哪位高手帮我翻译成英语啊,不胜感激!!Beste meneer/mevrouw,
Dit is een automatisch gegenereerd bericht dat Uw e-mail door de gemeente Rhenen is ontvangen.
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Aan deze melding van ontvangst zijn geen rechten te ontlenen.
[ 本帖最后由 sinda22 于 2012-5-30 10:02 编辑 ]
Dear Sir / Madam,
This is an automatically generated message that your email is received by the municipality Rhenen.
The message is forwarded as soon as possible to the practitioner. If applicable, you will receive a confirmation of registration. This confirmation is provided with a registration number that you can use if you have questions about the treatment.
On receipt of this notification are no legally binding.
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