最近老收到一些邮件是用客户自己本国的语言写的 不知道是什么 请大家帮我看看• كثرة الجاليات من معظم جنسيات العالم
• كثرة عدد السكان بما يقارب 4 مليون مع توفر السيولة بالإضافة إلى رخص أسعار المطاعم
• سهولة افتتاح وتشغيل المطاعم ورخص الأسعار والأيدي العاملة
• كون المطاعم المجال الترفيهي الرئيسي في الرياض نظرا لقلة وسائل الترفيه والسياحة فأصبحت المطاعم الوجهة الترفيهية الأولى التي يهتم بها ويركز عليها السكان ما زاد الإهتمام بإنشاء المطاعم وجذب الزبائن والمنافسة على هذا السوق الهائل. وحتى في هذا المنتدى تلاحظون كثرة الحديث عن المطاعم في بوابة السعودية بينما في بوابات الدول الأخرى يتركز الحديث على الأماكن السياحية
• معظم زبائن المطاعم هم من سكان الرياض وليس من السياح .. ويعتبر السكان زبائنا دائمين يترددون على المطعم ويعرفون لذة وجودة الطعام من تجاربهم أو من تجارب معارفهم من أهل البلد ويذهبون للمطاعم التي ترضي أذواقهم ما جعل المطاعم تتنافس في إتقان أطباقهم لجذب الزبائن وتهتم بجودة الأكل أكثر من الديكورات. وعلى خلاف ذلك يكون الوضع في الأماكن السياحية فمعظم السياح لا يعرفون المطاعم جيدا ويكون اختيارهم في الغالب بناء على شكل المطعم الخارجي وديكوره وسواء أعجبهم الأكل أم لا فإن الكثير منهم لن يعود إليه لأنه إما ذهب لبلد آخر أو رجع إلى بلده الأصلي. ( وإن كان بعض السياح يسأل عن المطاعم قبل سفره ولكن معرفته لن تكون مثل ساكني البلد)
• توفر فروع لأشهر مطاعم العالم من معظم الدول بالإضافة إلى التميز بوجود المأكولات الشعبية من جميع مناطق المملكة.
سأعرض في هذه الموسوعة بشيئ من التفصيل والتقييم المطاعم التالية:
这只是一小部分 还有很多,我第一次收到这样的邮件也没太在意这是第二次收到了是同一个人 请前辈指点下呀
有一个埃及客户想要给我们寄样品,我就在回复的邮件上说all the fee should be paid by you.但是他回的时候没有提费用,还有他说用这个快递寄aramix company,我看不懂是什么意思,我怕他会不付款
邮寄有一种是到付邮资的 你只在寄的时候 告诉快递取件人就行了
你最好先发邮件 邮件写明到付 还有你也可表明下单邮递费从总额扣除
EMS, FEDEX, DHL 都是可以到付的, EMS 价格比较便宜些,但是稍微慢两三天, 个人感觉DHL 是最贵的
[ 本帖最后由 hlfmelody 于 2010-9-20 12:14 编辑 ]
• many communities from most of the nationalities of the world
• the large number of population, including almost 4 million, with the availability of liquidity as well as cheap restaurants
• Easy opening and running restaurants and cheap prices and labor
• the fact that the main recreational area restaurants in Riyadh, due to lack of entertainment, restaurants, tourism became the first entertainment destination that cares and focus on the population has increased interest in the establishment of restaurants to attract customers and compete on this huge market. Even in this forum you can see so much talk about restaurants at the entrance gates of Saudi Arabia, while in other countries is concentrated modern tourist destinations
• Most restaurant customers are residents of Riyadh, and not tourists .. The permanent population customers who frequent the restaurant and know the joy and quality of the food from their experiences or knowledge from the experiences of the people the country and go to restaurants to satisfy the tastes of what makes restaurants compete to master their dishes to attract customers interested in quality of eating more than decoration. And otherwise be the situation in the touristy places most tourists do not know the restaurants well be chosen mostly based on the form of the restaurant exterior and decor, whether they like or do not, many of them will not come back to him because he either went to another country or returned to the country of origin. (Although some tourists asking about restaurants before, but his knowledge will not be like the inhabitants of the country)
• availability of branches of months than most restaurants of the world countries, in addition to the presence of food excellence People from all regions of the Kingdom.
I will in this encyclopedia in some detail in the following evaluation restaurants:
And appropriate
以上是Google翻译的结果。 只给LZ做参考。
http://translate.google.cn/ Google翻译
•大多数餐馆顾客利雅得的居民,也没有游客..永久性居民不愿意顾客在餐厅,知道的喜悦,并从该国人民的经验,从他们的经验和知识,食品质量和去餐厅,以满足什么让餐厅在他们的菜掌握竞相吸引超过装修食味品质有兴趣的顾客的口味。而本应在该旅游观光situation地方大多数游客不知道餐馆很好,他们的选择往往是在该餐厅的外观和装饰形成一个基础,不管他们喜欢或不,很多人将不会返回到他,因为他无论去到另一个国家或返回原籍国。 (虽然有些游客问的离开餐厅之前,但知道不会像该国居民的)
the large number of population, including almost 4 million, with the availability of liquidity in addition to cheap restaurants
• Easy opening and running restaurants and cheap prices and labor
• the fact that the main recreational area restaurants in Riyadh, due to lack of entertainment, restaurants, tourism became the first entertainment destination that cares and focus on the population has increased interest in the establishment of restaurants to attract customers and compete on this market is huge. Even in this forum have noticed many talk about restaurants in Saudi Arabia while the gate of the gates in the other countries concentrated on modern tourist destinations
• Most restaurant customers are residents of Riyadh, and not tourists .. The permanent residents are reluctant to customers at the restaurant and know the joy and quality of the food from their experiences or knowledge from the experiences of the people of the country and go to restaurants to satisfy the tastes of what makes restaurants competing in the mastery of their dishes to attract customers interested in the quality of eating more than decoration. And otherwise be the situation in the touristy places most tourists do not know the restaurants well be chosen mostly on the basis of a restaurant outside the internal landscape, whether they like or do not, many of them will not return to because it either went to another country or return to his country of origin. (Although some tourists asking about the restaurant before leaving, but know will not be like the inhabitants of the country)
• availability of branches of months than most restaurants of the world countries, in addition to the presence of food excellence People from all regions of the Kingdom.
I will in this encyclopedia in some detail in the following evaluation restaurants:
And appropriate
•大多数餐馆的顾客都是利雅得的居民,而不是游客..永久性居民不愿意顾客在餐厅,知道的喜悦,并从该国人民的经验,从他们的经验和知识,食品质量和去餐厅,以满足什么让餐厅在他们的菜掌握竞相吸引超过装修食味品质有兴趣的顾客的口味。在对比中的旅游形势的地方大多数旅客不知道的饮食well,他们的选择通常是基于对餐馆exterior and装饰形式,不论他们喜欢还是不这样做,有很多人会不回来,因为他不是进入其他国家或返回原籍国。 (虽然有些游客问的是在离开餐厅,但知道不会像该国居民)
加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
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