1. CR650
CR-650 is a high molecular weight, powdered polymer which has been developed to improve core recovery, particularly in broken and sandy formations. It may also be used to stabilize reactive clays and shales and to provide lubrication when diamond drilling in poor conditions.
CR-650 是一种高分子量,粉末状聚合物,用于改善提高岩心采取率,特别是在破碎和沙质地层。它也可以用在当金刚石钻探处于恶劣环境下时提供润滑稳定活性粘土和页岩
CR-650 forms a protective polymer film on the drill core and on the walls of the bore hole. This polymer film reduces water invasion into hydratable and disperse clays and shales. CR-650 is also very effective for stabilizing loose, friable sand formations. CR-650 can be used as a single product, low solids mud system, or it can be combined with AUS-GEL / AUS-TROL to form a complete mud system.
AUS-PLUG is a hydrophilic polymer in granular form that absorbs up to 500 times its original volume in water.
AUS-PLUG is ideal for sealing zones of lost circulation and can also be used to reduce rod vibration in holes where lost returns are a problem.
AUS-PLUG should be mixed with fresh water then pumped down the hole to the zone of lost circulation. The mixture will then swell and seal fissures, cracks and porous formations. Drilling can recommence after a waiting period of 30 minutes. In diamond drilling, to avoid long delays while waiting for AUS-PLUG to swell down-hole, the AUS-PLUG can be pre-wetted with water in a 20-40 litre container. Once the tube has been pulled, this solution can be poured directly down the rods. After pumping the tube down the rods drilling can recommence. This procedure can be repeated on successive core runs. In circumstances where a low water level or total loss of water returns results in excessive vibration and torque, AUS-PLUG can be allowed to swell in water or mud for 15-20 minutes. This resulting swollen mixture can be periodically poured down the outside of the rods and acts as a cushion between the rod string and hole casing.
AUS-DET XTRA is a concentrated blend of detergents which improves the drilling characteristics of low solids and water-based muds.
AUS-DET XTRA是一种浓缩洗涤剂混合液,有助于改善低固态和水基泥浆钻井特征。
AUS-DET XTRA may be used to reduce bit balling and drill rod collaring in soft sticky formations. It may also be used for dispersing the build-up of drilled solids in the bit and also to disperse a build- up of solids in diamond drill rods.
AUS-DET XTRA可用于减少松软粘性地层的钻头泥包和钻杆?。也可用于分散钻头内部的钻井固体物以及分散金刚石钻杆内部固体。
AUS-DET XTRA may also be used in water well drilling to promote the rapid settling of cuttings at the surface.
AUS-DET XTRA也可以用于水井钻井,促进表面快速沉淀岩屑。
which could be used for improving core recovery It may also be 不能用may may 表示可能 be used to 表示习惯于做某事 could be used for
when drilling in poor conditions with diamond bits .
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