


#01第一篇~How to Make 2011 Your Best Year Ever最棒的2011
#01第二篇~Ask Buyers How They Want to Be Sold To 你想过他人所想么?
#05第三篇~To Be a Better Salesperson, Don't SOUND Like One越不像销售,你卖的越多
#06第四篇~The Most Worthless Opening Ever:'I Sent You Something, Didja Get It?'最无用的开头
#07第五篇~What if?不要让销售侵蚀了你的想象力
#09第六篇~This Determines if It Is a Great Day心态决定一切!
#12第七篇~On Turning Failures Into Opportunities and Eliminating Rejection消灭拒绝,化失败为机遇
#14第八篇~Your Choices of These Can Make or Break Your Call 10秒钟决定有没有下文
#15第九篇~Brief Sales Observations观察给你的销售添翼
#16第十篇~见心卸甲,让客户自愿~Avoid the Goofy Objection Rebuttal~地道原文
#17第十一篇~Ask the Five Whys to Sell More五问助销售
#18第十二篇~If This is Manipulation, I'm All For It操控客户?
#21第十三篇~Finding Buyers Through a Little-Known LinkedIn Tool开发客户好方法!
#23第十四篇~Sales Lessons From a World Champion Poker Player世界扑克冠军学的销售
#25第十五篇~Brief Sales Observations七个最常见的销售场景及建议,不要沮丧和退缩!
#28第十六篇~Ask the Five Whys to  Sell More五问助销售,常思问题根源
#29第十七篇~If This is Manipulation, I'm All For It销售是通过技巧对客户的操控?

This Week's Tip
How to Make 2011 Your Best Year Ever


Today's Tip has been a New Year's tradition for
about five years now. It's usually one of my most
popular issues of the year, and most-visited in the

If you've seen this before, don't quit reading. People
who are serious about self-improvement know that
it is a result of consistent action, not one-time
exposure to something. I didn't approach the door
of the health club at 5:30 a.m. this morning and
say, "Oh, I've been here before," and then turn

If you're serious about having your best year ever
in 2011, TODAY is the best time to start. I do suggest
you take some time to sit down with these questions
Think about your answers. Challenge yourself. Write
them down. Them go to work!

It's quite simple: if you want to be better in 2011,
YOU need to do more than simply WANT it. You need to
make some changes. Start now.


What are you going to do to improve your industry and
product knowledge in 2011?

How many inactive customers will you revive and turn
into regular customers again? What do you need to do
to make that happen?

What will you do to ensure you're protecting your
best customers, and adding more value to the
relationships? How will you sell even more to them?

How many new customers will you bring on this year?
How do you plan to do that, specifically?

What will you do to improve your physical health in 2011?

What, specifically, are your sales and production
goals for 2011? How does that break down into quarterly
and monthly goals?

How much more money will you make in 2011? How will
that happen? What will you need to do, today, to take the
first steps in that direction?

What will you need to do to increase THAT number by an
additional 10%

What are you going to do every day to keep your
attitude at a high level?

How much time are you going to spend, daily, to
improve your own sales skills? What will you do?

How many referrals did you get in 2010? How will you get
them? From whom? What will you do to turn them into sales?

Speaking of referrals, will you please forward this issue
to two others who would also benefit from these weekly Tips?
(OK, that's one of mine.)

How are you going to maximize the use of your time?
Where will you cut out the time-wasters in each day?

What have you been putting off that you will take
care of within the next two weeks?

Who can you help to feel special every day?

What challenge, wish or desire--that you've never
attempted before--will you finally achieve in 2011?
How will you do that? Why?

Where are you going to write all of this down so you
can review and revise your plans regularly?

What will it LOOK like when you accomplish everything
you've just been thinking about?

How good will it FEEL?

What will it SOUND like when you achieve these things?

Why COULDN'T you do all of this?

Any answer to that last one is not a reason, but rather
a self-imposed limitation, excuse, or lack of desire
or effort. The biggest deterrent to success looks us
in the mirror every day.

Now, go out and plan to have, no, COMMIT to ...



"Leap, and the net will appear."
Julie Cameron

"Everything you want is out there waiting for you to
ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have
to take action to get it."
Jack Canfield

"Jump into the middle of things, get your hands dirty,
fall flat on your face, and then reach for the stars."
Joan L. Curcio

"Your actions, and your action alone, determines
your worth."
Johann G. Fichte

"Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right.'
Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools
you may have at your command, and better tools will
be found as you go along."
Napoleon Hill

Make it  Your Best Year Ever!

Ask Buyers How They
Want to Be Sold To


While waiting out a flight delay at an airport bar, I struck up a conversation with a fellow stranded road warrior. The topic shifted to our work, and he asked me what I do. ?

I answered by asking him,

"Do you ever get any sales calls at your office? (He's a manager in the corporate accounting division at a large life insurance company.)

"Yeah, I got one today. I'm in charge of the printing of our company's annual reports. Apparently I had received an email--which I never read-- from a printing rep a couple of months ago who wanted to get me to change to his company. In the meantime he was let go, and replaced by a new person who called me."

"Was the call any good?".

"No. It really turned me off. She called and said, `I'm _____ ?with ___. I've taken over (the previous rep's) accounts. So I was wondering if you're going to use us?' I told her no, and she ?was pretty antagonistic as she shot back with, `WHY?' I told her I didn't see any reason to change, She wasn't too courteous when she hung up."

I asked him, "What could she have said so that you would have listened to her?"

"Well, she could have said that her company specializes in printing annual reports, and that they might be able to provide equal or better quality than we're getting now, at a lower or competitive price. If they had done anything else for insurance companies that would have been a plus."

"Would that have sold you?"

"Of course not. It only would have gotten her to the point where she could ask questions to find out what I'm looking for and what I need. Then I'd want to find out how and if she could do that."

I told him he just described exactly what I do. That is, give people a system and ideas to accomplish what he just described.

"Well, I don't know anything about sales, but it seems some of these people would get the message."

I told him he actually knows a lot about sales. He knows what it takes to sell him, which is essentially the same as most of your buyers, and my buyers. And as I spoke with him, I thought what a great idea that is:
Interview buyers and ask them how they like to be sold to.

Find people who you know are decision makers for different companies.

Locate buyers in your own company. Find out what they react favorably to. Even talk to customers you've built up a personal relationship with, and ask them what they'd listen to.

Don't sell people the way you want to. Sell the way they want to buy.

QUOTES TODAY “Life is a grindstone. But whether it grinds us down or polishes us up depends on us.”
L. Thomas Holdcroft

[ 本帖最后由 Stoneliving 于 2012-8-29 15:01 编辑 ]






  (2)以一天为标准:早上8:00~10:00,这段时间大多客户会紧张地做事,这时接到业务电话也无暇顾及,所以这时,电话业务员不妨先为自己做一些准备工作。10:00~11:00,这时客户大多不是很忙碌,一些事情也会处理完毕,这段时间应该是电话行销的最佳时段。11:30~下午1:00,午饭及休息时间,除非有急事否则不要轻易打电话。下午1:00~3: 00,这段时间人会感觉到烦躁,尤其是夏天,所以,现在不要去和客户谈生意。下午3:00~5:00,努力地打电话吧,这段时间是我们创造佳债的最好时间。




To Be a Better Salesperson, Don't SOUND Like One

Just wondering ...... why in the world do some salespeople feel like they must sound like a salesperson when they get someone on the phone?

What is it about presenting ... whether it be selling by phone or speaking before a group that causes some people to cinch up and sound like the synthesized voice that gives the phone number on directory assistance?

I spend a lot of time on airplanes, and can't tell you the last time I actually listened to the flight attendant giving the speech about the flat end going into the buckle. Oh yes I can, I flew Southwest a couple of weeks ago and, as many of their attendants do, this one delivered the announcement like they were actually talking to a person, and with humor and enthusiasm. That got my attention.

The bottom line is that on the phone, sounding canned, like you're reading something, or like you've just been awakened at 3:00 a.m. is detrimental to your success.

But, many people sound that way. And many of those don't realize it. Here are a couple of points to keep in mind.

We tune out--and are often annoyed by--unemotional, canned messages. Think about the sales calls you have received at home ... the ones that follow the couple of seconds of dead air after you pick up the phone and say "Hello ... hello ...?"

You first hear the din of what sounds like a noisy restaurant, and the monotone voice greets you with,

"Hello, can I speak with (bad mispronunciation of your name)?"

Then they begin reading a script.

Likewise, think about some really bad acting you've seen in a play or movie. It looks and sounds stilted ... unnatural, like it's being read. It has the same turn-off effect.

People will speak with those who sound conversational.

What more can I add?

But please don't misunderstand me on one key point:

Preparing what you'll say and scripting your opening is still the best way to approach a call. But never, ever, SOUND like you're working from an aid.

As I always say, the worst time to think of what you'll say is as it's coming from your mouth.

So, what to do? Easy. The better prepared you are, the more natural you will sound. "Humanize" your calls. Remember, you're talking to another person, not at a phone instrument. Listen to your calls on tape, and ask yourself, "Would I talk to friend like this? Does this sound natural?"

Prepare your openings and recite--not read--them into a tape player. Pretend you are talking to a good friend in a social setting.

The less you sound like a salesperson, the more you'll sell.



The Most Worthless Opening Ever:
'I Sent You Something, Didja Get It?'

By Art Sobczak

The overworked and underpaid mid-level
manager at Anybusiness USA Inc. arrives
at his office, greeted by a blizzard of
mail mounded on his desk, as if a dump
truck emptied its load there. Catalogs,
seminar mailings, trade journals,
solicitations disguised as checks and IRS
notices, and maybe a couple of important
pieces of business correspondence.

He tosses all but a few envelopes in the
growing 'to get to someday' pile in the

Checking his inbox, he retrieves a fistfull
of memos and faxes, scanning for those
requiring immediate action, pitching the
others into another unkempt pile.

Logging into email, he watches the blue bar
on his screen build to the right and restart
repeatedly; 'Downloading 167 New Messages'
it blinks. 'Not too bad today,' he sighs.

He dials into voice mail, holding his breath
in anticipation. He hears, 'You have 23 new
voice mails.' And that's just since leaving
the office last night.

Then the phone rings. The unfamiliar voice says,
'Mr. Russell, I'm Bob Dunlap with Knapp Services.
I sent you a letter and brochure last week, and
was wondering if you read through that?'

Ask any decision maker and they'll tell you
they've received that call. Many times. Ask
any telesales rep, and they'll probably sheepishly
admit they've placed it--more than once. For some,
it's their sales model.

That greeting is one of the most slam-your-head-
into-a-brick-wall openings a salesperson could
ever use. What do reps expect prospects to say
in response?

'Oh, yes, your letter...ahhh...what a finely-
crafted piece of prose. And that brochure!
I almost called to order one of everything
listed, but since you said you would call me
at 3:00 p.m. today, I didn't want to disrupt
your busy schedule.'

Fat chance.

'OK smartypants,' you might be saying, 'what
should we do instead?'


Decide whether you're conducting a direct
response mail campaign, or doing telesales.

Do you intend that your mail, fax, catalog, etc.,
does the selling for you? If so, it should be
structured as a stand-alone direct response
piece. And if that is your strategy, why,
then, are you needed? Pay someone minimum-
wage to call and say, 'We sent you a catalog.
Would you like to place an order?'

I've seen statistics suggesting you can raise
your direct mail success by three-to-five
times by calling. In reality, prospects have
no reason--nor the time--to plow through most
of the communications they're inundated with
daily, as I illustrated earlier. (That's why
half of a percent response is considered
good for lots of mail campaigns.)

If, however, you want to take the chill off
of a prospecting phone call, I suggest writing
a short letter that touches on a couple of
relevant results you might be able to deliver,
piques curiosity, and mentions you'll call soon.

More on that in a minute. Go through the following
steps first.

Do your homework. Their interest level is in
direct proportion to how targeted your message
is to them, and their needs. Be a detective.

Visit their website. Call and ask questions of
receptionists, screeners, others in the buyer's
department, and users of your product or service.

For example, 'I hope you can help me. I'm going
to send some information to the person there
responsible for ____. I want to be sure it goes
to the right person and that it's relevant to
your company. Please tell me... '.

You'll use this information to customize and
personalize your preapproach note, opening
statement, and to ask targeted, intelligent

Draft your note. The more personalized, the
better, using the information you gleaned from
your sleuthing: 'Mr. Russell, I understand that
you are now in the process of considering an
addition to your manufacturing facility. Our
firm specializes in the design of energy-efficient
structures through some unique methods, helping
companies in your industry reduce utility expenses
by an average of 30% over typical buildings.
I'll call you the week of the 20th to ask a few
questions about your plans, and to determine if
it would be of mutual benefit to discuss the
situation further.' Discuss the potential results
that can be gained by the prospect, not your
products or services. Leave them curious.

Make your call. Use an opening similar to the
wording in the note. Just make these slight

'Mr. Russell, Bob Dunlap with Knapp
Services. The reason for my call is I understand
that you are now in the process of (same as above)
...over typical buildings, as I mentioned in a
recent letter to you. If I've caught you at a
good time, I'd like to ask a few questions about
your plans to determine if it would be of mutual
benefit to discuss this further.'

Follow this approach, and I guarantee better
results than the futile 'Didja Get It?' opening.

And now please excuse me ... I need to wheelbarrow
a load of unrequested literature to the dumpster.





Ask "What if" for Better Results in All Areas of Sales, and Life


Over the past 28 years, in delivering over 1200 training sessions and workshops, I have fielded lots of questions. Many of the same ones about parts of the sales call, some good, others not so much. But some of the toughest ones I ever received were from my kids years ago when they were younger.

"Dad, what if cars had wings and jet engines?"
"Dad, what would happen if people would sit on TOP of domed stadiums instead of in them?"
"Dad, what if ice cream came out of water faucets instead of water?"
Often I'd patiently give the logical answer that those things really weren't reasonable to consider.
Other times I'd become frustrated in trying to explain how those situations weren't possible.
I learned a very important lesson from my kids as it relates to sales, business, and life in general:
We too often think practically, logically, and in terms of what we think is acceptable or the way things are done. We don't imagine enough, nor do our prospects and customers.
HP had a marketing slogan several years ago? It was "What if ...?"
Same thing. It was designed to prompt people to think about possibilities. By doing so, you openup a whole new level of ideas, opportunities, and strategies. The imagination stretches.
Creativity expert Roger von Oech writes in his book, "A WHACK ON THE SIDE OF THE HEAD" (Warner Books), that playful speculation can yield positive results.
Albert Einstein developed some of his early relativity concepts by asking himself, "What if I were an elevator falling through space at the speed of light. What if there was a hole in the side of it? What if a shaft of light came through this hole?"
Ask Yourself
Why not "What if?" with yourself and your fellow sales reps?
What if you did a few things differently?
What if you decided you were going to beat all sales records next month?
Ask Your Customers
You can do this on the phone with your prospects and customers, too.
For example,
"Mr. Prospect, let's set the money issue aside here for a moment and get crazy. What if you did have this plan in place. What are all the positive effects you would notice?"
Picasso said that every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist after growing up.
It would be cool if ice cream came out of water faucets, wouldn't it?
Action Step
Take the following categories: prospects, customers, things you want, your career, people you care about. Come up with "What if?" questions to get you and them thinking in terms of possibilities. You'll like the results.
Continue having your best week ever!

Quote of the day:“Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity.”

tks fo sharing

做完发票,回来补贴 ~三月真是旺季,看看深圳的物流车,因为货多装不完,不到点就发走了~大家情况如何?如果有沮丧的请不要再沮丧,请看下文,描写很地道,在总人眼中如此糟糕的一天,对于Art来说还是Great的一天。不得不说,心态决定你的心情,快乐和沮丧都是自己选择的。鼓励快乐外贸 !欢迎晒感想,分享快乐!共勉!
This Determines if It Is a
Great Day
I was in Wisconsin. I woke up the morning of a training program and looking out the hotel window, I noticed a light, beautiful snow falling. It was a postcard scene.

The snow had accumulated on the rental car windshield, so I went out to clean it off and started the car. After brushing off the snow and scraping a bit of frost, I thought I'd keep the car running a few minutes to warm it up. A good time to go inside the hotel and grab a cup of coffee for the ride. So, I took the remote lock-opener off the key chain, leaving the key in the car. I then locked the door using the remote. Walking away, I thought I'd hit the remote again just to make sure it would open the door.

Push, push. Nothing. Squeeze, squeeze. Silence.

After banging it on the car a few times to no avail, my heart sunk into the snow beneath my feet.

First thought: need to call a locksmith. I rushed inside, got a phone book (they still do print those), quickly reached a guy who was just a few minutes away. He said he'd be there in 10; he got there in six. I was very grateful. As he was giving me his $35 bill, he said, "We'll, your day isn't starting out too good, is it?"

I replied, "Actually, my day is starting out pretty great right now. You've helped me make sure I'm going to get where I need to be, on time. The snow is beautiful, life is good."

He looked at me like I was crazy.

The session with the reps went great. On my connecting commuter flight through Minneapolis, we had to ride a shuttle bus to the main terminal after deplaning. Upon entering the terminal, my heart sank again. I had left one of my carry-on bags on the shuttle bus. If I tried to go back out onto the secure tarmac area, I certainly would have been gunned down. I found a gracious airline employee (yes, they do exist) who radioed the bus driver.

Another attendant delivered my bag a few minutes later. "You're not having a good day, are you?" the guy said as he handed me the bag.

Actually, "I'm having a great day. Chasing this bag down could have been a nightmare."

Upon landing home, at the airport parking garage, I'm searching for my credit card at the payment window. For the third time that day, the heart did the fifty-story elevator drop. The card wasn't in my wallet. I'm searching for it, and 10 cars are now qued up behind me with the line growing. Finally I realized it was in my pocket. The attendant said, you guessed it, "It's not your day, is it?"

I looked her square in the eye and said, "It is a fantastic day. I'm home, I'm going to enjoy a cocktail in about 30 minutes. And I have my credit card."

So what's the message here?

YOU decide what kind of attitude you'll wear each day. And the old saying is true: "It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that's most important."

That's especially true on the phone. You've picked a profession that exposes you to repeated situations that can pull you down. How you view them and react to them determines your attitude, and success.

As always in life, there will be some things you can't control each day. One you are always the captain of is your attitude, what you will do next, and how you react to what happens to you. If you make the commitment to simply maintain a positive outlook, make things happens instead of reacting to what happens, and learning from every setback, I know you will have your best year ever. Will you commit to that?

Continue having your best week ever!

Quote of the Day
“If you mean to profit, learn to please.”
Winston Churchill

thanks for sharing

看了前面一部分 ,还不错,收藏起来,下次再接着看。

第七篇~On Turning Failures Into Opportunities and Eliminating Rejection~

(另外推荐英文版《HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE》个人觉得中文译名《人性的弱点》不算特别好,戴尔卡耐基著,有很多和销售相关的知识。)
1"The truth is, everything that has happened in my life...that I thought was a crushing event at the time, has turned out for the better."
2He said that with the exception of health problems, setbacks teach "lessons that carry you along. You learn that a temporary defeat is not a permanent one. In the end, it can be an opportunity."
3 * meaning that the extreme negativeness of the situation is what resulted in the positive.
4More than almost any other profession, how you feel when you are performing your job affects your outcome.
5You are a special person for doing what you do.

On Turning Failures Into Opportunities and Eliminating Rejection

At age 19, his application to Harvard Business School was rejected. He was devastated at the time.

However, exploring other options, he quickly regrouped and sent in a late application to Columbia, where two investment experts that he admired were teaching. He was accepted. There he learned the values and principles that guided his investing.

Today he is the second wealthiest man in America and the most famous stock investor in the world. Of course I'm talking about fellow Omahan, Warren Buffet. (No, I do not know him, and he does not call me for advice.)

Buffet is a big believer in looking for the opportunities in setbacks. Which is what all great salespeople do as well. In a Wall Street Journal article, Buffet said,

"The truth is, everything that has happened in my life...that I thought was a crushing event at the time, has turned out for the better."

He said that with the exception of health problems, setbacks teach "lessons that carry you along. You learn that a temporary defeat is not a permanent one. In the end, it can be an opportunity."

Buffet has many examples of negatives becoming positives. He said when he was young he was terrified of public speaking--so much that he sometimes threw up before an address. Knowing he needed to do something, he enrolled in a Dale Carnegie speaking course, and says the skills he learned there enabled him to woo his future wife, who was a champion debater.

"I even proposed to my wife during the course," he said. "If I had been only a mediocre speaker I might have not taken it," meaning that the extreme negativeness of the situation is what resulted in the positive.

I have a process I have used for many years that enables me to keep my own personal attitude up during even the most difficult situations, find positives in negatives, and although it sounds cliché, turn problems into opportunities. I believe it would do the same for you.

Two Magic Questions
Whenever you experience something that you perceive as being negative--many fall into this category... really now, many people blow things way out of proportion--or, you are faced with something that truly is devastating, take a deep breath, stop, clear your mind, then ask yourself these two questions:

"What can I learn from this?"

"What good can I make from this?"

Begin implementing these two questions today, and I know you will view things differently, and see more opportunities where they might not have been there otherwise.

Eliminating "Rejection"
How about never experiencing "rejection" again in sales?

That's in the title of three of my books, and I've been berated by critics over the years for making that claim. Of course, those people never took the time to read the part of the books where I show exactly how you can avoid rejection. I'll give you the simple process right now.

What is rejection anyway?

Is it a 'no' you hear at the beginning of a call? Is it losing out on a competitive proposal. Is it being hung up on?
If you think it is, it is. Now, I'm not going to get all out-there-philosophical on you, but let's keep this simple:

-Stuff happening TO you in sales (getting no's) is inevitible, if you are placing calls.

-What HAPPENS to you is not rejection.

-Rejection is the definition that someone attaches to what happens to them.

-No one person or situation can cause you to feel rejected unless you allow it/them to.

-Change your definition of rejection so that it does not include getting a no on a call.

-After no's, ask yourself the two questions I presented earlier.

-Ensure you get a win on every call by accomplishing something, or even attempting something, regardless of how minor. This is what I call your Secondary Objective.

More than almost any other profession, how you feel when you are performing your job affects your outcome. Coupled with the fact that all day long we proactively put ourselves in situations where the outcome may not be the one we desire, there's little wonder most people would never consider sales as a career, and many have left because they couldn't handle what they defined as "rejection." This underscores the need to follow processes like I've outlined.

You are a special person for doing what you do. To continue surviving, thriving, and ensuring you will have your best year ever, implement these ideas for turning challenges into opportunities, and never experiencing rejection again!!

“You may have the loftiest goals, the highest ideals, the noblest dreams, but remember this, nothing works unless you do.”
---Nido Quebein

tks for your help!


Your Choices of
These Can Make or
Break Your Call


On the phone you have about 10 seconds or less with your words to capture a listener's attention, break their preoccupation with whatever they were doing when you called, and place them in a positive, receptive frame of mind to share information with you and listen with an open mind. Therefore, you don't want to muddy up your call with wasted words, or meaningless words.

Here are some that are overused, and really are meaningless.

-"cost-effective," as in, "We provide cost-effective products."

-"leading," or "premier," as in, "We're the leading company in this field."

-"solution provider, as in, "We're a solution provider."

-"meet your needs, as in, "I'd like to discuss how we can meet your needs."

Check this one out:

"Ms. Prospect, Josh Verbose with E-Commerce Applications. We're the premier solution provider of cost-effective e-commerce systems. We help companies by facilitating their migration into electronic marketing by leveraging their options to meet their e-commerce needs."


I received a call similar to the following the other day. Not only did the guy's monotone sound like he just arose out of bed with a stinging hangover, he slurred the unemotional pronunciation of words:

"Art, this is Joe Collins with Data International. We're the most respected provider of data funneling (or something like that--I had never heard the term before). We work with the IBM's, AT&T's ...," and the guy went on for at least 90 seconds, nonstop, with his droning. I was not a prospect, and even if I were, I wouldn't have been interested based on this opening.

Here are a couple of fundamental ideas to keep in mind before and during your calls.

-Know who you're talking to, both company and position-wise, AND know something about them. It's not that tough with all of the info available to you online. This guy was clearly in the wrong place. To avoid wasted time, energy, and resistance he could have simply done some Social Engineering with the person answering my phones by saying: "I want to be sure that what I have would be of some interest for your company. Please tell me ...," followed by some qualifying questions.

-Use clear terminology to quickly create interest. Let me say this slowly: you have just several seconds to create interest at the beginning of a call. You do this by alluding to what you might be able to do for them, and then asking a question.

So be simple with the hint of the result you could possibly provide. For example,

"Art, depending on how you're using your existing list of customers, we might have a way to help you get two or three times the amount of repeat business you're doing now, like we have for other sales training companies. I'd like to ask a few questions to see if it would make sense for us to speak further."

Along the same lines, avoid stilted words when simpler ones will do.

"use" instead of "utilize"

"talk" instead of "have a dialogue"

"help" instead of "facilitate"

Examine your own language, both in your openings, and in all parts of your call. Are you creating resistance instead of interest? If so, change it today.

Have your best week ever!!

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.
--Leo Tolstoy (1828 - 1910)

Art两周的更新都质量不高,其中还有一篇是广告,自己本身又忙,现在贴出本周的一篇~山外看山,别有一番风味,能提醒我们这些销售,平常要注意很多方面,Observations are of vital importance to us!
Brief Sales Observations
Each month in my Telephone Prospecting and Selling Report, the eight-page newsletter that is part of the Smart Calling Online membership, I share my brief sales observations and experiences from the past month. If we are aware and just look around us every day, you'll constantly see sales situations you can learn from. Here are just a few from the past several months.

I attended one afternoon of the famous Barrett Jackson auto auction when it was here in January. If you're not familiar with it, hundreds of collector cars are sold and bought for crazy amounts of money, some up to a million dollars. Cars that sold for $3000, new, when I was in high school were going for $100,000+.
Well, I think it's crazy, because I'm not a car guy. But obviously those people DO attach lots of value to these pieces of metal. And the important point for anyone in sales: YOU are not your customer. Don't let your own biases affect what you sell, and the amount you sell it for. Too often I see reps "selling with their own wallet," meaning that they presume someone would not want to pay full price. And they then prove themselves right.
If you have to assume anything, assume they are going to buy, at your price.

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A sales rep for office supplies called me, didn't have a very good opening--but I stayed on the call anyway thinking I'd get some material out of it--and he immediately started with, "Tell me about your office supply needs."

I told him I had no needs. He said thanks and hung up.

If you hit someone with a vague question like, "What are your needs?", and they are not thinking about their needs at that very moment, what are you likely to hear?

"Uh, we're satisfied with what we have," or, "We're doing fine where we are."

Bottom line, you will not get them talking about something they haven't thought of, or aren't thinking about at that second. As an alternative, frame a question around a need they likely have ... a question that helps them visualize and feel the need you can fill. Don't force them to come up with the possible need on their own, you paint it for them, then ask them to react to it. For example,
"Tell me about your ordering process, and how many different vendors you usually need to contact to find the supplies you want."

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In working with sales reps I sometimes question something they said on a call, an opening technique, particular question, response to resistance, etc. Often I hear the response, "Well, that works for me."
My reply usually is, "What does 'work' mean?"
My intent is to get them to realize that perhaps what they think is working, really isn't really working as well as they'd ultimately like, and that perhaps there might be an alternative that might work better.
When Tiger Woods was at the pinnacle of his game (OK, I hear the snickering about the Tiger jokes) he completely rebuilt his golf swing. TWO separate times!
He was the top player in the world. Something was "working," right? But not to his satisfaction. He felt there might have been a better way, and there was.
The best sales reps do not settle for "good enough." They are always looking for the edge. I hope that is you.

Continue having your best week ever!!

Quote of the day:
“The more arguments you win, the less friends you will have.”
American proverb
加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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·生活百科 戴维·雷恩班克



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加拿大电商EN10204-3.1 材质报告

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