

- 30% (thirty percent) of Agreement Price amount advance-payment payable within 15 working days after presentation of (i) Advance Payment Bond in the amount of 30% (thirty percent) of the Agreement Price for the advance payment,  valid up to date of delivery of the Equipment and (ii) Performance Bond for 10% of the Agreement Price.

- 60% (Sixty percent) of Agreement Price amount is payable by deduction of the total amount of advance payment 10% (ten percent) of Agreement Price within one month after the Seller provide the shipping documents. If the advance payment cannot be recovered due to any reason whatsoever, Purchaser has the right to convert the advance payment bonds into cash.


- 10% (ten percent) of Agreement Price amount  is payable against the certificate of the successful completion of Performance Tests, Provisional Acceptance at site and signed by Purchaser and Seller’s Supervisor and all final engineering drawings and data including as-built drawings of Seller have been received by Purchaser.

17.1        Advance Payment Bond

17.3.1.        The Seller shall deliver to the Purchaser, at its own cost, in 2 (two) weeks after the signature of this Agreement, an Advance Payment Bond covering ten percent (30 %) of the Agreement Price amount, the Advance Payment, and in the form as stated in Appendix 5. Such Advance Payment Bond shall be an unconditional and on first demand Advance Payment Bond issued through a first class bank located in China, being the aforesaid bank acceptable to the Purchaser.

17.3.2.         If the Advance Payment stated under Article 10.1 cannot be recovered due to any reason whatsoever, Purchaser has the right to convert the advance payment bond into cash.

17.3.3.        The Advance Payment Bond shall only become effective upon the date the Advance Payment is made.

17.3.4.        Currency of the Advance Payment and Advance Payment Bond shall be CNY.

17.3.5.        Return of the Advance Payment Bond(s): The Advance Payment Bond(s) shall be returned by the Purchaser to the Seller within 15 days after re-payment(s) of the Advance Payment(s). as stated in Article 10.1.

17.2        Performance Bond
The Seller shall deliver to the Purchaser, at its own cost, in 2 (two) weeks after the signature of this Agreement, a Performance Bond covering ten percent (10%) of the Agreement Price amount, and in the form as stated in Appendix 6. Such Performance Bond shall be an unconditional and on first demand Performance Bond issued through a bank located in China, being the aforesaid bank acceptable to the Purchaser.

The Performance Bond shall only become effective upon the date the Advance Payment is made. Performance Bond shall be returned by the Purchaser to the Seller within 15 days after its expiry.
The Performance Bond shall be valid throughout the Warranty Period and shall be extended if the Warranty Period is extended due to reasons attributable to Seller.
These Performance Bonds shall guarantee irrevocably and unconditionally, that the Agreement will be performed in accordance with its terms.


加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
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