1. 这是已经走了很多次的老供应商,以前从未出现货物弄脏的投诉。香港仓库对卡板的高度规定是1.78米, 供应商这个卡板的高度约1米,因此供应商的包装是符合我司规定的,而且从供应商的包装来看, 卡板和货物紧紧的捆在一起, 如货代在运输过程中小心运输,货物是不会损坏的。2. 工厂没有IQC,因此只有在客户来单时生产部门需要领料时才会发现货物是否破损。 这个case在货代运输中有倒塌的情况,香港仓库的同事并没有及时通知这种情况给我们。
3.供应商明确规定卡板不能堆叠, 但此票货货代在运输过程中却有堆叠,这样很容易使货物破损, 请明确规定货代不要堆叠, 后续运输中必须小心谨慎。
4.如后续有任何异常的情况, 请及时让我们知道。
1.This is a long time supplier who has shipped to us many times,the compliant of stain is never head of before. Hongkong warehouse put the cap over the height as 1.78mtrs while the height of cardboard from this supplier is around 1mtr,therefore, the supplier's packing is pursuant to our requirement.Additionally,judged from the packing of this supplier,they have bound the cardboard tightly together with
the goods,which should not be damaged during the transportation if they were handled in a careful manner by the freight forwarder.
2.As the factory does not have IQC(incoming material check),the breakage will only be found out when there is order from their
customers and their production dept comes to claim for the raw material for the production purpose.There is solid proof showing that
the goods were fell down during the transportation while our colleagues in Hongkong warehouse failed in notifying us in due course.
3.The supplier has made it clear that the cardboard could not be stacked up while it's not obeyed during the transportation.As you know,
this wrong practice might easily cause the goods to be damaged.We would appreciate if you could stress to the freight forwarder that
stacking up is strictly forbidden and additional precaution should be paid to for the ensuing shipment.
4.Please update us immediately for any subsequent irregularities.
5.Should be the time limit of the claim have been exceeded,could the freight forwarder investigate the root cause of the collapse and
come up with corrective measures?
谢谢啦。自己又整理了下, 烦请指正。
This is our regular supplier who have sea/air shipments every month and similar complaint didn't heard before.
HK WH accepts pallet max height 1.78 meter while supplier pallets around 1 meter only and goods with film wrapped tightly.
Suppose supplier package is pursuant to WH requirement.
As you now, NS plant don't IQC. Cargoes problem could be found only when production requisite raw materials for production purpose.
This time we didn't get notify in due course even if there is solid proof showing that goods had collapsed in transportation.
The supplier had made it clear that these pallets don't stack but obviously it is not obeyed during this shipment.
As you know, stack pallets might easily cause goods to be damaged. We would appreciate if you could stress to the forwarder that don't stack and pay more attention for following shipments.
Since the claim line have been expired, could you please ask the forwarder investigate the root cause of collapse and come up with improvement action?
Beside, please let us know immediately for any cargoes problem in transportation.
加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
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