


abrasive 磨料
abrasive grain 磨粒
angle of repose 安息角
artificial abrasive 人造磨料

black fused alumina 黑刚玉
black silicon carbide 黑碳化硅
boron carbide 碳化硼
brown fused alumina 棕刚玉
bulk density 堆积密度

capillarity 毛细现象
combination grain size 混合粒度
compressive strength 抗压强度
conventional abrasive 普通磨料
cubic boron nitride 立方氮化硼
cubic silicon carbide 立方碳化硅
diamond 金刚石
emery 天然金刚砂
fused alumina 电熔刚玉
garnet 石榴石
grain size 粒度
grain size distribution 粒度组成
green silicon carbide 绿碳化硅
grit designation 粒度号

impact toughness 冲击韧性
losse grain 自由磨粒
macrograins 粗磨粒
magnetic material 磁性物
metal clad diamond 金属衣金刚石
microcrystalline fused alumina 微晶刚玉
microgrits 微粉
monocrystalline fused alumina 单晶刚玉
natural abrasive 天然磨料
natural corundum 天然刚玉
natural diamond 天然金刚石
physical corundum 物理刚玉
pink fused alumina 絡刚玉(粉刚玉)
polycrystal 多晶体
polycrystalline cubic boron nitride 立方氮化硼烧结体
polycrystalline diamond 人造金刚石烧结体
silicon carbide 碳化硅
single crystal 单晶体
sintered alumina 烧结刚玉
specific surface area 比表面积
super abrasive 超硬材料
synthetic diamond 人造金刚石
white fused alumina 白刚玉
zirconia alumina 锆刚玉

abrasive belts  砂带
abrasive cloth  砂布
abrasive cloth belts  布砂带
abrasive cloth in rolls  卷状砂布
abrasive cloth in sheets  页状砂布
abrasive discs  砂盘
abrasive paper 砂纸
abrasive paper belts 纸砂带
abrasive paper in rolls 卷状砂纸
abrasive paper in sheets 页状砂纸
abrasive products 磨具
abrasive sleeves 砂套
adhesive 粘结剂
aluminium oxide sintered stick  烧结刚玉魔石
aluminium oxide sintered wheel 烧结刚玉砂轮

backing 基材
balancing test  平衡试验t
bond  结合剂
bonded abrasive products 固结磨具
brick’s stick 磨石
butt joint belts  对接砂带

centreless grinding wheel  无心磨砂轮
centreless regulating wheel 无心磨导轮
closed coat 密植砂
closed pore 闭口气孔
closed porosity 闭口气孔率
closed backing 布基
coated abrasives  涂附磨具
combination backing 复合基
combination backing abrasive belts 复合基砂带
combination stone 双面磨石
concentration 浓度
cubic boron nitride abrasive products 立方氮化硼磨具
cubic boron nitride grinding wheel 立方氮化硼砂轮
CBN section 立方氮化硼层
cutting off wheel 切断砂轮
cylindrical abrasive sleeves   筒形砂套
cylinder wheel 筒形砂轮

deep cut and creep feed grinding wheel; 深切缓进给砂轮
density of coating grain 植砂密度
depressed center wheel 钹形砂轮
diamond abrasive products 金刚石磨具
diamond beads 金刚石串珠
diamond circular saw blades  金刚石圆锯片
diamond cut-off wheel 金刚石切割砂轮
diamond edging wheel 金刚石磨边砂轮
diamond dressing roller 金刚石滚轮
diamond cylinderi wheel 金刚石筒形砂轮
diamond finishing pellets 金刚石精磨片
diamond frame saw blades 金刚石框架锯条
diamond grinding wheel 金刚石砂轮
diamond section 金刚石石层
diamond saw segments 锯齿
diamond sawing and cutting tool 金刚石锯切工具
diamond wire saw 金刚石绳锯
diluent 稀释剂
dish wheel 蝶形砂轮
dispersing agent 分散剂
dulling 钝化
dynamic balance test 动平衡试验

electroplated diamond inner slicing disc 电镀金刚石内圆切割锯片
electroplated diamond files 电镀金刚石什锦锉
electroplated metal bond 电镀金属结合剂
electroplated super abrasive products 电镀超硬磨料磨具
endless abrasive belts 无接头砂带

fibre backing 钢纸基
flap wheels 研磨页轮
flap wheels with flange 卡盘研磨叶轮
flap wheels with shaft 带轴研磨叶轮
form grinding wheel 成型砂轮
fused bond 烧熔结合剂

glue bond 动物胶粘结剂
grade 硬度
grinding segments 砂瓦
grinding wheel 砂轮
grinding wheel for rice husking 碾米砂轮
grinding wheel steel balls 磨钢球砂轮
grinding wheel peripheral speed (砂轮)工作速度
grindstone 天然磨石

high-pressure snagging wheel 重负荷修磨砂轮
high-speed grinding wheel 高速砂轮
honing stick 衍磨条
hubbed wheel 单面凸砂轮

inorganic bond 无机结合剂
intermediate section 过渡层

joint abrasive belts 接头砂带

lap joint belts 搭接砂带

lapping compound 研磨剂
lapping paste 研磨膏
liquid lapping compound 研磨液

magnesia bond 菱苦土结合剂
magnesia grindstone菱苦土磨石
maximum operating speed 砂轮最高工作速度

metal bond 金属结合剂
metallographic abrasive paper 金相砂纸
mounted cone, curved side 椭圆磨头
mounted plug, flat end 圆柱磨头
mounted plug, round end 半球形磨头
mounted wheel 磨头

oil soluble lapping paste 油溶性研磨膏
open coat 疏植砂
open pore 开口气孔
open porosity 开口气孔率
organic bond 有机结合剂

paper backing 纸基
percentage of grain 磨粒率
pore 气孔
pressure sensitive backing discs 粘贴砂盘
pulp segment 纸浆磨块
pulp stone 纸浆磨石
PVA (polyvinylalcohol) grinding wheel PVA 砂轮

resinoid bond 树脂结合剂
resin over glue bond 半树脂粘结剂
resin over resin bond 全树脂粘结剂
revolving strength 回转强度
rotation test 回转试验
rubber bond 橡胶结合剂

self-sharpening 自锐性
shellac bond 虫胶结合剂
sintered bond 烧结结合剂
sintering metal bond 烧结金属结合剂
solid lapping compound 固体研磨剂
special purpose wheels 专用砂轮
static balance test 静平衡试验
straight cup wheel 杯形砂轮
straight wheel 平形砂轮
structure 组织
substrate 基体
super abrasive section 超硬磨料层
super abrasive products 超硬磨料磨具
super finishing stick 超精油石
support 载体

taper cup wheel 碗形砂轮
tapered wheel 斜边砂轮
thin grinding wheel 薄片砂轮
threaded insert disk 螺栓紧固平形砂轮
total porosity 总气孔率
true density 真密度
truncated cone abrasive sleeves 截锥砂套
tumbling chip abrasives 滚抛磨块

unbalance 不平衡
unbalance 不平衡量
unbalance value 不平衡值

vitrified bond 陶瓷结合剂
volume density 体积密度

water absorption 吸水率
waterproof abrasive cloth 耐水砂布
waterproof abrasive cloth belts 耐水布砂带
waterproof abrasive paper 耐水砂纸
waterproof abrasive paper belts 耐水纸砂带
waterproof bond 耐水粘结剂
water soluble lapping paste 水溶性研磨膏
wheel relieved and recessed both side 双面凹带锥砂轮
wheel relieved and recessed same side 单面凹带锥砂轮
wheel recessed one side 单面凹砂轮
wheel recessed two side 双面凹砂轮
worm grinding wheel 蜗杆砂轮

[ 本帖最后由 ivan19842008 于 2010-3-1 16:09 编辑 ]

thanks for your job!

thank you for your work


受益匪浅 很有帮助 谢谢






[ 本帖最后由 四色依米 于 2011-11-16 14:11 编辑 ]

哇哦,这个对我有用,其实来的主要目的是来找同行的,每项都都看不到他们的联系方式,o(︶︿︶)o 唉







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