[ 本帖最后由 行走的鱼 于 2009-3-29 00:51 编辑 ]
"I'll take all this with a grain of salt. Actually, make that a truck load. Jim Pinto is one of most egotistical, self-centered persons I'ver ever met, let alone in the industry."
[ 本帖最后由 行走的鱼 于 2009-3-30 13:18 编辑 ]
Regal Entertainment Group operates the largest and most geographically diverse theatre circuit in the United States, consisting of 6,782 screens in 550 theatres in 39 states and the District of Columbia as of February 26, 2009, with over 245 million annual attendees for the fifty-three week fiscal year ended 财年,前不久才在公司内部邮件中见到FYE这样的缩写。 January 1, 2009.
Our geographically diverse circuit includes theatres in all of the top 33 and 44 of the top 50 我反复读了几遍,这句话的这个部分算是最绕腾人的地方了,我理解是指“掌握着以美国为目标市场的院线影院排行榜前50强中的44家,包括榜单上的全部前33家。这种表达方法我将来肯定用得着。”U.S. designated market areas.
We operate multi-screen theatres and have an average of 12.3 screens per location, which is well above the North American motion picture exhibition industry 2007 average of 6.5 screens per location.
We develop, acquire and operate multi-screen theatres primarily in mid-sized metropolitan markets and suburban growth areas of larger metropolitan markets throughout the U.S. More information can be found at
Last week a note was posted online for about 12 hours, stating that many people at AEG (http://www.alderac.com/) would be laid off.
After hearing rumors from about 10 different sources, I can say this . . .
It was a long time coming.
Now. While only 8 remain, and in my opinion, none of these 8 are vital employees, AEG seems to always do things backwards.
The concept of downsizing and restructuring is a good one for a company that saw a lose of sales in the 20% range each SEASON. However, if I were going to lay people off, I would get rid of people that DON'T make product first and keep the hardest working people second.
Instead, AEG kept only 8 employees, NONE OF WHICH ARE CREATIVE and TWO of which intend to leave by the end of the year. The accounting admin staff is down to one person... that's smart. The packout/customer service team is two people... okay. One too many - 一个都嫌多余,我想是这个意思, but whatever. The CCG department is one person. The brand manager of said CCG is one person (um... okay). The owner is still the lead creative director, the brand manager for spycraft is now the operations manager (good move), and the marketing team is TWO of the most worthless men in gaming ---- 商海搏击?弄潮? .
For 2 years I told the owner of AEG that the company was fat - 中文里有个词叫“人浮于事”,我想fat一词在这里就是这个意思吧. It needed less administrative staff which were easily 65% of our resources and 80% of our workload (they made creative people do admin work too).
It took two of the most worthless men in gaming, Luke Petterschmidt and Ryan Dancey, to convince John to do something that if he'd done it 2 years ago, wouldn't have been so drastic or so damaging to the future of the company.
Even with 8 people, they can't manage two games, and its too much staff for 1 game, so the company is once again doing things backwards.
Which, in turn, in endemic of the American philosophy on the value of paperpushing 我忽然觉得自己近期的工作就是这个, ass-monkey 哈哈 传说中的“应声虫”? , administrative personel.
Which, in turn, is a great place for a segue 发音比较特别,此处的含义还得想想 into why america is such a bloated dinosaur...
[And yes, I know I owe everyone man-bashing 呃,(背后)攻击?嚼舌根儿?, part 2. But i needed to get this news out before it got stale. Man-bashing will still be hip 嗯…… one week from now.]
Here's a letter I wrote to an art forum I used to manage (when I worked at AEG), to quell some fears and put to rest the gossip. I've edited it quite a bit to clean up grammar, explain things clearer, and make it flow.
I'm going to chime in here for a second and provide my two cents 又见了~_~.
First, let me say that John is making an important move to keep the company afloat. This isn't an easy decision and its not the first time AEG has cut away a lot of "fat." I'm not calling everyone involved useless (a lot of good people were let go), but many positions at the company had become liabilities over the years; positions that once generated revenue had now becomes giant vaccuums for cash to die inside.
To illustrate this point, one must understand that AEG was a game design house, but in early 2004 the number of administrative personel outnumbered the creative staff. And with lead designers spending time coordinating work more than actually doing any, quality control flew out the door, replaced with more and more administrative tasks, time cards, meetings, and TPS reports 这种缩写有很多种可能,这里我觉得最像的一个解释是Transaction Processing System,交易处理系统.
No greater part of the flawed logic at AEG was evidenced then by the time card system itself.
If you were a creative person who worked on a game, you had to account for all 8 of your hours. Thereby, actually working on said product costs the company and the project money. You were less profitable if you worked on something. Customer service and administrative staff did not have to account for their 8 of hours of work a day, effectively costing projects nothing.
The illogic of this process is so baffling 令人困惑的 it hurts to thing - think?of it.
Now, I've never kept my hatred of Mary Valles (operations manager) a secret. She and I never agreed about how a creative team should operate. And her philosophy about "tracking time" and being administrators permeated 渗透,弥漫 every level of a company that never once had a home run game. If AEG ever did make such a product, it could have justified the mammoth 40-man team. But, with games that barely paid for themselves and so many flops - plunge? fiasco? in a row (humaliens, initial d, spycraft), not to mention 更不用说……了(我总是忘) failed marketing partners (deadlands rpg - Role Playing Game 角色扮演游戏, brave new world rpg, farscape 只搜出个澳美合作拍的sci-fi, 不清楚这里到底是怎样的寓意rpg, stargate - a ring-shaped alien device that creates a wormhole enabling personal teleportation to complementary devices located cosmic distances away. 它还是一个系列电影的名字,还是美国MGM旗下的一个专门的科幻类节目的媒体(频道?)哈哈,我好像有点开窍了,是说那些营销伙伴没新意,什么都搞RPG~不过有个游戏行业的公司也叫RPG,呃,头大。 rpg, clout, marvel rpg), its no wonder AEG didn't go under 沉没,破产。这句话绝对是反讽sooner.
And of course, 7th sea and Clan War - OK,这个就难为我了。只知道后者是游戏,前面也应该是,man这个老外的文写得太"棒"了! were the biggest chasms 大分歧 of money the company ever saw - 不是seen, hmmmm..... Horror stories echo from the walls of AEG. Patrick Kapera's tales of AEG at this time are certainly worth a beer at a game convention.
Nevertheless, while my hatred of Mary and her managing practice is a thing of public record - 我想把它翻译成“尽人皆知” (and if you didn't hear the story at gencon - Gen Con is the one of the largest and most prominent annual gaming conventions in North America. 让我联想起真人CS和COSPLAY。, you missed out), I have always supported John's vision of AEG. Even when I didn't agree with him, I always knew AEG had something to offer the gaming community that other companies failed to grasp. We argued - ok, not quarrel or discuss. a lot, but in the end, John and I made the best product we could.
Whether or not other people at AEG shared his vision is for you to decide, but they certainly never shared my work ethic.
Did I see the end times coming? Sure. We all did. Patrick Kapera and I spoke of the end of RPGs as a business for years. RPGs will always be a viable (可行的,可以存活的) hobby, but as a business, they are dying, if not dead already.
Did I see it at this level? Never. I never thought AEG would clean-house 这里肯定是双关语了,本来是关于房屋改造和内部装修的TV SHOWlike this. Over 20 people in one day? And while some were going to leave soon anyway (and three of us left around the same time), some of the people that remained won't be staying long anyway, so the company is really going to suffer in about 6 months when it realizes which key people were let go.
Sadly, the company is actually going to grow stronger out of this. With less people involved in the process and more focus on the things that matter, AEG will become the one or two CCG - Content Charging Gateway, 内容计费网关。? company, rather than the disjointed - 脱落的 jigaw beast - should be jigsaw . 本意是七巧板,拼图玩具it became under the regime of brand managers, marketing experts, customer service agents, and production supervisors.
I can't speak for anything financially, because I'm not there. John's an honest guy and he would never cheat anyone out of what's coming to them. So people nervous about payments for services rendered shouldn't worry too much (unless you're a writer). But, knowing that the company is restructuring should help people decide how they want to proceed on future projects.
This soapbox is breaking under the weight of my wagging - /wæg/ tongue. -----soapbox有一个意思a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it,一般做比较简陋的演讲台讲。作者在这里大概是调侃自己话太多(舌头摇来摇去不就是在说话么,舌头沉也是在指话多),如果他现在站在演讲台上的话恐怕都要被压碎了。
Peace.-------(百度解释)这类结尾除了Peace还有I rest my case。Peace一般有“我的话说完了,此事就此了结,大家要和和气气”的意思,有些只是善意的结尾,也有些带有自命清高的意味。比如你看到有些中文文章结尾特意加个“以上”,跟这个感觉差不多。----------虽然这个不是提问者选择的“最佳答案”,但我觉得这个解释更合适本文这个情境。
[ 本帖最后由 行走的鱼 于 2009-3-30 21:36 编辑 ]
封一:杂志的封面(Front Cover),印杂志名称啊,封面女郎啊之类的地方:)
封二:封面的内页(Inside Front Cover)。印封面那张纸不是两面嘛,那么这两面就分别叫封面和封二了。
封三:封底的内页(Inside Back Cover)
封四:封底(Back Cover)
扉页: (the First Page)一本杂志,正面第一页是封面,翻开封面后左边那页(即整本书的第二页)是封二,右边那页(第三页)就是扉页了。一般地,扉页的材质与做封一封二的纸不一样。对杂志的页码编号,通常从扉页开始,编为第一页。
扉页第一跨页: (the 1st Spread Page)就是把封二与扉页(摊开杂志,左边那页纸和右边那页纸)合起来看成一张大的页面,忽略杂志的中缝造成的间隙。在扉页第一跨页上印广告的话,广告画面就横跨两页纸,有一般单页广告的双倍大,所以叫跨页。
第二跨页: (the 2nd Spread Page)紧接着扉页第一跨页的第二张跨页,即杂志编有页码的第二页和第三页的合成页。
内页硬插页: (Inside Inserted Page)杂志内页通常是普通的印刷薄纸,而内页硬插页是用不同材质的纸,比如较厚较硬的广告纸插在某些内页之间(一般是在杂志最中间的两个页码之间,比如一共有28页的杂志,那就插在第14页与第15页之间)。内页硬插页可以是单页的,也可以是跨页的。
扉页好像也有译作head page/fly-leaf的
[ 本帖最后由 行走的鱼 于 2009-5-15 11:56 编辑 ]
在Paul Krugman的一个官方网页上
A fan has set this up: I disavow any knowledge of his actions
to disavow (third-person singular simple present 第三人称单数一般现在时disavows, present participle 现在分词 disavowing, simple past and past participle 一般过去式及过去分词disavowed) ------ 说来惭愧,我从没刻意记过这些英文表达方法
1、To refuse strongly and solemnly to own - 居然有"承认"的意思 or acknowledge; to deny responsibility for, approbation - 官方批准, 我想我会用到它的 of, and the like - 等等; to disclaim; to disown.
He was charged with embezzlement, but he disavows the crime.
I disavow all responsibility for you. (我拒绝承认对你负有任何责任)
2、To deny; to show the contrary of; to disprove.
Because of her dissatisfaction, she now disavows the merits of socialism.
Tip: 看看经济和娱乐新闻,关注一下名人博客,再找俩喜欢的论坛写写东西,定时更新自己的facebook或myspace等等(当然,都是英文的)...尽可能模拟英语国家人们的生活,这大概是我能想到的最妙的学习英文的方法了。
Two closely-related words investigated
On the rare occasions we encounter one, we refer to a steam locomotive as an engine, the same word that we give to the motive power of an aircraft. But all electrical devices are driven by motors. In Britain at least, one’s personal transport is a motor car (with compounds such as motor trade, motor vehicle and motor sport), even though it’s always powered by an engine. Small boats may have outboard motors and then are often called motor boats.
However, the propulsion device of a rocket can be called either a rocket motor or a rocket engine, and usage here seems not to have settled on one or the other. The IEEE Spectrum magazine for June 1998 (which Ron Jeffries has thoughtfully sent me) reports that the debate has been so intense, and yet so inconclusive, that some rocket scientist has coined the phrase whoosh generator 哈哈 真形象,太形象了,“嗖”as “the humorous, genderless, politically correct way to refer to the propulsion device in a hobby rocket, thus avoiding the great motor/engine debate”.
In everyday, non-technical usage the words have much the same meaning. But they have such clearly defined and fixed compounds (except in the rocket case) that they can’t be thought of as entirely interchangeable. The magazine article argues that the difference is that engines contain their own fuel or are part of a highly integrated engine-fuel system, whereas a motor draws on externally supplied energy. That’s the rule given in the Oxford English Dictionary, but on reflection it seems not wholly satisfactory. It doesn’t work for outboard motor or rocket motor for example. And it doesn’t explain why the two words should have been applied in this way. For that we have to look into their history 需要深入了解两个词的历史.
Engine is from the Latin ingenium, which referred to one’s ability to create things, one’s native genius; it comes from a root meaning ‘create; beget 产生,引起。 有句话说“龙生龙凤生凤”,英文可以用Dragons Beget dragons, phoenixes Beget phoenixes.
’ from which we get words like genetic, and is also the source of ingenious and ingenuity (engineer derives from a related word). Its first meaning in English, from about the fourteenth century, was very much this one of mother wit or genius, a skill in devising things. It could also, by obvious extension, refer to the result of such ingenuity, a contrivance or device, particularly any mechanical apparatus. The term was very general; a sixteenth-century text directs that a person should be “put in the stocks or other such engine”; pulleys and their like were also engines (as in Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels of 1727: “With ropes and engines, I made a shift to turn it”). The British pub served its drink by means of beer engines, hand pumps which drew the brew up from casks in the cellar; blazes were extinguished with the help of fire engines, originally hand-operated pumps. In the 1670s one John Worlidge invented a machine for pulping apples in cidermaking; he termed his device the Ingenio, an obvious reference to the Latin original. Engine was commonly applied also to weapons of war, such as the siege engine and to devices such as snares for catching game (hence gin trap, where gin is a short form of engine that also turned up in compounds such as horse gin for a horse-powered windlass).
It was an obvious enough extension to apply the word to the new devices that created power through steam. At first these were static units designed to pump water from mines, hugely complicated even in their early Newcomen incarnations. The steam engine was such an important machine, being one of the crucial developments of the Industrial Revolution, in particular making possible deep mines, that engine soon came to apply almost exclusively to it (being replaced in most other cases by machine, a word that earlier had meant almost the same as engine). And that usage came to influence later extensions of it, as in petrol and diesel engines: no longer just a contrivance, but a system for producing propulsive power.
Incidentally, computer science has several terms that include engine, such as search engine, database engine and recognition engine. In all of them engine has the sense of a central part or kernel of a software application, hidden from the user, which does intensive ‘number-crunching’ work on data, only the results of which are made available. Charles Babbage named his Victorian mechanical computer the Analytical Engine, using the pre-Industrial-Revolution sense of the word. I would guess, in view of the almost iconic regard many computer scientists have for Babbage’s work, that the modern terms derive directly from this phrase.
Motor had quite different origins, coming from the Latin movere, ‘to move’. It was first employed in English in the sense of ‘instigator’, or something that causes motion, often in a figurative sense, as of God as being the cause of the motion of the heavens. Even by the nineteenth century, it was still applied generally to the idea of something that caused change, without necessarily implying a mechanical device; for example the Civil Engineering Journal in 1839 said “The true motor of the system would ... be the weight of the atmosphere”, in which motor here is an agent or force (a sense which is still current). It was also applied early in the same century to classes of muscles or nerves whose job was to cause parts of the body to move. Only in the 1850s did it begin to be applied to a device that employed some source of energy to create movement, being applied first to the electric motor and to hydraulic devices.
When the electric motor appeared, people saw a key difference between it and the steam engine. The latter had an obvious source of energy in its fuel; the source of energy of the former was less clear, being supplied mysteriously from a battery or generator by means of wires. Steam engines obviously consumed their fuel, but electrical and hydraulic devices extracted energy from some source without obviously consuming it. Perhaps this reminded people of the original sense of motor that referred to some intangible or spiritual force, and persuaded them to apply it to these new sources of power.
By the time that vehicles driven by internal combustion engines had begun to appear in any numbers, at the very end of the century, both words had become well established in common usage. The driving force was obviously an engine, which consumed fuel to provide motive power. But why the conveyance as a whole was termed a motor vehicle is less obvious. The mere fact of it moving was obviously not sufficient; that was hardly a new idea, after all. It may be that it was a more elegant word, and also helpfully distinguished the automobile as a system from anything that belched steam and soot, such as the early steam-driven road vehicles like the Stanley Steamer.
By the beginning of the twentieth century, the two words had moved together from very different origins, even though as we’ve seen, for historical reasons they were mostly employed in set compounds. But when new forms of propulsive device came along, analogy (or sometimes chance) decided which was to be applied in a particular case. Aeroplanes were obviously powered by engines, since the earliest ones were taken over directly from petrol engines of the kind that drove cars and lorries. Though there seems to be no clear evidence for the choice, perhaps outboard motor was so termed because it was a compact device that reminded its namers of electric motors.
The confusion between rocket engine and rocket motor is less obvious. By analogy with other devices that consume fuel, it ought to be an engine, but perhaps by the time it came to be named motor had become so close a synonym that either felt right.
总结一下(我只看了一遍): engine是自身有能源(fuel)的,比如汽油发动机;motor不是直接消耗自身所带能源的,而且所用能源也不总是直接和明显,嗯,起初多用于比喻和借喻方法代表“有推进力的事物”或干脆“推进力”。
链接 http://www.worldwidewords.org/articles/engine.htm
[ 本帖最后由 行走的鱼 于 2009-4-29 14:58 编辑 ]
PS: trust是基金,security是证券……
When my husband and I were told that our son Jonah’s autism was “untreatable,” we made up our minds to prove the experts wrong.
Incapable of being treated; not practicable.
We had him wear headphones to normalize his hearing and tried other snake-oil treatments no thinking person would consider.
我的理解是“但凡还有点正常思维(或 还能用脑子正常想问题的)的人都不会考虑(采用的治疗手段)”
But each hope was followed by disappointment. We might as well have been chasing butterflies with a torn net.
破网追蝴蝶 --> 竹篮打水一场空?
Though we had been desperately trying to teach him, we had to concede - 很不情愿地承认 that Jonah was no student.
We introduced communication boards and arranged sensory integration therapy.
standoff - 对峙,英文解释是指处于平局或不分胜负的那种对立
A high-seas drama unfolded off the coast of Africa on Wednesday - high seas是公海;unfolded可以用于这样的“展开”,学习了。另,整句表达比较生动, as Somali - 索马里,我真需要多看看国际新闻了pirates seized a United States-flagged cargo ship and held 20 American sailors hostage. The crew managed to retake the ship within hours, but not before the pirates had spirited away - to carry off mysteriously or secretly the ship’s captain and held him for ransom - 赎金.
...off the Horn of Africa - 非洲之角,详见下, one of the most notoriously lawless - 形容词,非法的,违法的,或者:无法无天 stretches of international waters.
...the talks were still at a standstill - Complete cessation of activity or progress, 谈判毫无进展或陷入停滞 .
Sitting dead in the water without anywhere to go with their prize — and soon to be in the cross hairs - 十字丝,百度解释:为确定望远镜视线方向,在光学系统焦面上特制的固定标记(呈十字形)。在天文观测中用以瞄准导星。英文解释为Either of two fine strands of wire crossed in the focus of the eyepiece of an optical instrument and used as a calibration or sighting reference.呈十字形交叉于光学仪器的目镜焦点上的两根细丝之一, 用于校准或瞄准参考.of the American military — the four hijackers appeared to adopt a new strategy. They loaded the ship’s captain into a lifeboat, shoved off from the cargo ship and began negotiating for his release.
American officials praised the crew’s decision to disable the ship. The Alabama’s second in command - 船名是Alabama,所以是指船上的二把手,一把手就是first in command。wiki的解释很壮观,见蓝字。, Capt. Shane Murphy, is the son of an instructor at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy who teaches a course on how to repel pirate attacks.
The Second-in-Command (2i/c or 2IC) is the deputy commander of any British Army or Royal Marines unit, from battalion - 营 or regiment - 团 downwards. He or she is thus the equivalent of an Executive Officer - literally refers to a person responsible for the performance of duties involved in running an organization, the exact meaning of the role is variable, depending on the organizationin the United States Army. This terminology - 行业术语,我总是第一想到lingo = =||| is also used in many other Commonwealth armies.
The Second-in-Command of a battalion or regiment is usually a Major - 少校. The Second-in-Command of a company - 连, squadron- 空军中队或骑兵中队 or artillery battery - 炮兵部队 (in which he or she is called the Battery Captain) is usually a Captain - 上尉(although infantry company - 步兵连Second-in-Commands were usually Lieutenants - 陆军或海军的中尉 until after the Second World War), the Second-in-Command of a platoon - 发音要注意,重音在后面,排 or troop - 一种解释是指与步兵连配合的骑兵连队 is the Platoon or Troop Sergeant - 中士, and the Second-in-Command of a section - 军分队,小队 is usually a Lance Corporal - 一等兵. In the Royal Navy the second-in-command of a vessel is known as the First Lieutenant or Executive Officer
Horn of Africa (alternatively - 也叫,我以前只知道aka Northeast Africa, and sometimes Somali Peninsula; shortened to HOA) is a peninsula - 半岛e发/i/的音 in East Africa that juts - 突出 for hundreds of kilometers into the Arabian Sea, and lies along the southern side of the Gulf of Aden - 亚丁湾. It is the easternmost - 这个得记,最东边的 projection - 此处做突出物 of the African continent.
At the White House, military and national security officials tracked the developments from the Situation Room, and they provided several
briefings -
1.The act or an instance of giving instructions or preparatory information to someone.
2.A meeting at which such information is presented.(中文应该是叫“吹风会”)
3.The information conveyed at such a meeting.
to President Obama and other administration officials throughout the day.
Mr. Obama first learned of the hijacking early on Wednesday morning after he returned to the White House from his overseas trip, and he later convened an interagency group on maritime safety, aides - 助手,副官 said.
The treacherous - 背叛这个意思很好看出来,在这里则指dangerously unstable and unpredictable waters off the Horn of Africa are now patrolled by an international antipiracy armada - /ɑ:ˈmɑ:də/舰队 of about 15 naval vessels, including 3 United States Navy ships.
nautical mile(海里):A unit of length used in sea and air navigation, based on the length of one minute of arc of a great circle, especially an international and U.S. unit equal to 1,852 meters (about 6,076 feet). Also called sea mile.
It’s that old saying: where the cops aren’t, the criminals are going to go. - 这个old saying我是不知道,虽然意思很好理解,但暂时想不出特别俏又准确的翻译。
[ 本帖最后由 行走的鱼 于 2009-4-9 18:34 编辑 ]
呵呵 虽然你说不会跟别人交流,但是东西被我看到了,怎么说也要谢谢你啊
加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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