如题,我觉得很有问题的,不过英语不好,看的头疼Proc-HE Vendor Questionnaire (General Section)
This document is the Proc HE UK Higher Education Vendor Questionnaire. The information you provide will only be shared with people involved in purchasing for Institutions within the UK Education Sector who have a relevant need to review the data for their organisations in relation to essential information gathering / distribution and legislation compliance. By completing this document, the person completing it is confirming that the data entered above is correct, to the best of their knowledge and that they are authorised to complete this document on behalf of their organisation.
G1) Completed By / Organisation Data
Contact / Completed By Switchboard Telephone Number
Contact Tel No e-Mail Address
Company Name
(registered & trading if different) D&B Code if known:
Company Registration No
Company VAT Number
What is the legal status of your Organisation ? (e.g. Sole trader, limited liability company, public limited company, charity, mutual etc):
Approximately how many employees does your organisation have:
G2) Is your organisation part of a commercial group, a consortium, a subsidiary company or parent company or any other multi-legal-entity organisation ? YES
If Yes, please advise name of parent and / or child organisations:
Also if Yes, which of your employment policies are determined by you and which apply to all firms / organisations within the wider organisation structure ?
G3) Is your enterprise an ethnic minority business according to the below definition? (tick appropriate box)
The Commission for Racial Equality defines an Ethnic Minority Business as “a business 51% or more of which is owned by members of one or more ethnic minority groups, or, if there are few owners, where at least 50% of the owners are members of one or more ethnic minority groups”. For this purpose, ethnic minority means ethnic groups other than “white British”.
Please see http://www.cre.gov.uk/gdpract/em_cat_ew.html for current ethnic categories
Not Known as PLC / mutual / charity
G4a) Is it your policy as an employer to comply with your statutory obligations under the Race Relations Act 1976 (which applies in Great Britain) or equivalent legislation which applies in the countries in which your firm employs staff ? YES
G4b) Is it your policy as an employer to comply with your legal obligations under the Equal Pay Act and also under relevant equality legislation not to discriminate on grounds of Disability, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Religion or Belief, under relevant UK legislation or equivalent legislation which applies in the countries in which your firm employs staff? YES
G5a) In the last three years, has any finding of unlawful racial discrimination in ANY field been made against your organisation by the Employment Tribunal, the Employment Appeal Tribunal or any court or in comparable proceedings in any other jurisdictions or has your organisation been the subject of formal investigation (which had a negative finding) by the Commission for Racial Equality or comparable body on the grounds of alleged unlawful discrimination on the grounds of Race? YES
G5b) In the last three years, has any finding of unlawful discrimination in ANY field been made against your organisation by the Employment Tribunal, the Employment Appeal Tribunal or any court or in comparable proceedings in any other jurisdictions on the grounds of alleged unlawful discrimination on the grounds of Disability, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Religion or Belief? YES
G6) In the last three years, has any contract with your organisation been terminated on grounds of your failure to comply with either or both of:
i) Legislation prohibiting discrimination?; or
ii) Contract conditions relating to equal opportunities in the provision of goods, facilities or services? YES
G7) Has your business been convicted in the last 3 years of breaching any other areas of UK legislation or undertaken activities in another country that could place you in breach of UK law ? YES
G8) If your answer was YES to any of questions 5 to 7 above, please provide details below of each occasion and state what corrective organisation change action you have taken as a consequence of each occurrence:
Please state date of finding or breach, areas covered & actual finding / contract termination reasons etc as applicable Corrective action taken
Proc-HE Vendor Questionnaire (High Relevance Section)
Please complete this additional section of the Proc-HE Vendor Questionnaire if you are requested to do so only. Note that if you are a One Person Business (ie no employees except the owner, then select OPB when given that option)
H1) Is your approach on race relations and racial equality set out in;
a) Instructions to those concerned with recruitment, selection, remuneration, training and promotion? Yes / No / OPB
b) Documents available to employees, recognised trade unions or other representative groups of employees? Yes / No / OPB
c) Recruitment advertisements or other literature? Yes / No / OPB
H2) Are your staff with managerial responsibilities required to receive mandatory training on equal opportunities? Yes / No / OPB
H3) Do you observe as far as possible the Commission for Racial Equality’s Code of Practice for Employment, as approved by Parliament in 1983, or an equivalent code or statutory guidance issued under equivalent legislation in another Member State, which gives practical guidance to employers and others on the elimination of racial discrimination and the promotion of equality of opportunity in employment, including monitoring of workforce matters and steps that can be taken to encourage members of the ethnic minorities to apply for jobs or take up training opportunities? Yes / No / OPB
If Yes, please supply evidence to support your answers to this question. Such evidence may be examples or copies of documents such as your race equality or equal opportunities in employment policy, documents containing instructions to staff, or outlining arrangements for advertisements, recruitment, selection, access to training, opportunities for promotion, copies of recruitment advertisements, extracts from staff handbooks, or other materials that demonstrates your organisation’s commitment to race equality.
H4) a) Is it your policy to comply with your statutory obligations under part III of the Race Relations Act 1976 (which applies in Great Britain), or equivalent legislation that applies an any other jurisdiction in which your organisation operates ? Yes / No
b) Accordingly, is it your practice not to discriminate directly or indirectly on grounds of colour, race, nationality, or ethnic or national origin in the provision of goods, facilities or services to the public ? Yes / No
H5) a) Do you have a written policy or methodology on equal opportunities or race relations in relation to the provision of goods, facilities or services ? Yes / No
If Yes, is the policy set out in:
b) Instructions to managers ?
c) Instructions to staff?
d) The staff conduct or disciplinary code ?
e) Leaflets or other literature available to the public and / or customers ?
Yes / No/ OPB
Yes / No/OPB
Yes / No/OPB
Yes / No/OPB
f) Please provide copies / examples of the above documentation with your returned questionnaire
g) If your answer to 5a is No, how else can you demonstrate that you can meet your obligations to promote equality though the medias listed in 5b to 5e– please state below and attach examples.
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