Sealing Industry Glossary Summary - (Chinese & English)
资料来源:广东东晟密封件圈科技有限公司 - dshmf.com
From: Dongguan DSH Seals Technology Co., Ltd - dshseals.com
密封圈Seal ring
橡胶密封圈Rubber ring
硅胶密封圈Silicone seal
o型密封圈规格O-ring dimension
进口密封圈Imported seal
耐高温密封圈High temperature resistance seal
氟胶密封圈Viton seal
氟橡胶密封圈FKM seal
o型橡胶密封圈O-ring viton seal
气缸密封圈Cylinder seal
硅橡胶密封圈Silicone rubber seal
耐高温o型密封圈High temperature resistance O-ring
密封圈规格Seal specification
密封圈材料Seal material
保鲜盒密封圈Crisper seal
密封圈标准Seal standard
y型密封圈规格Y-ring standards
v型密封圈标准V-ring standards
石墨密封圈Graphite seal ring
j型密封圈J-shaped seal
v型组合密封圈V-shaped combination seal
密封圈型号Seal ring model
yx密封圈规格Yx ring seal specification
密封圈英文Seal ring in English
唇形密封圈规格Lip seal specification
进口o型密封圈Imported O-ring
橡胶密封圈规格Rubber seal specification
c型密封圈C-ring seal
l型密封圈I-ring seal
y形密封圈Y-ring seal
o型密封圈规格表O-ring size table
u型密封圈规格U-ring specification
v型橡胶密封圈V-shaped rubber seal
密封圈的规格Seal ring specification
密封圈规格查询Seal specification search
椭圆形密封圈Oval ring
v型夹布密封圈V-shaped fabric seal
密封圈规格表O-ring specification table
o密封圈规格O-ring dimension
密封圈型号查询Seal ring model search
o形密封圈规格表O-ring specification
密封圈品牌Seals Brand
y型密封圈厂家Y-ring manufacturer
y型密封圈厂家Y-ring factory
o型密封圈生产厂家O-ring manufacturer
y型密封圈厂家Y-ring factory
y型密封圈厂家Y-ring manufacturer
染缸密封圈Vat seals
0型橡胶密封圈O-ring rubber seal
组合式密封圈Combination seal
轴用v型组合密封圈Rod V-shaped combination seal
e型密封圈E-ring seal
多层次蝶阀密封圈Multi-level butterfly valve seal
d型密封圈D-ring seal
0型密封圈规格O-ring size
密封圈yccseal ring (ycc)
轴用弹簧张力密封圈Rod spring energized seal
0型密封圈材料O-ring material
青岛密封圈生产厂家Qingdao seal factory
汽车轮毂轴承密封圈Automotive wheel bearings seal
密封圈品牌Seals Brand
密封圈有胶味怎么办How shall we handle the smell of glue?
轴承密封圈Bearing seal
密封圈选型Seal selection
液压油缸密封圈Hydraulic cylinder seal
轴用密封圈Rod seal
0形密封圈O-ring seal
氟密封圈FKM seal
切口式o型密封圈Incision o-ring
密封圈用什么材料What's the material for seals?
大型密封圈Big-size seal
唇密封圈Lip seal
轴承密封圈厂家Bearing seal manufacturers
蝶阀阀芯密封圈Butterfly valve spool seal
封油密封圈材料Oil seal material
柔性防水套管密封圈Flexible waterproof casing seal
进口v型密封圈Imported V seal
进口骨架密封圈Imported framework oil seal
油压j型组合密封圈Oil pressure combination seal (J type)
密封圈用途Seal usage
轴用yx密封圈Rod seal (yx)
气缸防尘密封圈Cylinder wiper seal
气缸密封圈型油封Cylinder oil seal
丁晴橡胶密封圈NBR seal
进口唇形密封圈Imported lip seal
进口旋转密封圈Imported rotary shaft seal
进口防尘密封圈Imported wiper seal
唇形橡胶密封圈Lip rubber seal
轴密封圈Rod seal
进口气缸密封圈Imported cylinder seal
气缸用密封圈Cylinder seal
汽车密封圈的作用Automotive seals function
气缸o型密封圈Cylinder o-ring seal
气缸密封圈厂家Cylinder seal manufacturer
气缸杆密封圈Cylinder rod seal
气缸密封圈标准Cylinder seal standard
气缸用密封圈材料标准Cylinder seal material standards
气缸密封圈标准库Cylinder seal standard inventory
气缸密封圈材料Cylinder seal material
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