


It is hard to complete FH 12 ahead of time, but we will try our best to complete it as early as possible. FH13 can be completed during May 17 to May 20, FH14 can be completed during June 3 to June 14, and FH15 can be completed during June 21 to July 1.

In addition, I would like to discuss with you about two reasons for the current limited production capacity:

1. The preparation cycle for bamboo materials is relatively long, it takes about 6 months from raw materials to the complete products. Therefore, there is a relatively long wait from the moment we receive the order and start to prepare the bamboo to the actual production.

2. Because the previous orders are not very stable, and the quantities of orders are not relatively big, we have been using only one team for production. From producing, assembling to testing, it is all handled by the same team. With such staffing, we can only ship a 40HQ a month.

If there is a long-term plan, and stable order, we can increase the amount of personnel and equipment, we can arrange 1 team for producing, 1 for assembling, 1 for testing, and 1 for painting. With such production line, we can ship a 40HQ within 20 days in the first month, 15 days in the 2nd month, 10 days in the 3rd month, and even 7 days in the 4th month. So you can tell us about your future order plan, our production plan and staffing can be adjusted and follow up immediately, and the new equipment is also under purchasing.



It is hard for us to complete FH 12 in advance.  However, we will try our best to make it as soon as possible.

FH13 can be completed around May 17 to May 20.
FH14 can be completed around June 3 to June 14.
FH15 can be completed around June 21 to July 1.

By the way, I would like to explain the two reasons for the current limited production capacity as follows:

1. The preparation period for bamboo materials is very long. It takes about 6 months from raw materials to the completed products. Although we start to prepare for the bamboo raw materials once we receive the order, it still takes a lot time to wait and round the production.

2. Due to the previous orders are not very stable, the labor is floating. We only have a worker team for the prouction now, which is not enough for current orders capacity. Therefore, we can only ship a 40HQ container per month at the moment.

In this case, considering the long term cooperation and the increasing stable orders, we will increasing the employees and equipments to help the mass order productions. Do you have a long term purchasing proposal for us? If so, we can promiss we short the production lead time step by step. For example, we can try to ship a 40HQ within 20days for the first month, and then 15days for the 2nd month, and 10days for the 3rd month, and even 7days for the 4th month, and etc.  

It will be more appreciated if you can send us you whole year forecast order plans for us to prepare for the raw materials and adjust our production capacities to catch your order delivery times. I think it will get us to a win-win future. How do you feel?

我认为沟通, 最重要的是让对方明白你最想表达的情况, 具体方案和理由可以一笔带过. 手贱, 稍稍修改了一下你的翻译, 也不知道有没有表达失误的地方. 见笑啦

In this case, considering the long term cooperation and the increasing stable orders, we will increasing the employees and equipments to help the mass order productions. Do you have a long term purchasing proposal for us? If so, we can promiss we short http://www.yw81.com  http://www.jhgjp.com  http://www.hmccc.comthe production lead time step by step. For example, we can try to ship a 40HQ within 20days for the first month, and then 15days for the 2nd month, and 10days for the 3rd month, and even 7days for the 4th month, and etc.

加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
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