Almaty city «__» ____ 2012
LINE Ltd., registered in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, certificate of state re-registration № 10092-1910-ТОО dated 11.07.2003, hereinafter called “Buyer” in the person of Executive Director – Bibik Y.A., acting in conformity with Authorization No 1, dated 01.01.2013, and _______, registered in accordance with the legislation of the country ____, certificate № _ dated _, hereinafter called “Seller” in the person of_________ , acting under the________ from another side concluded the given treaty about the following:
1.1 Seller agrees to manufacture and load on the customer's request lighting equipment (hereinafter – Goods) and Buyer agrees to accept and promptly pay.
1.2 Quantity, name, range, completeness of Goods are defined by Proforma – Invoice. Proforma – Invoice is an integral part of present Contract.
1.3 Seller certifies and warrants that:
• Has an unlimited capacity over its actions on acquiring rights and fulfilling responsibilities under present Contract;
• Conclusion and execution of present Contract is not contrary to the law of that country in which it is registered as a legal body by constituent documents;
• Is not at the stage of bankruptcy, rehabilitation, reorganization or liquidation, including that there are no statements (other forms of appeals) at court about proceeding given processes.
1.4 Goods are delivered on FOB terms of FOB ________. The term “FOB” refers to the International rules “Incoterms” for dealing with commercial terms of International Chamber of Commerce, that are in force on the date of conclusion of the Contract.
2.Rights and obligations of the Parties
2.1 Rights and obligations of Buyer
2.1.1. By making an Order Buyer from the following e-mail address: [email protected] sends an e-mail to the e-mail address or fax of the Seller: ________
Order must include the quantity and range of Goods.
2.1.2. Buyer has a right to complain Seller about the quantity, name, range, completeness, quality and terms of delivery of manufactured and loaded Goods.
2.1.3. Buyer has a right to claim damages, causeв to him as a result of termination of terms of manufacturing and loading of the Goods and (or) manufacturing of Goods in improper quantity, name, range, completeness and quality. The seller makes the goods according to the Proforma invoice which parties confirmed. If not according to the order, the buyer can be the right to claim damages.
2.1.4. In case of finding of deficiencies, and inadequacy to the requirements of delivered Goods, according to the terms of present Contract, Buyer has a right to forward a notification to the Seller in 7_ days from the date of opening the Goods.
2.1.5. To receive the Goods by quantity, name, range, completeness and quality in accordance to the terms of present Contract and pay the price of the Goods in the order and terms agreed by the Parties.
2.1.6. Buyer has a right to refuse to execute present Contract due to inexpediency of its further use or for other circumstances. By this time the appropriate written notification is sent to Seller. In this case Parties make mutual settlements for actually manufactured Goods. By this Seller has a right to claim payment only for produced Goods and materials loss and does not have a right to claim compensation from the side of Buyer of possible losses related to early termination of the Contract. Moreover, Seller has the right to claim the compensation from the side of buyer terminate the contract if parties confirm the order and seller already made the materials.
2.2. Rights and obligations of Seller
2.2.1. Seller is obliged during 2 (two) working days after receiving an Order from Buyer to notify Seller in writing about the receipt of the Order to execution by sending the Order Confirmation and Proforma-Invoice on e-mail address and fax of the Buyer. Such confirmation is considered as written notification about the receipt of the Order to Execution. In confirmation the quantity, range, price of the order and terms of delivery of the Order are indicated. In case of Confirmation of the Proforma – Invoice by Buyer and prepayment in advance, Order is considered confirmed by the Parties and becomes obligatory for Parties. Buyer should allow acceptance of the goods in the planned delivery date.
2.2.2. Seller is responsible for providing reliable information about the volume, weight and quantity of transferred and shipped goods specified in the invoice.
2.2.3. Seller is obliged to inform Buyer about the readiness of Goods for shipment with indicating precise quantity in not less than 5 working days till the date of shipment of Goods.
2.2.4.To manufacture for Buyer Goods of proper quantity, name, range, completeness, quality and on date, specified in present Contract.
2.2.5.To provide Seller in full amount accompanying document to the Goods including:
-Invoice – 2 pcs.
-Certificate of origin – 2 pcs.
-Certificate of quality of manufacturer factory – 2 pcs.
-Packing List – 2 pcs.
2.2.6. Packaging of the Goods should exclude the possibility of its damage or destruction in transit.
2.2.7.If the order of Buyer is not acceptable technically, Seller should inform Buyer about it within 3 (three) working days.
2.2.8.The Seller gives the Buyer in the promotional purposes catalogues, promotional production and show samples. In this case Parties make mutual settlements for actually issues.
3.Cost of Goods and terms of payment
3.1. The total value of the present Contract is 500 hundred US dollаrs (500,000).The value of present Contract includes the cost of manufacturing, packaging, labeling, loading, stowage of Goods in transit process. The total value of Contract may be changed after final calculations.
3.2. For Seller the RMB prices is the standard price, US dollars only for reference. Seller can paid in US dollars by currency exchange. Payment for goods shall be bank transfer to the account of Buyer according to the rate of National Bank on the payment date.
3.3. Buyer should make 30% deposit from the total sum of Order during 5 working days from the date of confirmation of the Order and Invoicing and/or providing Proforma-Invoice.
3.4. Buyer make balance 70% pay of the total sum during 5_ working days from the moment of notification of the Seller by sending actual packing list, commercial invoice and draft Bill of Loading after loading. All the quantity, name, weight, volume and amount need included.
3.5. If the Invoice is subject for correction, the payment is made on the basis of the Invoice, corrected in accordance with the terms of present Contract.
3.6.In case if after the delivery of Goods and forwarding the final Invoice to the Buyer extra payment will be revealed, the Seller agrees to pay money resources back or set a credit note and deliver the Goods with the next shipment.
Bank details of Seller:
Account Name:
Account Number:
4. Terms, conditions of manufacture and loading of the Order
4.1. Buyer from the following e-mail address: [email protected] sends to the e-mail address of Seller: ______ Order with indication of quantity and range of Goods.
4.2. Seller during 3 (three) working days after receiving the Order should send a confirmation to the e-mail address of Buyer about receiving and processing the Order and issuing the Proforma-Invoice. This confirmation is equivalent to a written notice of acceptance of an Order for execution. In confirmation, the quantity, range of Goods, the volume, completeness, and cost of the Order and terms manufacture should be indicated. In case of confirmation of the Order by Buyer, Order is considered agreed by the Parties and becomes obligatory for Parties.
The Seller:
The legal address and Bank details
The legal address
Account Name:
Account Number:
阿拉木图市«__»____ 2012
线有限公司,与哈萨克斯坦共和国的立法依据国家重新登记注册,№10092-1910证书ТОО日期11.07.2003,以下简称“买方”在执行董事–bibik y.a.人,代理与授权1,整合01.01.2013约会,和_______,与国家____立法按照注册,证书№_日期_,以下简称“卖方”在_________人,________的作用下,从另一个侧面总结了条约,如下:
2.1.1。从下面的电子邮件地址下单,买家:[email protected]发送了一封邮件给卖方的电子邮件地址或传真:________
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