1. 榴莲族 Durian clanDurian clan refers to those ill-tempered co-workers who have been working for many years and are hard to get along with, just like the smelly fruit with thick thorny skin.榴莲族,是对职场中有一定工作资历,但脾气像榴莲一样又臭又硬,不好相处的群体的称呼。
2. 掏空族 Over-drained clan
Over-drained clan refers to employees who find themselves running out of new ideas as well as enthusiasm after spending all their time and energy on day-to-day work.“掏空族”指在工作中持续投入大量时间和精力后,又无暇进行学习和“充电”,从而无法在职场再产生新的想法或工作热情的一群人。
为了保住工作,人们把大量的精力都投入到工作当中, 把上学时学到的知识和技能都用尽了,也没了工作热情。保持好工作和生活的平衡能够使“掏空族”的生活更上一层楼,而如果有终身学习的规划,他们就一定能够摆脱被“掏空”的命运。
3. 装忙族 Pretend-to-be-busy tribe
They are invariably white-collar workers. Their desks are forever stacked with piles of documents. And they can hardly turn away from the computer screen any time of the day.It looks as if they are workaholics. Only that they are not. They just pretend to be. They are called the pretend-to-be-busy tribe.他们都是白领。他们的办公桌永远都堆满了文件,他们的眼睛整天都盯着电脑屏幕,一刻都不离开。看上去他们好像都是工作狂。实际上却不是,他们只是假装而已。他们被称为“装忙族”。
4. 软面行李箱 Soft-sided luggage
Soft-sided luggage refers to an employee whose talent and multi-tasking abilities allows him or her to take on assignment after assignment. They, like soft-side luggage, seemingly expand to handle the workload.“软面行李箱”指才能出众、能同时处理多项任务的员工通常会接手一个又一个任务,就像软面行李箱一样可以拓展出空间来装更多的东西。
5. 赖班族 Office dwellers
Office dwellers refer to those who linger at their offices after official work hours, most of whom are in the country's first-tier cities. Some lingerers are demanded to work overtime, some choose to evade traffic congestion during peak hours and some people, mainly living alone, are not willing to go home and prefer to kill time in the office.Office dwellers(赖班族)指下班后还赖在办公室不走的人们,这些人多数都在国内一线城市生活。他们当中有些人留在办公室是因为加班;有人是为了躲避下班高峰时段的交通拥堵;还有一些人独自生活,下班了也不想回家,宁愿在办公室消磨时间。
6. 职场霸王 Workplace bully
If you are often humiliated, belittled or called names by a colleague, you could be facing a workplace bully. The bully’s remarks and actions may seem harmless at first but they are meant to be offensive and to show you in a poor light.如果你频繁被某个同事羞辱、蔑视或者辱骂,你面对的可能是一个“职场霸王”。这位“霸王”的言行起初可能并不会对你造成伤害,但其中的冒犯之意是显而易见的,而且会让你处于弱势地位。
7. 蜂王综合征 Queen bee syndrome
Queen bee syndrome was first defined by G.L. Staines, T.E. Jayaratne, and C. Tavris in 1973. It describes a woman in a position of authority who views or treats subordinates more critically if they are female.蜂王综合征一词最初由斯泰恩斯、贾亚拉特纳和塔佛瑞斯在1973年定义,指处于领导地位的女性对女下属更为严苛。
8. 办公室四分卫 Office quarterback
Office quarterback refers to a manager that is infamously known for handing off their work and other useless assignments to you that they could and should be doing themselves.“办公室四分卫”或“四分卫经理”指在办公室中常常将自己份内的工作或一些毫无意义的工作分派给下属去做的经理,这样的人一般都恶名远扬。
9. 桌边神游族 Desk potato
Desk potato is someone who sits at a desk all day long but gets little to nothing done -- usually because of websurfing or playing computer games. The term is derived from couch potato.桌边神游族指整天坐在书桌边,却不见有任何事情完成的人,通常都是因为他们成天都在上网闲逛或玩游戏。Desk potato这个说法来源于couch potato(电视迷、成天坐在沙发上无所事事的人)。
10. 工作配偶 Work spouse
A work spouse is a co-worker, usually of the opposite sex, with whom one shares a special relationship, having bonds similar to those of a marriage; such as, confidences, loyalties, shared experiences, and a degree of honesty or openness. The work spouse is a potentially key relationship when one's actual spouse or boy/girlfriend is not able to be there.工作配偶指与自己有亲密合作关系的异性同事,两人之间互有的信任、忠诚、共同的经历以及某种程度的坦诚等都与婚姻关系中的夫妻类似。在现实生活中的配偶或男/女朋友不能在身边时,工作配偶就会成为主要的依靠对象。
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