由于工作人员失误, 第一个孔位置偏移, 导致后面4个孔都偏移,解决方案是堵住后重新打孔, 但堵住位置会有圆形印记,怎么说服让客户接受?想的理由是晚上看图灯光不好, 但是会保证 产品精度, 强度各方面都不受影响。而且根据技术人员经验, 装配后就看不到孔了, 不影响客户的使用。
英语除了sorry实在不知道用什么词,麻烦各位大侠, 英语好的 不好的 都给出点意见, 怎么写比较真诚?
We apologize for the mistake which caused by the operation person. The first hole on product is off the position which causing the same issue on the following four holes.
The solution would be blocking all five holes and re-punching on the positions. However, there would be marks on the original positions.
Based on our experience, the marks will not affecting the overall quality and should not be noticeable after assembly.
Please let us know your opinion and we will work our best to provide any other suitable solution to sort this issue out.
I feel so sorry, but due to the mistake of our employee who studied the picture in the dim light at night, the first hole is offset, which also causes the following four holes offset. We will offer you a solution as a remedy. The solution is that we will block the holes and punch the holds again. The only problem is that the blocked position will have a round mark. But we promise that the product precision and intensity will not be affected. And based on the experience of our technician, the customer wil not see the blocked hole after the assembly and can use it as normal.
Sorry again for the inconvenience caused by us. We will try our best to make up for it. Pls let us know if you can accept the remedy. We are open to your suggestion.
[ 本帖最后由 lookatme97 于 2019-11-6 15:37 编辑 ]
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