不可不知常用的钻机词汇照明灯座 light base
配套连接管线 connecting pipeline
泥浆分配器 mud distribution
防砂棚构件 support, sand-proof shed
泥浆枪 mud gun
离心机供液泵 feed pump,centrifuge
川式取芯筒 core barrel
泥浆灌注泵 charging pump
吸入滤子 sucking filter, mud tank
房架 house rack
井架五段 fifth section of derrick
左五段 left fifth section of derrick
右五段 right fifth section of dreeick
钻杆架 pipe rock
井架四段 forth section of derrick
左中上段 left middle upside
右中上段 right middle upside
井架三段 third section of derrick
左三段 left third section
右三段 right third section
铺台 floorboard
操作台 Control Console
井架二段 second section of derrick
左二段 left second section
右二 段 right second section
气路硬管 pipe for air road
井架左 一段 left first section of derrick
井架右 一段 right first section of derrick
高支架 High Support
低支架 low support
操作台 operatiing plate
天车飞机架 suspending device for crown block
斜拉杆(一) slant drawing rod (first)
背横梁(一) back cross beam (first)
角撑 angle support
底座中层前斜撑 front slant support,medium base
底座底层前斜撑 front slant support,low basement
后斜撑 back slant support
前斜撑 front slant support
井架悬臂吊装置 suspending device,derrick
防喷器吊杠 hanging bar,BOP
防喷器吊装梁 installing beam, BOP
笼梯 cadge ladder
电机护罩 cover,motor
井架辅助滑轮及前拉杆 auxilliary pulley & front drag rod
快绳扶绳架 guiding line rack
二层台撑杆 supporting rod, monkey board
二层台 monkey board
二层台挡风墙 wind-proof wall, monkey board
二层台栏杆 handrail for monkey board
拖拽装置 draging device
绞车架 supporting rack for drawworks
支房架 supporting rack, mud tank
右前底座 right front basement
人字架前腿 front leg of gin pole
人字架后腿 rear leg of gin pole
后立柱 rear standing pole
人字架小撑架 tip support of gin pole
左前底座 left front basement
坡道 ramp
滑道 escape slide
挂梯 hanging ladder
背横梁 back cross beam
前横梁 front cross beam
蹬梯助力器支架 supporter, aid climb device
大钳平衡重 balance device, hydraulic tong
井口吊装梁凳 bench for wellhead beam installation
取心筒提升短节 lifting sub, core barrel
水龙头 swivel
立根台 standpipe plate
水龙带 hose
中层前立柱 medium layer front column
中层中立柱 medium layer center column
升降机笼 cadge, riser
吊环 elevater link
灯架座 basement, light rack
右后基座 right rear basement
右支架 right breacket
左后基座 left rear basement
左支架 left breacket
绞车 drawworks
绞车电机 DC moter, drawworks
天车 crown block
卧式供油罐 supplying oil tank
油泵 oil pump
LC流量计 LC flowmeter
四品油罐 lubracating oil and waste oil tank
齿轮油泵 gear oil pump
工业药品水罐 industrial pill water tank
工业套装水罐 1 # water tank no.1
井场生活水罐 drinking water tank
冷却水罐 cooling water tank
泥浆药品罐 mud pill tank
离心机控柜 control case,contrifuge
工具提栏 tools joint house
行车 hoist
踏板 candle
配合接头箱 cross-over joint case
配合接头 cross-over joint
接头箱 joint case
磨鞋捞杯 fishing cup,mill shoe
双头螺栓 double head nut
双裁丝法兰 flange
螺母 bolt
钢圈 steel ring
SCR房 SCR house
缓冲器罐 buffer air tank for drill floor
钻杆盒 drilling pipe enclosure
液压猫头箱 hydraulic pressure cat head
清洗机 cleaning machine
井口吊装装置配件箱 spare parts for wellhead suspending device
盘刹配件箱 disbrake spare parts
高压管汇配件箱 high-pressure pipe spare parts
钻铤 drill collar
镀锌管 galvanized pipe
固控系统加重房 solid control system weight house
加重泵 wieght pump
剪切泵 shear pump
漏斗 hopper
电缆槽 cable tray
泥浆材料房 mud material house
泥浆泵护罩 cover, transmission device
灯架 light rack
带高架供油罐 supplying oil tank c/w high position supplying device
震击器 drilling jar
扶正器 stabilizer
胶芯 rubber core
短钻杆 short drillpipe
短钻铤 short drill collar
液压远程控制台 hydraulic remote controller
配套营区配电房 power distribution house for camp
左前基座及人字架 left front basement and gin pole
轮式装载机 fork
井架高低只架 high-low support for rising derrick
柴油发电机组 diesel generator sets
液压套管钳 hydraulic casing tong
风动绞车 penumatic hoist
剪切闸板及闸板总成 shear ram and ram assembly
辅助发电机组 auxiliary diesel generator sets
司钻综合控制系统带房 driller control system c/w house
司钻偏房 dog house
钻台液压站 hydraulic presure station for drill floor hydraulic
气源房 air supplying house
压缩机 compressor
再生干燥机 recreate dryer
空气干燥器 air drier
储气罐 air storage tank
电动升降机 electric elevator
振动筛 shale shaker
除气器 degasser
除砂除泥一体机 desander and desilter integral machine
中速离心机 medium speed centrifuge
高速离心机 high speed centrifuge
钻井机械修理房 drilling machanicl repairing house
车床 lathe
钻床 drill press
焊机 welding machine
造扣机 creating screw machine
砂轮机 grinding wheel machine
钳工台 tool table
钻井普通材料房 drilling common material house
井场材料房 wellsite material house
钻井配套消防房 firefighting house for drilling
钻井通讯值班房 communication house on wellsite
钻井井场值班房 wellsite duty house at wellsite
钻井泥浆实验室 mud lab for drilling
钻井野营房 camp at wellsite
洗衣间及浴室 laundry & bath room
泥浆室 mud room
井场会议室 meeting room at wellsite
井场医务室 infirmary at wellsite
软水处理房 water trantment house
厨房 kitchen
测斜仪 inclinometer
急救设备 emergency equipment
有害气体检测仪 harmful gas detector
通讯设备 communication fitting
餐厅 dinning room
泵房房架 frame for pump house shed
加重钻杆 heavy wall drilling pipe
单闸板防喷器 single ram BOP
防喷器底座 BOP base
环形防喷器 annular BOP
节流管汇 choke-line manifold
控制箱 control box
闸门 throttle valve
双闸板防喷器 double ram BOP
风动绞车 pneumatic hoist
泥浆高压管汇 high pressure manifold
扶正器 drill –breaker
风动绞车 pneumatic wrench
钻台右只架 right support of drillfloor
方钻杆 Kelly
套管 casing
油水管排架及逃生跑道 pipe rack for oil water pipe and escape runway
油套管钳箱 tub, casing tong
平焊法兰 flat welding flange
泥浆闸阀 mud gate valve
刮泥板 mud scraping board
磨擦片 friction block
安全销 safety pin
冲管 washing pipe
调压继气器 pressure adjustable relay
快速放气阀 rapid release valve
单向导气龙头 one way air guide
防碰天车过卷阀 crown-o-matic
两用继气器 double function relay
常开气控阀 usual open gas control valve
三通旋塞阀 three-way kelly cock valve
定位组合调压阀 pressure adjustable valve
闸瓦 shoe
水龙头冲管盘根盒卡簧 washing pipe packing box spring clamp
B型钳牙 die for type B tong
内六角接头 inner six angle joint
大小头 crossover
弯头 bent joint
接箍 coupling
三通 tee
闸阀 gate valve
球阀 ball valve
挡板阀 baffle valve
绳卡 clamp
冷水嘴 cock
元钉 nail
挡板阀 plate valve
花兰螺栓 bolt
凡尔胶皮 valve rubber
油壬盘根 union packing
凡尔导向套 valve guiding socket
水龙头冲管盘根 washing pipe packing
油封 oil sealer
地脚螺栓 bolt
压板 press board
管卡 clamp
荧光灯管 fluorescence lamp
电工踏板 footplate
铜钻开口鼻 pigtail
防爆组合开关 combination switch
电吹风 electric blower
数字万用表 Digital Universal Meter
钳型电流表 Clamp Type Electric Current Meter
转速测量仪 Rotate Speed Survey Instrument
数字电感电容仪表 digital capacity instrument
相序表 Phase-Order indicator
三角带 triangle belt
直钻 straight drill
手用丝攻 threader
元板牙 screw plate
硼砂 dorax
高性能结构AB胶 AB rubber
防紫外线眼镜 UV proof glasses
不锈钢球阀 ball valve
螺栓带帽 bolt & nut
异径三通 different diameter tee
链条 chain
活塞杆 piston rod
液压钳牙 hydraulic die
B型大钳 B type tong
花纹板 steel plate
薄板 sheet metal
中板 median plate
水银灯 lamp
防爆投光灯 explosion-proof lamp
防爆灯具 explosion-proof lamps and lanterns
液压软管总成 hydraulic hose assembly
防爆排风扇 explosion-proof exhaust fan
中压石棉橡胶 mid-pressure asbestos rubber
锂基脂 lithium base grease
套管密封脂 casing sealing grease
钻具螺纹脂 drill tools screw thread grease
转盘棕垫 mat for rotary table
抬杠 shoulder pole
圆铲把 spade bar
电动卷绳器 electric power spooler
油水管路配件箱 pipe loop spare parts
捞砂钢丝绳 steel wire rope
开口扳手 type opening spanner
喇叭口及并帽 bell-moutted adupfer and pich nut
耐磨方补芯 anti-friction bushing
钻杆钩 drilling pipe hook
猫头钩 hooklet,cathead
大三爪 big snatcher
小三爪 small snatcher
短节 sub
双头倒齿管 king double-ends king napple
单头倒齿管 single-end king napple
撬杠 steel stick
连接板 connecting board
连接销 connecting pin
大钳尾绳 tail rope
二层台逃生装置 escape device for monky board
液压提升机配件箱 hydraulic lifting machine spare parts
防溢管 overflow-proof pipe
起架大绳 wire line for litting mast
钻头盒 drill breaker
堵塞器 plug
扩孔方瓦 casing bushing
扩孔方瓦 casing bushing
吊卡 elevator
套管吊钳 casing tong
套管吊卡 casing elevator
多片式卡瓦 mult-piece slip
卡瓦 slip
安全卡瓦 safety slip
堵塞器皮碗 rubber cup,plug
耐磨扶正器 anti-friction stabilizer
旁通阀 side-way valve
投入式正回阀 valve
上旋塞 upper kelly cock
下旋塞 lower kelly cock valve
小补芯 kelly-bushing
捞杯 fishing cup
卡瓦捞筒 slip fishing cartridge
反循环打捞兰 contrary circulating fishing basket
强磁 magnet
安全接头 safety joint
磨鞋 mill shoes
磨鞋捞杯 mill shoes fishing cup
公锥 fishing tap
大头公锥 big head fishing tap
母锥 box tap
整体式提升短节 whole lifting sub
屈性长轴 flexible extend shaft
地面震击器 surfacejar
地脚螺栓 foundation bolts
缓冲器 buffer
双面法兰 doublesided flange
压力表法兰 flange pressure gange
五通 five way union
试压堵头(法兰) test pressure outer union jam
考克 cock
震击由壬 hammer union
侧门盘根 side door packing
换向阀 conversion valve
先导阀 leading valve
气源压力表 air pressure gauge
气源管线 air pipeline
快速接头 quick sub
压力传感器 pressure indicator
位置变速器 position transmission
开口扳手 opening spanner
手动节流阀 manual choke valve
航杆 navigate haulm
接触器 contactor
二位旋扭 switch
转换开关 switch
松香 rosin
焊锡膏 Soldering Tin cream
焊锡丝 soldering tin line
扎带 strap50CM
开口鼻 pig tail
二极管 diode
风机 air machine
热缩管 heat shrink pipe
指示灯 indicator light
集成电路块 printe electric cucirt
三端稳集成电路块 printe electric cucirt
接线端子 termination
继电 器 relay
电容 electric capacity
三级管 triode
3孔插座 three hole socket
气焊炬 welding torch
铜鼻子 copper pig tail
钻铤吊卡 DC elevator
钻杆吊卡 DP elevator
安装管子 mounting pipe
井控系统专用连接电缆 specialized connecting cable, well control system
顶驱专用连接电缆 specialized connecting cable, top drive
固控系统耐油电缆 water oil- proof cable,solid control system
钻机井工程用料 material for drilling engineering
电焊条 arc welding
管子台虎钳 vice for pipe table
会筒扳手 pipe wrench
铸铁焊条 casting iron welding rod
电钻 electric digger
喷漆枪 painting gun
焊炬 welding torch
割炬 scalpel torch
活动扳手 moving wrench
内六角扳手 inner six angle wrench
游杆卡尺 trevalling calipers
钢丝钳 wire cutter
电笔 electrical pen
光咀钳 combination pliers
挡圈钳 block circle tong
小剪刀 small scissors
管子割刀片 pipe cutter reamer
管子扳手 pipe wrench
割咀 cutting torch
砂纸 sand paper
电工刀 electric knife
塞尺 feeler gauge
内外卡 inernal & external calipers
泥浆阀门 mud valve
石棉扭绳 asbestos wring rope
石棉盘根 asbestos set base
杆锡 pole tin
乙炔管 acetylene pipe
手提式砂轮机 portable grinding wheel machine
抗震压力表 pressure indicator
双刻度抗震压力表 double scale pressure
万用表 multimeter
乙炔减压器 acetylene reductor
氧气减压气 oxygen reductor
压力表 pressure meter
普压表 general pressure meter
兆欧表 MEG meter
电阻测试仪 resistance test instrument
铝水平尺 aluminium level ruler
中耳锉 middle ear file
粗三角锉 wide triangle file
粗平锉 wide smooth file
中半元锉 file
粗中半元锉 smooth file
什棉锉 file
机油内芯 machine oil inner core
套筒扳手 box spanner
梅花扳手 ring spanner
汽油喷灯 gasolene blowtorch
柴油喷灯 diesel blowtorch
液压压线钳 hydraulic cable tong
平焊法兰 flange
乙炔胶管 acetylene plastic tube
空气滤芯 air filter
柴油滤芯 diesel filter
机油滤芯 machine oil filter
油漆刷 oil-painting brush
焊锡膏 soldering tin ointment
平口起子 screwdriver
梅花起子 cross screwdriver
石棉内芯 astestos inner core
聚光灯泡 focus bulb
低压避雷器 low-pressure lightning arrestor
电烙铁 electric iron
丝扣灯头 lamp
卡扣灯头 lamp
卡扣灯泡 lamp
丝扣灯泡 lamp
防暴照明灯泡 explosion-proof floodlight bulb
空气开关 air switch
探照灯 searchlight
丝扣开关 screw switch
防爆灯具 explosion-proof lamps and lanterns
尼龙扎带 nylon strip
多用插板 multi flashboard
交流接触器 AC contact instrument
防爆按钮 explosion-proof press button
黄腊带 belt
热缩器 pyrocondensation instrument
绝缘手套 insulation glove
低压压力开关 low pressure switch
光流立式压力表 Pressure Meter
充油背式压力表 Pressure Meter
油水滤芯 water/oil filter core
兰型皮带 belt
铝芯塑料线 plastic string with aluminium core
黑胶布 black adhesive plaster
高压胶布 high pressure adhesive plaster
塑料带 plastic strip
热缩管 contract tube
氧气管 oxygen pipe
塑料安全帽 plastic safety cap
毛巾 towel
生料带 belt
电焊手套 electric welding gloves
电焊黑玻璃 electric welding black glass
电焊白玻璃 electric welding white glass
电焊面罩 electric welding mask
应急灯 emergency lamp
钢丝绳 wire line
中压石棉橡胶板 Asbestos heliotype
平板胶皮 flat hose
夹布输水胶管 feeding Rubber Pipe
白棕绳 palm rope
铁丝 steel wire
缸套 cylinder
防爆电动机 explosion-proof electromotor
离心式清水泵 centrifugal water pump
潜水式排污 dive type waste discharge
活动弯头带由壬 curved c/w union
活塞 piston
由壬 union
活塞皮碗 piston rubber cup
软管总成 hose assembly
滚子方补芯 kelly bushing
砂泵盘根 sand pump packing
自浮式单点测斜仪 single-point angle measuring device
旋转凡尔体 rotary valve body
凡尔螺母 valve nut
闸阀 gate valve
光平垫 gasket
弹簧垫 Spring Gasket
光六角螺栓 bolt
靠背轮胶皮 rubber sheet
冲管盘根盒 Washpipe Packing box
气胎 pneumatic tyre
链钳 Chain Wrench
管钳 pipe tong
八角锤 sinker
螺旋千斤顶 Screw Jack
单轮铁滑车 pulley
千斤顶 jack
黄油枪 Grease Gun
双头呆扳手 stud dead spanner
断线钳 thread-cut wrench
手摇油泵 manual oil pump
电焊钳 electric welding wrench
活动扳手 adjustable spanner
钢锯弓 steel saw bow
电钻 electric drill
钳工锤 sinker
钢锯条 steel saw blade
剥线钳 Peel Wire Cutter
钢卷尺 steel tapeline
两用扳手 double-function spanner
铜焊条 copper welding rod
钢丝刷 steel thread brush
管子割刀片 blade
方铲 shovel
斜口钳 clamp
自耦减压起动器 pressure-reduce starter
独角灯管 tube
旋转凡尔座 rotary valve seat
德瑞克线性筛网 derrick screen
螺杆压缩机油 screw compressor oil
铜芯塑料线 copper core cable
移动电缆 floating cable
塑料安全帽 plastic satety helmet
紫铜管 copper pipes
手推车 barrow
葫芦 windlass
台虎钳 table vice
钢钎 steel bar
管钳 pipe pliers
电焊软线 electric welding line
铝芯塑料线 aluminium cable
手轮调压伐 pressure-regulating valve
复位组合调压伐 pressure-regulating valve
两用继气器 double-function
活塞杆 piston rod
钢套密封圈 cylinder seal ring
摩檫片 scrub plate
阀盖密封圈 sealing ring for valve head
双面封皮器 double-side sealer
空气包鼓膜 air balloon
钢丝绳切断器 steel wire rope cutter
出口排量传感器 sensor
保险管 fuse
丝扣自封接头 self-sealing joint
快速接头 joint
三通 three tee
胶杯 rubber cup
井深扳 well depth-board
通讯扳 communication board
数字扳 digital board
钻台铺板Ⅰ drilling-floor plank Ⅰ
浮阀 float valve
钻杆跑道3 catwalk NO.3
井控管排架 pipe rack for well-controlling
GJF 高压绝热阻燃耐火放喷软管总成GJF high-pressure heat-insulating flame-retarding fire-resistance drainage hose assembly
高压胶管 high-pressure hose
安全链箱 safty chain case
气动试压泵 pneumatic testing pump
防喷器吊装装置 BOP suspending device
大钩 hook
钻杆动力钳箱 drilling pipe power tongs
电缆槽 cable tray
立式搅拌器 agitator
油水管排架 oil-water pipe rock
钻台左支架 left support of drill floor
钻铤吊卡 DC elevator
放喷管线 flow out pipe
钻杆跑道1 catwalk NO.1
电缆槽及过桥 cable tray & truck pass-way
接地柱 ground pole
铜线鼻子 pigtail
高压管和分配器 high pressure pipe & distribution
游车 travelling block
泥浆泵悬臂吊 suspending device, mud pump
泥浆滤子 filter, mud pump
灯架 light rack
扶梯及栏杆 lader & handrail
走道板 slidewalk
走道板撑杆 support, slidewalk
泥浆搅拌器 agitator
补液泵 tripe pump
宝石泵 配件,这词汇很有帮助。
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·生活百科 来自3个不同的光伏系统的教训
·生活百科 尴尬的屋顶布局