新的一批货正在生产中,但是订单几乎已经排满了(或者是 库存几乎已经被预定光了),生产计划预计是在5月7日完成这批交付,到时候我会尽量为你挤出100kg给你。评论
The manufacturing for the new LOT was scheduled already and the orders are fully booked including the inventory. The new LOT will be ready for delivery on May 7th against the plan, and at the time we will try best to reserve 100kg for you.
at that time
加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
·学习交流 纽卡斯尔大学的MBA
·生活百科 出口有限按需