.0633 园林机械 garden machine2.0634 园林工具 garden instrument, garden implement
2.0635 园林设备 garden equipment
2.0636 花坛分界隔板 plastic bed divider
2.0637 种植容器 planting container
2.0638 圆木桩 log peg
2.0639 喷射装置 jet bubbler
2.0640 滴灌 trickle irrigator, drip irrigator
2.0641 环动喷灌器 circle sprinkler
2.0642 圆筒喷灌器 rotor sprinkler
2.0643 自控器 automatic controller
2.0644 管端喷灌器 hose end sprinkler
2.0645 固定喷灌器 stationary sprinkler
2.0646 喷雾喷灌器 mist sprinkler, spray head sprinkler
2.0647 喷灌覆盖面 sprinkler coverage
2.0648 草坪加肥器 lawn feeder
2.0649 施肥喷灌器 combined feeder and sprinkler
2.0650 液肥混合调配器 liquid fertilizer mixer-proportioner
2.0651 滴水喷头 emitter, dripper
2.0652 水土保持塑料网 erosion control plastic net
2.0653 苗木包装材料 nursery stock package material
2.0654 麻布袋 burlap bag
2.0655 铁丝篮 wire basket
2.0656 篮状种植器 basket container
2.0657 塑料苗木桶 plastic nurserican
2.0658 播种盘 seed tray
2.0659 网孔盆 mesh pot
2.0660 含肥泥炭盆 fertile peat pot
2.0661 盆栽机 potting machine
2.0662 换盆机 repotting machine
2.0663 再生纸种植器 reclaimed paper container
2.0664 纤维育苗器 wood fiber plant grower
2.0665 泥炭压制播种饼 peat seeding pellet, peat seeding starter
2.0666 松土除草机 cultivator
2.0667 旋转锄 rotary hoe
2.0668 切叶机 foliage cutter
2.0669 翻地犁 uncovering plough
2.0670 盖土机 mounted spreader
2.0671 前悬装土机 front mounted loader
2.0672 后缀装土机 rear mounted loader
2.0673 旋轴剪草机 spindle mower
2.0674 栽植机 planting machine
2.0675 植物覆盖 plant mulching
2.0676 覆盖物分散机 mulch spreader
2.0677 种子液肥喷洒机 hydro seeder
2.0678 修枝剪 pruning shear
2.0679 播种器
garden seeder
2.0680 球根种植器 bulb planter
2.0681 土壤酸度探测器 pH-value computer
2.0682 巴效分析器 fertilizer analyzer
2.0683 嫁接刀 grafting knife
2.0684 温室设备 greenhouse equipment
2.0685 盆栽灌水系统 pot watering system
2.0686 温室气候控制器 greenhouse climate controller
2.0687 温室覆盖 greenhouse covering
2.0688 喷雾自控系统 automatic mist control system
2.0689 二氧化碳发生器 C02 generator
2.0690 温度报警钟 temperature alarm
2.0691 游览车 park sightseeing bus
2.0692 引剪草机 lawn mower
2.0693 动力剪草机 power lawnmower
2.0694 畜力剪草机 horse lawnmower
2.0695 手推剪草机 hand lawnmower
2.0696 游人调查 visitors investigation
2.0697 游人统计 visitors statistics
2.0698 游人分析 garden visitors analysis
2.0699 游人管理 visitors management
2.0700 导游图 tourist map
2.0701 导游解说 tour descri ption and direction
2.0702 劳动管理 labour management
2.0703 物资管理 material handling, goods handling
2.0704 设备管理 equipment management, facility management
2.0705 财务管理 financial management
2.0706 安全管理 safety management
2.0707 环境监测 environmental monitor
2.0708 植物养护管理 plant maintenance and management
2.0709 园林技术管理 garden technical management
2.0710 质量管理 quality management
2.0711 园貌维修 garden feature maintenance
2.0712 植物整形修剪 plant trimming and pruning
2.0713 植物病虫防治 disease and insect control
2.0714 园林管理规划 management plan
2.0715 游人意见处理 treatment of visitors opinions
2.0716 游人规则 visitors regulation
2.0717 园内交通管理 traffic control in park
2.0718 园外交通管理 traffic control out of park entrance
2.0719 汽车停车规则 parking rules
2.0720 自行车停放规则 bicycle parking rules
2.0721 开放时间 opening time
2.0722 日常清洁卫生管理 daily sanitation and hygiene management
2.0723 人类生态环境 human ecological environment
2.0724 自然系统 natural system
2.0725 自然资源 natural resource
2.0726 自然保护 conservation of nature
2.0727 自然保存 natural preservation
2.0728 环境保护 environmental protection
2.0729 环境容量 environment capacity
2.0730 环境适宜性 environment fitness
2.0731 环境空气质量标准 ambient air quality
2.0732 共生 symbiosis
2.0733 互惠共生 mutualism
2.0734 公害 public nuisance
2.0735 生态绝灭 ecological extinction
2.0736 生态系统 ecosystem
2.0737 生态圈 ecosphere
2.0738 生态灾难 ecological disaster
2.0739 环境质量 environmental quality
2.0740 环境压力 environment stress
2.0741 生命维持系统 life-support system
2.0742 反馈系统 feedback system
2.0743 自养生物 autotroph
2.0744 异养生物 heterotroph
2.0745 食物链 foodchain
2.0746 生物圈 biosphere
2.0747 濒危植物 endangered plant, threatened plant
2.0748 主体群落 major community
2.0749 人工群落 artificial community
2.0750 绿色革命 green revolution
2.0751 户外娱乐资源 outdoor recreation resource
2.0752 原始环境系统 wilderness environment system
2.0753 近代环境系统 modern environment system
2.0754 乡村生活模式 country life-pattern
2.0755 烟害 smoke pollution, fume pollution
2.0756 雾害 fog pollution
2.0757 霜害 frost injury
2.0758 水污染 water pollution
2.0759 土壤污染 soil pollution, soil contamination
2.0760 园林小气候 garden microclimate
2.0761 环境保护植物 environmental conservation plant
2.0762 引气候调节 climatic regulation
2.0763 自动调节机能 homeostasis
2.0764 生态平衡 ecological homeostasis
2.0765 森林生态系统 forest ecosystem
2.0766 草原生态系统 prairie ecosystem
2.0767 滞尘植物 dust holding plant
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