

Step 1: Body barriers(好好利用身体语言)
These signal to people to leave you alone and make you seem extremely unapproachable. Therefore, avoid folded arms or gestures such as holding a drink close to your chin as it implies to the other person you'd rather be left alone.

Step 2: Use your eyes(眼神交流)
Your eyes can signal approachability. Don't stare or just look at the floor, but scan the room with your eyes as this shows that you are open to approach.

Step 3: Smile with your eyes(用眼笑)
Soften your eye expression and don't be blank or vacant, as smiling with your eyes really does show that you are friendly.

Step 4: Smiling with the mouth(用嘴笑)
This is an evolutionary aspect, an animal signal of introduction. A nice, genuine smile shows again that you mean to be friendly.

Step 5: Intentional gestures(注意肢体语言)
These make communication easier. When shaking hands, put your hand out at a distance and not at the last minute as this encourages more of a response.
When you want to interrupt, raising your hand slightly will signal to people that you want to speak.

Step 6: Self-comfort gestures(让自己舒适)
You do these when feeling anxious or under pressure, and it makes it seem as if you don't want to speak to people. Also beware of metronomic gestures such as foot tapping, as these signal to people that you are impatient and do not have time for them.

try to learn it, thanks for sharing

thanks, the frist day when I come to our factory , and the directer lead me to meet his coustomer in the show room ,and I made a big mistakes,at that time I am just a little nervous and I do not know where my hand should put ,and I just fold arms , and at that time the director tell me not to do that anymore ,it shows impolite to them. i shocked and know a lot

thanks to good infromation for me . i will improve me better .
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