
Hello, everybody, it is the time to have our 5th edition debate:
Topic: Is it good to take a part-time job for university student or not?
Nowadays it is a common phenomenon that university students find some part-time jobs to do. But some people doubt about it. Whether students should do some part-time jobs or should stay in school concentrating on their study? It’s a controversial issue.
pro:It is good to take a part-time job for university student
opp:It is not good to take a part-time job for university student

Tips 1: in English;
Tips 2: make your clear arguement for "PRO" or "OPP";
Tips 3: excellent ones will be rewarded 50BB.

Previous debates:
4th edition
3nd edition
2nd edition
1st edition

[ 本帖最后由 tinalijing 于 2009-2-8 17:37 编辑 ]
I don't think it's a good idea to take a part-time job for every student.
First,many student is to earn money when they find the part-time job.Secondly, student have no more time , company don't want to give the important work to the part-time Job hunter.
good job
support you
as for the topic
1.part-time job can full the university life,and get some pin money
2.if too much and tie up normal class
it will be a lost~~~
...to be or not to be ....
thank you for your support.
I will do my best.As a undertaker, I don't join it this time.
u already do the best.
if you want to take you can take part in.you are the good one.
part-time job can full the university life,and get some pin money and extend stufents' vision.
good to take a part-time job for supporting yourself
of course, it is good,especially for the junior.
donot giggle at there
In my opinion,It is good ,it can improve experience in community ,especially to university student ,and can ease their press in study.
I do not agree with you.
In my opinion, it is a good way to increase students' working experience before they graduated from university.
There is no worried about the disadvantage of their study.As a matter of fact, most of the students would like to find some partytime job in their daily life, by which can earn some extra alimony as well as valuable experience.
For myself, I did parttime job in my university life but my study is still good
support you 主席
In my opinion ,i think it is good to take a part-time job for university student.... it can train our ability and also let know the real society in advance ......
the good thing i think we can learn more from the part-time job which we can not get it from our textbook.
As far as I am concerned, students should take a part time job if they have time.
Although there are many disadvantages to take a part time job, there are more advantages. For one thing, students can learn many things which they cannot learn from books. For another hand, students will come to know how difficult to work outside and they may study harder in order to get a good job. Moreover, they will many kinds of people who can teach them how to do a good job in work or how to communicate with others. Therefore, I think it is good for students to take a part time job.
I firmly believe that most students would benefit from taking a part-time job while they are in high school. Of course, they must be careful not to let it take up too much of their time because study is still their primary responsibility. In sum, living a balanced life is the best way to be successful.
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