46A:documents requitred1.signed commercial invoices on shipper's letterhead
and signed in blue ink along with shipper's stamp in triplicate,
attested by the chamber of commerce evidencing term of delivery,currency,mode of shipment,total net weight,total gross weight,brand names or trade name
and the full name and address of the manufacturer/producer of the goods shipped under this credit.
2.full set of 3/3 originals and 2 non-negotiable copies of clean 'on board'ocean/marine bills of lading made out to the order of shipper,endorsed in bland, marked freight collect and notify applicant(with full name and address) and HSBC bank middle east ltd,po box 57 DOHA QATAR quoting this D/C number.
short form bills of lading are not acceptable
3.a cretificate of origin(typed and not handwritten) in duplicate stating that the goods are of china origin and the full name and address of the manufactuter/
producer and exporter issued by the china council for the promation of international trade and attested by chamber of commerce.a certificate of origin incorporated in the invoice will not be acceptable .invoice number and date must be typed on the certificate.
4.packing list on shipper's lettterhead and signed in blue ink alone with shippers stamp in triplicate evidencing number of pieces,individual gross weight,net weight volume and hs code.
5.a copy of the shipment advise sent to doha insurance co,. and rama trading and constracting co,. no fax no.00974 44664882 and 44361697 with 3 days and showing the name of the carrying vessel,date of shipment ,mark,amount,B/L NO.and the NO. of this documentary credit.the relative fax transmission report evidencing the relative fax number and date must be presented for negotiation.
6.certificate from the shipping co or their agent starting that the goods are shipped on conference/regular line vessels.
I) that are exempted from the "sola" convention certification requirement and is not required to have a certificate of conformity to the ism code or that it has a current ism code certificate if the carrying vessel is subject to "solas"
II)covered by institute classification clause
III)that are allowed by the arab authorities to call at arabian ports and not scheduled to call at israel port during its voyage to qatar
7.inspection certificate issued by the applicant certifying that preshipment inspection has been carrid out and the goods are found in good condition.
8.test report issued by beneficary
47A:additional conditions
1.bills of lading must evidence the name,address and telephone number of the carrying vessel's agent at the port of destination.
2. documents submitted under this credit in language other than english are not acceptable.
3.USD 75.00 should be deducted from the reimbursement claim for each presentation of discrepant documents under this credit.
notwithstanding any instruction to the contrary,this charge and related cable charges shall be for the account of the beneficiary.
4.in accordance with the provisions of article 16 C III B of UCP
600, if we give notice of refusal of documents presented under this credit we shall however retain the right to accept a waiver of discrepancies from the applicant and,subject to such waiver being acceptable to us,to release documents against that waiver without refernce to the presenter provide that no written instructions to the contrary have been received by us from the presenter before the release of the documents.any such release prior to receipt of contrary instruction shall not constitue a failure on our part to hold the documents at the presenter's risk and disposal, and we will have no liability to the presenter in respect of any
such release.
5. all documents and drafts called under this documentary credit must bear the DC number and the date of issue.
6.should the negotiate bank for whatever reason,decide to negotiate any bill drawn under this credit under reserve or against an indemnity ,all discrepancies must be advised by the telex to the opening bank for their acceptance.
7.transhipment allowed except in israel.
8.beneficiary's contact details is follows:
T:+86 592 5502683
F:+86 591 5563909
9.all shipping documents must evidence quantity,weight,description of good
10. invoice must certify that all the parcels of the goods have been labelled showing the name of manufacturer and country of origin.
11.tolerance upto 5 percent more or less on the credit amount and quantity is acceptable.
有心杀贼 忒长啊
加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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