

first partTurkish Alphabet
Turkish alphabet consists of 29 letters - 8 vowels and 21 consonants.
Each letter has exactly one associated sound which never changes.
Three letters of the English alphabet are missing in the Turkish alphabet. (Q-q) (W-w) (X-x)
There are six additional characters not found in the English alphabet. (Ç-ç) (Ğ-ğ) (I-ı) (İ-i) (Ö-ö) (Ş-ş) (Ü-ü)

Letter Pronunciation
A, a   like the a in car
B, b   like the b in bet
C, c   like the g in gender
Ç, ç    like the ch in chance
D, d   like the d in debt
E, e   like the e in less
F, f    like the f in felony
G, g   like the g in game
Ğ, ğ    this is a very weak sound, not pronouncing at all will be ok
H, h   like the h in hello
I, ı      like the e in halted
İ, i     like the ee in keen
J, j     like the ge in garage
K, k    like the k in kelly
L, l     like the l in lamb
M, m  like the m in man
N, n   like the n in neighbor
O, o   like the a in ball
Ö, ö   like the u in urge
P, p   like the p in pen
R, r    like the r in rent
S, s    like the s in send
Ş, ş     like the sh in shed
T, t   like the t in tennis
U, u  like the oo in good
Ü, ü   like the u in nude
V, v   like the v in vent
Y, y   like the y in yes
Z, z    like the z in zen

土耳其字母表包括29字母- 8 个元音和21 个辅音。
英语字母表的三个字母在土耳其字母表是没有的。(Q-q) (W-w) (xx)
有六个另外的字符在英语字母表也没有。 ((Ç-ç) (Ğ-ğ) (I-ı) (İ-i) (Ö-ö) (Ş-ş) (Ü-ü)

字母 发音
A, a  就像a在car
B, b  就像b在bet
C, c  就像g在gender
Ç, ç   就像ch在chance
D, d  就像d在debt
E, e  就像e在less
F, f   就像f在felony
G, g  就像g在game
Ğ, ğ   这是非常微弱的声音, 不发音更好
H, h  就像h在hello
I, ı     就像e在halted
İ, i    就像ee在keen
J, j    就像ge在garage
K, k   就像k在kelly
L, l    就像l在lamb
M, m 就像m在man
N, n  就像n在neighbor
O, o  就像a在ball
Ö, ö   就像u在urge
P, p  就像p在pen
R, r   就像r在rent
S, s   就像s在send
Ş, ş    就像sh在shed
T, t   就像t 在 tennis
U, u  就像oo在good
Ü, ü   就像u在nude
V, v  就像v在vent
Y, y  就像y在yes
Z, z   就像z在zen
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