In the age of internet, ‘future’ means three months or five months later rather than three years or five years. Here, I said that, it is the five-year future. Moreover, for international trade and cross-border E-business, it is bound to change as follows.1. The Trend Of Taking Internet Applications As Instruments
Instrument means that platform should help suppliers to achieve their business goals, instead of being a boss and suppliers just being a vassal, which is the concept of platform. If platform doesn’t view from
supplier aspect, the software and service that platform provide must be unstable, and suppliers is inevitable to afford more benefits loss once encounter the conflicts of interest.
In addition, platform as an instrument should be free but not charged. Only the open and reciprocal platform can work well in internet era. The charging tool will go through inadequate growth in the future. In other words, these platforms will be eliminated soon and can’t go a long way. Suppliers who choose such platforms will also head into decline one day.
So whether it is electric business platform, cross-border electricity, B2B e-commerce platform, group-buying platform, or the crowdfunding platform, etc, it should provide the service of free-tools as Facebook, Pinterest, Wechat , MicroBlog.
2. The Other Trend That Is The Integration Of E-commerce And Social Media
Nowadays, no matter Google, the search engine, or pinterest、Instagram , both try to add the purchase button on page or App. In this way customers can click the button to purchase when they find the products they like. Meanwhile, the e-commerce websites add the share button, so that only need to click it, product information can be easily shared in social media. If social media App is combined with the business functions, it can realize to make a profit. To build traffic, e-commerce websites should integrated with social function. In a word, the trend that e-commerce is combined with social media will be more popular within 5 years.
3. Modularized And Standardized Service Is Conductive To Share Features And Integrate Resources.
Many innovative functions will appear in the future. They will exist on their own. Or they will combine with internet. Anyway, interconnection is megatrends.
Many base services ever had the stage of independent development, such as service of logistics, e-payment, IT services, and social media marketing service. But these services heading into integration is main trend. So while provide innovative service, these platform should consider the modularized and standardized service, and platform compatibility is necessary. Especially in the context of cross-boarder and globalization, localization and globalization should not be a contradiction.
4. Small Medium Enterprises All Over The World Will Concentrate On Their Area And Have A Significant Competitive Advantage.
Internet let small medium enterprises have the opportunity to compete fairly with the large enterprises. Small medium enterprise can cut the cost by SNS. Get creative and they still can catch global eyes at no cost. Beside, they just need to grasp the characteristic of product and provide good service to minority enthusiastic consumers,
then they can work very well. To do your own good, not to please others, develop your own unique market.
5. Crowdsource And Crowdfunding Will Be Popular
There is no doubt that crowdsource and crowdfunding has superiority to integrate the fragmented time and the dispersive social resources. However, why crowdsource is beaten? The reasons are followings. Firstly, crowdsourcing market has damage the interests of the traditional industry. Secondly, internet moves too fast, but laws can’t keep up with the development. As a result, crowdsource stays on grey zone and can’t be protect by law. Due to these two reasons, the Uber crowdfunding model of taking a taxi is against by local government in many places.
Time will change everything. Advanced will eliminate the backward. Improving the overall operational efficiency and reducing social total cost should be carried forward.
So the popularity of crowdsource and crowdfunding is a matter of time.
6. The Pattern Of C2B Will Be Universal. Customers’ Creative Idea + Customized Production +Crowdfunding
As for products and products experience, customers know best. The knowledge of products manufacturing is extremely easy to obtain. The era that customers design for themselves will come soon. Individualized consciousness will be more intense. Beside, people hope to enjoy an unusual life, especially in food, clothing, housing and transportation. Every man is the architect of his own life. Therefore, customers can design their own products, then factory start to produce according to customized demand by customer, finally, factory takes advantage of crowdfunding to achieve low-cost manufacturing and selling products. The pattern of C2B or C2B2C will become a trend.
7. The Growth Of Cross-border Will Be Greater Than Locals.
Just for a few years, facebook users have been more than 13 billion while instagram has over 700 million users. Any Government Organization can’t stop the trend of cross-boarder integration. No one plans this great growth. Just because people are eager to break the national boundaries, eager to make friends all over the world, and eager to do the global business. Localization is in order to provide better service for globalization rather than globalization serve for localization. Due to this reason, we must know our points when develop internet products.
8. The Usage Of 3D Virtual Technology In business
From words to photos, photos to videos and videos to 3D virtual technology, the aim is to improve experienced of the users. With the development of 3D virtual technology, it will be widely used in business. Imagine that, if a Chinese buyers want to purchase a fur coat designed by Italy, because of 3D virtual technology, he can touch the coat, then smell it, weight the coat by hand , which will be better than looking at photos or watching the video.
9. In The Future, The Salary Of Talents Depends On Amount Of Fans They Have.
As We-media subvert the traditional media outlets, marketing ability of we media will be more valuable than before. Amount of fans stand for marketing ability, and stand for the extent of marketing channel. So for a marketing talent, there is no doubt that the amount of fans he has is the evaluation standards of his value. In the future, the more fans enterprise talent has, the more popular he is. Because fans not only stands for channels but also stands for purchasing power and sales volume. The man who gains fans will gain the world, not just for enterprise but for talents.
Five years later, these features will become the real experience. No matter you are a suppliers or a buyer, if you choose the platform which has these functions to sell or to buy, you will attain the result with half effort.
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