加拿大进出口外贸DUANG~~广交会预备操做起来 Ready for Canton Fair










这样下来,客户来的几率可是会大大提高的。记得去年的春交会,有部分客户在广交会前期联系中本来是确定不下来是否会来展位,甚至有些是根本没答应会来的。可是最后还是特别出乎预料地出现在展位上。所以在2015年第一波的销售旺季中,好好把握好机会,你的订单将会DUANG DUANG DUANG地飙升的。

As the Spring Festival passing, do your orders increase as your weight do?

I didn't feel the follow-up holiday effect as I have begun contacted with customers from place to place. The tight time of one month before the Spring Canton Fair leaves me no time to relax.

the customers contact list should be made before Spring Festival holiday and the customers having been contacted should be followed up with more tightly. Some fans told me that when inviting customers, some of them may refuse or cannot confirm whether to go. Then what should we do? Generally, being refused or told in inexact answers when we invite customers to come to our booth in the Canton Fair is common. But we should not give up once customers refuse us because they may have a favorable impression on us for our long-term contact. We should do these with persistence.

1. Attracting customers with new product, telling them the developing situation of new designs which will market for the first time, we can induce them through his peers' appreciation to our products. This approach is valuable for us in some extent because they may talk with you continuously even if they really have no plan to come to the Canton fair but are interested in the products.

2. Contact customers more frequently during this period if they have not decided yet. Of course, don't always ask them whether they will come or not. You can change a way to ask, for example, tell them that the housing prices are higher or there may be not enough rooms when booking a hotel for other customer yesterday. You can require that whether you should book a room for him or remind the customer to determine whether will come to Canton fair as soon as possible.

We have pay attention to these works, eg:

1. When our booth information once confirmed, inform customers of booth information immediately, at the same time, mark out our phone so as to contact us for customers conveniently.

2. Call or text customers in advance who will come. Furthermore, our booth info must be involved clearly.

In this way, the rate of customers' visiting will increase. Last time in Canton Fair, we met some customers surprisingly who were not sure whether to come to our booth when contacted early or even would not come. So in the first sales peak of 2015, grasp the good opportunity and your orders will DUANG DUANG DUANG come.

[ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2015-3-19 21:26 编辑 ]




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