客人居然想要唛头的打样,我也硬着头皮向厂家提出了这个要求,果断不行了嘛,既然客人这么问了肯定是因为他们不懂唛头这种都是在下单后开始做大货的时候才开机生产的,可是我该怎么跟客人解释,让这封邮件送出去客人立马明白闭嘴不再任性了呢?以下是我写的邮件,恳请各位哥哥姐姐帮我指点一二,不要考虑给我留情面,整个改掉都可以,在线跪等。We are sorry to inform you that the factory cannot produce if the demand is only two sets of labels, because the wastage of starting up the machine is great, only in the mass production the machine which makes labels will begin to operate.
The factory requests set-up charge for sample quantities with label markings
唛头 打印出来给客户看下就是。
We are sorry to inform you that the factory cannot produce if the demand is only two sets of labels, because the wastage of starting up the machine is great, only in the mass production the machine which makes labels will begin to operate.
LZ 自己写的什么意思。。 后面一句 应该不是6级水平写出来的哦。
直接说不能开机印。按3L 的意思 打印贴上去就行了。。 印刷厂有些牛皮纸不干胶。
but the factory didn't request the set-up charge, and even though there is a charge, it would be way expensive and the customer may freak out with us. That's bad .
我去 。。。是你自己说不留情面的。。
because the wastage of starting up the machine is great, ( 按你的字面意思 是说 因为 开机印刷的话 会浪费很多材料,
only in the mass production the machine which makes labels will begin to operate. 只能在大货的时候 才可以开机操作 ) 是这个意思吧??
2楼的意思 是要你这么跟客人说,
The factory requests set-up charge for sample of the markings label ..
For saving time & cost, we would like to print the marking with a sticker and put on the carton for your approval first..
因为我从中文的意思去理解,损耗 就是机器很大,但是你把它开动了但是只做两个小东西,就很浪费电啊什么的, 不就是wastage嘛?客人看到great wastage是不是该恍然大悟一下,所以factory cannot produce if the demand is only two sets of labels. 很合理啊。你说你说你说。
2. We are sorry to inform you that the factory cannot produce if the demand is only two sets of labels, because the wastage of starting up the machine is great and it is not worth for doing it. They will print the label base on the approval JPG that we sent you and print the mass production right away.
我最终这么回复的,而且人家客人表示接受了。 而且现在单子也下了,也已经可以开始生产标签了
用 Great 搭配这个 wastage 。。。
这位爷看着有想法,说来听听?用什么来搭配wastage ?
because the wastage of starting up the machine is great, only in the mass production the machine which makes labels will begin to operate.
主要的问题在这句。 我也觉得 GREAT 来修饰WASTAGE 不是很合适。GREAT 用我们中文的词性角度来讲,应该属于褒义词那种,表示很好。伟大的。 而要用来表示损耗很大,应该是应该量词,huge ,large , much . many ..之类的词。 It will cost much wastage if we start the machine but only produce 2 sets of the labels.. 现在问题已经解决了,因此只是我单单从句子的意思层面分析。。
唛头是运输唛头 为什么一定要在下单前搞呢 如果客户要 是否可以用电子档的制作平面图给其 还有如果这个单子的量比较大并且可以肯定会下单 那么未尝不可以与印刷厂协调下 另外即便印刷厂答应可以做 你们产品那么久了空白外箱肯定有的 是否可以用不干胶代替机器印刷呢 说了这么多先要让客户明白正常操作流程 不然以后会麻烦的
Dear **
Pls make sure this customer will place the orders to us as pls note it will be some cost for trims developments.
I am afraid we have to charge customer the cost if there is no orders placed finally. Thanks for your kindly understanding.
加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
·生活百科 我自动化的空调系统
·生活百科 太阳能分析数据刷新问题