工作中充满热情对
the WORK who enjoy the success并对工作态度认真的享受成功的人

This week I'm sharing excerpts with you 这周我将与大家分享摘录,是上周刚出版的一本书上摘录下来的
from a brand new book just released thispast week:

"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your 这本书叫做为工作找个理由!:你的成功来自你自己的过错。 Larry Winget说
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry

You might recognize Larry as the author 你可能认为 Larry 是最好的销售者
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining, 中的权威,“闭嘴,停止抱怨,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)并开始新的生活。并主持电视
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.秀”大富翁。

If you're easily offended, can't take an 假如你很容易被得罪,不能接受直白录的协作风格,并订阅了一些有寓言故事的休闲商业杂志,那你有可能不喜欢
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe 这本书。但是如果你或者你认识
to lots of the touch-feely business parables, 的人需要临门一角的话,阅读这本书,我当然鼓励你去买这本书
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.

By the way, I get requests every week from 顺便提一下,每星期我都会
people who want me to promote their book 受到很多想让我把他们的书推荐给35000订阅者的请求。事实上所有的请求我都拒绝了。因为当我想推荐
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually 一些东西的时候,你可以相信那一定是值得的,我已经读了这本书并且很受用。实际上我已经阅读两遍了。
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.

(If you want to get it right now, go to 如果你想马上得到这本书,请去
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )

Here are some highlights from the book 这里有这本书的精粹并附带我的注解
(in quotes) along with my comments


This Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason
The past few weeks I've focused on personal
development topics more than nitty gritty
As we start 2007, I'm doing it one
more time
. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.
为了一个好的理由,任何人都可以记住销售技巧。只有那些将激情和态度投入到工作去的人才能 享受成功
This week I'm sharing excerpts with you
from a brand new book just released this
past week:
"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry
You might recognize Larry as the author
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.
If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.
By the way, I get requests every week from
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.
(If you want to get it right now, go to
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )
Here are some highlights from the book
(in quotes) along with my comments.

Become Invaluable
I've long maintained that as a salesperson
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places. A great
salesperson can choose where he/she decides
to play, just like a valued free agent
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."
一个好的销售员能够选择出那里才是他表现的地方.他们就象是棒球里宝贵的自由无约的职业队员, Winget在这一部分讨论这个问题.成为无价者
"If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else.
Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you.
Get the results.
other words: Work!
"This is job security at its finest.
Just become the employee that your
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."
"Your future is up to you, not your
employer. You have to get better in
order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "
"Improve yourself any way you can,
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "一旦有机会就
Loving Your Job Is Not The Most
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.
"IF you tell me you love your job and
you aren't great at your job, I'll
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.
If you really love your job, you will
do what it takes to be good at your job. "
"The real key to business success is
to be good at what you do. Excellence
does not come just from enjoyment or
passion or love or fun. Excellence
comes from study. Excellence comes
from experience. It comes from screwing
up and doing it wrong until you finally,
finally, finally get it right.
事业成功的关键是你专于你所从事的工作.杰出不是来享受乐事或是激情,也不是来自喜欢和兴趣.杰出来自经历,来自学习,来自不断的钻研和不段的犯错误直到你做好他为止.And it
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes
things, not hot air."
其他东西也有帮助, 但仅仅有这些东西的话只是吹牛;辛勤耕耘的汗水才能改变一些事情,吹牛不能
Getting Results
I love the word "results" and use it
in several ways in my own programs.
I always say that customers don't buy
products, services or even features or
benefits. They buy a picture of the end
result they will get, with themselves
in the picture.
争取结果: 我喜欢这个结果,而且经常在我的课程中通过各种途径使用它.我经常说顾客不是购买产品服务,特色或者利益.他们购买的是自己最终会得到的情景,而他自己会在这一情景中.
Also, quite often sales reps are focused
on pumping out their 30, 50 or 80 "dials"
or contacts per day (because that's
sometimes all they are measured on).
But what really matters, bottom line,
are the results they get.
There are several chapters in the book
that deal with results, from the perspective
of the results you personally deliver.
Here are a few juicy words of wisdom from
"I like people who work hard. I admire
hard work. But you are not paid to work
hard. In fact, you are not paid for
effort at all. You are paid for results.
It's not what you do; it's what you get done."
"Results are everything and they never lie."
"Remember, you are paid for results, and
you are paying for results. Results
indicate how productive a person is and
have little to do with how busy a person
is. There is nothing sadder than to find
out an employee is excellent at doing
something that doesn't need to be done
at all."
Today. Not Tomorrow.
Years ago when I worked in corporate life
I realized I wasn't cut out for it because
things didn't get done fast enough. Meetings
were held to decide when to schedule another
meeting so a committee could be formed.
I'd often ask, "Why don't we just do this
Here's why I was frustrated: too many people
believed in stretching out a task so they
could appear busy. That's part of the reason
I started my own business at age 23.
W. Clement Stone, who built an insurance
empire worth hundreds of millions dollars,
would make all his employees recite the phrase,
"Do it now!" again and again at the start of
each workday.
W. Clement Stone建立了一个价值上亿的保险的帝国,他在每个工作日的开始就让他的员工们一次有一次地背诵”Do it now”
In "Nuts," the book about Southwest Airlines,
there are numerous anecdotes about CEO Herb
Kelleher and his policy of making instant
decisions to set things in motion.
In Winget's "It's Called Work For A Reason,"
he takes this idea and is quite blunt about it:

If you are one of those people who just are
never in a hurry, one of those who say,
'There is plenty of time,' 'What's the rush?'
'Don't worry, we've got all the time in the
world,' or anything similar to any of those
statements, I'll do my best to be as polite
and delicate as I possibly can be as I say
this about you: You are an idiot. Are we
clear? There is NO time. There is always a
rush. You don't have all the time in the
world. Hurry up."
"When should you call the customer? Today.
When should you clean your desk? Today.
When should you do anything worth doing? Today.
Not tomorrow. Never tomorrow. Always today."
什么时候你应该打电话给你的客户? 今天
你什么时候做任何值得做的 事情? 今天
不要 等到明天.从来没有明天只有今天
Selling More
The book has a section on selling with
lots of great, common sense ideas. Pretty
much all of which are consistent with what
you've been reading here for years. And if
you've been to one of my programs or own
the Telesales College CD's, you know my
stance on "closing." Closing is the natural
culmination of the sales PROCESS, like a
football team running the ball in from
the one-yard line after the process of
moving the ball downfield.
If you place all of your emphasis on
closing, (while neglecting the most
important part, questioning, more on
that in a moment) you'll alienate people.
In my programs we talk quite a bit about
the attitude of asking, rather on the
memorization of techniques. Because, if
you are great at asking, you will be
great at selling. As Winget agrees in
the book,
"Think about the power of asking one
more person to buy each day. Consider
a work year of 220 days, which would
give 220 additional people the
opportunity to buy from you. If you
were to close on 10 percent of those
people, it would produce twenty-two
more sales per year. How much more
money would that mean to you in commission?"




This Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason


The past few weeks I've focused on personal
development topics more than nitty gritty
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one
more time. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.

This week I'm sharing excerpts with you
from a brand new book just released this
past week:
"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry

You might recognize Larry as the author
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and host of the TV show, " on A&E.
你也许知道Larry是最佳畅销书<闭嘴,别哭了,给我好好生活去!>的作者: (你应该也有了这本书)或是A&E台"Big Spender脱口秀的主持人.
If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.

By the way, I get requests every week from
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.
(If you want to get it right now, go to
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )

Here are some highlights from the book
(in quotes) along with my comments.

This Week's Tip                                           这周的主题
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...         你也许不想听到这个,但是。。。。。。
...It's Called Work For A Reason                      这叫做只为了一个理由而工作              

Greetings!                                                   欢迎

The past few weeks I've focused on personal  过去的几周比起实际的销售,我更多的把注意力放在了
development topics more than nitty gritty       个人发展上。既然我们开始07年的话题讨论了,我就再讲
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one         一次这种销售。为了一个好的理由。每一个人都可以记住
more time. For a good reason. Any person      销售的技巧。就是那些享受生活,把热情和态度带到工作
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those        中去的人。
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.

This week I'm sharing excerpts with you         这周我会和你分享我从一本这周刚刚发表的崭新的书的摘要
from a brand new book just released this
past week:

"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your               “它叫做只为了一个理由而工作。你的成功就是你自己的那些
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry      该死的错误。”Larry Winget说的。

You might recognize Larry as the author             你也许认识畅销书“闭嘴,别抱怨了,好好生活”的作者Larry(你
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,         也应该要好好生活),同时他也是A&E的电视节目“大富贾”的主持
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)       人。
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.

If you're easily offended, can't take an                         如果你很容易被激怒,不能接受很直白的写作手法,也不愿意
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe           订阅感性的商业期刊,也许这本书不适合你。但是你或者你认识的人
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,        (也许他/她为你工作)需要有人在后面提醒一下,读一下,我会
you probably won't like this book. But if                        强烈建议你去读一下这本书。
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.

By the way, I get requests every week from                  顺便提一下,每周很多人都请求我把他们的书推荐给我超过
people who want me to promote their book                  35,000的捐款者。实际上,我都把他们挡了回去。所以当我诚信
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually                         推荐好书的时候,你应该知道这本书是值得阅读的。我读过了这书
all I turn down. And when I do recommend                   并且我在使用它.实际上,我读了两次.
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.

(If you want to get it right now, go to                             如果你想马上买到这本书,可以http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )  
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )

Here are some highlights from the book                         下面我给出一些这本书的亮点(采用摘录的方式),附上我的评论.
(in quotes) along with my comments.

Become Invaluable                                                       变得无价
I've long maintained that as a salesperson                       
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places. A great
salesperson can choose where he/she decides
to play, just like a valued free agent
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."

"If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!

"This is job security at its finest.
Just become the employee that your
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."

"Your future is up to you, not your
employer. You have to get better in
order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "

"Improve yourself any way you can,
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "

Loving Your Job Is Not The Most
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.

"IF you tell me you love your job and
you aren't great at your job, I'll
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.
If you really love your job, you will
do what it takes to be good at your job. "

"The real key to business success is
to be good at what you do. Excellence
does not come just from enjoyment or
passion or love or fun. Excellence
comes from study. Excellence comes
from experience. It comes from screwing
up and doing it wrong until you finally,
finally, finally get it right. And it
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes
things, not hot air."

Getting Results
I love the word "results" and use it
in several ways in my own programs.
I always say that customers don't buy
products, services or even features or
benefits. They buy a picture of the end
result they will get, with themselves
in the picture.

[ 本帖最后由 uniqueico 于 2007-8-5 11:17 编辑 ]


This Week's Tip                                                      本周贴示
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...                    也许你不想听到这句话,但是...
...It's Called Work For A Reason                                 ...为了缘由而工作

Greetings!                                                              问好!

The past few weeks I've focused on personal             过去的几个星期我一直关注于个人发展的主题。当我们开始      
development topics more than nitty gritty                  过2007的时候,我就一直在研究这个了。一个非常好的理由。
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one                    任何人都能记住的销售机制。那就是把热情积极向上的态度
more time. For a good reason. Any person                  投入到工作中去,你会过的成功的。
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.

This week I'm sharing excerpts with you                    这周我与你一起分享本周刚出版的新书:
from a brand new book just released this
past week:

"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your                         “为了原因而工作!:成功就是错误的积累而得来的,”
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry                larry winget。

You might recognize Larry as the author                   你或许记得这个畅销作家larry,“闭嘴,放弃争执,
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,                享受生活,”(你所享受到的生活)和热门电视节目秀
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)               ,“Big Spender”。
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.

If you're easily offended, can't take an       如果你很容易被惹不高兴,不喜欢自己的生活模式被写
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe     进书中,不赞成许多商业暗喻,也许你不太会喜欢本书。
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,    但是如果你,或者你认识的人当中需要赶走负面情绪,请
you probably won't like this book. But if                读这本书,我向你推荐它。
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.

By the way, I get requests every week from          顺便提句,我每周得到大量的请求希望能向超过35,000的订阅者
people who want me to promote their book          推荐他们的书。实际上我拒绝了。当我推荐某些东西的时候,你可
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually                 以打赌那时值得的,因为我读过也用过。事实上,这本书我已经读
all I turn down. And when I do recommend           了2遍。
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.

(If you want to get it right now, go to                  (如果你想立即拥有这本书,请参考以下这个网址
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )   http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )

Here are some highlights from the book                 这本书中有许多精彩的地方,并伴随着我的一些评论。
(in quotes) along with my comments.

Become Invaluable                                              如何变得无法衡量
I've long maintained that as a salesperson              我长期认为作为一个销售人员你首先应该能控制好自己的
you control your income security. A good              收入安全。一个优秀的销售人员总是要求自己能在诸多领
salesperson is always in demand and can                域创造收入。一个伟大的销售人员能够选择在何处决定自
create revenue in many places. A great                己的销售,就像一个有价值的篮球队员一样。
salesperson can choose where he/she decides       Winget在他的文章章节中就讨论了这个
to play, just like a valued free agent                      ,“Become Invaluable”。
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."

"If you want to make sure you are in                  “如果你想确信自己拥有公司提供的一切良好的销售资料,并且
line for every good thing your company               让它们变得无价之宝。首先让自己成为公司提供产品和服务方面
has to offer, then become invaluable.                  的伶俐的人员。比其他任何人都要清楚知道目标市场以及同行业
Be the smartest person in the company               的竞争态势。每天最早达到最迟离开公司。做别人不想做的事情。
about the products and services your                  高效率的工作。为自己的行为负责。不抱怨。完成比别人期待你
company offers. Know more about the                做的还要棒的事情。结果就会来临。换言之:工作!”
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is   
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!

"This is job security at its finest.                          “最安全的工作就是在它被完成的最棒的时刻。
Just become the employee that your                   变成让你的公司无法离开的雇员。变成让你的顾客
company can't live without. Become                    无法离开的人。变成你的公司、你的老板、你的工
the person that your customers can't                   作伙伴和你的顾客信赖、需要甚至围绕的人。”
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."

"Your future is up to you, not your                      “未来由你自己决定,而不是你的雇佣者。若你想
employer. You have to get better in                   得到更多以便让自己的生活环境更好,那么这都取
order for your circumstances to get                    决于你自己。”
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "

"Improve yourself any way you can,                      “利用各种方法来提升自己,每一次你都有机会。
every time you have a chance. It                          阅读一本关于成功的好书并非是在浪费时间。”
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "

Loving Your Job Is Not The Most                         喜爱自己的工作并不是最重要的因素
Important Factor                                                Larry给了喜爱自己工作的人一个非常有趣的观点。
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.

"IF you tell me you love your job and                    “如果你告诉我你喜欢自己的工作,但是你并未在自己的
you aren't great at your job, I'll                           工作岗位上有成就,那么我可以认为你是在撒谎。是的,
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.                          一个谎言。如果你真的喜爱自己的工作,你一定会努力使
If you really love your job, you will                       自己工作变得更棒。”
do what it takes to be good at your job. "

"The real key to business success is                      “成功商业的关键是做你擅长的事。仅仅因为喜欢、
to be good at what you do. Excellence                  热情、热爱、喜爱并不意味着成功。成功来源于
does not come just from enjoyment or                  时刻坚持着的学习。来源于经验。来源于你把事情
passion or love or fun. Excellence                          做的一团糟一直不断的做错事直至最后你终于做对。
comes from study. Excellence comes                    来源于永不过时的刻苦工作!另外对此有帮助的,但
from experience. It comes from screwing              多数时候是吹牛,轻轻的改变,不仅仅是吹牛。”
up and doing it wrong until you finally,
finally, finally get it right. And it
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes
things, not hot air."

Getting Results                 结果
I love the word "results" and use it        我喜欢“结果”这个词,在我自己的栏目当中曾用多种不同  
in several ways in my own programs.       的方式使用过它。我总是说人们购买的不是产品、服务、特
I always say that customers don't buy      征、利益。他们购买的结果其实是一幅画,包括他们也在这
products, services or even features or      其中。
benefits. They buy a picture of the end
result they will get, with themselves
in the picture.
Also, quite often sales reps are focused     另一方面,销售人员每天总是关注于抽空联系或拨打电话 
on pumping out their 30, 50 or 80 "dials"    30,50,80(因为这时是他们衡量的最好时刻)。
or contacts per day (because that's
sometimes all they are measured on).

But what really matters, bottom line,                但底线是什么样的结果是他们真正想得到的呢?
are the results they get.

There are several chapters in the book              关于结果在本书中有多个章节描述,从你个人交付的结果透视看。
that deal with results, from the perspective       从Larry这儿有一些关于智慧的有趣的言论。
of the results you personally deliver.
Here are a few juicy words of wisdom from

"I like people who work hard. I admire              “我喜欢人们努力工作。我钦佩工作努力的人。但你不是因工作努力
hard work. But you are not paid to work           而获得报酬。事实上,你也不是因工作有效果而获得报酬。你获得
hard. In fact, you are not paid for                     报酬是因为结果。不是你做了什么:而是你从工作中得到了什么。”
effort at all. You are paid for results.
It's not what you do; it's what you get done."

"Results are everything and they never lie."       “结果就是一切而它们不会说慌。”

"Remember, you are paid for results, and    “记住,你是为结果而获得报酬,要获得结果你要花费很多。
you are paying for results. Results        结果表明怎么样的才是一个多产的人,多么忙的一个人也有
indicate how productive a person is and     可能只会做一点点儿事情。没有什么比发现一个工作十分棒
have little to do with how busy a person     但其实并不需要过分投入工作的事情更让人悲哀了。”
is. There is nothing sadder than to find
out an employee is excellent at doing
something that doesn't need to be done
at all."

Today. Not Tomorrow.            今天。不是明天。
Years ago when I worked in corporate life    多年以前当我把工作和生活联系起来时,我就意识到我不能这样
I realized I wasn't cut out for it because     因为事情总是不能足够快的解决。会议总是不断决定安排另一个
things didn't get done fast enough. Meetings     会议何时举行以便委员会组织。我总是问,“为什么我们这次不
were held to decide when to schedule another    能解决?”
meeting so a committee could be formed.
I'd often ask, "Why don't we just do this

Here's why I was frustrated: too many people    这儿就是我迷惑的地方:太多人认为大步向前工作就可以表明
believed in stretching out a task so they      他们工作确实很忙。那是我23岁开始自己事业的原因的一部分。
could appear busy. That's part of the reason
I started my own business at age 23.

W. Clement Stone, who built an insurance            W. Clement Stone,一个创造了数百亿价值的保险帝国的人,
empire worth hundreds of millions dollars,              让所有他的雇员反复背诵一句话, “从现在做起!”一遍又一遍作
would make all his employees recite the phrase,     为每天工作的 开端。
"Do it now!" again and again at the start of
each workday.

In "Nuts," the book about Southwest Airlines,       在“难解决的问题”,本书中关于东西航线的制定,首席执行官Herb
there are numerous anecdotes about CEO Herb     Kelleher以及他的策略使航线立马运作的决定又许多趣闻。
Kelleher and his policy of making instant
decisions to set things in motion.

In Winget's "It's Called Work For A Reason,"          在Winget眼里,“它就是为了原因而工作,”他得出并巩固了这个
he takes this idea and is quite blunt about it:         想法。

"If you are one of those people who just are        “如果你是从不忙工作的人群众的一员,说‘有足够的时间,’‘什么
never in a hurry, one of those who say,               需要匆忙?’‘别担心,我们总有时间的,’或者其它类似的陈述,
'There is plenty of time,' 'What's the rush?'          我会尽我所能用合理的技巧的方式对你说:你是一个傻瓜。我们
'Don't worry, we've got all the time in the           是清楚的吧?时间总是不够用的,都很忙,在这个世上你不总是
world,' or anything similar to any of those             拥有完整的时间的。加油。”
statements, I'll do my best to be as polite
and delicate as I possibly can be as I say
this about you: You are an idiot. Are we
clear? There is NO time. There is always a
rush. You don't have all the time in the
world. Hurry up."

"When should you call the customer? Today.           “什么时候你应该联系客户?今天。
When should you clean your desk? Today.                什么时候你应该清理你的桌子?今天。
When should you do anything worth doing? Today.    什么时候你应该做任何值得做的事情?今天。
Not tomorrow. Never tomorrow. Always today."         不是明天,从不是明天。永远是今天。”

Selling More                                                        销售更多
The book has a section on selling with                    这本书有一章是关于销售的,有许多非常好的具有普遍意义的
lots of great, common sense ideas. Pretty               想法。这些年有许多事情和你在这儿读到的是十分吻合的。如
much all of which are consistent with what              果你曾经看过我的节目或者是CD电话销售大学,你就会知道我
you've been reading here for years. And if               坚持“结束。”结束是销售的一个自然的界点,就像一个足球队
you've been to one of my programs or own             在整个球队向前推进的过程中离球门十码远踢进球一样。                  
the Telesales College CD's, you know my
stance on "closing." Closing is the natural
culmination of the sales PROCESS, like a
football team running the ball in from
the one-yard line after the process of
moving the ball downfield.

If you place all of your emphasis on                            但如果你把所有一切都强调了结束,(而忽略了重要的部分,
closing, (while neglecting the most          问题,在那一瞬间)你将疏远了人们。
important part, questioning, more on
that in a moment) you'll alienate people.

In my programs we talk quite a bit about      在我的计划中我们要讨论询问的态度,而不是默记询问的方
the attitude of asking, rather on the        法。因为,如果你提问非常成功,你将销售更多。正如
memorization of techniques. Because, if                  Winget在本书中所赞成的,
you are great at asking, you will be
great at selling. As Winget agrees in
the book,

"Think about the power of asking one        “每一天都好好想想让更多人接受买东西的动力。仔细考虑一
more person to buy each day. Consider                     年220天 工作的日子,给你机会让你说服220个额外的人来购
a work year of 220 days, which would                      买你的产品。 如果你抓住这其中的10%,它就能产生每年22%
give 220 additional people the                                 甚至更多的销售。有多少钱意味你将挣的佣金?”
opportunity to buy from you. If you
were to close on 10 percent of those
people, it would produce twenty-two
more sales per year. How much more
money would that mean to you in commission?"

On questioning, Larry says:                                       一个疑问,Larry说:
"People buy for one reason more than                       人们总是由于一个特别有甚于其它的原因而购买。
any other reason. That's right, one                           是的,一个原因。想知道是什么原因吗?这不是我
reason. Know what that reason is? Neither                 该做的。它很容易被找出来。你需要做的就是问。
do I. It's easy to find out. All you                              对,仅仅是问。简单的一个问,‘这是我的经历,
have to do is ask. That's right. Just                           人们总是基于一个原因而购买东西,什么是引起你
ask. Simply say, 'It has been my                                买或者是不买的一个原因呢?’”
experience that people buy for one
reason more than any other reason.
What will be the one reason that will
cause you either to buy or not to buy?'"

You'll want copies of this book for                             你将会为你自己还有你的员工拷贝这本书的。
yourself, and your employees. And,                           在8月8日之前预定本书,将赠送你Larry本人的值50$
when you order before January 8, Larry                     的其它书籍。从现在开始就预订本书吧。
will give you $50 worth of his other                           网站:
materials. Get the book right now.                            http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html
Go to http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html

QUOTE OF THE WEEK                                             本周摘引
"Never mistake activity for achievement."                   “成功由失败堆砌而来。”
John Wooden
(also  from the book)

Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!                           去享受并创造你精彩的一周吧!


[ 本帖最后由 xixi茜茜 于 2007-8-21 13:08 编辑 ]

a great book

i like it

be a good sales

it is too long to translate it,but i do under a little .thanks !

This Week's Tip                                           本周提示:
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...         或许这并不是你想听到的,但是...
...It's Called Work For A Reason                      它叫作<有目的地工作>

Greetings!                                                    大家好

The past few weeks I've focused on personal   在过去的几周里我把注意力更多放到
development topics more than nitty gritty         个人发展的话题而不是关于销售技
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one           巧. 2007之始,我也一再重复.为一个
more time. For a good reason. Any person         好的理由工作.销售技巧人人都可记
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those            机械背记,但是只有态度端正热情工
with the passion and attitude to put in              作的人,才会最终享受成功.
the WORK who enjoy the success.

This week I'm sharing excerpThis Week's Tip                                           本周提示:
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...         或许这并不是你想听到的,但是...
...It's Called Work For A Reason                      它叫作<有目的地工作>

Greetings!                                                    大家好

The past few weeks I've focused on personal   在过去的几周里我把注意力更多放到
development topics more than nitty gritty         个人发展的话题而不是关于销售技
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one           巧. 2007之始,我也一再重复.为一个
more time. For a good reason. Any person         好的理由工作.销售技巧人人都可记
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those            机械背记,但是只有态度端正热情工
with the passion and attitude to put in              作的人,才会最终享受成功.
the WORK who enjoy the success.

This week I'm sharing excerp

This Week's Tip                                           本周提示:
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...         或许这并不是你想听到的,但是...
...It's Called Work For A Reason                      它叫作<有目的地工作>

Greetings!                                                    大家好

The past few weeks I've focused on personal   在过去的几周里我把注意力更多放到
development topics more than nitty gritty         个人发展的话题而不是关于销售技
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one           巧. 2007之始,我也一再重复.为一个
more time. For a good reason. Any person         好的理由工作.销售技巧人人都可记
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those            机械背记,但是只有态度端正热情工
with the passion and attitude to put in              作的人,才会最终享受成功.
the WORK who enjoy the success.

This week I'm sharing excerp

This Week's Tip                                           本周提示:
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...         或许这并不是你想听到的,但是...
...It's Called Work For A Reason                      它叫作<有目的地工作>

Greetings!                                                    大家好

The past few weeks I've focused on personal   在过去的几周里我把注意力更多放到
development topics more than nitty gritty         个人发展的话题而不是关于销售技
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one           巧. 2007之始,我也一再重复.为一个
more time. For a good reason. Any person         好的理由工作.销售技巧人人都可记
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those            机械背记,但是只有态度端正热情工
with the passion and attitude to put in              作的人,才会最终享受成功.
the WORK who enjoy the success.

This week I'm sharing excerp


This Week's Tip                                           本周提示:
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...         或许这并不是你想听到的,但是...
...It's Called Work For A Reason                      它叫作<有目的地工作>

Greetings!                                                    大家好

The past few weeks I've focused on personal   在过去的几周里我把注意力更多放到
development topics more than nitty gritty         个人发展的话题而不是关于销售技
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one           巧. 2007之始,我也一再重复.为一个
more time. For a good reason. Any person         好的理由工作.销售技巧人人都可记
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those            机械背记,但是只有态度端正热情工
with the passion and attitude to put in              作的人,才会最终享受成功.
the WORK who enjoy the success.

This week I'm sharing excerp

ha \,is so long ,do not read it

Become Invaluable
I've long maintained that as a salesperson
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places. A great
salesperson can choose where he/she decides
to play, just like a valued free agent
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."
"If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!
"This is job security at its finest.
Just become the employee that your
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."
"Your future is up to you, not your
employer. You have to get better in
order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "
"Improve yourself any way you can,
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "

Loving Your Job Is Not The Most
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.
"IF you tell me you love your job and
you aren't great at your job, I'll
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.
If you really love your job, you will
do what it takes to be good at your job. "
"The real key to business success is
to be good at what you do. Excellence
does not come just from enjoyment or
passion or love or fun. Excellence
comes from study. Excellence comes
from experience. It comes from screwing
up and doing it wrong until you finally,
finally, finally get it right. And it
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes
things, not hot air."
事业成功的金钥匙是擅长你所做的, 优秀不会来自你的喜欢,热情,热爱和兴趣.优秀来自学习

"I like people who work hard. I admire
hard work. But you are not paid to work
hard. In fact, you are not paid for
effort at all. You are paid for results.
It's not what you do; it's what you get done."
"Results are everything and they never lie."


This Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason你可能不想听到这个。但是…… 这就是工作的理由
The past few weeks I've focused on personal
development topics more than nitty gritty
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one
more time. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.过去的几周我一直把更多的注意力放在个人发展上而忽略了nitty gritty
This week I'm sharing excerpts with you
from a brand new book just released this
past week: 这礼拜我会与你们分享一本上周刚出版的专业书籍
"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry
Winget. 工作的理由,你的成功来自你自己的错误
You might recognize Larry as the author
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.你或许认识LARRY,他就是最佳销售的作者。住嘴,停止牢骚,去争取一个新生活。他也是A&E “BIG SPENDER” 的主持人
If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.如果你很容易被激怒,不接受咄咄逼人的文章,还把所有都归结为触摸的到的商业故事。
那么就就不会喜欢这本书。但 如果你或你认识的一些人需要被踢屁股,读下去。我强烈建议你买一本
By the way, I get requests every week from
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.我每礼拜接到很多想把他们的书加到我的35000捐献者名单中的请求。事实上我都拒绝了。所以当我推荐一本书的时候,你完全可以放心那是一本值得一读的书,而且我也在使用那本书。实际上我读了这本书两遍
(If you want to get it right now, go to
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )
Here are some highlights from the book
(in quotes) along with my comments.这里是一些和我论点相同的要点
Become Invaluable做一个价值无法衡量的人
I've long maintained that as a salesperson
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places. A great
salesperson can choose where he/she decides
to play, just like a valued free agent
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable." 作为一个销售员我一直把个人收入看做一个秘密。一个成功的销售员总是能创造价值,取得更多的收入。一个棒的销售员甚至能选择他想发挥能力的领域,就像棒球中的自由球员。WINGET在他的书中就这么说,做一个价值无法衡量的人
"If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!如果你想得到所有你公司提供的好东西,那么就成为一个价值无法衡量的人吧。做一个最懂公司产品和服务的人,比任何人都懂如何去竞争市场,第一个到公司,最后一个离开,做员工不想做的事,更快的工作,更快的做决定,承担责任,决不抱怨。让人们都记得你是一个能做好所有事的人,永远做的多的人。一个字,工作
"This is job security at its finest.
Just become the employee that your
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."这就上最好的工作保障,做一个对公司不可缺少的人,一个客户不可缺少的人。做一个被公司,老板,同事和客户都可以依赖,需要并希望在身边的人
"Your future is up to you, not your
employer. You have to get better in
order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "你的未来在你自己手中,而不是你的雇主,如果你想生活的更好那么几就必须变的更好,而那全靠你自己
"Improve yourself any way you can,
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "有任何可以提高自己的方法提高自己,不放过任何机会。读一本关于成功的书并不耽误很长时间
Loving Your Job Is Not The Most
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.喜欢自己的工作并不是最重要的。LARRY给了我们一个关于喜欢工作的有趣的观点
"IF you tell me you love your job and
you aren't great at your job, I'll
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.
If you really love your job, you will
do what it takes to be good at your job. "如果你说你爱你的工作你却不是工作中的佼佼者,我会把你当作一个说谎者。没错,骗子。如果你真的爱你的工作,你就会不惜任何代价来做好这个工作
"The real key to business success is
to be good at what you do. Excellence
does not come just from enjoyment or
passion or love or fun. Excellence
comes from study. Excellence comes
from experience. It comes from screwing
up and doing it wrong until you finally,
finally, finally get it right. And it
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes
things, not hot air."真正想取得成功就必须做好你现在在做的事。喜爱,激情,或者兴趣这些都带不来成功。成功来自学习,来自经验,来自反复做错误的事直到你做对了。他来自老式的努力工作。除了这些别的都是吹牛,努力才能改变,不是吹牛
Getting Results
I love the word "results" and use it
in several ways in my own programs.
I always say that customers don't buy
products, services or even features or
benefits. They buy a picture of the end
result they will get, with themselvesin the picture. 我喜欢结果这个词并在我自己的书中多次使用。我经常说消费者不买货物,服务,甚至这些带来的好处。他们是买结果,买一个他们能享受的结果
Also, quite often sales reps are focused
on pumping out their 30, 50 or 80 "dials"
or contacts per day (because that's
sometimes all they are measured on). 也许很多业务员把精力放在如何开发出30。50。80。或能每天能接触的人。这就是他们通常的计算方法
But what really matters, bottom line,
are the results they get.但真正来衡量这个的低线是他们真正得到了什么
There are several chapters in the book
that deal with results, from the perspective
of the results you personally deliver.
Here are a few juicy words of wisdom from
"I like people who work hard. I admire
hard work. But you are not paid to work
hard. In fact, you are not paid for
effort at all. You are paid for results.
It's not what you do; it's what you get done."我喜欢努力工作的人,我承认努力。但实际上你不是因为努力工作而得到报酬。你是由你的结果得到报酬,不是你做了什么,是你做好了什么
"Results are everything and they never lie."结果就是衡量工作的,而且它们从不撒谎。
"Remember, you are paid for results, and
you are paying for results. Results
indicate how productive a person is and
have little to do with how busy a person
is. There is nothing sadder than to find
out an employee is excellent at doing
something that doesn't need to be done
at all."记住,衡量一个人工作做的是否好是来自他的结果。结果才能表明一个人是否有能力而更多忙着工作没有关系。没有比发现员工在不需要的地方做的很好更可悲的事了
Today. Not Tomorrow.
Years ago when I worked in corporate life
I realized I wasn't cut out for it because
things didn't get done fast enough. Meetings
were held to decide when to schedule another
meeting so a committee could be formed.
I'd often ask, "Why don't we just do this
now?" 今天。不是明天。几年前当我在一个团队中工作的时候我认识到我不适合因为事情并没有做到最有效率。一个会议是用来决定何时开另一个会以便成立一个委员会。我经常问,为什么我们不现在就做呢
Here's why I was frustrated: too many people
believed in stretching out a task so they
could appear busy. That's part of the reason
I started my own business at age 23.这是我为什么失败的原因:太多的人相信抓紧做一件事使他们看起来很忙。这也是为什么我在23岁就开始了自己的事业
W. Clement Stone, who built an insurance
empire worth hundreds of millions dollars,
would make all his employees recite the phrase,
"Do it now!" again and again at the start of
each workday.  W. Clement Stone,创立了一个价值几亿美圆的保险帝国,让他的员工记住一件事。马上做。在开始的几周里反复的教导他们
In "Nuts," the book about Southwest Airlines,
there are numerous anecdotes about CEO Herb
Kelleher and his policy of making instant
decisions to set things in motion.在NUT这本关于西南航空的书里,里面有很多关于CEO Herb
In Winget's "It's Called Work For A Reason,"
he takes this idea and is quite blunt about it:在WINGET的工作的理由一书中他采用了这个想法但略显生硬。
"If you are one of those people who just are
never in a hurry, one of those who say,
'There is plenty of time,' 'What's the rush?'
'Don't worry, we've got all the time in the
world,' or anything similar to any of those
statements, I'll do my best to be as polite
and delicate as I possibly can be as I say
this about you: You are an idiot. Are we
clear? There is NO time. There is always a
rush. You don't have all the time in the
world. Hurry up."如果你是这些从来都不匆匆忙忙,总是说有很多时间的人的一员,那么怎么才能忙起来。没急,我们有最充足的时间。类似的说法,我会以我最礼貌的方式告诉你,你是个蠢货。明白了吗,没有多少时间了,我们必须赶快。你并没有足够的时间,跑起来。

"When should you call the customer? Today.
When should you clean your desk? Today.
When should you do anything worth doing? Today.
Not tomorrow. Never tomorrow. Always today."你什么时候打电话给客户。现在。你什么时候收拾你的桌子,现在。你什么时候做有价值的事,现在。不是明天,永远不是明天。是今天
Selling More
The book has a section on selling with
lots of great, common sense ideas. Pretty
much all of which are consistent with what
you've been reading here for years. And if
you've been to one of my programs or own
the Telesales College CD's, you know my
stance on "closing." Closing is the natural
culmination of the sales PROCESS, like a
football team running the ball in from
the one-yard line after the process of
moving the ball downfield. 这本书有一节是关于销售的很多方法。很多都与你这些年看到的一致。如果你来过我的课或有电话销售学的CD,那么你就明白我说的贴近。贴近是销售的最高境界,就像在橄榄球赛中离对方球门一码的距离带球。
If you place all of your emphasis on
closing, (while neglecting the most
important part, questioning, more on
that in a moment) you'll alienate people.如果你把所有精力都放在贴近上而忽视很多重要的方面。你反而会因此被疏远。
In my programs we talk quite a bit about
the attitude of asking, rather on the
memorization of techniques. Because, if
you are great at asking, you will be
great at selling. As Winget agrees in
the book, 在我的方案里我更注重提问的方法多于技巧。因为一旦你很善于提问,你就会在销售上做的很好。WINGET也同意这个观点。
"Think about the power of asking one
more person to buy each day. Consider
a work year of 220 days, which would
give 220 additional people the
opportunity to buy from you. If you
were to close on 10 percent of those
people, it would produce twenty-two
more sales per year. How much more
money would that mean to you in commission?"想想每天都问一个客户所带来的收益。如果一个工作年分为220天,那么你就可能有220个额外的机会。如果你跟到了他们中的10%,那每年就会产生22%的额外收益。这对你来说是多少
On questioning, Larry says:
"People buy for one reason more than
any other reason. That's right, one
reason. Know what that reason is? Neither
do I. It's easy to find out. All you
have to do is ask. That's right. Just
ask. Simply say, 'It has been my
experience that people buy for one
reason more than any other reason.
What will be the one reason that will
cause you either to buy or not to buy?'"在问问题方面,LARRY说,人们买东西只有一个理由,这是对的,就一个理由。知道那个理由是什么吗。我也想知道。但这很容易知道,只要你提问。就这样,问。简单的说,人们会为了一个理由买东西成为我的经验。哪个理由会决定你买还是不买

The past few weeks I've focused on personal 过去几周我的话题集中在个人的发展多于繁重的销售.
development topics more than nitty gritty
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one   2007始,我不止一次地一直在这么做. 一个非常好的理由是,
more time. For a good reason. Any person 任何人都能记住销售技巧,那就是,要获取成功,必须投入热
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those  情与端正态度.
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.

This week I'm sharing excerpts with you  这周我将与您分享一本上周刚出版的书上摘录的语句
from a brand new book just released this
past week:

"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your     这本书叫<工作的理由>," 你的成功就在于自我检讨错误"
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry      拉里温格特说.

You might recognize Larry as the author        您可能认识拉里,他的书卖的最好的作家,"闭嘴,
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,    停止发牢骚,投入到生活"(你也必须投入)
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E. 主持电视节目 "big spender"

If you're easily offended, can't take an        如果你很容易被冒犯而不能投入到著作中,  
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe  募集大量的商业费用,你可能不会喜欢这本书
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if    但是如果你,或是你认识的(或是为你工作的某些人
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on, 属于要在背后踢上一脚才会行动的人,我催你还是买一本
and I certainly urge you to buy this book. 来读

By the way, I get requests every week from 顺便提一下,每个星期我都收到人们要我推荐他们的书
people who want me to promote their book  要求,超过35000的订阅者.
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually
all I turn down. And when I do recommend   事实上我准备降下这个数量,当我推荐一些东西时
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile, 你可以放心,那是值得一读,而且我也已经读过并用过
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times. 实际上我已经读过两遍了

(If you want to get it right now, go to 如果你现在就想看到,去这里
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )

Here are some highlights from the book 这里是书上的一些精华,有我的一些批注
(in quotes) along with my comments.

Become Invaluable  变成无价值的
I've long maintained that as a salesperson 长期以来,我一直认为,一个销售人员要控制收入的安全
you control your income security. A good 一个好的销售员会在很多地方会被要求缴税,
salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places. A great 一个伟大的销售人员可以决定地点, 就像
salesperson can choose where he/she decides
to play, just like a valued free agent
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."

"If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!

"This is job security at its finest.
Just become the employee that your
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."

"Your future is up to you, not your
employer. You have to get better in
order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "

"Improve yourself any way you can,
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "

Loving Your Job Is Not The Most
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.

"IF you tell me you love your job and
you aren't great at your job, I'll
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.
If you really love your job, you will
do what it takes to be good at your job. "

"The real key to business success is
to be good at what you do. Excellence
does not come just from enjoyment or
passion or love or fun. Excellence
comes from study. Excellence comes
from experience. It comes from screwing
up and doing it wrong until you finally,
finally, finally get it right. And it
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes
things, not hot air."

Getting Results
I love the word "results" and use it
in several ways in my own programs.
I always say that customers don't buy
products, services or even features or
benefits. They buy a picture of the end
result they will get, with themselves
in the picture.

Also, quite often sales reps are focused
on pumping out their 30, 50 or 80 "dials"
or contacts per day (because that's
sometimes all they are measured on).

But what really matters, bottom line,
are the results they get.

There are several chapters in the book
that deal with results, from the perspective
of the results you personally deliver.
Here are a few juicy words of wisdom from

"I like people who work hard. I admire
hard work. But you are not paid to work
hard. In fact, you are not paid for
effort at all. You are paid for results.
It's not what you do; it's what you get done."

"Results are everything and they never lie."

"Remember, you are paid for results, and
you are paying for results. Results
indicate how productive a person is and
have little to do with how busy a person
is. There is nothing sadder than to find
out an employee is excellent at doing
something that doesn't need to be done
at all."

Today. Not Tomorrow.
Years ago when I worked in corporate life
I realized I wasn't cut out for it because
things didn't get done fast enough. Meetings
were held to decide when to schedule another
meeting so a committee could be formed.
I'd often ask, "Why don't we just do this

Here's why I was frustrated: too many people
believed in stretching out a task so they
could appear busy. That's part of the reason
I started my own business at age 23.

W. Clement Stone, who built an insurance
empire worth hundreds of millions dollars,
would make all his employees recite the phrase,
"Do it now!" again and again at the start of
each workday.

In "Nuts," the book about Southwest Airlines,
there are numerous anecdotes about CEO Herb
Kelleher and his policy of making instant
decisions to set things in motion.

In Winget's "It's Called Work For A Reason,"
he takes this idea and is quite blunt about it:

"If you are one of those people who just are
never in a hurry, one of those who say,
'There is plenty of time,' 'What's the rush?'
'Don't worry, we've got all the time in the
world,' or anything similar to any of those
statements, I'll do my best to be as polite
and delicate as I possibly can be as I say
this about you: You are an idiot. Are we
clear? There is NO time. There is always a
rush. You don't have all the time in the
world. Hurry up."

"When should you call the customer? Today.
When should you clean your desk? Today.
When should you do anything worth doing? Today.
Not tomorrow. Never tomorrow. Always today."

Selling More
The book has a section on selling with
lots of great, common sense ideas. Pretty
much all of which are consistent with what
you've been reading here for years. And if
you've been to one of my programs or own
the Telesales College CD's, you know my
stance on "closing." Closing is the natural
culmination of the sales PROCESS, like a
football team running the ball in from
the one-yard line after the process of
moving the ball downfield.

If you place all of your emphasis on
closing, (while neglecting the most
important part, questioning, more on
that in a moment) you'll alienate people.

In my programs we talk quite a bit about
the attitude of asking, rather on the
memorization of techniques. Because, if
you are great at asking, you will be
great at selling. As Winget agrees in
the book,

"Think about the power of asking one
more person to buy each day. Consider
a work year of 220 days, which would
give 220 additional people the
opportunity to buy from you. If you
were to close on 10 percent of those
people, it would produce twenty-two
more sales per year. How much more
money would that mean to you in commission?"

On questioning, Larry says:
"eople buy for one reason more than
any other reason. That's right, one
reason. Know what that reason is? Neither
do I. It's easy to find out. All you
have to do is ask. That's right. Just
ask. Simply say, 'It has been my
experience that people buy for one
reason more than any other reason.
What will be the one reason that will
cause you either to buy or not to buy?'"

You'll want copies of this book for
yourself, and your employees. And,
when you order before January 8, Larry
will give you $50 worth of his other
materials. Get the book right now.
Go to http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html

"Never mistake activity for achievement."
John Wooden
(also  from the book)

Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!


This Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason


The past few weeks I've focused on personal
development topics more than nitty gritty
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one
more time. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.

This week I'm sharing excerpts with you
from a brand new book just released this
past week:

"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry
Larry Winget说

You might recognize Larry as the author
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.

If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.

By the way, I get requests every week from
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.

(If you want to get it right now, go to
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )

Here are some highlights from the book
(in quotes) along with my comments.

Become Invaluable
I've long maintained that as a salesperson
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places. A great
salesperson can choose where he/she decides
to play, just like a valued free agent
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."
我长期保持做为一个销售人员你可以安全控制你的收入.一个好的销售人员总是在需要和可以创造收入的许多地方.一个伟大的销售人员可以 选择他/她决定的地点来做,就像一个有价值的自由无约的棒球职业队员.Winget 在他的书中谈论到."变的无价"

"If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!

"This is job security at its finest.
Just become the employee that your
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."

"Your future is up to you, not your
employer. You have to get better in
order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "

"Improve yourself any way you can,
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "

Loving Your Job Is Not The Most
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.

"IF you tell me you love your job and
you aren't great at your job, I'll
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.
If you really love your job, you will
do what it takes to be good at your job. "

"The real key to business success is
to be good at what you do. Excellence
does not come just from enjoyment or
passion or love or fun. Excellence
comes from study. Excellence comes
from experience. It comes from screwing
up and doing it wrong until you finally,
finally, finally get it right. And it
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes
things, not hot air."

Getting Results
I love the word "results" and use it
in several ways in my own programs.
I always say that customers don't buy
products, services or even features or
benefits. They buy a picture of the end
result they will get, with themselves
in the picture.

Also, quite often sales reps are focused
on pumping out their 30, 50 or 80 "dials"
or contacts per day (because that's
sometimes all they are measured on).

But what really matters, bottom line,
are the results they get.

There are several chapters in the book
that deal with results, from the perspective
of the results you personally deliver.
Here are a few juicy words of wisdom from

"I like people who work hard. I admire
hard work. But you are not paid to work
hard. In fact, you are not paid for
effort at all. You are paid for results.
It's not what you do; it's what you get done."

"Results are everything and they never lie."

"Remember, you are paid for results, and
you are paying for results. Results
indicate how productive a person is and
have little to do with how busy a person
is. There is nothing sadder than to find
out an employee is excellent at doing
something that doesn't need to be done
at all."

Today. Not Tomorrow.
Years ago when I worked in corporate life
I realized I wasn't cut out for it because
things didn't get done fast enough. Meetings
were held to decide when to schedule another
meeting so a committee could be formed.
I'd often ask, "Why don't we just do this

Here's why I was frustrated: too many people
believed in stretching out a task so they
could appear busy. That's part of the reason
I started my own business at age 23.

W. Clement Stone, who built an insurance
empire worth hundreds of millions dollars,
would make all his employees recite the phrase,
"Do it now!" again and again at the start of
each workday.
W.Clement Stone,建立一个保险王国价值数百万美圆,在每个周开始时,让所有他的雇员朗诵下面的话"现在去做"一遍有一遍

In "Nuts," the book about Southwest Airlines,
there are numerous anecdotes about CEO Herb
Kelleher and his policy of making instant
decisions to set things in motion.
在"Nuts"里,关于西南航空的书,有大量的关于CEO Herb kelleher的佳话,以及他在处于兴奋中解决问题迅速做出的决策.

In Winget's "It's Called Work For A Reason,"
he takes this idea and is quite blunt about it:

"If you are one of those people who just are
never in a hurry, one of those who say,
'There is plenty of time,' 'What's the rush?'
'Don't worry, we've got all the time in the
world,' or anything similar to any of those
statements, I'll do my best to be as polite
and delicate as I possibly can be as I say
this about you: You are an idiot. Are we
clear? There is NO time. There is always a
rush. You don't have all the time in the
world. Hurry up."

"When should you call the customer? Today.
When should you clean your desk? Today.
When should you do anything worth doing? Today.
Not tomorrow. Never tomorrow. Always today."

Selling More
The book has a section on selling with
lots of great, common sense ideas. Pretty
much all of which are consistent with what
you've been reading here for years. And if
you've been to one of my programs or own
the Telesales College CD's, you know my
stance on "closing." Closing is the natural
culmination of the sales PROCESS, like a
football team running the ball in from
the one-yard line after the process of
moving the ball downfield.

If you place all of your emphasis on
closing, (while neglecting the most
important part, questioning, more on
that in a moment) you'll alienate people.

In my programs we talk quite a bit about
the attitude of asking, rather on the
memorization of techniques. Because, if
you are great at asking, you will be
great at selling. As Winget agrees in
the book,
在我的计划里,我们讨论关于询问的态度而非在于技巧的记忆.因为如果你善于问,你将善于销售.正如Winget 在这本书中所述.

"Think about the power of asking one
more person to buy each day. Consider
a work year of 220 days, which would
give 220 additional people the
opportunity to buy from you. If you
were to close on 10 percent of those
people, it would produce twenty-two
more sales per year. How much more
money would that mean to you in commission?"

On questioning, Larry says:
"People buy for one reason more than
any other reason. That's right, one
reason. Know what that reason is? Neither
do I. It's easy to find out. All you
have to do is ask. That's right. Just
ask. Simply say, 'It has been my
experience that people buy for one
reason more than any other reason.
What will be the one reason that will
cause you either to buy or not to buy?'"

You'll want copies of this book for
yourself, and your employees. And,
when you order before January 8, Larry
will give you $50 worth of his other
materials. Get the book right now.
Go to http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html
你想要这本书的副本为你自己,你的雇员。当你在一月8号订的时候,Larry将给你50 $相当价值的他的其他材料。即可得到这本书。

"Never mistake activity for achievement."
John Wooden
(also  from the book)
Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!

1.This Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason本周心得,你可能不想听,它叫作为工作找一个理由.

The past few weeks I've focused on personal
development topics more than nitty gritty
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one
more time. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.

在过去的几个星期里, 我把我的大部分注意力放在个人发展问题上,多于基本销售.当我们刚刚踏入2007年,我多次的做了个人发展问题的打算.为了一个好的理由.任何人都能做到销售高手,它只为那些有激情,把工作态度放在享受成功中的人准备.
3,This week I'm sharing excerpts with you
from a brand new book just released this
past week: 这个星期我要和你们好好分享一本上个星期刚刚出版的名书语录,It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry
Winget. 为了一个理由工作,你的成功也是你自身致命的缺点.作者:larry winget
4,You might recognize Larry as the author
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and Quit Whining, , "Big Spender" on Big Spender" Big Spender" on A&E可能对
畅销书的作者有所认识.larry.闭上你的嘴,停止抱怨.开始你的新生活.这个你应该有了,他也是电视节目的嘉宾,和 A&E的大 赢家.
If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.如果你容易冒犯人.不是那种会写作的类型,没有订阅许多那种有感触的商业报刊.你可能不太喜欢这种书籍.但是如果你,或者你认识的人,会许你的同事在后面推你一把,读 下去.我催你赶快去买这样的书.
6,By the way, I get requests every week from
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.

(If you want to get it right now, go to








一般情况下,出口企业向税务机关申请办理退(免)税的货物,必须同时具备以上4个条件。但是,生产企业(包括有进出口经营权的生产企业、委托外贸企业代理出口的生产企业、外商投资企业,下同)申请办理出口货物退(免)税时必须增中一个条件,即申请退(免)税的货物必须是生产企业的自产货物(外商投资企业经省级外经贸主管部门批准收购出口的货物除外)。1.This Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason本周心得,你可能不想听,它叫作为工作找一个理由.

The past few weeks I've focused on personal
development topics more than nitty gritty
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one
more time. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.

在过去的几个星期里, 我把我的大部分注意力放在个人发展问题上,多于基本销售.当我们刚刚踏入2007年,我多次的做了个人发展问题的打算.为了一个好的理由.任何人都能做到销售高手,它只为那些有激情,把工作态度放在享受成功中的人准备.
3,This week I'm sharing excerpts with you
from a brand new book just released this
past week: 这个星期我要和你们好好分享一本上个星期刚刚出版的名书语录,It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry
Winget. 为了一个理由工作,你的成功也是你自身致命的缺点.作者:larry winget
4,You might recognize Larry as the author
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and Quit Whining, , "Big Spender" on Big Spender" Big Spender" on A&E可能对
畅销书的作者有所认识.larry.闭上你的嘴,停止抱怨.开始你的新生活.这个你应该有了,他也是电视节目的嘉宾,和 A&E的大 赢家.
If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.如果你容易冒犯人.不是那种会写作的类型,没有订阅许多那种有感触的商业报刊.你可能不太喜欢这种书籍.但是如果你,或者你认识的人,会许你的同事在后面推你一把,读 下去.我催你赶快去买这样的书.
6,By the way, I get requests every week from
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.

(If you want to get it right now, go to
7,Here are some highlights from the book
(in quotes) along with my comments.从这本书里得到一些亮点<在行情里>并 加上了我的评语
Become Invaluable
I've long maintained that as a salesperson
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places. A great
salesperson can choose where he/she decides
to play, just like a valued free agent
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."使自变为无价.我一直以来主张,作为一个销售人员能够安全得控制你自己的收入.一个好的销售人员经常有欲望在很多地方可以创造收支.一个很棒的销售人员能够选择他决定在哪里付出?就像一位被重视的职业棒求员.winget谈到他的那些部分,变的无价
"If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!如果你想证实你同步于你们公司提供的每件好事情上.这样就会变的无价.在你们公司产品和服务上成为最在行的人.比任何人知道更多竞争力,和市场力.最早到公司.最晚离开公司.做没有其他人先个干的事.工作似的快,学会很快的做决定.担当个人责任.让别人记得你就是这个把 事情做好的人.换就话说,就是要到这个效果.
This is job security at its finest.
Just become the employee that your
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."这就是工作达到安全的最高境界.成为你们公司没有你不能生存下来的员工.
"Your future is up to you, not your
employer. You have to get better in
order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "你的未来在由你自己的.而不是你的老板.你得让自己更优秀,这样才能让你的情况更好.并且这些全部都要你自己来做

This Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason



The past few weeks I've focused on personal
development topics more than nitty gritty
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one
more time. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.

This week I'm sharing excerpts with you
from a brand new book just released this
past week:

"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry
“它叫为一个理由工作!你的成功缘于你的自我改正,“Larry Winget著。

You might recognize Larry as the author
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.

If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.
如果你很容易被冒犯,不能承受当面指责的写作风格,并且赞成大量的touch feely商业短文,你可能会不喜欢这本书,但是如果你或者你所知的某人(也许是你的雇员)需要背后一击,那么请阅读它,我当然也建议你买下这本书.

By the way, I get requests every week from
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.

(If you want to get it right now, go to
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )

Here are some highlights from the book
(in quotes) along with my comments.

Become Invaluable
I've long maintained that as a salesperson
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places. A great
salesperson can choose where he/she decides
to play, just like a valued free agent
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."

"If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!

"This is job security at its finest.
Just become the employee that your
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."

"Your future is up to you, not your
employer. You have to get better in
order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "

"Improve yourself any way you can,
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "

Loving Your Job Is Not The Most
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.

"IF you tell me you love your job and
you aren't great at your job, I'll
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.
If you really love your job, you will
do what it takes to be good at your job. "

"The real key to business success is
to be good at what you do. Excellence
does not come just from enjoyment or
passion or love or fun. Excellence
comes from study. Excellence comes
from experience. It comes from screwing
up and doing it wrong until you finally,
finally, finally get it right. And it
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes
things, not hot air."

Getting Results
I love the word "results" and use it
in several ways in my own programs.
I always say that customers don't buy
products, services or even features or
benefits. They buy a picture of the end
result they will get, with themselves
in the picture.


Also, quite often sales reps are focused
on pumping out their 30, 50 or 80 "dials"
or contacts per day (because that's
sometimes all they are measured on).

But what really matters, bottom line,
are the results they get.

There are several chapters in the book
that deal with results, from the perspective
of the results you personally deliver.
Here are a few juicy words of wisdom from

"I like people who work hard. I admire
hard work. But you are not paid to work
hard. In fact, you are not paid for
effort at all. You are paid for results.
It's not what you do; it's what you get done."

"Results are everything and they never lie."

"Remember, you are paid for results, and
you are paying for results. Results
indicate how productive a person is and
have little to do with how busy a person
is. There is nothing sadder than to find
out an employee is excellent at doing
something that doesn't need to be done
at all."

Today. Not Tomorrow.
Years ago when I worked in corporate life
I realized I wasn't cut out for it because
things didn't get done fast enough. Meetings
were held to decide when to schedule another
meeting so a committee could be formed.
I'd often ask, "Why don't we just do this

Here's why I was frustrated: too many people
believed in stretching out a task so they
could appear busy. That's part of the reason
I started my own business at age 23.

W. Clement Stone, who built an insurance
empire worth hundreds of millions dollars,
would make all his employees recite the phrase,
"Do it now!" again and again at the start of
each workday.
W. 克莱门特 斯通,他建立了一个数亿美元的保险王国,要求他所有的雇员. 在每个工作日开始之时一遍一遍背诵这条短语:立刻就做


In "Nuts," the book about Southwest Airlines,
there are numerous anecdotes about CEO Herb
Kelleher and his policy of making instant
decisions to set things in motion.

In Winget's "It's Called Work For A Reason,"
he takes this idea and is quite blunt about it:

"If you are one of those people who just are
never in a hurry, one of those who say,
'There is plenty of time,' 'What's the rush?'
'Don't worry, we've got all the time in the
world,' or anything similar to any of those
statements, I'll do my best to be as polite
and delicate as I possibly can be as I say
this about you: You are an idiot. Are we
clear? There is NO time. There is always a
rush. You don't have all the time in the
world. Hurry up."

"When should you call the customer? Today.
When should you clean your desk? Today.
When should you do anything worth doing? Today.
Not tomorrow. Never tomorrow. Always today."

Selling More
The book has a section on selling with
lots of great, common sense ideas. Pretty
much all of which are consistent with what
you've been reading here for years. And if
you've been to one of my programs or own
the Telesales College CD's, you know my
stance on "closing." Closing is the natural
culmination of the sales PROCESS, like a
football team running the ball in from
the one-yard line after the process of
moving the ball downfield.

If you place all of your emphasis on
closing, (while neglecting the most
important part, questioning, more on
that in a moment) you'll alienate people.

In my programs we talk quite a bit about
the attitude of asking, rather on the
memorization of techniques. Because, if
you are great at asking, you will be
great at selling. As Winget agrees in
the book,

"Think about the power of asking one
more person to buy each day. Consider
a work year of 220 days, which would
give 220 additional people the
opportunity to buy from you. If you
were to close on 10 percent of those
people, it would produce twenty-two
more sales per year. How much more
money would that mean to to you in commission?"

On questioning, Larry says:
"People buy for one reason more than
any other reason. That's right, one
reason. Know what that reason is? Neither
do I. It's easy to find out. All you
have to do is ask. That's right. Just
ask. Simply say, 'It has been my
experience that people buy for one
reason more than any other reason.
What will be the one reason that will
cause you either to buy or not to buy?'"

You'll want copies of this book for
yourself, and your employees. And,
when you order before January 8, Larry
will give you $50 worth of his other
materials. Get the book right now.
Go to http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html

"Never mistake activity for achievement."
John Wooden
(also  from the book)

Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!



本周是2007年的最后一周,本人在看楼主的2007年第二周的 翻译,第一周的我也已经看了!

bottom line要解释成为带来价值的?应该是意译,但是这个短语本身的意思似乎与这个翻译没有多大的联系——bottom line  n. 概要;帐本底线。

In "Nuts," the book about Southwest Airlines,
there are numerous anecdotes about CEO Herb
Kelleher and his policy of making instant
decisions to set things in motion.之中,“his policy of making instant
decisions to set things in motion.”这句话应该怎样解释呢?in motion好像是在运动中的意思,而set things意思是将什么放入,即使是意译的话也很难翻译成解决问题啊?

"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry
书名为〈为一个理由而工作〉你的成功就是你自己该死的毛病。作者:Larry Winget.
[bruce] 书名为《工作就要好好工作:成功完全取决于你自己的行动》。作者:Larry Winget.

好像没有把fault翻译出来,我想这样翻译:成功取决于你不断地犯错误  后面不是有提到不断地犯错误直到最后的最后,你做对了,于是你就成功了

If you place all of your emphasis on
closing, (while neglecting the most
important part, questioning, more on
that in a moment) you'll alienate people.
[Bruce] 如果你只强调销售收尾的作用(而忽视最重要的提问部分 – 见后文),你就会让人疏远。

more on
that in a moment 是什么意思?

This Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason
The past few weeks I've focused on personal
development topics more than nitty gritty
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one
more time. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.
This week I'm sharing excerpts with you
from a brand new book just released this
past week:
"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry
"它叫为...而工作!:你的成功就是你所犯下的错误."Larry Winget
You might recognize Larry as the author
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.
If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.
By the way, I get requests every week from
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers.
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.
(If you want to get it right now, go to
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )
(如果你现在就想确认它,那么到这个网站去http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )
Here are some highlights from the book
(in quotes) along with my comments.
Become Invaluable
I've long maintained that as a salesperson
you control your income security.
A good salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places.
A great salesperson can choose where he/she decides
to play, just like a valued free agent
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."
"If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else.
Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine.
Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!
"This is job security at its finest.
Just become the employee that your
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without.
Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."
"Your future is up to you, not your
employer. You have to get better in
order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "
"Improve yourself any way you can,
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "

Loving Your Job Is Not The Most
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.
"IF you tell me you love your job and
you aren't great at your job, I'll
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.
If you really love your job, you will
do what it takes to be good at your job. "
"The real key to business success is
to be good at what you do.
does not come just from enjoyment or
passion or love or fun. Excellence
comes from study. Excellence comes
from experience.

It comes from screwing
up and doing it wrong until you finally,
finally, finally get it right. And it
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes
things, not hot air."

Getting Results
I love the word "results" and use it
in several ways in my own programs.
I always say that customers don't buy
products, services or even features or
benefits. They buy a picture of the end
result they will get, with themselves
in the picture.
Also, quite often sales reps are focused
on pumping out their 30, 50 or 80 "dials"
or contacts per day (because that's
sometimes all they are measured on).
But what really matters, bottom line,
are the results they get.
There are several chapters in the book
that deal with results, from the perspective
of the results you personally deliver.
Here are a few juicy words of wisdom from
"I like people who work hard. I admire
hard work. But you are not paid to work
hard. In fact, you are not paid for
effort at all. You are paid for results.
It's not what you do; it's what you get done."
"Results are everything and they never lie."
"Remember, you are paid for results, and
you are paying for results. Results
indicate how productive a person is and
have little to do with how busy a person
There is nothing sadder than to find
out an employee is excellent at doing
something that doesn't need to be done
at all."

Today. Not Tomorrow.
Years ago when I worked in corporate life
I realized I wasn't cut out for it because
things didn't get done fast enough. Meetings
were held to decide when to schedule another
meeting so a committee could be formed.
I'd often ask, "Why don't we just do this

Here's why I was frustrated: too many people
believed in stretching out a task so they
could appear busy. That's part of the reason
I started my own business at age 23.
W. Clement Stone, who built an insurance
empire worth hundreds of millions dollars,
would make all his employees recite the phrase,
"Do it now!" again and again at the start of
each workday.
W.CLEMENT STONE,建立了一个价值几千万美元的保险王国。他让他所有的员工在开始工作前一遍又一遍地朗读”现在就做!“
In "Nuts," the book about Southwest Airlines,
there are numerous anecdotes about CEO Herb
Kelleher and his policy of making instant
decisions to set things in motion.
热衷地说,这本关于西部航空的书,记载着无数的关于CEO Herb Kelleher和他的果断裁决事情的轶事。
In Winget's "It's Called Work For A Reason,"
he takes this idea and is quite blunt about it:
在 WINGET'S的”它叫为一个理由工作“
"If you are one of those people who just are
never in a hurry, one of those who say,
'There is plenty of time,' 'What's the rush?'
'Don't worry, we've got all the time in the
world,' or anything similar to any of those
statements, I'll do my best to be as polite
and delicate as I possibly can be as I say
this about you: You are an idiot. Are we
clear? There is NO time.

There is always a
rush. You don't have all the time in the
world. Hurry up."
"When should you call the customer? Today.
When should you clean your desk? Today.
When should you do anything worth doing? Today.
Not tomorrow. Never tomorrow. Always today."

Selling More
The book has a section on selling with
lots of great, common sense ideas. Pretty
much all of which are consistent with what
you've been reading here for years.
And if
you've been to one of my programs or own
the Telesales College CD's, you know my
stance on "closing." Closing is the natural
culmination of the sales PROCESS, like a
football team running the ball in from
the one-yard line after the process of
moving the ball downfield.
If you place all of your emphasis on
closing, (while neglecting the most
important part, questioning, more on
that in a moment) you'll alienate people.
In my programs we talk quite a bit about
the attitude of asking, rather on the
memorization of techniques. Because, if
you are great at asking, you will be
great at selling. As Winget agrees in
the book,
"Think about the power of asking one
more person to buy each day. Consider
a work year of 220 days, which would
give 220 additional people the
opportunity to buy from you.
If you were to close on 10 percent of those
people, it would produce twenty-two
more sales per year. How much more
money would that mean to you in commission?"
On questioning, Larry says:
"People buy for one reason more than
any other reason. That's right, one
reason. Know what that reason is? Neither
do I. It's easy to find out.
All you have to do is ask. That's right. Just
ask. Simply say, 'It has been my
experience that people buy for one
reason more than any other reason.
What will be the one reason that will
cause you either to buy or not to buy?'"
You'll want copies of this book for
yourself, and your employees. And,
when you order before January 8, Larry
will give you $50 worth of his other
materials. Get the book right now.
Go to http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html

can't take an
in-your-face style of writing.....

105楼的朋友怎么讲增值税哦 ...

This Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason
The past few weeks I've focused on personal
development topics more than nitty gritty
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one
more time. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.
This week I'm sharing excerpts with you
from a brand new book just released this
past week:
"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry
“就是有目的的工作:你的成功取决于自己对缺点的谴责”Larry winget这么说。
You might recognize Larry as the author
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.
你可能把Larry当作了《闭嘴,停止抱怨,开始新的生活》这本畅销书的作者(这本书你也应该看一下)和电视节目秀"Big Spender"的主持人
If you're easily offended, can't take an
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,  
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.
By the way, I get requests every week from
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually
all I turn down. And when I do recommend
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.
(If you want to get it right now, go to
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )
Here are some highlights from the book
(in quotes) along with my comments.
Become Invaluable
I've long maintained that as a salesperson
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places. A great
salesperson can choose where he/she decides
to play, just like a valued free agent
in baseball. Winget talks about this in
his section, "Become Invaluable."
"If you want to make sure you are in
line for every good thing your company
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions
quickly. Take personal responsibility.
Never whine. Become known as the person
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In
other words: Work!

"This is job security at its finest.
Just become the employee that your
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your
company, your boss, your coworkers,
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."
"Your future is up to you, not your
employer. You have to get better in
order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "
"Improve yourself any way you can,
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "
Loving Your Job Is Not The Most
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint
on loving your job.
"IF you tell me you love your job and
you aren't great at your job, I'll
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.
If you really love your job, you will
do what it takes to be good at your job. "
"The real key to business success is
to be good at what you do. Excellence
does not come just from enjoyment or
passion or love or fun. Excellence
comes from study. Excellence comes
from experience. It comes from screwing
up and doing it wrong until you finally,
finally, finally get it right. And it
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes
things, not hot air."
商业成功的关键是你要出色的完成你所作的事情。优秀不是来自享乐或是激情或是喜爱或是逗乐。优秀来自脚踏实地的学习,来自于你的经验,你的钻研。不停的犯错,最后你就成功。成功来自于你朴素的工作。     你自己的汗水会改变你的境况,而不是你周围的那些东西。

Getting Results
I love the word "results" and use it
in several ways in my own programs.
I always say that customers don't buy
products, services or even features or
benefits. They buy a picture of the end
result they will get, with themselves
in the picture.
Also, quite often sales reps are focused
on pumping out their 30, 50 or 80 "dials"
or contacts per day (because that's
sometimes all they are measured on).
But what really matters, bottom line,
are the results they get.
There are several chapters in the book
that deal with results, from the perspective
of the results you personally deliver.
Here are a few juicy words of wisdom from
"I like people who work hard. I admire
hard work. But you are not paid to work
hard. In fact, you are not paid for
effort at all. You are paid for results.
It's not what you do; it's what you get done."
"Results are everything and they never lie."
"Remember, you are paid for results, and
you are paying for results. Results
indicate how productive a person is and
have little to do with how busy a person
is. There is nothing sadder than to find
out an employee is excellent at doing
something that doesn't need to be done
at all."

Today. Not Tomorrow.
Years ago when I worked in corporate life
I realized I wasn't cut out for it because
things didn't get done fast enough. Meetings
were held to decide when to schedule another
meeting so a committee could be formed.
I'd often ask, "Why don't we just do this
Here's why I was frustrated: too many people
believed in stretching out a task so they
could appear busy. That's part of the reason
I started my own business at age 23.
W. Clement Stone, who built an insurance
empire worth hundreds of millions dollars,
would make all his employees recite the phrase,
"Do it now!" again and again at the start of
each workday.
W.Clement Stone创建了一个价值上百万美元的保险帝国,让他的员工在每个工作日的开始都要不停的说“DO it now”
In "Nuts," the book about Southwest Airlines,
there are numerous anecdotes about CEO Herb
Kelleher and his policy of making instant
decisions to set things in motion.
In Winget's "It's Called Work For A Reason,"
he takes this idea and is quite blunt about it:
"If you are one of those people who just are
never in a hurry, one of those who say,
'There is plenty of time,' 'What's the rush?'
'Don't worry, we've got all the time in the
world,' or anything similar to any of those
statements, I'll do my best to be as polite
and delicate as I possibly can be as I say
this about you: You are an idiot. Are we
clear? There is NO time. There is always a
rush. You don't have all the time in the
world. Hurry up."
"When should you call the customer? Today.
When should you clean your desk? Today.
When should you do anything worth doing? Today.
Not tomorrow. Never tomorrow. Always today."
Selling More
The book has a section on selling with
lots of great, common sense ideas. Pretty
much all of which are consistent with what
you've been reading here for years. And if
you've been to one of my programs or own
the Telesales College CD's, you know my
stance on "closing." Closing is the natural
culmination of the sales PROCESS, like a
football team running the ball in from
the one-yard line after the process of
moving the ball downfield.
If you place all of your emphasis on
closing, (while neglecting the most
important part, questioning, more on
that in a moment) you'll alienate people.
In my programs we talk quite a bit about
the attitude of asking, rather on the
memorization of techniques. Because, if
you are great at asking, you will be
great at selling. As Winget agrees in
the book,
在我的课程中,我们讨论了很多关于质问态度的问题,而不是技术的会议。因为,如果你善于质问,你将会善于销售。Winget 也同意这种说法。
"Think about the power of asking one
more person to buy each day. Consider
a work year of 220 days, which would
give 220 additional people the
opportunity to buy from you. If you
were to close on 10 percent of those
people, it would produce twenty-two
more sales per year. How much more
money would that mean to you in commission?"

On questioning, Larry says:
"People buy for one reason more than
any other reason. That's right, one
reason. Know what that reason is? Neither
do I. It's easy to find out. All you
have to do is ask. That's right. Just
ask. Simply say, 'It has been my
experience that people buy for one
reason more than any other reason.
What will be the one reason that will
cause you either to buy or not to buy?'"
关于质问 Larry 说:
You'll want copies of this book for
yourself, and your employees. And,
when you order before January 8, Larry
will give you $50 worth of his other
materials. Get the book right now.
Go to http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html
"Never mistake activity for achievement."
John Wooden
(also  from the book)

Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!


[ 本帖最后由 yuzhong21 于 2008-2-2 16:51 编辑 ]

坚持每天一篇,谢谢LZThis Week's Tip
You Might Not Want to Hear This, But...
...It's Called Work For A Reason

Greetings! 大家好

The past few weeks I've focused on personal  过去的几周我一直关注个人发展的话题,比关注坚韧不拔的销售更多。
development topics more than nitty gritty  
sales. As we start 2007, I'm doing it one  在2007年初,我又做了一次。因为一个好的理由。每个人都可以记得销售的技能。
more time. For a good reason. Any person
can memorize sales mechanics. It's those  那些把热情和态度放到工作里的人,最终可以赢得成功。
with the passion and attitude to put in
the WORK who enjoy the success.

This week I'm sharing excerpts with you  这周我和你们分享一个有关上周的自品牌新书的摘录:
from a brand new book just released this
past week:

"It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your  工作的理由是:你的成功是你自身的天大的错误!
Success Is Your Own Damn Fault," by Larry

You might recognize Larry as the author  你应该知道Larry是做好的销售员的作者:闭嘴,停止
of the best seller, "Shut Up, Quit Whining,  发出鸣鸣声,然后赋予生命。(这也是你应该得到的)
and Get a Life," (which you should also get)
and host of the TV show, "Big Spender" on A&E.  他也是电视节目,大富豪的主持人。

If you're easily offended, can't take an  如果很轻易能得罪你,不能接受一种内心的写作,而且不能接受形容许多失败的贸易的比喻,
in-your-face style of writing, and subscribe  那你可能不喜欢这本书。
to lots of the touch-feely business parables,
you probably won't like this book. But if   但如果你,或是你认识的某人(也许为你工作),需要一个人给他后备力量,来审视,
you, or someone you know (and perhaps works  那我十分确信你应该买这书。
for you) needs a kick in the rear, read on,
and I certainly urge you to buy this book.

By the way, I get requests every week from  顺便一提,每周大家要求我为我超过35000名用户来提升他们书的销量。
people who want me to promote their book
to my over 35,000 subscribers. Virtually   几乎我所有人都拒绝,而且当我推荐某事,又可以打赌,那一定很有价值,因此我读了用了。
all I turn down. And when I do recommend   实际上,我读了这书两次。
something, you can bet that it is worthwhile,
and that I have read it and use it. In
fact, I read this book two times.

(If you want to get it right now, go to
http://www.LarryWinget.com/itscalledwork.html )

Here are some highlights from the book
(in quotes) along with my comments.

Become Invaluable                                       变得有价值
I've long maintained that as a salesperson  我一直强调:作为销售人员,你要能控制你的保障收入。一个好的销售人员是常常被需要并且能在许多地方创造利润。
you control your income security. A good
salesperson is always in demand and can
create revenue in many places. A great
salesperson can choose where he/she decides  一个高级业务员能选择他施展才能的地方,就像一个
to play, just like a valued free agent  有价值的棒球员。
in baseball. Winget talks about this in  在他那一章节的注脚讲到:变得有价值。
his section, "Become Invaluable."

"If you want to make sure you are in   如果你想确定你在争取每一样公司提供的好东西,那你要变得有价值。
line for every good thing your company  变成对公司提供的产品和服务最精明的人。比任何一人都了解多点竞争对手和市场。
has to offer, then become invaluable.
Be the smartest person in the company
about the products and services your
company offers. Know more about the
competition and the marketplace than
anyone else. Get there first and leave  第一个到,最后一个离开。 学者快速做出决定。
last. Do the stuff no one else wants to   
do. Work fast. Learn to make decisions   
quickly. Take personal responsibility.  有责任感。
Never whine. Become known as the person   做一个大家都知道你能把事情办好的人。
who gets things done. Do more than is
expected of you. Get the results. In   做的比他们期待的更好。换句话说:干活!
other words: Work!

"This is job security at its finest.  这是最好的工作保障。
Just become the employee that your  就是要变得雇用你的人离不开你。
company can't live without. Become
the person that your customers can't
live without. Become the person your  变成一个你客户离不开你的人。
company, your boss, your coworkers,  变得让你公司,老板,同事,客户 等等,她们都需要,并且围着你转。
and customers count on, need, and
want to have around."

"Your future is up to you, not your  你的未来取决于你。不是你的上级。你要变得更好,为了你的环境变得好,这事要你自己去做。
employer. You have to get better in
order for your circumstances to get
better, and that must be done on your
own time. "

"Improve yourself any way you can,   利用任何途径提升你自己,每时每刻都会机会。读点成功学的书不用很多时间。
every time you have a chance. It
doesn't take much time to read a
great book on success. "

Loving Your Job Is Not The Most
Important Factor
Larry gives an interesting viewpoint   爱上你的工作并非是最重要的因素,Larry 给了一个很重要的观点--关于爱上你的工作。
on loving your job.

"IF you tell me you love your job and  如果告诉我你爱你的工作,并且你做的不好,我会说你是骗子。真的,你是个骗子。
you aren't great at your job, I'll
call you a liar. That's right, a liar.
If you really love your job, you will         如果你真的爱他,你会无论如何用任何代价做好它。
do what it takes to be good at your job. "

"The real key to business success is      贸易成功的真正关键在与做好你所做的。
to be good at what you do. Excellence
does not come just from enjoyment or  完美并不仅仅来源于兴趣或热心或爱或乐趣。
passion or love or fun. Excellence
comes from study. Excellence comes 完美来自学习,完美来自经验。他来自不断奋发图强,一直做错最做对了。
from experience. It comes from screwing
up and doing it wrong until you finally,
finally, finally get it right. And it  也来自一种旧的艰苦的工作。其他能帮助到的事情,但单独来看,它们大部分是热空气。
comes from good old-fashioned hard work!
The other things help, but alone they
are mostly hot air. Sweat changes  汗水改变事情,不是一腔热血。
things, not hot air."

Getting Results                               获得结果
I love the word "results" and use it  爱这个次:结果,在我们各自的项目里,用各种途径用它
in several ways in my own programs.
I always say that customers don't buy  我经常告诉我们的客户:别买产品,服务甚至是特性或利益。
products, services or even features or
benefits. They buy a picture of the end
result they will get, with themselves
in the picture.



too long, but interesting




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