



1.        Yarn composition details: 100% HB Acrylic (to BS 4407:1988 (1995))
2.        Knitting: double ply
a)        Neck elastic part: 1X1 elastic.
b)        Main part: Half Cardigan (Royal RIB) (to be tested visually).
3.        Yarn fold: double-ply (to be tested visually).
4.        Knitting machine indication of gauge: 5 (to BS 5441:1998).
5.        Dimensional change in medium wash at 30 degrees C: 3% (to EN ISO 6330:2012).
6.        Weight per piece in gr: 70 (to BS 2471:2005).
7.        Colour: Pantone No.19-0414 TC Forest Night.
8.        Colour fastness (to EN ISO 20105):
In Medium washing at 300C: 4-5 (CO6:2010)
In Perspiration: 4-5 (E04:2013)
9.        Content of harmful to the human substances, as per EEC Directives 76/769 and 2002/61 EU for azo-colors (to EN 14362-1:2012): < or = 30ppm
Stitching yarn
The stitching is arranged with a 4-ply stitching/cutting sewing machine, where the 2 yarns of the needles are Cotton/Polyester core spun yarns and the other 2 same as the knitting yarn of the hood.


Knitted fabric requirements
1. Construction yarn: 90% Wool, 10% Nylon (to BS 4407:1988, EN ISO 1833).
2. Knitting: double ply
a) Elastic part: RIB 2/1 with nylon yarns.
b) Body and fingers: Plain (Pipe form).
(According to BS 5441:1988 Section 2 – Method 7 & Visual)
3. Yarn details: 2-ply, with wool finesse 23 microns and nylon with filaments of 3-4 denier (BS 5441:1988 Section 2 Method 8).
4. Bursting strength in the palm area in Kpa: 350 BS EN ISO 13938-2:1999.
5. Wool fineness: 23 microns (to BS 2043:1968/1993).
6. Nylon quality: \ (to BS 2043:1968/1993).
7.Dimensional change in medium wash at 300C: 1% (to EN ISO 3759:2011 Wascator machine (Type A1) using ECE detergent and then EN ISO  6330:2012 at 300C Flat dry procedures and EN ISO 5077:2008).

In medium washing at 300C: 4-5 (to C10:2007)
Ιn rubbing: 4-5 (to X12:2002)
In perspiration: 4-5 (to E0:2013)
In sunlight: 5-6 (to B02:2014)
11.Oil substances: 2% (to BS 3582:1981).
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