

3.6.In case if after the delivery of Goods and forwarding the final Invoice to the Buyer extra payment will be revealed, the Seller agrees to pay money resources back or set a credit note and deliver the Goods with the next shipment.

4.3.In case of sending a partial confirmation of the Order by Seller, Buyer considers this offer and sends to the e-mail address of Seller the confirmation of the partial Order or objections on it. Order is considered agreed by the Parties and becomes obligatory for Parties from the moment of receipt by Seller of the agreement of Buyer with such confirmation and prepayment in advance.

6.6. In case if Seller refuses to replace the Goods of inappropriate quality with the Goods, of appropriate quality, the Seller should expose the credit the note for the Goods inappropriate to Contract provisions or to return the sum paid by the Buyer for the Goods which quality doesn't correspond to conditions of the present Contract. Return of money resources should be carried out by the Seller in 10 working days from the date of a presentation the Buyer of the requirement about payment.

7.2 In case of infringement of terms of manufacturing of 0,1 % from the Order sum for every day of delay, but no the Order, the Seller pays to the Buyer a fine at a rate of more than 10 % from the Order total sum.

7.6. In case of prescheduled cancellation of the present Contract at the initiative of the Seller, the Seller should make return of money resources for not made and not put Goods within 5 working days from the date of a direction of the notice with payment of the penalty at a rate of 10 % from Contract cost.

10.4. Not notifying or untimely notification by the Party, which faced impossibility of execution of its obligations according to present Contract about circumstances that are beyond control, that release Party from responsibiitly, deprive the Party of the right to refer to the fact of appearance of Force-Majeure circumstances.

3.6.In case if after the delivery of Goods and forwarding the final Invoice to the Buyer extra payment will be revealed, the Seller agrees to pay money resources back or set a credit note and deliver the Goods with the next shipment.

4.3.In case of sending a partial confirmation of the Order by Seller, Buyer considers this offer and sends to the e-mail address of Seller the confirmation of the partial Order or objections on it. Order is considered agreed by the Parties and becomes obligatory for Parties from the moment of receipt by Seller of the agreement of Buyer with such confirmation and prepayment in advance.

6.6. In case if Seller refuses to replace the Goods of inappropriate quality with the Goods, of appropriate quality, the Seller should expose the credit the note for the Goods inappropriate to Contract provisions or to return the sum paid by the Buyer for the Goods which quality doesn't correspond to conditions of the present Contract. Return of money resources should be carried out by the Seller in 10 working days from the date of a presentation the Buyer of the requirement about payment.

7.2 In case of infringement of terms of manufacturing of 0,1 % from the Order sum for every day of delay, but no the Order, the Seller pays to the Buyer a fine at a rate of more than 10 % from the Order total sum.

7.6. In case of prescheduled cancellation of the present Contract at the initiative of the Seller, the Seller should make return of money resources for not made and not put Goods within 5 working days from the date of a direction of the notice with payment of the penalty at a rate of 10 % from Contract cost.

10.4. Not notifying or untimely notification by the Party, which faced impossibility of execution of its obligations according to present Contract about circumstances that are beyond control, that release Party from responsibiitly, deprive the Party of the right to refer to the fact of appearance of Force-Majeure circumstances.




大侠,我有个地方是有歧义的,那个partial confirmation,我在考虑是分批装运还是订单部分内容的意思,你怎么看?有人说如果是部分订单内容的话,应该用information ,不是confirmation。。。。两者意思相差太远了。。。。而上下文没有可以追寻的。


Partial confirmation就是只确认订单的一部分内容。具体的最好跟买家再沟通一下,打电话或是发邮件把这一点了解清楚。就直接告诉对方合同上有些内容没讲清楚,要求对方再解释。
加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
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