LH: 嗨, Larry,我在这里!
LL: Hi, Li Hua, how are you? Thank you for coming to pick me up.
LH: 没事!Florida怎么样? 玩得好吗?
LL: Oh man, I had a blast! My friends in Miami took a few days off, just to hang out with me. We did nothing but hang out on the beach and go partying every night!
LH: 哟,你那个在Miami的朋友还请了几天假陪你玩呀!那你肯定玩得很痛快。嗨,Larry, 你刚才说 I had a...什么来啦?
LL: I said I had a blast. "To have a blast" means to have a great time. If something was a blast, that means it was a lot of fun.
LH: Blast 不是“爆炸”的意思吗?怎么 "to have a blast" 又成了玩得特别高兴!哎哟,学英文真不容易! 得了, Larry, 你玩得痛快,我可是花了整整一个星期帮Jones教授来准备下学期的课呢!
LL: Yeah, well, I tried to get you to come along. You would've had a blast too.
LH: 对,你是请我一起去了,但是我不能去。我得工作,要不然下学期学费哪儿来呢?不过,昨天Rick过生日,我晚上去他的party 了...
LL: Well, too bad I didn't come back a day sooner... his parties are always a blast.
LH: 对,每次Rick 开party,大家总是玩得很痛快。昨天晚上我早上三点才回家。我走的时候还有好多人在那儿呢!大家都玩疯了!
LL: Sounds like you had a blast. What about you? Li Hua, your birthday's today. Are you going to celebrate?
LH: 嗯,生日也不是什么大事嘛。我在中国的时候从来不过生日的。
LL: Aww, whatever. I think everyone should have a blast on their birthday!
LH: 唉,时间过得真快,我都已经25岁了,四分之一个世纪呐!可我还在这儿念书,还没有一个正式的工作...
LL: What? Lighten up, Li Hua! You're in your mid-twenties! You have plenty of time to decide what you want to do!
LH: 什么?你叫我lighten up? 你是说我要减轻体重?你在胡说什么吗?
LL: Hey! I'm not talking about weight here. To lighten up means to relax, to be less serious.
LH: 噢,lighten up就是要放松,不要太认真的意思!哎哟,不行,我可不能lighten up,我得考虑我的前途呐,我毕业以后干什么 - 是要回国还是呆在这儿...
LL: Like I said, Li Hua, you seriously need to lighten up. Stress makes people gain weight.
LH: 行,行,行,我想办法放松。嗨,Larry,你好象是很轻松,没什么压力,那你肚子怎么会这么大呢?
LL: Watch it, Li Hua! I'm tired of you making fun of me. You know I've been working hard to lose weight recently...
LH: "Lighten up, Larry!" 别跟我生气,我只是开玩笑嘛!我只不过是想举个例子。我这么说lighten up,对不对?
LL: Yeah, you're right. But don't you mention my belly again!
LH: 好了,好了,你家到了! Larry,我今天不想出去玩了,咱们明天再见吧!
LL: Wait, Li Hua, can you help me with this bag?
LH: 那么两个小包你都拿不动呀? 得了得了,我帮你拿这个包吧!
(Sound of many people yelling "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!")
LH: 哎哟,我的天哪!你们给我举行生日party都没让我知道!啊呀,你们真是太好了!怪不得Larry你非要我帮他拿包进来呢!
LL: Looks like you've lightened up already. See? I told you you'd have a blast tonight!
LH: 那么多人给我过生日,我当然很高兴呀!谢谢,谢谢。Thank you so much!
今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语。一个是to have a blast, 意思是“玩得很痛快”。李华学到的另一个常用语是lighten up。这是指“放松,别太认真”。
LH: 哎哟,这一趟过山车坐得我晕头转向的,直想吐!真是活受罪!
LL: You are sick and dizzy? What are you talking about? That rollercoaster rocks! I'm going to ride it again!
LH: 什么,Larry, 你还想再去坐啊?你还说那个过山车rocks. Rock 当作动词不是“摇摇晃晃”的意思吗?
LL: No, no, I didn't say that it rocked back and forth. "To rock" means "to be great". If something or some experience is really fun or exciting, we say "It rocks!"
LH: 噢,原来在这里,rock不是前后摇晃的意思,而是要是有什么事情有意思、够刺激,我们就说It rocks! 哎,那不就相当于中文里说的“棒极了”的意思吗?
LL: That's right, Li Hua. I'm sure you've heard this expression before.
LH: 还真是,上星期我和同学到学校附近那家湖南餐馆吃饭。吃完饭,我同学说,"That meal rocked!". 我当时没听懂,所以没敢答腔,现在我可明白了,她呀是在夸那顿饭好吃呢!
LL: Yeah, she must have liked it. Everyone likes Hunan Garden. That restaurant rocks.
LH: 哎哟,Larry, 我看我们还是别说吃了吧,我的胃到现在还没缓过来呢!这样吧,你再给我举个别的例子,好不好?
LL: Sure... if someone tells you some good news, you might say, "That rocks!"
LH: 哎,说到“好消息”,我还真有个好消息告诉你,你知道吗,有家私人学校打算等我毕业后要聘用我呢!
LL: Whoa, really? That's great news. That rocks, Li Hua. You haven't even graduated yet, and this private school already offered you a great job!
LH: 哇,总算可以回家了,我真担心你会不会坐过山车坐上了瘾呢!
LL: Well, I liked the two rollercoaster rides, but the park itself was kind of a letdown.
LH: 是啊,我知道你喜欢过山车,要不然也不会连着坐两次啊!可是你又说这个游乐园是什么 - letdown?
LL: I said that the park is a letdown. A letdown is something that disappoints you. The park really wasn't especially bad, but I was expecting it to be better. It was a real letdown.
LH: 等等等等,letdown的意思就是某件事让你失望。你是说,这个游乐园其实还可以,只不过不像你原先想象的好,所以让你失望了。那Larry, 你觉得这个游乐园哪一点儿让你失望呢?
LL: Well, It was too crowded. The lines in front of the rides were too long.
LH: 哎哟,现在就是旅游旺季,这儿当然人多,坐过山车当然要排队等啦!你就是爱发牢骚。那这样,你再给我举个例子吧,看看还有什么事对你是个letdown.
LL: Well, my History Professor is a real letdown. He's a well-known expert in his area, but he's not very good at giving lectures.
LH: 你们历史教授在学术界是挺有名的,可是你说他不太会讲课呀,那确实是挺让学生失望的。哎,Larry, 我记得你第一次到中国,去了长城,回来你也说和原先想象的一点儿都不一样。那the Great Wall 对你来说是不是个letdown呢?
LL: I'm glad you remember that. My first trip to the Great Wall WAS truly a letdown. It was so crowded with tourists and souvenir peddlers.
LH: 你怎么到哪儿都嫌人多啊?长城是有名的旅游景点,当然有各地的游客啦,还有小商贩卖纪念品!哎,不过,你刚才说,你第一次去长城让你失望,那后来你再去是不是就感觉好多了?
LL: Yeah, that second trip rocked!
今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语。一个是rock, 说something rocks,就相当于中文里的“棒极了”。李华学到的另一个常用语是letdown, 意思是“让人失望的事”。
Li Hua: Hey Larry, 你知不知道纽约附近哪个地方可以钓鱼呀?
Larry: Fishing, huh? I'm sorry Li Hua, I don't know jack about fishing.
Li Hua: 哎,我问你钓鱼的事,你怎么说你不认识Jack?
Larry: I'm not talking about a guy named Jack. When I say "I don't know jack about fishing", that means "I don't know anything about fishing".
Li Hua: 噢,原来jack在这里不是人的名字,你说 I don't know jack about fishing 意思就是“你对钓鱼一无所知”。这么说,jack在这里就表示 "nothing", right?
Larry: That's right.
Li Hua: I don't know jack about fishing, 那不就成了I don't know nothing about fishing. 英文里是不能用双重否定的,不是吗?
Larry: OK, you're right, we don't use double negatives in proper, formal English. But this is slang! "I don't know jack" means "I don't know anything".
Li Hua: 我也经常听人说 I don't know nothing, 我知道在正规英语里面是不应该这么说的。这样说来,在口语里是这么用的,那"I don't know jack" 就表示“我什么也不知道”。对了,Larry, 那你暑假不准备钓鱼,你打算干什么呢?
Larry: Well, I may just sit around. In other words, I don't do jack!
Li Hua: You don't do jack! 我知道,你是说你什么也不干啊。除了"I don't know jack" ,原来你还可以说:I don't do jack! 好不容易到了暑假,你却打算什么都不干?我才不会这样白白浪费时间。
Larry: Well, the reason vacation is so valuable is because I can sit around and don't do jack all day. Usually I'm a very busy guy.
Li Hua: 你说得也有道理,就是因为放假了,才有可能懒散一点儿;什么事情也不做。平时又要学习又要打工,是够忙的。
Larry: Well, anyway, I need to get home and start on the term paper. I haven't written jack yet!
Li Hua: 什么?你的期末论文一点儿还没动手啊?哎哟,那你赶紧回家去写吧!
Li Hua: Larry, 你不是在家写论文吗?怎么又跑到学校图书馆来啦?
Larry: Well, I got home and started to work on my term paper, but my computer went kaput!
Li Hua: 你说你的电脑怎么啦?Went kaput? 听起来就好象是电脑出问题了,是不是啊?
Larry: Yes, "kaput" means "broken, ruined or not working properly." My computer went kaput, so now I have to work on my paper in the library.
Li Hua: Oh, 原来 kaput 意思就是“坏了,没法正常工作”。你是说你的电脑坏了,Larry, 你最近好像运气不太好嘛.前些天,你的手机电话不是也出故障了吗?
Larry: Oh man, that's a real problem! My cell phone really went kaput and nobody could reach me.
Li Hua: 就是啊,我给你打电话留言,你也没收到。
Larry: During that time, I was out of touch with everyone. It felt like my whole life went kaput.
Li Hua: 有那么严重吗?你因为手机坏了,和所有人失去了联系,让你觉得整个生活都完蛋啦?哎哟,还是先说说你的电脑吧 - 你的电脑 went kaput,那你有没有丢掉什么重要文件呢?
Larry: Well, I'm hoping it wasn't the hard drive that went kaput. That would be terrible!
Li Hua: 你先别着急,即使是hard drive went kaput, 我想有的信息还是可以找回来的啦!
Larry: Let's hope so. If I can't get my computer fixed soon, I won't have jack to show them in my term paper.
Li Hua: 但愿你的电脑赶快修好。学期论文要是交白卷可真是太糟糕了。
今天李华从Larry那儿学到了两个常用语,一个是jack, 在英语口语里 I don't know jack的意思是“我什么也不知道”。李华学到的另一个常用语是kaput, 就相当于中文里所说的“坏了”“出了问题”。
LL: Hey, Li Hua. One of your classmates asked me to give you this envelope.
LH: 我的同学要你给我这个信封?哪个同学呀?
LL: Oh, it was... what's-her-face, you know, the tall girl with red hair.
LH: 高个子、红头发的女孩儿?你还说什么- What's her face? 哎,Face不是“脸”吗?
LL: I said "what's-her-face" instead of her name because I couldn't remember her name. I guess it means I can remember her face, but not her name.
LH: 噢,你不记得她的名字,但是你记得她的脸长的是什么样子,所以你说what's her face, 也就相当于what's her name 。Hm,Larry, 你这么说是不是不太礼貌呢?
LL: Well, it's not really rude, but it's very informal. You shouldn't call someone what's-her-face if she is nearby... in that case, you should just ask her what her name is.
LH: 哎哟,幸亏你告诉我,尽管what's-her-face是很随便的说法,但是也不应该当着那个人的面这么说。要是这个人就在你身边,那么我就应该直接问她叫什么名字。哎,对了,Larry, 刚才你是说what's her face, 要是男孩子的话,那应该怎么说呢?
LL: You would say what's-his-face.
LH: 噢,要是男生,但是又记不起他的名字,那也可以说what's his face。我想起来了,那个高个红头发的女孩是Julia。我和Jenny向她借了上星期四的笔记,因为那天我俩没去上课。这个信封里肯定是她的笔记。
LL: That's right - You missed a class last Thursday. Hey wait, if you needed notes, why didn't you just ask me?
LH: 但是我们觉得 - what's-her-face... um, Julia... 她肯定比你记得好。
LL: Well, come to think of it - If I were what's-her-face, er... I mean Jenny, I wouldn't want my notes either.
LH: 哎,Larry, 你手里拿的是什么东西呀?
LL: This thing in my hand? Oh, it's the thingamajig I use to measure the air pressure in my car's tires.
LH: 什么?Thin-ga-ma-jig - 这名字听起来很好玩儿。
LL: No no, that's not the real name of this thing. We use "thingamajig", to replace the name of an object when we don't know or can't remember its real name.
LH: 噢,Thingamajig不是这个东西的名字。那要是不知道,或是忘了一样东西的名称,我们就可以用这个thingamajig来代替。哎,那不就是像我们中文里说的“那玩意儿”吗?是不是?
LL: That's right. Actually, I think the thing in my hand is called a "tire pressure gauge". Tom asked me to help him check the air pressure of his car's tires.
LH: 原来你手里拿的这个thingamajig是用来测量汽车轮胎压力的。你要帮Tom来测测他的车子轮胎啊 ?哎哟,Larry, 看来你对车子还挺懂的嘛!
LL: Hey, I never said I'm good with cars. To me, everything under the hood of my car is just a bunch of thingamajigs.
LH: 汽车引擎盖下面的东西你是一窍不通啊?我才不信。噢,说到修车,我这辆自行车的手闸最近不太灵,你帮我看看好不好?
LL: Let me see. I think you just need to oil these thingamajigs on your handlebars here.
LH: 自行车把手上的这些零件该上油啊?你肯定吗?
LL: Well, if you don't believe me, you can ask what's-his-face, Jenny's boyfriend, the tall Indian guy - He can fix bikes.
LH: 那个高个子的印度人,Jenny的男朋友?你是说Rick吧!他会修自行车?那我可要去问问Jenny了!
LL:OK! Let's go!
今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语。一个是what's her face, 也可以说what's his face。意思是“那个叫什么什么的人”。李华学到的另一个常用语是thingamajig, 就相当于中文里所说的“那个玩意儿”。
LL: come in!
LH: 哎呀,Larry, 你怎么还没起床啊,都八点半啦!
LL: Li Hua, it's Saturday, I want to sleep in for once. What's so important that you have to wake me up?
LH: 哎哟,你不是说今天早上一起去跑步吗?还问我什么事情那么重要,把你叫醒了,你真健忘。嗨,你说你想 "sleep in" 那是什么意思呀?
LL: Ok, now pay attention. "Sleep in" is a very, very important term to me. "Sleep in" means to sleep later than usual.
LH: 噢,sleep in 意思就是“比平时起得晚”,那不就是“睡懒觉”吗?你真懒,怪不得sleep in这个短语对你来说 "very, very important".
LL: Hey, sleeping in once in a while does not make a person lazy.
LH: 这话也有道理,偶尔睡个懒觉也不见得就是懒惰,其实我有的时候也喜欢早上多睡会儿。
LL:Li Hua, why didn't you sleep in this morning? It's Saturday!
LL: Sleep is important, too, Li Hua. You should have slept in and run later.
LH: 要早知道你想睡懒觉,我也不用起那么早了。 今天中午我睡个午觉。这样就可以补过来早上没有sleep in的损失喽!
LL :That sounds like a good idea. Now, can I go back to sleep?
LL: All right. I guess I'm awake now anyway. Wait for me, I'll be ready to go in a minute.
LL:Li Hua, why don't we stop at Starbucks and have a coffee!
LH: Larry, 跑了那么几分钟,你就想到星巴克喝咖啡!你可真懒。
LL: Come on! I'm not a slacker. I'm just a little tired because somebody didn't let me sleep in this morning.
LH: 对,是我把你叫醒的。可是你没睡懒觉也不至于就累成这样啊!你不是个"slacker", 我连 "slacker" 是什么都还不知道呢!
LL: A slacker is someone who "slacks off" or very lazy.
LH: 噢,我想起来了,Michael以前就给我解释过slack off这个短语,意思是“松懈、懒散”,那 slacker就是“喜欢偷懒、特别懒散的人”喽!
LL: You got it. For example: a student who doesn't do his homework and is always late for class is a slacker.
LH: 一个上课老迟到、老不做作业的学生就是个slacker。 哎,Larry, 我们认识的人里,谁是slacker 啊?
LL: You know that guy in our history class who always sleeps through class and never reads his textbook? He is a slacker.
LH: 对对对,历史课上那个家伙一上课就睡觉,课本也从来不看,绝对是个slacker。 哎,Larry, 昨天饭馆里那个女服务员也是个slacker吧?
LL: Ah, she was such a slacker! She was so slow that it took nearly an hour to get our food. I thought I was going to starve to death.
LH: 别说你了,让我们等了快一个小时,我都要饿死了。嘿,Larry, 你看,我们还有不到2百米就要到头了,快跑啊!
LL: Can't we walk the rest of the way?
LH: 你想走? 不行不行,我们要坚持跑到终点 - Don't be a slacker, Larry!
LL: Stop calling me that! Next weekend, I'm going to wake you up at 6 a.m. to go running and then we'll see who is the slacker!
LH: 什么?你下星期六早上6点钟叫我起来跑步啊?我可不干,下星期六我要睡懒觉 - I'm going to sleep in!
今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语。一个是sleep in, 意思是“睡懒觉”。李华学到的另一个常用语是slacker, 是指“喜欢偷懒的人”。
我也学到了哦,lighten up and had a blast. Tks!
LH: Larry, 谢谢你让我用你的电脑。我的电脑最近老出毛病,真气人!
LL: Heheh, don't mention it. You know, you ought to get a new computer to replace that old clunker of yours.
LH: 你说我应该买一台新电脑来取代什么?Clunker? 我在说我的电脑啊,怎么是"clunker"呢?
LL: No, no... when I said it is a "clunker" - I meant that it's an old, worn-out machine.
LH: 噢,原来clunker是指“又老又旧的机器”,用这个词来形容我那台电脑再合适不过了。那Larry, "clunker" 这个词只能够用来形容电脑吗?
LL: Not at all... a clunker can be any kind of worn-out machine that doesn't work very well. "Clunk" is the sound that an old car's engine makes... like this (makes clunking noise)
LH: Larry, 你学得倒挺象的嘛!Clunk这个词真的听上去就像一辆破车的引擎发出来的声音。你知道吗? 我那辆旧车就是这种声音。Larry, 你说clunker可以用来指任何旧的、不中用的机器,是不是啊?
LL: Right! Heheh, Li Hua, no offense, but your car is a real clunker, too.
LH: 我才不介意呢,你是在说我的车,又不是说我。我那车本来就是又老又破。
LL: Well, some people in America are sensitive about their cars. People might feel a little ashamed if someone says the car they drive is a clunker.
LH: 是呀, 不少美国人对他们开的车很敏感的,要是有人说他们开的车太旧了,他们会觉得不好意思。不过,Larry, 我的车只要能把我带到我想去的地方就行了。等我毕业后找了份好工作,我再卖掉这个clunker, 换辆好车喽!
LL: Yeah, me too. I can't wait to replace my old clunker car, clunker bicycle, and this clunker computer.
LH: 哎哟,你可真着急 - 不仅想要换新车,连自行车、电脑你也想换新的呀!可是,跟我的电脑相比,你的电脑算不上是clunker - 你看,至少我还能用它写文章呐!
LH: Oh no! 真对不起,Larry, 我不小心把你的鼠标器掉到地上了,可千万别摔坏了。
LL: Oh well. Don't sweat it, Li Hua, it was an old mouse. I needed to replace it anyway.
LH: 噢,你连这个鼠标器也想换新的啊!等等,你还说Don't sweat it,你是让我别出汗?
LL: I'm not talking about sweat! When I say "don't sweat it", that mean's "don't worry about it".
LH: 噢,Don't sweat it意思就是“别担心”。你是说即使我把你的鼠标器给摔坏了也没什么大不了的。Larry, 好像真的给摔坏了,那可怎么办啊!
LL: Don't sweat it, Li Hua. The computer store is just a five-minute drive from here. We can go and get a new mouse.
LH: 噢,谢天谢地!我还真忘了你这儿附近就有个电脑商店嘛!Larry, 是我弄坏的,我要赔你,但愿不是太贵。
LL: Expensive? Nah, don't sweat it. A cheap mouse like this only costs around ten dollars. Anyway, I'll pay for it... like I said, I needed a new one anyway.
LH: 像这样的鼠标器大约才10美元一个啊。真是便宜。不过,是我弄坏的,还是我来买吧!那咱们赶紧走吧,我还得赶回来赶报告呢!
LL: Don't sweat it, it's only four thirty. You have plenty of time.
LH: 虽然才四点半,可我还是得抓紧时间呐!Larry, 你等我一下,我把写好的部分存在这张disk上。我可不想我辛辛苦苦写好的东西被你那old clunker computer给搞丢了。
今天李华从Larry那儿学到了两个常用语。一个是clunker, 意思是“由于太旧而不太好用的东西”。李华学到的另一个常用语是 - Don't sweat it, 意思是“别担心”,“别着急”。
LH: Hello?
LL: Hi, Li Hua. This is Larry. I'm going to the grocery store and I was wondering if you needed anything.
LH: Larry! 你要去商店买东西呀?我正好牛奶喝光了,你可不可以帮我买点牛奶呢?回头我再给你钱。
LL: Sure, no problem. I can hook you up with some milk.
LH: Hook me up with some milk? 哎,我知道hook是“钩子”的意思。那hook up就是把东西用钩子钩住, 你想把我和牛奶钩在一起?噢,我猜就是给我带牛奶的意思,对不对?
LL: Yes, you're right. To hook somebody up with something means to get something for him. I meant that I will get the milk for you.
LH: 你看,我猜得不错吧!To hook me up with some milk就是“给我带点牛奶”。对了,我差点忘了, Larry, 你能不能再给我带包土豆片呢?
LL: Sure, I can hook you up with some potato chips, too. Is there anything else you'd like me to hook you up with?
LH: 还有什么呀?对了,你能不能帮我买一张这个周末的音乐会票子呢?
LL: Well, they don't sell those at the grocery store, but I have a friend who can hook you up with some tickets.
LH: 噢,对不起,我忘了你是要去食品店。那儿是不卖音乐会的票。你朋友可以帮我买票啊,那太好了!哎,Larry, 除了说hook somebody up with something以外,我能不能说hook somebody up with someone呢?
LL: Of course you can, but it means "to introduce the person". For example, if you want to meet my friend, then I can hook you up with him.
LH: 噢,原来to hook somebody up with someone的意思就是“把某人介绍给另一个人”。哎,Larry, 你还记不记得上次历史课上那个很有意思的男孩呢 - Can you hook me up with him?
LL: I would if I knew him, but I've never talked to him before. Sorry.
LH: 你从来没跟他说过话呀?那就算了。对了,Larry,每次我写学术报告,我总是对自己的英文不太有信心,你能不能给我介绍一个能帮我改英文的人?
LL: Of course, I can hook you up. I'll help you myself.
LH: 你愿意帮我改我的英文报告啊?你真是太好了!哎哟,还是你先去买东西吧,别忘了hook me up with milk and potato chips!
LL: I won't forget.
(Knocking on the door. Door opens)
LL: Hey, Li Hua. Here's your milk and potato chips. See, I didn't forget to hook you up.
LH: Thank you, Larry. 我正忙着复习功课。 I'll see you later.
LL: Hey, you aren't even going to invite me in? You're just telling me to buzz off? That's a little rude!
LH: 对不起,Larry, 我不是不想请你进来坐,可是我实在太忙了。哎,对了,什么是buzz off 啊?
LL: Buzz off is a way of telling someone to leave. You were trying to tell me to leave, so that's like saying "Buzz off!"
LH: 噢,buzz off就是叫某人离开,哎哟,Larry。我可没有要赶你走的意思,我只不过是心里着急,我星期五要考试,到现在还没准备好呢!
LL: Well, then instead of telling me to buzz off, you should ask me if I can help you?
LH: 对呀,那Larry, 你先别走,你现在有时间帮我复习吗?
LL: I have about an hour before I have to go home.
LH: 你大概一个小时后要回家?那你等会儿吧 - You can buzz off later.
LL: Thanks, Li Hua, (sarcastically) You make me feel so important.
今天李华从Larry那儿学到了两个常用语。一个是hook somebody up, hook somebody up with something意思是“给某人带某样东西”;hook somebody up with someone意思是“把这个人介绍给某人”。李华学到的另一个常用语buzz off. Tell someone to buzz off意思是“叫某个人离开”。
LL: Hey, Li Hua, what's wrong? You're acting a little out of whack.
LH: 我什么事也没有啊!你说我怎么了 - acting a little out of whack? 那是什么意思啊?
LL: Out of Whack - means to be different from usual or abnormal. You're acting different from usual, so you seem a little out of whack.
LH: 噢,原来out of whack意思就是“和平时不太一样”。你觉得我有点儿反常啊?你还真说对了,我明天晚上有个约会,是我第一次要和这个人见面。心里有点儿紧张,我连穿什么衣服都还没想好呢!
LL: You have a date and you didn't tell me? That's out of whack! But, at least now I understand why you're acting out of whack. First dates make everyone nervous.
LH: 就是啊,第一次约会总是让人紧张的。就是,我平常的活动你都知道,这次约会我没告诉你,确实是不寻常,难怪你会说out of whack。 这么说,Larry,out of whack, 可以指人,也可以指事情,是吗?
LL: That's right. For instance, I think it's really out of whack that my best friend has a date tomorrow and she didn't tell me about it.
LH: 对不起,Larry. 我其实本来想告诉你的,大概就是因为我太紧张了,心里没准,所以我就给忘了。
LL: Okay, well, I suppose that I can forgive you. Hey, you know what makes me feel all out of whack?
LH: 有什么东西会让你反常啊?我不知道,赶快赶快,告诉我啊!
LL: The fact that I haven't slept more than three hours every night this week. I've been so busy.
LH: 什么?你这个星期每天睡眠还不到三个小时啊?再忙也不至于这样吧!
(Campus SFX)
LL: Li Hua, how was your date last night? Did it go well or was the guy really goofy?
LH: 哎呀,别提了!昨晚的约会简直糟透了。那家伙也不知怎么搞的,第一次见面就忘了带钱包,结果还是我付的帐呢。哎,Larry, 你刚才说was the guy really goofy - "goofy" 是什么意思啊?
LL: Goofy means several things. It can mean silly, funny, crazy or stupid. Or a little bit of all of those things combined. It sounds like your date was goofy.
LH: 要是你说goofy是指“愚蠢、可笑、怪怪的、傻傻的”,或者是这些因素都有点儿的话,我那个 date 可真是goofy。他真的是傻到让人觉得可笑了呢,要不是那顿晚餐花了我那么多钱,我真的说不定会笑出来呢!
LL: Yeah, he sounds pretty goofy to me. Was he goofy-looking, too?
LH: Goofy-looking? 你是问他长的样子是不是也怪怪的、傻傻的啊?
LL: Yep, goofy-looking means silly looking, like a clown.
LH: 噢,他长得倒不错,看上去一点也不傻,更不像个小丑。哎,Larry, 你也不想想,我哪能找个样子傻傻的人去约会呢?得了得了,先别说我那个goofy date了。Goofy这个词我还可以怎么用呢?
LL: When kids act silly for attention, you can say that they are acting goofy.
LH: 对呀,小孩子为了让别人注意他,有的时候会干些傻事。这么说,goofy这个词也不见得都是指不好的事。
LL: Generally, it's not very negative. You can call a person "goofy," too. For instance, I would call you goofy if you went on another date with that guy.
LH: 原来goofy这个词并不一定都是贬意。幸亏你告诉我,不然要是我听见你说我goofy, 我说不定会生你的气呢!再说了,Larry, 和那个家伙出去一次已经够了。我才不会再和他约第二次呢 - I wouldn't do something that out of whack!
今天李华从Larry那儿学到了两个常用语。一个是out of whack, 意思是“反常、和平时不一样”。李华学到的另一个常用语是goofy, 意思是“愚蠢可笑,傻傻的”。
LH: Larry, 我已经好久都没有为我的论文做研究了。我想今天不去上Wilkins教授的课而去图书馆。
LL: I dunno, Li Hua. You'll really be pushing your luck if you miss class again.
LH: Pushing-my-luck? Pushing是推的意思,luck是运气,我不懂耶!pushing my luck是什么意思。
LL: I said you will be pushing your luck. "To push your luck" means to take a chance when you've already done something risky.
LH: 噢,pushing-your-luck就是已经做了冒风险的事,可是啊!还想再进一步碰碰运气,是这个意思吗?
LL: That's right. The first two times, the professor didn't give you any trouble. But every time you miss a class, you are taking an even bigger risk. You are pushing your luck.
LH: 对噢,那两次没去上课,教授没说什么。要是我今天再不去上课,万一教授不高兴,我不就麻烦了吗?Larry,你不也是这样吗?你那台车,煞车都坏了,你还到处开,不也是碰运气,希望它不出事吗?
LL: That's right. One day, I was almost in a car wreck, so I decided to stop pushing my luck and have the brakes fixed. I was so stupid.
LH: 我还不知道你差一点出车祸呢!哎呀,你看,你非要push your luck,非要到差一点出车祸的时候才去修车。真危险! Larry,这么说,to push one's luck只能指冒风险,碰运气吗?
LL: Generally yes. But sometimes, if someone keeps asking you for favors, you might tell them "don't push your luck!"
LH: 我最近就碰到这么一个人,我帮了她一点忙,她就没完没了了,要求一个接一个。下回我就可以对她说:Don't push your luck! 对了,Larry,我还真想要你帮个忙,我能再借你的电脑用吗?这不算是push my luck吧?
LL: No, of course not. You're welcome to use my computer.
LH: 谢谢,Larry,你总是那么大方。我今天下午能借你的车吗?
LL: Yeah, OK... I guess...
LH: 那我能不能把你的电脑搬回家用一个礼拜呢?
LL: You're pushing your luck, Li Hua!
LH: 哈哈... 跟你开玩笑嘛!
LH: 哎哟,老天爷, Wilkins教授真是怪。他在上课的时候花了最后二十分钟给我们讲他每天吃多少维他命,为什么要吃这些维他命。
LL: What? (laughs) Don't worry about it, Li Hua. Everyone knows Professor Wilkins is a crackpot.
LH: 他是什么?你是说他吸毒吗?
LL: No, of course not... I said that he's a crackpot. A crackpot is a crazy person. Or maybe just someone who holds very strong, crazy opinions and ideas.
LH: 噢,crackpot是一个很怪的人,有稀奇古怪想法的人。嗨,Larry,有名的人是不是也是很怪的?
LL: Let me think... you know, most real crackpots don't become famous. But in his time, a lot of people thought that Christopher Columbus was a crackpot.
LH: 没错,真正怪的人一般是不会成名的。可是哥伦布的情况就不一样了。当时人们认为他很怪,有神经病,因为他说航行可以围绕地球转,但是事实证明他是对的,所以他是聪明,不能算是crackpot。
LL: I wonder if I or other students should talk to Professor Wilkins, and ask him to not talk about off-topic subjects in class. Would we be pushing our luck?
LH: 你和其他学生去跟Wilkins教授说别在上课时讲那些离题的内容?我想他不会在意的啦!
LL: What if we just told him to stop talking about his crackpot ideas in class.
LH: 你说什么?叫他别在课堂上讲他的那些神神道道的想法!Now that would be pushing your luck!
今天李华学到两个常用语。一个是:to push one's luck。意思是已经做了有点风险的事,还想进一步碰碰运气。李华学到的另一个 常用语是:crackpot。这是指那种想法很奇怪的人。
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