开会从来都不是很简单的事,特别对于想从事外企工作的。对于会议主持人来说,把会议议程执行得井井有条需要一定的组织能力和语言能力。下面春喜外语小编就跟大家分享一些开会时经常会用到的英语口语句型,以助大家一臂之力~1. Since everyone's here, shall we get started?大家到齐了,我们开始吧。
2. Could we have your report now? 请你现在汇报好吗?
3. I'd like to call the meeting to order.我宣布会议开始。
4. Today, we are going to discuss….. 今天我们要讨论…
5. Shall we move on to the next item on the agenda? 我们接着进行议程的下一项。
6. Let's turn to the second issue. 我们接着讨论第二个问题。
7. I'm afraid you are getting side track. 恐怕你有点离题了。
8. Shall we get back to the main point? 我们言归正传吧。
9. I'm sorry to cut you off.对不起打断一下。
10. May I come in here? 我可以插句话吗?
11. Have you got anything to say? 你有什么要说吗?
12. Are you with me on this? 你们明白我这句话的意思吗?
13. What do you mean by saying that? 你这么说什么意思?
14. Could we have your comment? 请你谈谈好吗?
15. Whose turn is it to take the floor?轮到谁发言了?
16. Mr chairman, may I have the floor? 主席先生,我可以发言吗?
17. Could you elaborate on that? 你能详细谈谈那一点吗?
18. I’d like to make a point. 我想说一点。
19. Are you for or against this proposal? 你是赞成还是反对这项提议?
20. Has anyone got any objection to this regulation? 有谁对这项规定持异议吗?
21. Those against raise your hands. 反对的请举手。
22. Is there any other business? 还有别的事吗?
23. Are we all agreed? 大家都同意吗?
yes, I agree with you...
not bad
Thanks, shared it with email
学到了很多 感谢分享
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