五一的到来,大家准备怎么度过呢?是宅在家里,出门旅行,还是泡夜店或者血拼?今天我们就讲讲形容这两类人的两个词语——“pub crawl”和“mall rat”。1.pub crawl
不论单身与否,泡吧是许多人最喜欢的娱乐活动。去酒吧的话,有的人prefer to stay in one place,而有些人则喜欢go to more than one pub on a night out。一晚上去好多酒吧,每个酒吧都坐上一会儿,然后再去其它酒吧,我们管这种在酒吧间串来串去的行为就叫做pub crawl。
“Pub crawl”起源于19世纪,它也可以叫做a gin crawl或是bar-hopping. It is the social act of a group of people drinking in a number of pubs in a single night.
至于用法上,你可以说we're going on a pub crawl或是we're doing a pub crawl。比如说:
A: What are you doing on Saturday then?
B: I'm going on a pub crawl in town with some friends.
2.mall rat
Mall就是购物中心,rat就是老鼠。Mall rat当然并非真的指一种老鼠,它是指年轻人像老鼠那样在mall里钻来钻去。
一到周末,许多年轻人都会去mall买东西。有的人也不见得想买什么,他们只是愿意呆在商场消磨时间。人们把经常到mall去逛的年轻人叫做:mall rat。它是一个俚语用法,指的是a young person who loiters about shopping malls,即指那些老喜欢到购物中心去逛的年轻人。比如说:
Hey, there's always something to do there for us mall rats. At least a dozen fast food places where we can buy a burger, a slice of pizza, ice cream--whatever. Ten different movie theaters. And a whole lot of people to watch, you know? I can, like, spend the whole day there, you know?
又如:Sure, I used to be a typical mall rat hanging around watching the crowds, especially the girls. But then I went out for basketball, made the team and I don't have time to waste anymore!
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